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fi�� . . �..; - .rf'r' �,. _l1����-�Y1� ��*���!' - _�.+ � _ ' . _r_r;+�� •, . V . .E' !i j�im�. ' 'nY�ziu��en.�,�.�� <br /> .� �� f ��y����H �!� , . <br /> ' � ,�^ / ifr�..a 4^N�SY1 �n �• a�a• :; R . 'M - 1�� "�� ��:��.��.. . <br /> �Y :iH...�•-� , . . ' .�I;�M'.�(�,y7�LN1nWu.+"NrX"`.�►r...r.�...�.... . 17 � . . . _ . .0..,,.,r�stt.i � <br /> � ' v. ' _ .^�'�'�1�'r.x� . . ' ..,�.! .�. ' . ,.� .. . ..-��-iXt j�t'iK �l.Y�.'r .w_1�.��� <br /> �� ...�w-.;t"":Xa . . . .. "'���::�9!�7!¢•�".' _ '. <br /> - . . . n t . . .-'�---. <br /> �� --- - _ ____ -� rx��if�:+Gai+' -- —=___'-- �._...,__�_"�- ,: <br /> si:,_. .._. .;:ta.r� _ <br /> ^ -- <br /> . . <br /> . . 9�.. ir�2?� :� ����"__- <br /> . 6. Occup�acy. Pe+esm�lbn� M�Inteo�acs and Protection ot the Propeirty; Borrower'a lann ApplicaUont " -� ,� <br /> „ ' Lea�ehold�. Horrower sball acupy.estoblirh, and use the Property as Borrowcr's princip�+l residcnce within sixty daya �. ,�, <br /> the Pru n an Borruwer's pnr►cipal residence �'.: ..`.`[^.-~.°--'�-•— <br /> after the ezecution of thir Securi[y Insuument and shall conti�ue to accupy p� y ; _ <br /> � for at le�t one year oRer tho date of acupancy, unless l.ender otherwise o�ree�in wriun�,which con�ent ahall na be � <br /> unrcaaanably withheld, ar unless extenuoiin�circumctances exiu which Are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shull not { , ,. :;-31 <br /> . destroy,doma�e or impair the Property,allow the Property to deteriur++te,or commit w�ute an the Property. Borrowcr 9hall <br /> 1 6e in defauli it any forfeiture action or prac¢eding,whether civil�r criminal,is begun thal in l.ender'x good faith judgment ; . , _. <br /> could rcwlt in forfeituro of the Ptoperty ur otl�rwise mx�e�iaUy impair the lien create�f hy this Security Instrument ur I.ender's , •� <br /> � aecurity interest. Borrower rnoy cure such a dei'ault and rcinstate, as provided in p�ragraph I8, by causing the action or <br /> _ _ 4 procadin�to be dismis�ed wi�h a tulin�liwt,in Lcnder'�goad fr�ith detcrminetion,precludes forfeiture of�he Borrower's � ; .,;:..:,��-:� <br /> � intercst in the Property or other materi�l impairment of thc licn crcated by this Securiry[nsuument or Lender's securiry , ` <br /> � interest.Borrower shall also be in default if Horrowor,during the losw application prceess,gave materielly false or inaccurate � . _ <br /> � infornwtion or atatementa to Lender(or iQiled to provide Leoder with any rtu+terlal information)in connection with the lo�n <br /> evidenced by the Note. including,but not limited ta, rcprcsentellons concerning Bonower's occupan.y of the Property a� .,..,,.F., M v.,s-,-. <br /> e principal residence.lf thia Saurity Inswment ia on a leasehold,Borrowcr shalll comply with all the provisions of the '���'�`�"���-"+'`�-. <br /> i • <br /> � If Borrower acquircs fee title to the Property,the�easeho�d+uid the fee tide siwll not merge untess Lender a�rces to the x�';,:;,`��;;�_.. <br /> i merger in writing. �,' {-- <br /> j 7. Protectbu at I.epder'r W�61s ia tLe Properly. If Borrower faila to paform the covenan�s and agrcemen�s . „_.„. <br /> � conteined in this Security Inawment.or there is a leg�l praceeding tlwt may significandy affect I.ender's rights in the Property ';'°�.--� <br /> ,� „ then Lender :-...'°'::T�'.�'._ <br /> (such ea a praceeding in banlcrupt�cy, probate,for condemnation or forfeiturc ur to enforce laws o�reguladons), --- <br /> , � may do and pay for wtwtever I�necessary to protect the v�lue of the Property and Lender's�ights in the Praperty.Lender'a �,�,'"'°��.. <br /> actions mey include paying any sums secured by a lien which hes priority over this Security Instrument.oppearing in court, � 1�-�:'�� <br /> � paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to mnke repairs. Although Lender may take action under • '—�_.�� �" - <br /> ; this paragraph 7. Lender doa not have to do so. , <br /> � My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additianal debt of Borrower secured by this _ <br /> � '_•,r:`:� <br /> Security Inswment.Unless Borrower and Lender agrte to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from <br /> the date af disbursement at thc Note rate and slwU be payable,with intcrest,upon notice from Lender to Borrowe�requesdn� '=- <br /> ' payment. � �•4�.-� — — <br /> 8. Mo�e It�uraxe. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition af making the loan secured by this t <br /> Security Instrument,Borrower slwll pay the premiums requiud to maintain the mortgage insurance in efiect. If, for any ������`.'• <br /> reason,the mortgege insurance coverage rcquired by L.ender IRpses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiuma �:;•:���.-� <br /> requueA to obtain coverage substanaally equivaknt to the rwiigagc iasurance pretiassly in effect,ac a c�r �uns�uially t;:_.�_`:�.-r•a�«_ <br /> � equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insuronce previously in ePFect,from an alternate mongage insurer approved � •�'•, ° <br /> ! by I.ender. If substantially equivalent moctgage insurance coverage is not avaUable,Borrower sball pay to Lender each monlh {� .'•��,:,,,�r,' <br /> ' � . ..,:: _ <br /> a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mongage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage <br /> ' lapsed or ceased to be in efiat. l.ender will accept, use and retain these payments as a luss reserve in lieu of mongage ; i <br /> � insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender, if mongage insurance coverage(in ' <br /> � �he amount and for Ihe periad that Lender rcyuires) provided by an insurcr approved by Lender aguin becomcs availablc ' +�•:�•�, . : <br /> and is obtuined. Borrower �hall pay �he premiums rcyuired to main�ain mongugc insuraure in rffect. nr ui provide a loss ;�,�,�, � <br /> reserve, until the reyuirement tiir munguge imurnnce end4 in arcordance �vuh any wriuen agreement l�etween Born�wer � .,�.,�_E <br /> ( und L.ender or upplic�ble law. � �1 <br /> 9. Inspection. I.cndcr or ity:+gcnt muy makc rerti�mublc entric+upon und in+pertiomul the P�openy. Lender shall <br /> � give &►rruwer nutice u� th�iime ot ur prior tu an inspection.peci f ying reaxonu b le c�utie ti�r t he inti p ectiun. �"` <br /> i 10. Condemnwlion. The pr�xerdti�►f any awarJ or claim for dumage�.dircrt ur cun,eyuenti�l,in�onnection with !�- <br /> Iany condemnation ur other takin�of any pan�►f the Property.or f�r conveyance in lieu��(amdemnati��n.arc hereby assigned <br /> I and,hnll be paid to 1.cnJer. <br /> In the evenc of a towl wking��f�hc Property.thc prcxeeJs tihAll he applicd w�•rureJ b�thix Secunty Instrument. <br /> I whether or not then due,wiih rny excexz paid tu Borr��w�r. In the cvcm ��f a partwi �akin���f'tlx Property in which the <br /> fair markct valuc of the Pr�iperty immediatcly beforc thc rrking i�cyu�l to or�rwtrr than thc amuunt uf the +ums�ecurtd <br /> hy thi�Sccurity Instrument immeJ�utcly befurr thc taking,unles� Bnrruwcr�uJ LenJcr��thrn+�itic agrce m writing,the tiums <br /> sccured by thiti Scruriry Instrumene >hull 6c rcduceJ b}•tht amuum ��f ihe pr�kced+ muluplkJ hy thc follnwing Irartion: . <br /> (a)the totel amount of thc sums xcureJ immediately lx:l'ore thc trkmg,dividcJ by ib)the tair m�rkct �•alue of the Prnpeny <br /> immediatcly befbre the taking. Any Gulance xhall bc paid tu&�rrowrr. In�hc uvcnt aF a panial �uking of the Propeny in <br /> which the fAir ms�rket vAlue uf the Property immediately beforc thc taking i+Ic��than th� anxwnt i�f thc suma xerured im- <br /> mediately lxfore the taking,unlesti Borrowcr and l.cndcr�.therw•i.r:igrcc in wr�un���r unlr�+applir•rhlc law��therw�sc pro- <br /> . vides,the pnxeeds shull ba;applied tu�he+ums,ecurcd by Ihu Security In+trumrm w�hether ur nat the tium�:�re then due. <br /> i If the Property is�banduned by Borrowcr.ur�I,a�tcr nutirc Ny Leudrr tu H�xrower that�he condcnmur uffer�w <br /> makc an uwurd ur�tUc u�I�im for Jumagry. Born�w•er f�il,iu rc+{xmJ to Lrndcr w nhm ;U Jay+attcr thc datc Ihc n�nicr <br /> i is given,l.�nder is authorixed to cu11ec1 anJ apply the pnkcedti. at n.npti�m,cuher t��r�.turauun ur r¢pair��f the Prop►rty <br /> ; or ta the sum, secured by thix Securi�y Inxtrumem, whethcr ur nut thcn dur. <br /> i Unle++ Lendcr and Borruw.:r othcrwi,r.igrre in wntm�±. am• apphrau�m of pr�xrrd�tu pnncipal�h�ll nut cxtrnd <br /> � or postpnne thc due Jate ot'ih�monthly pu}mem� rrl�rrcJ tu m�aragrrphti I anJ=or ch•rr.}�r�'::unuum u(.urh paymcnt�. <br /> � ll. Bonrower Not Releusrd; Forl►earance S�� Lendrr Vot u N'uiver. F�tenaum ��i �hc umc liir pu�nkm ur <br /> � modilicati�m af amonizutinn ut'thr ,wna.rrureJ hy this Secunty Imtrumrnt�rameJ h� Lrnder tu any�urc�����r u�mtere+t <br /> � of Borrowcr�hull not uper•rte tu rcleaae the habihtq��f lhr ong�nal B��rmw•cr��r Burc����rr'.+ucce++c�r+ rn mtrr��t. Lender <br /> i ` shall not be reyuired tii c��mmence pnxcedinNr•r�ain,t any,ucce�.ur m �mrrc.���r retu,�to cttcu�i unrc tur pa)mcnt or <br /> � otherwisc modify•rmortizatinn ut'the sums aerurcd by thu 5ccurity Imtrun►rnt hy rca���n ut any drnianJ m�ik h�thr un�m;�l <br /> Borrowcr ur Borrower'�succrssors in imcrr.t. An� ti�rt+earancr hy l.cnJcr ui r�erri�m� .�n} nghl��r rrnkd� .hull ni�t t+c <br /> _�..�_.�_ . ..�. ..ti� . ..i�• <br /> � a wnivci vi .�i Nic.�uu� u..�:..;.::,: . .::j ::�... ... .....__;. .. <br /> 12, tiuccecs�rs ond A�.�iRnx Bound:J��int and tier•eral I.iability:l'o-�i�ner.. I hc:�,�enunu .�i�l a�rcrn,�nt+��f <br /> thiti Security Instrumem yhall hinJ anJ hrnrtit thc.ucce++ur+and a,.ign���f t.cnJer;�nd B��r•����rr..uh�c�t i��thr praei�ron� <br /> of paragruph 17. Borruwcr's�uvc�eanta and aErerment.,hall he �uint and.e�cral.�1m Hnrn�ti�rr��h�•c�� �ign�Ihi��«unl) <br /> Instrument but dues not execute thc Nu�r: �al�,r�,•��gnin�thi+Srcunty In,trumrm unh n,mmy�;agc. �:rarn,�nJ r��n�e� �hat <br /> Bnrrower's interest �n Ihe Pro�xny undrr tlx terma��I'thi+5ecunty In+trument: ih► i,n�,t �xr.unall���hligu��d t�,pav the <br /> sums tiecured by this Securny In,trumrnt;:►nd 1c1 agrreti thal Lrnder.�nJ am ��ther H��rro.�rr m:,���,ree iurt�rnd.�u�Mhl�, <br /> forbear ar makc any accumm�x�uu��ns wrth ngard ro ihc�crm•uf thu S�.unt� In.�nn�ient�,� ihr luic�.nhrw iNri H�xro.�cr'. <br /> cunsent. •� <br /> . <br /> UIMC 70WA IIw.4/91 „ NEBRASKA►onn�ot� t,yo ,r�x��r.,�S r�x���� <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> h <br /> � ' <br /> �, <br />