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r•i Y ' ti`.'g_'`y�f._75�h^,z..�.- <br /> . '�'•`;- � - �+w''.� ` • ��tr'{j±»s' ___.�.-_.- � ,_ '__. <br /> : ' � w� • <br /> ry� � � . • . S e � �...^.-" <br /> 7 1 � ' �..j.,.' � ... <br /> p ��'�J . • . _ .' -.-___ __ <br /> �'M <br /> �.�. <br /> �1 1' + <br /> 1fi .. <br /> � H`f-� <br /> � ,j�.�'�� ' ,�.'-til� ' �„��� <br /> ��..r... . ....__._'—� <br /> _" __� <br /> '"'�-- <br /> % <br /> �,�`�. .�� �.;���.� :�; 92-- ��2;�0;; � <br /> _ . ':;x,� - <br /> � �.� °" �'•y''��,'+� • rialr thui Lender re uirex. Thc in+unmcc c�rrfcr mv idin �hc inr:uruncc�hull he choKn b Bnrmwcr sub�u tu Lcnderk �"'�'��"`�°`-'� <br /> :,,r';.� , r,,.�C, f� 4 P B Y J" <br /> - •�. �. ; �` appmval which rhall not be unrea�nably wi�hhelJ. If Hurrower 1'uik to muimuin ciwcragc dex�ribed utx�ve,LenJer rnay,�t ���_= "-�-�'- <br /> a• •'����l�� : Lender's�ptinn,oMuin cove�uge ta pro�e�l Len dcr;rig ht,in�he R��Exny in uccor dunce wit h parugra p h 7. .�.�._=..r,m. <br /> • ' , All insurance polirie,and renewul++hull he accepwhlc to Lrnder unJ shall inrlude u,tundurd m�irlguge cluutie. Lender --=— <br /> " ` .holl hnve Ihe right to hald Ihe policic�+und Rnrw•rl,. If I.ender rcquires,pnrn�wcr+hull promptly givr to LcnJer i�U rccciptx �,,� <br /> � , �- _ of puid premiumy und mnewul nolic�r. In Iha rvcnt of la+x.Burrower tihall give prumpt nutice w the invuruncc cmrier und �__��-==--=---- <br /> ' ��;.j,;:�..•�.�. Lender. Lcnder muy mukc pra�f oi'lo��if n�N madc promptly by Borrowcr. W •��m <br /> . -,,:,_. �;�. ,,, . Unlcss Lcnder and Harro�ti•cr othrnvisc a�m in writing, in+uruncr pnxrcJ,+hall he i�pplied lo re+�urntion or repair of - • -• <br /> , �� �he Pra rt dumu ed, if �he re.�aruiio� or rc rir ix ecunomicull feu�ihle und l.enJer: +ecurit i. n�N Ies�ened. If�he '"'F'�""'"�'"""�"''"'- <br /> .. Pe Y B P' Y Y , 4�_t'-s�_r�---�- <br /> re�tnruiian or repair is nut ec�me�micully feu�ible��r l.eixler+ ucuri�y w�wld Me le�vened. �he insusance praceedti tilwll be 1�������� <br /> ' applied to the sums secured by thi�.SecurUy In+�rument,whether or nat�hen due, wi�h s►ny excc+.r puid to Burrawer. If <br /> ' � '" Barrower uband�ns the F'�apeny.or does nat unswer wi�hin 311 duy, a notice fmm LenJer �ha� the in�urunce currier hati a�y=� y�#�^�� <br /> .�".��'� ?�. .� <br /> s_, t ' ' . „ offered to setNe u claim,�hen Lender muy cnllcct the intiurnnre pnxecd�. l.endcr muy uxe thr proceeds�o repuir ar restorc LL ``- ' <br /> :.�. ,�,.,:=-�°�-• ' �he Propeny or ta puy sums recurcd by thix Securi�y Inst�vment,whether or n�it then due. The:40•duy Ex:riad will begin when �,,;,�•cs�5;�_� •,� <br /> ' "11 ,'� . the notice iy given. :`�`.•'�"�� . <br /> Unle�s Lender und Bcxrower ulhenvise •rgrce in writing,any upplirution of procecJs�o principul +hull not rxtend or � . _ .,,� ,� <br /> pustpone the due date of the monthly puyments mfemd ta in purng�nphs I und 2 or change�he mnuun�of the puymems. If ,+an*� <br /> - .° ` under puragruph 21 the Propeny ix ucyuircJ by Lender. Borrc►wer;righ�t�uny insurunce�licie,und prceeeds resulting -������;:,•" <br /> ^� - from damage to the Propeny prior�o the acyui+i�ion shull pux�to Lender to the extem of the xums secured by this Securiry ?__���� <br /> ' Instrumenl immcdiutely prior to thc s�cyuisitiun. _�== - <br /> , . 6. Occupancy� PreservAtlon� Maintenance and Protectlon of the Property; Barrawer's l.onn ApplicatMn: Q'"=-_= — <br /> . � • � L�••�sebnlds. B��rrower,l�all necupy.��+�tubGsh,und u�e the Praperty ux Burrower ti principul residence within sixty dnyc uQer "" ' � <br /> , ' ., the ex�rulian i►1 �his Secw iry In+tn�m� �i ;md shall caminue w cxcupy[he!'ropeny u+Borrower'�principal residence for ut ��.��n�=--=_ -- - <br /> �-----�.- <br /> •� onc ye�r ufter the dute of acrupuncy, unlex, Lender otherwi,e •rgnez in writing, which consent +hull not be i - y <br /> unreationubly withheld,�ir unlesr ezWnuuting rircurnsiuncew exist which ure heyond Borrower's cornrol. Borrower shull aot ,:��� ' �_ <br /> ' � , deslroy,dumage or impvir the Propeny,alluw Ihc Propeny io deteriorutc,or rommil wa�te on the Property. Borrower slwll ` �_ <br /> be in defuult if any fort'eiturc ucti►x� or proceeding, whether civil or criminal,ix begun that in Lender:good faith judgment ' <br /> � •• � cou l d msu lt in fort'eiture of the Prn�eny or utherwise mute�ially impuir the lien created b y �his Securit y Instrument ur `�,";,- <br /> c <br /> � Lender's securily interetil. Borcower mAy cure xuch a default und reinstute,us provided in paru�raph IR,by cuusing the action �_'�:.-`: �` <br /> �. or proceeding tu be dismitised with u ruling thut,in I.ender�g��al faith determina�ion,precludes Porfei�ure of the Borrower's �i°,°�s,[.. <br /> ... . __ _ interex� in�he Property or other mu�oriul impuirnicnt of ihe lien creuted by Ihis Security Inslrument or Lender�security ^�•°'��_------ -T <br /> .�.;.y,... <br /> � �� .. interest. Borrower shall ukn be in defuult if Borrower, during the loan applicu�ion prac», gave muteriully fulse or �• `• :.-•.,, . <br /> inACCUrate information or stut�men�a to Lender(or fuiled �u provide l.ender with uny materiul informution)in conneciion wi�h ;.;'�.��` <br /> '' � the loan rvidenced by the Note, inrluding, but nat lirnited to, repre.entations conceming BoROwer.l• accupuncy of the `'':�:'"" '�.. <br /> _ _ Property uc u Qrincipvl resiJencr. If thfs Security Inslrumenl is on u leasehold.Borrowrr zhall comply wi�h ull the provision. , _ "���S, <br /> '�"�� �,. of the leuse. If Bonower uryuim�fec tidc to Ihe Pro�ny.�he leusrhald und the fee tide shull not merge unlexs Lender ogrees -' ' ` " <br /> ��� . to the merger in writing. ��``„ _ <br /> ,..;:.. <br /> �, .. , 7. Protection oP Lender's Rishtg in the Propeny. If Bormwer fuil. to perf'orm the rovenanls und ugreem�ms Q <br /> - contuineJ in this Securiry In�trument, or therc iti •r tegul pr�xecdin�! thu► muy ,i@niPcuntly uffect Lender's righls in the � - <br /> F4apeny(such as u prcxceding in bunkruptcy,probutc,tor rondemna�ion or tiideitum or to enforce laws or regulatinns►,then ,� •, _ <br /> . Lcnder muy do und puy ti�r whutevcr i+neceszury w pro�cct thc vuluc of thc Piroperty und Lender.rights in thc Propeny. , •, ' ,- , <br /> � Lender's uctionz muy include puyinK uny.umti,ecumJ hy a lirn which hu�pricxity over this Securiry Inslrumen4 appearing <br /> " in coun, paying rea.onnble uuorney+'fecs und cnterinE on�he 1'ropeny ��►makr mpain. Although Lender muy lake uctiun ..:. .,. ` <br /> ' . . under this paragn�ph 7,Lcrnkr docs not huvc to do tio. . �� <br /> Any amountx dixbursed by Lerxlrr undrr thi. paragruph 7 .hull lxromr uddilionul debt of Bormwer secured by this •..r.e�=*.. � <br /> ' . Serurily In�Irumrnt. Unless Bimo���er und Lrnder:sgrce to uthcr ternis of payment,�hexr:imounts�hull bcAr interest fram the = <br /> dutc of dishurKment a��hc Nate rutc und shull hc payuhle.wilh intcm�t.upcm noticc t'rom L.ender to Borrower requczting -- <br /> �, ` puyment. . .._ _— <br /> � 8. Mortsuke Insurance. 11'l.rndrr r��yuimd moh�agr inwrance ux a condilion iif muking Ihe loan +ecureJ t+y this � ' _,L_,___ <br /> ° Securiry Instrument. Borrower shull puy tlk prrmium. nquired 1�� mainlain Ihe mongugr intiurunce in effect. If, for uny • - _- - <br /> • reAxon, the mongage in.urunce rm•rruge r�yuirccl Ny Lendrr lap�eti or rra.rx to lx in eftect. Borrower zhall puy the ,�-:� --=- <br /> pn�miums reyuin:d to ohtain co��cragr tiuhstantiully equiv�drn� In the mortgag� inxurancr previously in effect, ut u rosl `�;��T=. <br /> . xub.tun�iully ryuivalem�o thc a�.t�u Bonaw�r ol' thc nwntiu�e intiuranre previ�� in rff�ct, from un ultemate monpage __ <br /> in+un�r uppr�ived by Lendcr. 11'tiuhtitumi.dly eyuiv:dem nxinguge intiur:mce covcragr i�not available.Barrowcr shull pay to ; �'- ���'��,�_ <br /> Lendcr euch month a�um cyual tu nnr-twclt'Ih uf the yr:�rly mun�u�c in.urancc prcmiwn txing paid by Borrower when Ihc • � �� <br /> in�uruncr rovcra�;e lap.ed or rra�eJ tu tx in rffrc�. Lenilrr�►•ill acrrpt.ux:�nJ rrtain Ihesr paymrnl+u.u los,reserve in lieu � <br /> of mortgagc imur:mcc. Lu+s rc�rrvc puynkna mac no lungcr tx rcyuircd. at thc option ul'l.rnJrr. if mongagc insurancc �`"z��''. <br /> << coveruge lin thr umounl und ti►r Ihe �xriixl thut l.enJer rrquirr.l pravidrd hy an in+urer:�pprovrd by Lender i�gain hecomes <br /> ; <br /> y uvuiluble und i+obts�inrJ.Borr�i��•rr,hall pay�hr prrmiwn.rryuirrd�u m:iint:iin mun�ag�in.urarke in effert.or to prcwide a � <br /> i " Ic»x rcxerve, until thc rcyuiremrnt tix mort�uge inwranrr end�in urcordaixc w•ith am•writtrn agrcrmrnt Ix�tw�ecn B��rtawrr 1 <br /> • t und Lrnder��r uppliraMr lu�v. F <br /> :� , 9. Inspectiun. LrnJrr�tt il, agrm ma}• makc reu.unahlr rmrir+ upun and in.�xrtiun.ut'ihe Pr�,�xn�•. Lrndcr�hull <br /> givc Born�wrr nulirr at Ihr tin�c ul'or priur In un in��xrtiun,�xcifring rr.i�onahk cau.r for th�im�xrlion. <br /> 10. Condcmnation. Thr pmrrcd.�,f an} :n�:ud��r rl:iim li�r d.miagr,. dirrr�ur r�m,ryurntial,in r„nnec�ion���iih uny i <br /> � timglrl.uwh FunNv�IrcFnddl�•�1url\IFIIRVI\1'1'RI\IF:\'f l'ndunu('a�cnant. 9�411 �pupr!,�f��pu�n� • <br /> . �.��•.x I.itr xn�m� ■ ' <br /> I � h��M�pr�'all NMMhtiP4H:19:11:F,\{NIfi441�1111 <br /> 1 <br /> y <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> • �` � _._ _ -- _ <br />