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�. .c.:� r. .> �+ v <br /> `��)t ,�ri:�. . . _f(��1�4�+�f � � �` Lx_...,...'1�:.�"" <br /> �I•, � � � s__ ^_ . 11'�.K' . ._— . _.. .._.. —__. <br /> I. f M 4�" .._ . h ���v tr�r� --- <br /> r�� „ ..... . . . • _ - <br /> �:� " .�.. . 1�. ... . , - i. - <br /> � . -. _�. 1�iL.w�::ii:�_i�...�.c,��— ----- - - -- __ <br /> �. . � _ _. ... . - � .. ` ,__���--_ ". ._ �.. <br /> �_"__ <br /> - -: : �.. �� .��, ��- � g2_ n <br /> . SA�tS1�OwX�•�•n " `� —_ �" <br /> ��'' " TQ(3ETH8It WlTH oU thc impr�vcincntx naw un c�reaflcr crccted un thc pmpeny, und uU euycmen��i��fYo�. —� <br /> • ,�,��'^. ..�-.- <br /> ���r <br /> ?�����!�� <br /> p};;. und fixwres nuw ar hercufler u purl af�he properly. AU replucement+�und uJditionti.hall alxa be covered by thiw Securiry —�-C- <br /> Y �4vr�l..6Ll.i_..'...._.... <br /> ,;. . , •• +"�;" " In�Irumcnl. All uP the foregoing is nterted lo in thiK Secu�iry Inxlrumcnt ax thc"Propeny." ___ <br /> °�<<,:��.a-s,:- •�- BnRROWER COVENANTS Ihut BuROwer iK luwfully�cised of thc c�lute herchy cunvcyed unJ hax the righ��u grunt =_---- <br /> ° ,. � undcunvey the Property und that the PropeAy is unencumbered,except ior encumbr.mceti af rccord. Burmwer wurruntz und — � 7��__^_ <br /> � °�� . will delena generully�he tiUe la the Property uguin+t ull cloims und demanJti,.rubjecl�ouny encumbrunreti of'mcor�i. �. � �t,_;. <br /> ��� '�.:--• ���,��- `�„'='_ <br /> � THIS S[CURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for nuti�nal uxe und non-uniform cavenumx wi�h - <br /> • '-:.�,.._.:,,.__•_ �irni��vuriaiionn by juri+dic�iun to canstiwte u unifotm,ecurity in�trument rrnering reel propeny. �-_�-�-�=-_- <br /> "�'� • UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawcr and Lender covenant und ugree as folluwti: `��'" <br /> •• , � 1. Pwyment at Principal And Inleresl;Prepayment and Late ChArgtw. �nrrowcr shull promptly pay when Juc�he �:-�-�a---- <br /> rinci al of and intemst on ihc debt evidenccd b Ihe Note and an re a ment und lutc chur�r due undcr Ihc Nole. ��-�f:�-'•'' <br /> � y Y P P Y B' I�';.��°.n- <br />�,°;;� � P 2 Funds for 7iuces end InsurAnce. Subject ta upplicable Inw or�o u written wniver by Lender,Horcower shull puy ta �.=— <br /> " . � Lender on the duy monthly puymems sue duc uiider�hc Natc,un�il thc Nat�is puid in full,s� �um("Fund�"1 for: la)ycurly ---- <br />?�'�� � tc►xes und ussesgments which may uttuin pr�ority avcr this Securiiy Instrument uti u li�n on�he Propcny;lb) yeurly Ieaxchald - <br /> , , � payments or ground rents on the Ropeny, if pny; Ic) yeurly hsuurd or property insurancc premiums; (dl yearly flcx►d ____-- <br /> • �� insurance premiums, ii any: (e) yearly modguge inxurance p►cmiums,if any; unii ID Any �um, payublc hy BoROwe��o _ <br /> � ' � �� � Lender,in uccordonce with thc provisianh uf puragruph 8, in lieu of the puymenl of martgage insurancc premiumc. Thexe _ <br /> ° items sue called"Escrow Items.' Lender may.+�t uny ume,collect �nd hald Funds in un amount nnt to exceeJ ihe muximum =_—_ <br />• �•� • . � umount a Iender for u federully relnted martguge loun may reyuire for Borrower!c eurc�w uccount unde� �he federul Reul °����„r,�,_._ <br /> ' ^ Estate Se[tlement Procedures Act of 1974 us amended from timc ta time.12 U.S.C.� 2601 ei se�y.C'RESPA"),unlcss unother �.., ;::'_:;�:-,__ <br /> ;?�r..:.;,:• <br /> . law thut applies to the Funds sets u Icsser amaun�. If so,Lender may,ut nny 1ime,�rollect:�nd hold Funds in un amount not to ��- <br /> • • nt of Funds due on ihe butiis af currcnt data ond reasanable �"'��`•� <br /> • �-•.�+;;��-,.� exceed the lesser nmoun�. l.ender may estimule �he amou __�_ __ <br /> ;'' ' ' espmutes of expenditures af fature Escraw Items or othenvise in accardance with s�ppllcnble luw. �'n.`.:,_ __._ <br /> ' a` • The Funds shAll be held in un iasiitution who�c deposits Are iosured by A federul ugency, ins�rumemnlity,or emity <br /> � (including Lcnder,if Lender is�uch un instiwtian)or in s�ny Fedcral Home Loun Bank, Lender�hull apply the Funds to pay .�u' <br /> ��-, <br /> � ' , the Escrow 11ems. Lender muy not charge Bortower for holding and npplying Ihe Funds, annually analyzing Ihe escrow TYti�ry' <br /> ,;;,.t`;:;5� � account,or verifyins the Escrow Items, unless Lender payc Barrower interest on the Funds :►nd upplirublc luw permits '''�`��. <br /> �.'!y;:�'° �.. Lender�o make such u churRe. However. Lender muy require Borrower ta pay u one•time chnrge for un independent real .;.�=rY:,:_: <br /> . � • es�ate tnn reporting.ervice used by Lender in connection with thiti loan,unless�pplfcuble luw provide.othenvise. Unletis nn °��_'�'- <br /> , ____._,,, ^ agreement is mudc or applicable luw requires interest to be puid,Lender shull nat be rcyuircd to pay BaROwcr nny interest or = :_.,_ <br /> " enmingx on the Funds. SoROwer and Lender muy ugrce in writing,Iww.:vcr,that intc�cst shall he paid on the Fond�. I.en�ler W S:;.-- <br />• � • �� shall give ro Bortower,wilhout churge,an annuul uccaunting oi the Funds,showinb crcdits und debils lo t he Fundti und the ���"�: -- <br /> " purpose for w hic h euc h d e bi t I o t h e F u n d s w u s m u d e. T h e F u n c k a r e p l e d g e d a s a d d i l i a n u l.ecu ri t y Por ull sums secured b y • ' �-T?-= <br /> � ttiis Security Instrument. �•����-_"` <br /> ��� — —� _ - it ihe i'unds held by Lrndcr excee�+ the amounts permiued 1� � Ix��d hy a�plicuhle In�v. Lender rhuQ necount to �.,_ _,____ <br /> � Bamwer fbr Ihr exeexs Funds in uccardnnce wilh the rcquirements of applicuhle IAw. If�hr umoum��'the Funds held by r•... ,.: � �. <br /> -�`�.` • „ �,�..?�- <br /> Lender ut uny time is not sufficicnt to pay the Escrow hems when due.Lender muy w natify Borrowcr in writing.and,in �' ,�: <br /> ' ' �ach ense Barower .hall puy to l.ender the umount nece,s�ry to make up the deTicfency. eorrower shall muke up the t-=:-___—_: • � <br /> 'ti.,<.::,;,� deficiency in no more thnn twelve munthly puyments,ut Lender's xole discre�ian. �',� m:.: <br /> ' �� Upon puyment in full of all sums sccured hy thi, Security Instrument.I.c-nder shall promptly refund to Borrower any ��',' ,'�',J°•",.; -_ <br /> ' �� Funds hald by Lender. If,under parugruph 21, Lendcr,hull•rcyuirc or sell Ihe ProFxny, Lender,prior to the acyuisition or "__� <br /> • � sAle of the Propeny, shull upply uny Funds held by Lcnder ut the time of acyuisfticM or tinle uz u credit aguinst�he sums • ,. �a`� '• <br /> " ' secured by Ihis Security Instrumem. � <br /> J. Applicalbn of Paymen�s. Unless upplicnblc luw provideti othcnvixe,nll puyment� received hy Lender under � <br /> � paragruphs 1 and 2 shall 6e upplied:fint, ta any prepayment chargez due under ttie Notc:+ccond,lo umounts payable under •.•..r•�-. <br /> patagrttph 2:third,to interest due;fourth,to principul du�;und I•rst,to uny lute chur�es due under the Note. _ ;=����� �. <br /> � . 4. Charges: Liens. Borrower shull puy ull laxc,, uxxs+ment,, rhar�c..fines und impositiom attributuble �o thc °'` __ <br /> . Property which mny anain priority over thic Security In,trumem, und Ieaseh�dd paymentti or ground rents, if uny. Borrower ° .'_�+:'?__ <br /> � �hall puy these obligvtion,in the munncr proviJed in puragraph?,or if not paid in th�x munner,Borrower�hall p�y them on =- <br />_ .. t ime directly to thc person owed paymcnt. Borrowrr shall promptly furnitih w LcnJcr all notice,of umount s io tx paid under ; "°�,�;,: <br /> this puragruph. If Bormwer muke,thege payments direcUy,Borcuwer sh•rll prc►mptly furni.rh to Lcnder rcceipts ev�dencing � _ _ <br /> • eiie puyments. . � <br /> Borcower shall prompdy Jitichurge uny lirn which hns priority uver thi,Securily Instrumenl unle�+Borrower:(a)ugrees � '�"� <br /> i n writing to the payment uf the obligution+rcured hy thc licn m u munncr acceptuble io Lender;lb)cuntetit�in good faith the ` ' • <br /> ' I icn by,or defends uguinxt enforccment ol'thc lien in,Icgul praceedings which i n iha 4endur:opinion uperate to prevent the ; <br />� ' cnforcement uf the lien;or(cl+ecureti from thc Ix�l�kr of thc licn an u�;recment ,uiitifxt��q�to Leoder subc�rdinuting the lien ,,:�_ <br /> _ • • to Ihis Securiry Inswment. If Lender detcrtnincs thut any p�n uT�he ProFxrty i.,ubjer[ �o u lien which nwy attuin priority ' -_ <br /> � ,�,;•�. ovcr this Securiry Ins�rument,Lcnder muy�Sive Borrowcr a iwticc iJcntifying Ihe licn. Borrnwer shall xatisfy Ihe licn or take � <br /> � ' one or more of the uctions set forth above within IU duys of the giving of notice. I � <br /> � ; 5. Hatisrd or Property Insurance. BnROwer�h•rll krep the improvemenl� nuw rxisting or hereatter erected on the • <br /> '• ' � Propeny insured•rguinst loti�by tire,hazurdx includeJ within 1he trmi"extrixicd cov�Ya�e"and any other hururdx,including <br /> e � tloads or Flooding, far which LrnJer reyuire. in+urunrc. Thi� imurancr .hal1 Ik m�irnruud in Ihc amountti and for the <br /> Morm d02N 9I90 i�kr:�,/n rwvesl I <br /> � <br /> �.. <br /> . <br /> • �� � -- <br />