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. � l� ��.Y-1�� ..,.'1;`' . I.' ��L`�t.L�r<<5V±t�Wj�. 4 `�y!l.'1'�n�,_., ''r _ .,-__ <br /> .. �I'c �. ii , j t( _�i l �.,--, `.5_7T�=:"'�ri�'�,."' '_ - _ <br /> �c.• v�f, <br /> .,`o r � �ci..Y,t...i�.....u<_I1 <br /> ����.-�:� . . � . • � -_ <br /> i.117S.�j�.�' _ _ . �� _ - ,' <br /> - -— � ...,.. _ N � V+tiY,..,. —.. . �� . ....+O+r�i+My.._...... _ ^-_--- <br /> _E.., , �,-. .� ,.::� _ .s • ��a2i9'� - <br /> —. .:d.-�� �:.:.;;. . <br /> •�:,�,;;!:.±.,, .•s; . „ ' wer oi salc conlAined io this <br /> ��'.�x �.;�;�,,;�,�,, epplicublc law may �p�cify far reinatutemenq beforc anlc of�he Pmpeny pursan41� P° � <br /> ��,;� "• •z'� • �' � - Secudty Instn�menl;or(b)entry of u judgment enl'orcing Ihia Security Inslrumcnt. Thosc condiliona are ihut Bonuwer: (n) <br /> —""�cY`��-'':�'`�''•��� '�,a pays Lender all sumg which then would 6e due under Ihix Secudty Inslniment und the Nute us if no uccele�alion hud <br /> ='�� ;����� ° � occumed;(h)cu�es any default of any aher covenunt�ar agrcements;lcl pays all expenres incuacd in enforcing this Securlty <br /> •� �' :�,' . • <br /> �.. , .; �� Insuument, including,but nat limiled to, rcusunuble uttomeyx'fees: and(d)takes�uch uctfun ux l.cnder muy rcusonubly <br /> � - , require to uesure that the lien of ihis Securiry Instrumcnt.Lender w right�,in thc Pmperty und Borrawcr's ohliguliun Io puy the <br /> . ,,.,;,:,�r;;:��. � �uma secured by this Secu�fty Instrument shull condnue unchunged. Upan rein+tutemem by Borr��wer, ihix Security <br /> : '" �.. Inxaument and the obligations secured hereby shull►emufn fully effective ox if na uccelers�tion had��ccurreil. Howover,thir <br /> ��_ -- - <br /> �x�. nght to reina�ute�+hull not apply in thr ca►se of acrelero�ion under paragruph I . r� _�. A_____ <br /> :`'„, `�.;*��� 19. Sale of Notei Chwnge of LoAn Servker. The Note or a partiol interezt in �he Notc Iwgcihcr with�hiti Security <br /> ' ' °`' a� instn�ment)mAy be wld one or more�imes withaul prior notice�o Borrawcr. A�ule muy rewlt in u chungc in ihc cntity <br /> � ��•••• .;� -��� (known a5 the'l.oan Scrvicer")that collects monthly puymern�due undcr�hc No�e und Ihis Security IntitNmenl. There also <br />�:; may be ane or more chungex of the Laun Servirer unreluted ta u Kule oP the Nute. If there iti u chunge uf thc l.oan Serviccr, <br /> � Borrower will be given written notice uf the chunge in uccordunce with purugruph 14 above und upplicubk law. Thc natice <br /> will stnte the name t�nd addratis of the new Loan Scrvicer ond the uddrexs lo which paymcntti.hauld bc mude. The nnticc will <br /> ulso contain Any uther infortnntion reyuired by npplicuble low. ___ <br /> ' ' '' 20. Hazardous Subtt�nces. BoROwer shall not cnu�or permit the presencc,use,disposal,�tori�ge,or relcu�e uf any _ <br /> Hazardous Sub4tances on ar in�he PropenY• Borrower shAll nat do, nor ullow anyone else to do,anything ufPecting the <br /> • � � Property that is in�����of small ua tii e of Hnzurdou.r•Subspuncea th�nt are�enernlly recogn zcd to'be uppropriute to norn�al =- <br /> • ' . •, • storage an the Prope Y 4 =--_,..� <br /> ° residential uses and to maintenunce of the Roperry• • • _ _ <br /> Bcxrower shull prompNy give Lender written notice of any imestigation,cluim,demnnd.I•rwsuit c�r uther uc!ion by uny � �°r= <br /> � �� ' govemmental or regulntory ugency or privutc party invo lving t he P rope n y u n d a n y Hazardous Subxiance��r Environmental '- _ - <br /> � ' Law of which Borrawer has actual knawledgc. If Borrowcr Icams, or is notified by uny govemmentul or rcgulatory � <br /> ��. authority, that any rcmoval or other remedi�tian ot�any Hw•.urduus Subs�unce uffec�ing the Prapeny is neces�►ry.Bortower ,..�--'.: __ <br /> •.,;���, shall promptly take all necesxary remediul uctions in uccordnnce with Environmental Luw. <br /> As used�n�his paragr�ph 20."N:�xurdous Substuncex"are Iho�e�ubtitunces defined us toxic or huiardous+ubxtanceti by rTAL <br /> ��'i�;,�'. .. � �,_-. ' <br /> : ,:,_ <br /> , +�. . �� Environmen�al l.uw and�he following xubstnnceti: gusoline,kerosene,othcr Oummuble or wxic petrokum pr� ucts,�oxK ,� <br /> pesticide. und herbicideti,volatile tiolvents, muterial+contAining asbestos or formaldehyde, s�nd rudioactive muleriai,. �1� , •,� <br /> �ri used in this pArugruph 20."Environmemal Luw"mcuns fedrrul luws and Inws of the jurisdiction wix:re the Proper�y�s�aca��d �: ,�.��_- <br /> that relate la or enviror�memul proleciion. ��,� <br /> " '' NuN-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borroa'cr und Lendrr funher covenum und agrcc us follows: �.';,�,��� <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give nutice ta Borrower prior to acceleratian fulbwinp� BurroK•cr's '`"' <br /> � • breach of any cavenant or agreemeat in this Security Inslrumenf 16ut nol prior la acceleratlon unde�para�raph 17 <br /> unles.g appllcable IAw provides otherwisel. The notire shall specify: lul lhe dei'ault;lb1 the actln�required to cure the =� '� <br /> - defuult;!c)a date,not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to which the dePault must be ^ <br /> cured:and Idl that failure to cure the default on or betore Ihe date speciii�i i��the noitre roay cr�ul!!n accelfral+���f �� � <br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument and.r•ale�►f'Ihe Property. The notke shall furlher inPorm Borrower oP �}�°�; .j <br /> ., r � Ihe riRht to reinslute ai'ter acceleratian and the riRht la b�in�a cnurl urtion to ar+sert the non•existence uf a desault ar ��,:;,+:':, u <br /> uny ather defenhe nf'Ba'rower In acceleruliun und sule. IP the defoull is nu/cured on or bePore Ihe date tiperified In ., <br /> the nutice.Lender at its option may require immediute pavmenl in full of all sum�secured by lhis Securitv lnstrumenl �� � <br /> " without furlher demand and may inv��lce the puwer of rnale and uny ��ther remedies permitted by uppUcable IuH. , ` �} s <br /> � „ Lender shall be entitled to collect ull expen�xs incurrrd in pur�;ufnR the remedfeti provfded in this paroRraph 21. � <br /> includinR.but nM limited to,reasonaAk uUorners'P��es und cotits nf lille evidence. {.,�,_K. , ��'� � � <br /> It Ihe power oi'tiak ix invoked,7Yustee shull record a nolice�ii deiuull in ench counly in a•hlch any part of the :� <br /> ' Property is located and.r•hull muil cupirs��f'such notice in Ihe munner prescribed by applicuble law tu Bnrrower and tu _ <br /> the uther persnns prr�cribed bv appliruble law. Af�er the lime rrquired by upplicable law.Trustee tihull Rive puhlic '�1�L,�� <br /> nutice oi'su�e�o thr penons und in the munner prrzcribed bv upplicuble lua'. Trustee.without dem�+nd on Barrow�er. ,,,, _ <br /> u <br /> shol14e11 the Properly xt public aucNon to the hiQhe��bidder al the lime und place and under the term�desi�nul�d In � _ __ <br /> the notice ot'sale in nne or more purcels und in am�order Trustee delrrmMes. Trustee may pu�tpune sale oi'all or uo�� __ <br /> " parcel of Ihe Property by public unnuuncemenl ut the timr und pluce nf am�pre�•iouslv,cheduled cule. L.ender or fts � �•,;�'�,. <br /> deslRnee mav purchuse the Propertr•ut un�•aule. •"-_�"Y=; <br /> Upon receipt aP puyment of 1he pricc bid.7Yustee tihull deli��er tu thc punhuger Trustee's decd cnm•e��inR thr : .,� <br /> � " Properlv. The recitulx in thr'll�uxtec's dcrd shall he primu fbcie r�idence oPlhe truth os the statemenls made IBereln. .•r,.,�.•.r,;: <br /> ,,;.. <br /> � 'I�ugtee shall upp�v the pruceeds uf'the+ulr in Il�c fullu«�in�order. 1a1 to all coyh und expenxes oP exerclsin�the pa�ver ��" <br /> �` ... `•.�,�.,— <br /> r. .. _ -�.�5."ST�. <br /> S <br /> t it <br /> � <br /> Fi�r�n N12S 9�911 �/F/�'f S��/f1�41YG�7 � <br /> � .. � <br />' 1 <br /> 1 <br /> ' <br /> ' <br /> • � <br />