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. ..,��.,_ � . . : <br /> ,�_ _ _ . . ___.. . <br /> a,,-;�" ;�'-- ..,;.o...a.-.- - . <br /> _�"",.;�:.' , ., , _ - - -, _- <br /> . ♦-��a+�!{\� �L'_. _- �� •- .nTwM1��' ._._'_ _-_— . <br /> . r. !;w.w . _ ' - <br /> �E:,�,.:�::�c.�su�id:�i:r.;.� ��� <br /> —==,�:a:�:;�=-�— ����9� <br /> —° ��`�' �,� condemnatiun ur��Iher luking of any p+u1 of Ihc Piroperty,��r ti►r c�nvcyancc in licu oY c axig d ond <br /> '��-�-"�'�,�-_'�::�: �I rhull bc puid lo l.ender. <br /> '�"=-�_,����;L. In the event of u tuinl �uking of the Propeny, the praceed.r• shull be upplied�o the rumx +ecured l�y thiK Security <br /> .�.�,�yt,�,,�'�,�,,, , In�trument,whe�her or not�hen due, with any cxcczx paid�a 9arrower. In�hc evem ut'a puniul tuking of the Property in <br /> :�,%s�"�.;'*''-`i' ' which�he fair murket vulue of�he Pr��perty immcdiutcly lxfore thc�uking i�eyual to nr greAter�hun Ihe amount of the Sum� <br /> °� .;,.::�,;;TM••�:•- Recured by�hia S��curiry In��rument immcJiutcly ixtiire the tukin�.unle++ Harr��wer and Lender rnhenvi+�ugree in wri�ing. <br /> �.:�����' ° � the xumx�ured by thix Security inun�ment shall be reduced by thc um�wnt i�f thc prcxecd.r muUiplicd by ihe Following <br /> . _�;__. .._.1 �L..�....• � fraction: Ivl the lotul umount of ihc tiumx sccured immediutely befnm�he tuking,divided by Ibt ihe f�ir murke�valuc oi'the <br /> •' t � },..� :` . Pra n immediatel he(are Ihe tuking. Any buluncc .bull tx: puid to Burruwcr. In the cvem of a paninl tukin�of�he �,r-_�_w-:._., . _ <br /> _,:yd�,.'�#:,.._�aR�. .. � Pe Y Y <br /> `""••`' 'ti�' • � Propeny in which �hr fuir murket value of the Pn�perty immediutcly before ihc mking i�le+s thun�hc umount nf the yumw <br /> � .. . .., secured immcdiulely t+ePore the�uking, unless BaROwc�und Lender othcrwisc u�ree in wri�ing �K unlcss up�firublc law _ <br />�� , , . . otharwise pmvideti,the proceeds.hal I be upplied tu�he wms tircureJ by thix S�curity Instn�mrnt whcther or nat�hc sum�c une <br /> r���` .., . Ihen due. <br />� ' Ii�he Property is ubandoneJ by Bormwcr.or if.ufter noticc by Lendcr to&Krowrr tha�ihe condemnor offers to make <br /> •:, an award or senle u rlaim fo�dumuges,Borruwer 1'ails to rctipond to Lender within �0 duy�uf�cr�hc dutc the notice i�given, <br />�: � Lcndcr is authorized to collect und upply�hc procced.,ot i�s option,ci�hcr w re�ioraiion ur rcpair ol'the Property or ta the _____ <br /> � xum�:xecured by thi.r•Security Inslrument,whether or nrn�hen due. ____ <br /> `: � Unless Lender und Bnrrower�therwise •rRree in wriling, any upplicution of pra:eeds to principul �hull not eatend or <br /> 1� • ;� .. � . poxtpone the due dare of the monthly�yments rcferred ta in purugruphs I and 3 or chan�e thr um�xmt of.uch puyment.. <br /> ' � ll. Rorrower Not Released; Forbearance By I.ender Nat a WAive� Extcnsion i�f thc timc f�ir pnymeM or <br /> � madificat�on of umanixutian of Ihe yums seeured hy ihis Securiry Inxin�ment Krantcd by Lender�a uny wcceswr in intere�t <br /> L • �' af Borruwer tihall nat apera�e to relcase the liubiliry of ihe originul Borrower or Borcowcr's succctiron m intere�t. Lender =—_ <br /> . -- - ,-- -�� shall not be reyuimd to commence pmccedings agninst uny sucretisor in interesl or mi'u.e �o extend time for pnymeM or ,���,�,_ � <br /> �� othcrwi+e modify umortizati�n of the wmx.ecured by this Securiry In,lrument by reusun of uny dcmund mudc by Ihr uriginnl .,�•;;: <br /> ° . Borrower or Burrower's xucce�son io interest. Any forbeuronce by Lender in cxercixing w�y right or rcmedy zhull nai be u ��.�•',r_- <br /> wnivcr al'or preclude the extrcis�of wy right i�r remedy. .�; _.,,,, <br /> �� • � . 11. Succes.snrs and Assi�ns Bound;Jdnt apd Several l.iabilily:Co•si�ners. The cov�nunts and ugrcements af�hi. ,� _�_ <br /> • �a��;�: <br /> � � 5ecurity Instrument,hull t�nd and henetit the.uccexson und usriFns of Lender und BoROwer.�uhjcri to the pmvisiom uf _ <br /> � Psu�ugruph 17, Boirower's cavrnan��and agrcementx shall lx joint anJ ticverul.Any Bnrrowrr wlx� cu-�ign+thi. Security <br /> �e,:: <br /> , . ,-t• . ; " In+�rument hut Jc�e.r no1 execute tl� fVote: Iul is catiigninF�his Securily In+trumenl only lo mohgugr.grant und convcy ihu� ��:`:-,� <br /> ' j. .. •: <br /> ` �--- B�rrower�ioicrst in the Property unJer�hc a�rms uP ihi.Security Instrument: (bl iti n�t�xr.:onally obliguteJ to puy Ihe sums <br /> .. . �_��-- <br /> ,� � <br /> securcd by ihi.Security In+trurncnl; and�c1 agrcr.�hut Lender und uny other Bixmwcr muy ugrcc u�extenJ,mu�lify.I.n •ar �Y;';;:L,,F - <br /> ••• ' „' or muke smy uccommcxiulion� wiih re�.ard ta the'�rm. uf�hix Secunty Imtrument or�he Notu wilhout thu� Bo�rower's <br /> •� „ contiem. <br /> .. � <br /> , ° 13. I.uan Charge�� If' the I��un ucured by this Security Instrum��m i, .uhject �o u law which .ets muximum oun <br /> _-_ - - chnrge+.und�ha1 iaw i.ti�iully interprctcd�,o�hat the inserest or othrr I�:�n��hargec collected�M to he rollrcted in ronnectiun ��i_:_: <br /> • -. • with the loan exrccd Ihr�xnnil�ed limit..�h�n: lul uny�uch luan churge slwll he rcJuced by ihr umuun�necc+sury tn reduce —�-_ »�:^____ <br /> . the rhurge to the permiued limi�: •rnd Ih 1 uny+um,ulrcudy rullected fmm Borrowcr whkh excerdcd�xrmiued limit�will tx <br /> ., refunded ta BoROwer. Lencler muy chcxise a�makc�hiti refund hy reducing Ihe principul oweJ under�he Note ur by muking a .... � �:�;r:'�_ <br /> dircct puyment�o Born�wer. If a ret�and mducr�principal.the rcdurtion will Ix trru�ed u�u puniul prcpaymem wi�houi uny _ •'� <br /> , prepuyment rharge unJer ihe Note. � y � y ����„:���� <br /> 14. NotkeR. Any nolice�u Burrower provideJ li�r in thi+ 5ecuriry Im��ument tihull he iven b deliverin it ��r h �•. ,�•:��.`.... <br /> ' �• muiling it by iint clazti mail wikss uppl irablr law rcyuirc.u.r��f unulhcr nxth�xl,Tiw notirr+hull hc direricd to thc Property ��. <br /> .. AJdres�or uny uthcr addrc,. Bi�rri�wcr Jc�i@nu�r,hy nrnicc to LrnJcr. Any nntire a,Lcndcr,hall he �:ivrn by tirot clu,+ . . . i.-'t"'" <br /> _r. <br /> mail�a Lrndcr's addre.�+Ia1rd hcR in ur:my�Nhcr aJJrc.�Lrndrr dc,ignutc,hy n��ticc�u Bixn�wer. Any iwlicc pri�vid�d for I -.-- _ . . <br /> , in this Sccurily In�lrumcnt .hall Ix J�emrd a� havr ixrn given ti� Bormwer��r I.rnder whrn given a. pruvided in thi� , <br /> � �lAfi1N�A�I1. r�� <br /> I5. Governin� Law: tieverabAitv. 'Thi� tircuri�y Imtrumen� .hull I►r go�cmcJ hy (edrrul law and thc law ��t'�he _• <br /> . jurisdiction in which the I'ruprny i�I�x a1eJ. In thr rvrn��hiu any provi.iun ur rl:►u+c uf ihi,Srruriry Imtrument or Ihe Notc � , , <br /> �ont7ic�,with upplicablr law. Wl'II l'�p11 Ill'1�I1JII Illll;Nl�rt olhrr pr�ivi.ions iit'thi� S�ruril)� In.�rumcnt�►r thc No�c whinc�an :,�_. <br /> . be givcn eff�ct wilhout tU�runtlictin�, pru�i,ian. Tii thi.rnJ thr pro�•i.iunti of thi, Security Im�rument anJ�he Note urc *�:•: .� :¢ <br /> declarcd to lx scvcrubl¢. ��:i.._~:•�. •�-_ <br /> 16. Borrower's Capy. Horn►Nrr,hall Ix�ivrn unc rontbnnrd rup)uf the Nrne unJ�►t'thi.Security Imlrument. ! :-'r-- <br /> 17. 7lransfer of the Properl,v�x� a Nenef�ciul Interetit in Rorruwer. II'ull��r any part�d�Ihr Proprny ur uny inlcrr�t in =- <br /> � it is.old or iram(crred N�r it'a Ixneticiul imer�,t in Horroa�cr i, �uld ur tran.ferred :md Hurr��wer i,n�►t a nulurul persunl � . . ... _ _ <br /> ' without Lcndcr;priur writtrn l..ndrr m:iv. :n i�.uptiun. rr yuirr imrncdiatc ra)•mrnt in full uf:��rcrurtd hy I -__- <br /> ,��, thiti Scrurity Imtrumcnt. H��uevcr.thi�uption,hull nw Ix rxerciud b�• Lcn�tcr it�cxrrci,r i.rndiihi�rJ by I'rJcrul luw u,��f � ' -„-,. c,,.� <br /> thc datc of thi+Sccurity In�lrumrnt. .. . � <br /> . ' If l.ender rxerci,r+Ihi,upti��k r.hall givr Hurro�e�r nulire ol��c«'Irra�ion. Thr nolice�h:dl prot�ide:��1'iotl oi� <br /> ' " . not Ics.than?U day�t'r��m�hr Jt�tc tlk nutirr i�d�livrr�d ur mail�J��ilhin a•hi�h H��rru�cir mu.�pa)':dl�unt+•erurcd hy Ihi+ <br /> �� ' Scrurity Intitrumcnt. If Borrowcr (�il,10 p;i�• tlk,� ,um. priur tu Ih� crpiralinn��f thi, �xn�Kl. Lrndrr ntay i�wukr any � <br /> remcJic,�xnnittrJ h�•thi+Scrw•ii� h�.trumrni��ithout lunhrr no�icr ur J�mundnn 13��rta��cr. <br /> 18. Borrower'� Ri�hl ta Rcintitatc. I1� Fiun•o��rr mrrt, rrnain r�,ndiiim�,. I�urzu��cr ,h:dl h:n•r Ihr ri�ht tu huvc <br /> rnforcrnxm of thi�Sccurily In.tnnncnt di.cnminur�l:u .m� �im� �,nur tu ihr rarlirr��f: �:u S da�• i�n�,urh u�hrr�xri�xl a. <br /> Smpl�I�nuh-�Funnk�1ne•FnddM�1uc I\IFYIR�1 1\sl Nl�IF.\1' 1 uuunn t mrnam• 4•WI �p��c�•a�•f^n��t�•� <br /> ( <br /> . <br /> ' <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> - - ' <br /> t <br /> � � <br /> . � <br />