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<br /> (c) �livar to Truat�� a vrittan d�claration of clvfault and domsnd fc�r �al�, �--
<br /> �nd • vrittan notic� of dafault and �lecticun to cau�• Pruetor'e intere�t in th� Tru�t -
<br /> S�t�t• to I;a� �old, vhich notica 2ru�t�� stull cawo to b� duly Eiled fur racord in - �
<br /> thr �propriat• 0ltiri�l R�card� ot th� Cau�ty in which t he Tru�t ratate io locpc�d. _
<br /> 11. RQ���,� Qx �tt°r; OR ` ' - Should 8oneficiary ele^_t to forer.loss by � .
<br /> �xorci�e ot tha Doxir of Sal• hersin contain�d, Wnafiaf+ry ohaii notify Truaea• e�n� _._
<br /> NhAl� dopooit wiCh Tr�otaQ thio Daad ot �aC �tsd the Note end auch receipt• and =
<br /> �videmcr of s�andfcur�o mad� �rsd oo�uad haraby ao Trustae au►y reQuire. '�'
<br /> (a) Upon rec�ipt ot ouch not�c� frnm A�naticiary, Tru�tee ohwll cauoa to be =
<br /> record�d, publ3ahad �nd d�iiwraA to Truator auch D�otice oE Defsult and DTOtice of -__
<br /> 5�1• aa thaa r�quir�d by lav and by thio D��d of ZYuot. Truote� ahall, withauC �-
<br /> dsivand on Tru�tor, aftor ouch time ae may then be reQuired by lav and after �;_
<br /> r�cordation of ouch Not�.cs of D�fsult and afCer NaCalce of Sal� having bean given a� E_.
<br /> raguir�d by lav, asll the Truot B�tAte nt the time end place of oale fixad by it in -_
<br /> euch Notic�e o! Sale, either aa a xhole, or in a�parat� loto or parcels or iteme aa -_
<br /> Truato• o2�a11 desm e�adisnt, and ia auch ord�r aa it may detesmine,. at public =
<br /> auation to the highaot biddar for caah. in lawful money of the United Sta�teo, payable
<br /> at Che tiae of aal�. Truatee ahall daliver to ouch purchaser or purchaoero theseoP,
<br /> ite good �nQ aufficisnt deed or devda, conveying the prc�erty ao Bold, but rithou�
<br /> any cownant or warranty, ex,�raea or imDliad. The recitals in auch dead of any -
<br /> mattsxa ar factQ �11 be conclueive pzao! at the truthfulneee thereof. Any percon, _
<br /> including, without limitation, 'i'ruotor, Truotoe, and Beneficiary, eoay purcha«e at -
<br /> auch �al�, and Truotor hereby cov�nauata to xsrraat and cie€ead the title of ouch -
<br /> purchaser or purcha4�ro.
<br /> (b) Aa may be pezmitted D�r lav, after deduvting all caota, fee�, expen�oo of °
<br /> Truot�e ancl of thie Truet, includisig coato ot evidence of title in caruiection r:th
<br /> wle, Truotae ahall apDiy the proc�edsi of aale to paryment of (i) all cwaa expendad
<br /> under the tezma hereof, aot then repaid, vith accrued interest at t�eive fi2t)
<br /> percent p�r ar►num, (ii) all other auma th�n aecured hereby, and liii) the remaas�er�
<br /> if say. to th� peraon or peraona leqdlly sntitiQd thereto.
<br /> (c) Truatea my, in tha ma�er provided by 2aw, poetpone sa�le of all or any
<br /> portiou oi tt� Truat ��tate. �
<br /> 1Z. R�IBS NOT axCLIISiVB. Truatee and Beneficiasy. u�d each of them, shall
<br /> be entitled to entorc� paym�at a�nd perfonoance of any indw"�tedneoa or obiigaticne _
<br /> aecuzed i�ersby and to ex�rciao sli righte and porera unclar t2sio Daed o! Tsuot or
<br /> uacLr ssay Lonn Inatruo�eat or othsr aqrarmsnt or auy laxe no�. or herea�ECer in force,
<br /> notrithotaridiag aaoe or all of the ouch indebt�dnass and obl.igationa sacursd hsroby
<br /> say nov or hereatter be othesti►iae aecuzed, �rYsether by mortgage, c3e�d of truat,
<br /> piadge, iisn, aeaigamaat or otharriw. Neither the acoeptance of thio Daed of Truat
<br /> nor fts �afarc�nt vt�tt�r bv cairt action or Durauant to tha�or ot nsie or other
<br />- poxera herein contained, �haii pr�js�di.c� or in �ny n�nnwz a�f�ct Tsu�tae'• or �_
<br /> Bsiseficiary'a riqht to r�ali:� upan or watorce eay othar wcnrity npr or heraa�ter
<br /> held by Trustee or Seaeficiazy, it being agreed that Tzvetee and 8�x�eficiary, a:sd
<br /> each of them, ehall be eatitlad to anforce thio Decd of Txuet and aay othsr security
<br /> ssar or hereafter held by Be:seficiery os Trusta�, in auch order and saaner aa th�y or
<br /> eith�r oi them may in tsseir absolutQ diacretion d�termine. �to re�aedy harein
<br /> coz�i�rred sipan or zeservad to Trus�ea or 3a:uficiesy io intended to be exciuoive of
<br /> any othes re�edy herein or by lar provid�d or p�rmitted, but eac2s a1u13 be cu�ulatiw
<br /> and ohall be in eddition to ev�ery other r�msdy given her�under or nox or hereafter
<br /> existing at lax or in eqnity or by Statute. Svery povar or zeme8y givea by aay ot
<br /> the Loan inatrumanto to Truste� or S�aQticiery or to Mhich either o! them aaay b�
<br /> othaz�riae antitlod, may be �xarciaed, caucurrently or indapendsntly, from tim� to
<br /> tinw, ar.d aa often �a may be deemad expa8ient by Truaeee or Beaeficiaxy; aad eithar
<br /> of them may puroua incca�iatent remedfeo. Diott:sng herein elsall be conatruea ao
<br />- prohibiting Ben�ficiasy froa asekiag a d�ticfeacy�ud�Oeat againot ths Tzuator to th�
<br />- �xtsat auch actioa io pesmitted by lar.
<br />- 13. R80oBST F�R tiO�ICS. Tzustor hereby requeata a capy of any notic� of
<br /> d�lauit, and that aay notfce ot aale 2sareundar be mailad to her at th� addr�ss s�t
<br />_ forCh ia ttse tirot paragsapb of thio D�ed o! Truat.
<br /> 2f. �OVSRNili(i LAW. Thf s Detd of Truat ahall be governed by the lara o! the
<br /> Stats of DTabraoka. in the �vent that any provioion or clauu of any of the Loan
<br /> Issatnasent� cantlict• rith applicable law, such caatlicts st►atl aot aflact othsr
<br /> provi�fona of auch Z�oan ia�*^�*+ta Yhich caa be gfvea effnct erithout the coaflicting
<br /> pravi�ioaa; aad to thio end, ttie provioiona of the Loan Inatrtaoenta are deciared to
<br /> be sewraDZe. Thia inatsvment caiusot be �iveQ, changed, diachargec3, or tarmint►tad
<br /> oraliy, but only by a:s iaatrumeat ia Mritit�g aigaed by the party sgairiat �rhan
<br />, �aforceren� of anp raiwr, clsavga, di�cl�arge or tar�ination i� sougtit. _
<br /> 15. RBCONVSYAtQCB BY TROSTSB. Unou vritten request of Heneficiary etating that
<br />- ail sums ascured hereby ha�vs been paid, aad upoa aursender of thie Baed of Tzust and
<br /> the Noto to Truatee for cancell�tiaai sr►d retanticai aad upan paymeat by Truator of
<br />- Truatee'a le�o, Truatee ahali reconvey to Truator, or the peraon or percona legaily
<br /> - antitled thoreto, without rarranty, uiy portion of ttae Truat Batate then held
<br />-� hereunder. The recitalo in auch racanvayaaco of any mattars or facte ehall be
<br /> co�nclu�iw proof of thc� truthfulneaa thsreof. The gzantee in any rec�mveyance �ray
<br /> i ba doacrib�a aa "the person or peraons lsgally ontitl�d ther�to•.
<br /> �
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