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<br /> in addition to caaualt� inauro�rsca, xrustor �ha12 U�y th• annusl pramium ori --
<br /> cc�atprahanoiva lisbility inrur�nc� cowrinq ths pr�mi�a• and proC�ctin� tha
<br /> Bdiuffe:E�sy euicl T�uvtos lsc�a �11 ciai�aa, d�a�ncSa, la�rouiCO, end �udgnwntv arioin� aut —
<br /> oP injury to paraona or d�maq� to pro�rty occvrrinq an tha prop�rty. Th� cov�r�ga
<br /> ahali D� in sn uaour�t of �not l��a th�s S •iagx� limit Por balily iajury —�-
<br /> and prcQ�rtY damaqs.
<br /> �. ACTI4N,� AFFSCCTDIt� Tg{ZST a�TATS- Tru�tor r►he�il a�ppe�r in and cor.teat any �-
<br /> sction or prac�ac�ing purporting to af��ct th� nacurity her�of or th� riyht� or �owaro _
<br /> of &sn�ficiary or Tru�tp�, and shall pay all coot• and expante�, inclu�inq co�t o! d
<br /> evictaaca of tiC1Q ana attornoy`o £aoa, sn aay Qur.h actiori or procaedinq in w�iic;Fi �-
<br /> Benaficiary or Truit�• awy �pp�ar. Shouid Tzuator leil to make eu�y paym�nt or to do =
<br /> a�r.y a�t aa and in tha man�r providsd in any of tI� I,aui inqtruuwnto, 8anaficfaiy =
<br /> and/or Truotoa, earh in it• own diacz�ticx�, without obiigation, ma►y mako or cio the e
<br /> aa�mo in ouch mAruiar and to auch �xtsnt ao either iaa►y daem nece��ery tn pratect tha -
<br /> aecuritX hereof. Truetor uht�ll, iauMdie�tely upon dsmand therefar by SensPiciary, pa� �
<br /> all coat� ancl sxpanaeo incurrod by B�n��icisry in cana�ction vith the ex�rcia• by
<br /> Seneficiasy of the foregoiag righto, including, without limitatior�, coate of evidanca
<br /> of title, court cwta, eppraiaaio, ourwy� and ettorney'a fea4. Any ouch coato end
<br /> ex,pena�a aot paid rithin ten (10) dayo ot �►ritt�u �d ah�ll draW intoseet a�t the
<br /> default rato provided in tho Diote.
<br /> 5. �lYNBNT DOtYAiN. Should the Truat �atate, or any part thereof or intezoat
<br /> therein, b0 taken or damt�ged by reeson of au�y public iaq�rovemant or co�ademnation
<br /> proceeding, or in any other ma�ar includang daed in lieu of Cond�e��satior4
<br /> (•Condea�atian"), or should Truotor rocoive any notica or other inf�xmation regarding
<br /> auch groceeding, Truotor ahail give prcmpt �+ritteri notire thereof to HeneficiAZy.
<br />_ �zk.£3ria�ry 82�a12 be entitled to all :a+�eneation and condemnatian a�wirda and oth�r �
<br /> paysaento or rolief t4ierefor, and ehall b� �titlad to make any caa�romiae or
<br /> settlement im co:uiectioa �ith auch taking or damaqo. All auctx caepnssaation and
<br /> condemnation, a�rnrda, damagee, righte of aceion and proceeda axardpd to Truotar (the
<br /> �Proceeda") aze t�rrseby �eoigned to Bnnetieiasy; and Truator agraoa to execute auch
<br /> fur�her aaoigs��o of Ws groceeda aw Sanafieiuy or Txuat�a may requira.
<br /> 6. APPOSt�Tl�NT OF SIICCBSSOR TRDSTaB. Bars�fiCiary may, fraa tim� to time, Dy
<br /> a vritten inatsim�ant executed auid acknarladged by Baaa�iciary, mailed to Truator and
<br /> racorcLd in ths County in rhich tl�• Truat Satat� ia located and by othezviaa
<br /> caa�lyiru,� with t2u provieiono of the apQ2icabl� isv of tho State of Knbssaka
<br /> �abstitute a xucceasor or successors to tha Tsustaa na�t�rein or actiag tsereuader.
<br /> �. �QecBSSORS AtID AssZmQS. Tt�is De�d of Trutt applioa to, inurea to the
<br /> bensfft o! and binds all pnrties hsreto, th�ir haira, legataes�, deviaeee, personsl
<br /> represeatativea, successors and saoigaa. The tesm •Beaeffciasy elzaii mnaa the oYner
<br /> and holder o! ttk l�ote, xhether or aot naaeed a4 Benaticieay hezein.
<br /> . 8. uisYac:�ti�irs. Fsenesiciary, or ico agsnz�► reprewnzaziveo ar wvr�i, sre ---
<br /> authorf:ed to eater at aay reaaot�able tims upon or in ar►y part of tha Tzuat Sotate
<br /> for tha purpose o! inapecting the aeme nnd for thc purpoae o! performing any of ttw
<br /> acto it i• auttwrised to perfonu u�r tls� t�r�aa ot s�ay of th� i�oaa 2rsatrumeate.
<br /> 9. II�TS OF DBHAULT. Auy o� the foiloxinq eventa ahall be deemed a�n avsrit
<br /> o! d�tault h�r�uiacLr:
<br />_ {a) Truator ahaii have failed to mala paymant of any inotail�t of iatereat,
<br />— DrinciDal, or principail aad interest or aay oLYs�r sum wcur�d tsare2xy tidlen d�e; wr,
<br /> (b) There hso occurrad a LtreaGz or default uader any texm, oovQnant,
<br /> agre�msnt, caadit�on, proviaion, rs�rss�atatioa, or rarranty coataiand ia aay of tis�
<br /> 7.wa Iustrum�nts.
<br /> 10. ACGBLSRATION IIPON DBFAnLT. ADDITIOliAti RID�SDIBS. Should asi evesst Of default
<br /> occur, Bessstici�sy may dsclare ali in�3ebtedaa�o aecuxed hershy to be due aad payabie,
<br /> and the oas� ohall ther�vpan bscame da� us3 ptyabl� vithout a�ay ps��ta�sit. dsmaad.
<br />_ prot�at, or aotice of aay kind. Tbtsea�ter tl� Ba�otficiary may:
<br /> ts) Sith�r fn peraon or by ag�nt, �►ith or without bringing aay action or
<br /> proceediriq, or by a recsivsr appointed by a Court a:sd vithout r�gsrd to the adequacy
<br /> of ita a�curity, �►tor upon aad take po�a�aaion of tha Truat Satate, or ar►y part
<br /> thereof, ia its o+rn neme or in the aams o! 7cruat�e, a:sd do aay ac�s which ft da�
<br /> rieceaaary or de¢isabie to prawrve the value, markotability or rentability of tha
<br /> Truat S�tats, or psrt theraof or fntereat th�rein, increaae the incaas tharefrom or
<br /> protact th� aecurity hereof, and rith or vithout taking poaaeaaion of the Truot
<br /> Satat�, aw for or othestiriae collect the rants, iosu�a aad proffts thereof, including
<br /> � thaae paet ctue and unpaid, and apply the eame, leea coats and exgenees of aperation
<br /> � a:sd collQetioai, iaciud�lru,� aetornay a feea, upan any inQebte�eas secured hernby, a�ii
<br /> ° in auch arder aa Beneficiary may detexmino. Tho sntering upoa arid tal:ing poaaeoaiors
<br /> � of the Trust IIatato, the coliactioan of Quch rsnto, foauea and profita aad the
<br /> � appifcatioa� thereof aa aYoreoafd, ahall not cure or r�aive any defdult or notice of
<br /> .� detault hereunder or invalidata t�ny act do:�e in zeaponse to auch default or purauant
<br /> � to auch notice of d�fauit and, notxithatariding the continuance in poaaeaeion of tha
<br />•B Truat ��tste or the coliection, recsipt and application of rents, ioauea or psofito,
<br /> �.� Truat�o or B�n�ficiary ahall b� �ntiti�d to �xsrciae avory right provid�d for in any
<br />-� of the i,oan inativm�nto or by iev u�on xc�rraac� of any event �f default, including
<br />::� tha riqht to oxarcfa� th� gover o! aale;
<br /> �
<br />-t� (b) Comoence an actian to forecio�e Y.hia Deed of Truot as � mortgage, appoint
<br /> a r�c�ivor, or apecifically enforc� any of ti� coveaanto �ur�of;
<br /> _ _.�.__ _�—._ ,,.._.-. ,,M_ -•- -
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