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<br /> S. �irs�u�d ur pr�ty,y 4ua;raa�a. [i�rravr.r shall kac� tlse im�roti�er.xnts now existir.� cw herts�far ercctai cx� ct�e
<br /> Propen} inswex!araiast lusL by Grc.h�rda iixl►ulal wi�hin tF�e teriu "cat.�xl�J cu�•cra�^." ac�anV athcr huards.ir.cluding
<br /> ilaad,cu fioodin�, far whirh Lend�r rcyuit+es insuru�ce. This iiuu�ncc�:hall be nuint�ineil in ttu�uixwnts axt f�u�lie periads
<br /> that Lcnckr royuircs. Tt�e insuraitice ca�rier pmviding tne insu�a�kY slwli be clu�sen hy Bc�rrcia�cr wbje�:t tu Le�ier's appraval
<br /> which sl�ll �wt be uiUCasenably withheld. If Borcaw•e� falls ta maintain cove�e cksir�bod�twvt, Leixier �tuy. w F.eauler's
<br /> aption. obtxin cv��•ers�tr ta pnuect Letxler's rigiti:s in tl�e Property iti xcur.l.ut::c with p:u'a�raph 7.
<br /> All in,urat►ca:��licics uu�tenzw��is st�lt be accepable w i,nt�kr s�t►d alwl� i�xlude i.ta►xlard i�kxtg�gc clause. Lciuier
<br /> shall ha��e the right to hold the policies aixl renew•uls. If I.ei►der r�uir�s, �3ocrow•cr shzll pronu►tly�isc w L.cndee:►ll�eceipts uf
<br /> paiJ pr�iuu;iv u�id e��kw�l no:ic�s. In tl�,c�.:��f Inss,l°.arrow�er sl�ll give promFs r.otict to the insutance camtr�rxt i<nder.
<br /> Ler�er may nu�i:e proof of'loss if nc�t n�de promptfy by Barr�w�er.
<br /> Unless L.ender a�x1 Borrow•er oiherwise ugrcx in writing. insurwtice pmceeds sha11 be applied ca restoration or repair oi'ti�e
<br /> Prc�peny d��ugod,if thc restoration or repair is ccanomically feasible anci Lender's security is not le.ccenecl. If the restoration or
<br /> eepair is noi economically feasible or I.ender's s�curity w•ould be lessened,the incurance procoeds shall be upplied to the sunu
<br /> secured by this Security Lutrument. whether or not then due, with�ny excess paid to Barrower. If Borrower abandans the
<br /> Pro�erty, or does not ancwer within 3Q days a notice from Lender ti�at the in.surance carrier hus offered to setde a claim, then
<br /> Lxnder may coliect the incurance procezds. Lend.°.r may use the proceeds to repair ar resiore the Property or ta pay sums
<br /> � securcd by this Securiry insttuaient, wheiher or not then due. 71u 30-day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borcower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extcnd or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referrod to in para�raphc 1 and 2 or change die mnount of thc payments. if
<br /> under pu:�grapft 21 the Propaty is xquirod by Lettder, Botrawer's right to any insutanee policies and proceedc resulting from
<br /> dan�e to the Property prior to the acquisition siull pass to L.ender to the extetu of the sums secured by this Sccurity Instnunent
<br /> iuui�ediately prior to the acquisitian.
<br /> 6.OocupAacy, Preservation,Matatstwace�nd Pcotatiou of the Property;Borrow•er's Loau Applit�tan:l.e�sebolds.
<br /> Borrower sliall oa:upy,eslaLlisi�.ruxl use the Fr�pzrty as Borrower's prin:.ipal residen..^e within sixt�day s atttr the execution of
<br /> this Socuri;y lnuiumuu and stsat�continue ta occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residenre for at least one year after
<br /> the date af occupancy,unless Leuder othenvise agrees in writing. which conceni shall not be unm�nibly withheld,or udass
<br /> exRenuating circumstances exist which are beyonl Borrower's control. Borrower s}�all not destro}r, dama�e or impair thc
<br /> Property. altow the Property tra cieteaorate. or oommit w�cte on the Property. Borrower shall be in def�ult if zny furfeitun
<br /> action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lej�der'r good faith judgme�u could result in forfi�w.ce of tho
<br /> i'tnperty or otherwise materially impair th�lien created by this Security Lutnunent or I.endtr's secarity interest.Barrowtr mzy
<br /> cure sucl�a ckfault and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causi�g thc sction or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> tl�at, in Lender's good faith dete�minuian, precludes forfeiture of the Sorrower's interest in the Property or other material
<br /> impairment of the lien creata! by this Security Instiument cx Lender's securiry inierest. Borrower st�ail also be in defau(t if
<br /> � Borrower.during the loan�ptication process,gave m�teriafly falsc or in3ccurate inf�mation or statenxnts to Lender(or failed
<br /> to pcovide Lender with any mateaial infarn�ation)in oonnection with the tau�evideao�d by the Note,including,but not limited
<br /> to,reQresentatioas rnnceming Borrower's ooi,w,patuy of the Praperty s�s m principal residenoe.if this Security Inswment is on a
<br /> le,ace}wld. Borrower shall ooinply wich all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower aoquires fce titk w the Property. the
<br /> _ �..�.w..ia..�.i�i.._F.�..sri.ohAn N.v.n.��untrce 1 e�nrier agrcr_c tn the mecger in writin¢. .. _
<br /> � 7.Protectioo uf Leader's Rigi�w;n ti�e Properiy.If Boirower f�il�to perform the covcnuus�nd agrcxmtr►ss contained in
<br /> this Security Instrument.or there is a legal proceeding thu may significantiy affect Lender's�ights in the Property(such as�
<br /> prooeeding in bankrupccy,probate, for conci�ion or forfeiture or to enforce laws or ngulations),then L.ender may do ard
<br /> pay for whauve:is nxessary w protxt the��alue of the Property and Lender's righu in the Property. Lxnder's xtions may
<br /> iaclude payiag �oy siutu secured by a lien which hAS prioriry over this Security In�cruroa�t, apprarinS in couct. paYing
<br /> rca5onable auomeys'fees and enuring on the Property to make re�airs. Although Lender may take action iusdcr ttais�sar{graph
<br /> � 7.I,en�er does not i�ave to do so.
<br /> � My anauats disbursed by l.ender undtr this paragraph 7 shall b000me �dditional debt of Borrower securod by this
<br /> Security inctcumme_Unless Borrowu and Lea�dcr:�gree t�other terms of pa�ment.these amouass shall bear intereu from the
<br /> due of disbiuse�eat a3 the Note rate and si�l1 be payable, with interest. upon notia fmm Le.-a�r to Borrower roqu�sting
<br /> p�Yment.
<br /> S,Mortgs�e inwranee. ti under nquirod mortga,ge insarance as a conaiuon ai maiung�he ioan sc�u�ai oy wis �cx,vriiy
<br /> I�uucx,�t, BorrQwer a`�all pay the premiums requircd to maintain the mortgage insuranoe in effect. If. for any reasaa, the
<br /> . mortgage insucanoe coverage requirad by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower sl�ll pay the pruniums required w
<br /> ' obtaia cover�ge substuui�lly equivalent to ttse mortgage iacuru�ce previoosly in effect,at a oost suEst�uially eguivalent w tl�e
<br /> o�.st to Bornowu of the mort�e insurance previously in effoct. from an alterr�ate mortgage insurer approved 6y Lender. If
<br /> wbstaruiaily equivalent mortgage inwrar�ce coverage is�ot avulable,Borcower shati pay to Lu�der exh manth a sum equal to
<br /> ooe-twdfth oE the yearly mortgage inwrance premium being paid by Borrower wha�t6e insurarwe coverage lapsed or oeised w
<br /> be i�effect.Laider will xapt.use and retai.n t6ese pay�xaus as a loss rescrve ia lieu of moc[gage in�.*�*+n. l.oss reserve
<br /> ' Fam 3o2a 9J90
<br /> P�q 3 of•
<br /> � �r
<br />