�. _� . ' _�___ ^�r�^.-r=� . ' ... —_f: TTe !�—w��
<br /> ' - t'. v_wPr.is _r. -. .__._ — ..
<br /> . . � �+.�w�aau'i_����:�i.�S...',L'•L'i�. - _1. ..�. �-'
<br /> 96-- it�3�;��j
<br /> Tt)G6TF1I3R v�'1TH all chc impr�cente�us now cx here�er eroclod on the p�openY.uixl.111 cb+cnxnta.�Punec�s.wxl
<br /> fixtmm �ow nr hetenfle� � {�►rt of th� PrupertY. All rcplscen�e►us anc! oG�iitians c2:�Jl :►1so bC ruvere�! Dy this Security `
<br /> la►trunxnt. AI!of the fore�ainE is►et'err�i ta in this��urity livtram�rit as th,� 'Ph�perty." -
<br /> h:reb��cum•e ed scwl tu4+the'ri ht tc� rriu�ncl
<br /> BURRU\VER COYEN�IN'i'�th�t t3c�rcuwcr is la�fully xisetl of U�c�:s:at.: )' � � -
<br /> �revey the Pn►oerty an�1 thrt the Pnnperty is urencumberad. exay�t tiir e�xumGrdukes at'ttxurd. I3oi'row•cr warr�,u�ut�d wiU
<br /> JeFr.►xi rencrrlly the tiUe tu the I'ropeny:�aiiUi all ctain�c ux1 den�nils.u+bJt�t to�ry tixumbr�kes uf rccarJ.
<br /> TtiIS SFCI►KC"PY iNSSRl�1►1FiVT c�xnbincs unlfurn��w�•ci�u� ti�r n�ioru�l ucc�u�d no+�-wufu+��cu�ei�tus v�i�h limitocl
<br /> vari�tioi�.r by juriuiictii�n tn cansUtutc u uniform socurity inctrun�ent c��vcring rc�l praperty. -
<br /> UNIFU12A1 CUVENAN�'S.&�rmK�ee�d Lcnd�r cc�ses�ant aixl�'.ree s►�t�'��'w}: P �y �Y
<br /> 1. 1'+�ymrW at Princip�l �ad luterest: Prepi►ymeut w�d Y�te Ctwr�a. Burrow•er �hall mn; I wl�en due the
<br /> ad A+
<br /> principa!of suxl iaterc+t w�the dcbs cvid:.neo�i by u�r Note a.-�uiy pre�ynint and late chuges due under the Natc.
<br /> 2. Ftiuxi�fa:r Twer pnd Iu�unu�ce. S++bject ta applicable law ar to a wriuea waiver by l.end�:e. k3orrower sh�l! pay ta
<br /> Lendcr o�ttu day monthly{�yments are due under the Note,until the Note is�paid in full,a sstm('runds")far:(al yearly taxes
<br /> and assessments which nLay attain prio�ity o�er thiti Security Lutruntent�a lien on the Ptoperty:(b)Year�Y�e�selw�d PaYnte�is
<br /> or grou��d rents on ihe Property,if any:(c)yearly t�vard or property insurance premiums:(d)yearly flcod iawrance premiums,
<br /> if any: (el Ytar1Y mortga�e insur,uice prrnuums, if any: and lfl any sunu payable by Botrow•er to l.ender. in xcorda�ue with
<br /> the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the p�yment of martg�e inwr,�nce premiunu. Tt►es�itenu�re called"Escrow Items."
<br /> Lender m;►y. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an�nount not to exoeed the mvcimum amount �Icnder for a federally
<br /> nlated mortgage loan may require for Bormwei s escrow account unclu the foderal Real Estate Settlemeau Procedure.s Act of
<br /> 1974 as une��da1 from tin�e to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("t2FSPA").unless�iother law chat applies to the Funds
<br /> s�ts a lesser umw�nt. If so. l.ender m5y,at�ny time. collect and hold Funds in �r►amowu not to cxcccd the lesser amount.
<br /> L�nder may estimate the anwunt of Fut�ds due on the basis of cumet►t data and ceasonable estimates of'expenditures of fuwrr
<br /> 6scraw Items or otherwise in accordance with appiicable law•
<br /> 71�e Funds shall be hcld in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumenwlity, or entity
<br /> (including 1.cnder. if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federel Home Loan Bank.Le+tider shall a�+ply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow 1t�ms.Lender may not chuge Borrower for holding anci applying the Punds.annually analytin�the escrow xcount.or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Itomc,unles�Lende�'PaYs Bor�ower uuerest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to m�ice such
<br /> e chuge. However.Luxl�r may require Bortower to pay a one-tiroe charge for an indepeade�u real estate eax reportin�service
<br /> usod by I,ender in comrection with this loan, udess applicable law provicies otherwise. Uhless an a8�e�x°t is mad� ar
<br /> �pplicable law roquires interest to be psid. I.endcr shall not be requirecl to pay Horrower�ny interest or eamings on tt�z Funds.
<br /> Borrowu and Lender may agree in writing.however, that intcrest sltall be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> witMut charge. an an�wal aao�nting of the Funds. showing credits and debits to the Furids and the pnrpose for which�rch
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.'The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by this Security I�swatient•
<br /> If tlie Funds held by Lender exceed the anwunu Pe'''°'tted to be t�eld by applicable law.Lender shall account co Borrowu
<br /> for the excas Funds i�acoord�nce with the requitemenis of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> time is not wfficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify BoiTOwer in writing,and.in such case Borrower
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amount neeassasY to malce up t�e deficiecticy. Borrow�u sh�ll n�ake up the defeeieacy in no nwre than
<br /> twdve�dy paYments•at l.ender�s sole discretion.
<br /> UP�WY�in full of all sunu secured by this Security Insuument. I.ender shalI promptly refutd to Barower any
<br /> .. �__�,:;.�:.,�.�2;.i,��ti.,,�n�uirr.�r sell the Prooaty.Leader,Prioi to the acquicitiun or sale
<br /> . t'�S 1iCIa uy i.zn[icr. I�. "w.,c+ -
<br /> of the Propaty, st�ll apply any Fuads held bv[.ender at tbe time of•acyuisi:iou or sak as�cralit � � i the sumc�ecuned by
<br /> this Sccuriry Iactrum�nt.
<br /> 3.,Rpp��ot psymmts,Unleas applicable law pmvules otl�erwise.aU paycnents t�eceived by Lendu under paragrapt�s
<br /> 1 aad 2 shall be applied: first.co a�iy prepayraent chacges due urder the Note; swond,to anwunts PaYable under puagr�ph 2:
<br /> third.to interest due;fauth,to principal due:aad last.to any late c.ttztges due under the Nou.
<br /> 4.Chacges;Liens. Boaower shall pay al¢caxes.assessments. charges. fines scyd impositiwtis�tuibutahle to the Propetty
<br /> which may�tiain prioriry over this Security Inununent. �nd leasehoW paymenu or grauxl rents, if a�y. Borrower sh�ll P4Y
<br /> these obligatioaS in the manner pno�icled in�aragraph 2.or if not paid in that a�tu�er.Borrow'u shall Wg tt�n on time directly
<br /> to the person owed paymeat.Borrower shall promptlY fumish to Lertider all notias of anwunu to be paid under this psragraph.
<br /> If Borrower ma{ces tlxse paYments directly.Borrower st�all promptlY fumish to Lender roceipts evidenciag the pa}medta.
<br /> Borrower sFnll promptly discharge any lien which t�as priority over tlus Security Insttument unless Borrower:(a)s�gras in
<br /> writing to the payment of the obligation securod by the ttien in a ma�u���wik ta:.�t�::.r:(�')�°:u�`�=�-'e""`��"-ith the lityl
<br /> by, a defeads againct enforcemenc of the lien in, legal procerdings which in che l.a�der's oP�nion opaeu to pnvrnt the
<br /> �nfc�neement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of�he lien an�greemenc satisfxtory to Lender subordinatin6 the iien w
<br /> ���h,I�. ���ufer det¢rnunes th�t any part of the Property is subject w a lien which m�y attain priority over
<br /> ttus S�ruriry Insteument. Lender maY 8�ve Socrower a notice identifying the tien.Borrower shall satisfy the 1im or take one or
<br /> more of the�ctioas sec forth above within lU days of the givin�of notice.
<br /> ' Form 3028 91so
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