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<br /> , 11 16.�anow�r'� qlpM to RNmt�t�. n 6onow.►m..0 c.na�n �uons,eanwwr sh.N h�w�h��pnt to h.r• �ntaa.nwa a u�• :--.��,��;`--m�-
<br /> s.owMy In.wn,an� dMaonurw.e .� .ny um. pdor �o �h. .rr.r w: (.) b d.ys (a wah ana p«ba .a �pplk�� Nw n�r �a�M �� •.Il`�_—R_�
<br /> �1. .:4:�r.-----
<br /> rMnw��nq bd«. w. ol�h. Propw�y aunwnl ro �ny �www a ..N com.kNd In ihM 8wxiry Inswnwnr, w (b) w�trY a �wdp�� . � . :.-:��.. „�,: —
<br /> . .niaro�np uw e.owrY�n.aum«n.nw•.ca�dwon. .n�ru�i eo�mw�:l�1 aw�•�ao w wn,�wn�u,«,wowa b.a,.w��inw s.�n r ..�.�.-�,,:�=--
<br /> � MsWnMnt �nd Ih� Not� h�d no �oalK�don ooeumd, ro) auM�ny dMwp ol sny MINr oor�n�nl a �yr�wn�nl�: (cI P�Y���^�� .�.:�:_�: --
<br /> Inam�d In �nlardnp thb S�auNy InWunwil. fno�udlnp, but nW IYnit�d to. rM�aisbM�t1omM' 1�: �nd(�Wcn �uch adbn �t Und� .. _''+`�",,"�
<br /> m�Y�uoe�bly nquk� to�own Ih�t th�Mn ol thl� S�auN�r IrnkumwN, l.end�r's�{phb fn th� Prop�rty and Bortoww'�abllpdion to p�Y ;� �
<br /> Ih�wnr wau�d bY this S�ou�f1Y Instrum�nt �h�Y eontkw�une�n0�d. Upon rMn�t�l�nrnt by 8ortown� thls S�curMy InstnrrNM wnd th� � :*�-
<br /> oblip�tbns t�wred h�nby�h�t rarnln fuNy Mqe1He�e N no�ooMwtllon h�d ooaend. Nowwn.thl��fpht to rNnri�t��h�l nat�pply In i-" . ..
<br /> .� tIN aan ot�oc�M�tlOn undw p�raynph 17. ,
<br /> 18. 8d� of Not�: Ch�n�� d Lan S�wic�r. Th� �ton a � p�rt� ht�aat �n th� Nou (toqMher wHh ihlo 8�aalty ; � �
<br /> . M�trunw�t)nwy b� sold on�a moa tima wNhaut prior nWk� lo BorrowK. A �W m�y nwtl h� chsnps In the enUly (known �s the ,:
<br /> •Lan 81rvbM'I th�t ooUnt�monthy p�ym�ntR dua undv th�Not�and Ihls S�cwNy In�irumm� Th�n�4o m�y ba on�or n�on ch�np�s �
<br /> �v , oi tM lo�n 8�vk�unraUt�d to � sW ot the Note. It then b �ch�nps o1 the Lolm 8wlar. BortowM wiA b� qNen wrNtan nodce of the '
<br /> eh�nQ�In �ccordma wNA pu�9r�ph 14 adove�nd�ppllasbb I�w• The noUce wA Nete th�name�nd address ot Ihe new lan S�vlar _
<br /> � �nd th��ddress to whbh p�ym�nb�houW b� m�do. Tha eoda�wi��Iw contain�ny otha Inlomwtbn nqWnd by appliGbN yw. , -
<br /> �i 20. HasWdous Subst�no��. Bor►awer ehW not aus� or permU ih� prewna, uu, dispos�u, stonpe, a nte�w ol u►y _
<br /> Hax�rdous Sub�Uneoe on a In th�Proprty. Bonavw sh�N not do, na allow�nyon��lo do,u►ylhki9�Ilecthy ths P►opKty Ihat la in
<br /> vio�tlon of�ny Envkanm�nW Law. Th� pnc�Anp two untenoaa sh�not appy to Ih�pra�nc�.use, a aloraqe on tlw Properry of�mal
<br /> qwnliWt ol H�ardaua Sub�lanas tlud re qene�t�y raeo0n@oA M bo approprUta ta nomal nsW�nWl usa� �nd to mtfnlKw� ot th� ��. . -
<br /> Pf0(flAy. `�"r�-.
<br /> BarowK sh�Y promptiy give LendK wrUten nouce of my irn�stly�tlon. claim, demmd,l�wauk or othK acUon bY any qovemmenul or
<br /> reyuytary pency or Privde p�Ay InvoNlnp 1he Property�nd�ny I�ia�wrdoua Subaunoe or Envkanmental Law of whlch Bor►ower h�s�ctu�l
<br /> knowledpe. 11 BoROwar le�ma, w It �otMM by any govemmenfal or reyulatory wihoiily. thN anY removN or olher r�noo'latbn of any �
<br /> Hax�rdous Substu�d dl�eliny the P►aparry is necaaswy. Borroww �h�M pramply t�ka W n�»u�+ ran�41 aetions b Aceordu�c� wtth
<br /> Ernkonme�W law.
<br /> Aa wed In thle pu��r�ph 20. 'H�xardoue Substancea' �re those eubat�ncea ddined �s to�lo or hazardas eubatuues by
<br /> EnrkonmenW L�w and Ihe lollowinp �ubst�ncea: g�soline. kwwena. olher Ilermwbb or roxla pMroteum pr�ducts. tode p�sYcldes �nd
<br /> � heiWcid�s, voMtWe solvents, male�ls contoininp aebestos or famaldehyde, and radiwcdv� m�brfafs• Ar uned ui Ihia p+�rayraph 20. �:-
<br /> ; 'Envkonm�nW I.�w' mMns lad�ral Uws �nd I�w� ol th� �uM�dictlon whare th� Prop�rfy le beated that rol�to to hMllh, wlaty or :� �
<br /> anvqonmenul protectlon.
<br /> '" � NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. Borrowa and Lender hxther covenant and ayrea�s/oNow�:
<br /> � 31. Acaalasa!lon; Remetltee. lender e�ll �lye nolica to Borrow�r prlor to accolordion followin� _
<br /> � . Bor�ow�r's bn�ch af any covonant or �pra�rn�nt In thio Sacurity Inatrum�nt (but not prior to �
<br /> acc�lerallon und�r pu�g�aph 17 unloss applic�bl� law providep othorwis�). Th� nottca shdl �p�city: (a) •���'����;y� ;
<br /> � t1w d�fault; (b) th� action roquirad to curo tho dofault; (c) a date, not lass 4han 30 dayc f�am tho daita tha �, `
<br /> notic� is�tvan to Borrowar, by which the doiault must bo curedi and (d) that fallur�to cure tha dahult on �a
<br /> � or b�fora tha dat� spoalfled in the notico may ro�ult In acceleratlon of th� sum4 socurod by thin Security �
<br /> Instrumant snd sal� of the Proparty. Tho notica shall tu►thor infornt Barowor of th� Nyht io rolnstdo aitor
<br /> acc�Nration and tho ri�ht to bring a court action to aaso�t tho non-�xistanco of a defauR or any othor �
<br /> daionao of Borrow�r to acaole�atlon and sala. If!ho dafault is �ot curod on or bofon tho date fpocifiod in •
<br /> th� notic�. Landar �t ita option may requira tmmodiato payment (n full of sll sums sacured by this Socurity
<br /> . I Inatrum�nt wlthout fu�ther domand and may Invoko tha power of salo and �ny othor ramadiot pormltted
<br /> by appllaabl� Isw. Landor shall bo o�titlad to collact all oxpon�as inourrad In pursuiny tM nrr��dios
<br /> ' provided in this p�rapraph 21, Inctudinp, but not limlted to, �eaaonabl� attor�oys' ieas and costs of titla •
<br /> evldonca.
<br /> N th� powor of aale is Invokad, T�ustoe shall record a notice of dofault In each cou�ty in which any
<br /> ; part of tha Propo�ty is loaotad and ahall mail copias of such notice in tho mennsr prascribed by appltcablo
<br /> � law to Borrow�r and to the other persons praacribod by applicabla law. After the tin» raqui�ad by
<br /> appllcabla taw. Trustoe ahall give publlc notica of sala to the persons ana in tho manner praacribod by
<br /> applbabla Inw. Truotee, without demand on Borrowar, shall sell the P►operty at public auotion to the •
<br /> hlpF��t biddar at tha time and placa and undar tho tarms desiqnatad In tho natico of aala in ono or mora
<br /> parcds �nd I� any wder Trustae detarmina�. Trustoe may postpone sale of all or �ny p�rc�l of th�
<br /> (�, Prop�rt�► by pubtic �nnounaomant at the tima and placo of any proviou9ly schadulod solo. Land�r or its
<br /> t• dasiqn�� may purch�ae the Property at any aala.
<br /> Upon rocoipt of payme�t of the price bid. Trustee shall dallvar to the purchaser Truetoa's daod
<br /> convoying tha Property. The rocitals in the Truetea'� deed ahall be prims iacie evidence of tha truth of
<br /> tha nataments mado theroln. Trustee ahall app�y tho proceed� of tho �alo In the following orda�: (a) to all
<br /> cost� and exponsos of exercising the powor of sale. and the sale. Including the payment of the Trustee's
<br /> ' , feoa actually incurrad, not to exceed 3.00 96 of the principal amount of the note at tho time of .
<br /> E�� tho daclaratton of defaulf, and raaeonable attorney's fees as permitted by law; (b) to all sums sacurod by
<br /> �� tMt�Socu�ity Instrumonh and (c►any oxcess to tho por4o� or peraons logally ontitlod to it.
<br /> �� 22. Reconvayanea. Upon peyment ol all sums secured by Ihis Secunty Insln�ment. Lender shoU request Truslee to reconvey the
<br /> PropeAy and 6hall sunender this Security Inatrument and all notea evidencing debl socured by ihls Security Instrument lo Trustee. Truatee
<br /> , sholl roconvey 1he Properly wllhout wertanry and wlthout charqe to Ihe person or persons le{plly enlitled to il.3uch p�raon a persona shal
<br /> �', i p�Y any rocord�tlon costa.
<br /> � 1 23. $UbititutY Truateo. Lender, et its aptlon. may Irorn Iima to umo romove Twstee and appolnt a successor truslee to eny
<br /> I Truste� appolnted hereunder by en Instrume�t recwded fn the county M which this 3ecurlty Inatrument Is recorded. Wdhout conveyance ol
<br /> � I tha Pnpaiy, succeasor trustee shaN succeed to all ihe tllle,power end duties conlerrod upon Trustee herein and by oppicable law.
<br /> i� � 24. Roquost for Notieos. 8ottower requesis Ihet coples of Ihe notices ol delaufl end stle be aent to Borcower's eddresa whfch
<br /> �s la the Property Address.
<br /> 25. Riders to thia Seeurity Instrument. II one or maro riders are axecuted by Honower and recorded logether with ihls
<br /> Secudly Insirument. the covenants and egreemenis of each such �ide► shall bn Inoorpowted Into end aholl emend and supplement Ihe
<br /> � covemnis ond eyreamenis ol this Securlty Instrument as d Ihe►ider(s)were a part o1 this Security Insirument.
<br /> .,� ram wTe 9.?0
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