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<br /> . 7. Protwtlon d I.�nd�r'� Rlphb b th� Prop�rly. 11 6aRC+ur faua to pwfam ih�aov�►�nt�md�9rpnN"ts eont�ln�d In Ihlt I- .
<br /> Snxwky Nstrum�nt. a tlNn I� • Np�l Prac�dl"p Ih�t rt�y �IP�ManW dbct L�nMr's dqMs b Ih� Prop�fY (iuch �s � proaNdnp In - .
<br /> �WaY, 0+����la ooedwnn�tlon o►fafN�w�a to m1oro�Iwin or rputatlon�)�Ihm L�ndw m�y do�nd p�y lor wh�uwr I�n�wry ����i-
<br /> w
<br /> ' , to probot tM valw a th�Prop�tY
<br /> �nd Lmd�r'� dphl�b th� Pnoprrty. L�ncMr's �allons m�y fndud� WYlnq�ny �um� s�ound by�Il�n y���'��'�*4`'i-��
<br /> Wh�Ch� �1J1 OVM(hl/ B�OYf1h/k1�dY111M11.�ppNflilO kl QOYR�P�Y� Pl�iO1NbM�11011N�►�� I�M Nd MIlM1f10 011 lll� �OpM1Y l0 flM1t1 � �-_-
<br /> ° n�s. AMhouph Undr m�y Wa�aUon undn IMs p�rrp�ph 7,�«�d�r ao«no�t�w�a do so. ���. ."-`;,;;�� � _—
<br /> , My unounU d�burs�d by L�ndu undw Ihls pu�p�ph 7 �hY b�oan��ddNloml d�bt d 8o�owu s�ound by Ihls S�wrMy In�Wmatt. . .°..1._.= -
<br /> �nl��gprown�nd �mdw�M lo oth�r I�rms ol(wymrnl, Ih��nwunts shY bw MIrM! 4an►tit�d�t�01 Wrbu►swnent tl th�Nota i! ,�. �::�,.�,,,
<br /> � • . nN�r+d.hall b�P�Y�bM.wl�h NtaNl, uPon no0u nom Un d M to 8 o n o w r►r w u a t l n p P�d,
<br /> I�. . '•:: N�`�`.
<br /> 6. MOR�� IIIW►�IIC�. N L�ndK nquk�d mortq�4� Mwranee �� � oo�IdNlon ol tn�Wnn tN� loan sacurod by lhls Soeurity �
<br /> InWwnm6 BoROwr sh�M p�Y tl►�W�nMum�nquk�d to m�k�Wn th�mortp�9�Inwnnw h�01. IL lor anY rMSOn.th�matq�y�fnwranc� ;
<br /> , aovwaY�nquk�d bY Lmda MPsh a aMS�f to b� in Nf�ct. Baroww shW p�y th�pr«Nums nqulnd to obtain cov�np� wbsW�Wly
<br /> �quivdml to th�matp�Inwnnc�pnrlousy In dhct,tl�coft wbst�ntiaNy�quhr�t�nt to th�eon to 8aroww ol th�matq�p�Inwr�nc� i
<br /> pnvbu�ly p� Nl�ct, kom �n �p�t� moAp�9e Insunr �pprov�d by L�ncMr. II wbaWtlaly�quNs�a�t mortq�0� Inau�and cov�ps I� not
<br /> a�.u.a.� BortowK �haA pay W L�ndK Mch month � wm .yu.�a on.-sw.a�h or u�. y.wy mono.o� Inswanca prartAum b�irW Pud bY j. .
<br /> � 8orrowu whan th� Inwrana� cownpe hp��d or cMS�d to b� b df�ct. Land�r wiM aaapt, uw�nd ntr4� thasa paymrnte �a e laee
<br /> �, ra�rw In INu of mat9o� Ineurana. Loes retervs paym�nts may oo lonqer b� nt�iNrd, �t th� cPdon of Under, N matq�y� Inaiance I. --
<br /> ; cor�rap�(in the�mount and la th�p�riod th�t Lendx raqukes)provided by an Inwrr y�provd by L�nd�r ap�in becams�vaY�bN and Is
<br /> � optak��d. (3ras;,�ar �h�1 p�Y tha pnrt�luos rpukad to munWn moAp�9s inwrana In �fhct. a to provld� � baa raerv�. unitl the ;
<br /> , nquk�mnt la mortp�p�Inswane�ends in�ecord�ne�wflh �ny wiNbn preement bMwMn Bortow��nd Lmda or appYubU law. 1
<br /> 8. Insp�ction. L�ndK or Ilt�9ent tn�y make nason�bls mtriee upon �nd Nspeetbrn ot Ih� Prope�ty. Landor shW W� BoROwer
<br /> � ' � oodq�t the dme ol or p�1or to�n Intp�ction rpecNylnO re�scnabte auas tor the insp�allon. . ' 'T�-L_
<br /> � 10. Condomnatton. The procaeds of any award or daim for dam�pas, dkact or consaquaniW. In conne�i�on wHh any �
<br /> cond�mntl{on or o1h�r WcMy ot�ny p�A ot the P►ePertY. or for eonveyance In Ileu of condwnnatlon.+►f I+K�by�sslpned��nd shafl ba pald ; ,
<br /> � • • : -
<br /> to L�ndr. •
<br /> ,,
<br /> In iM evant ot�total takYp ol lhe ProF^_'.*,'.the proceeds sh�l be�pplled to tha suma s�u�d by lhla 3ecurity Insbume�t,whelher or
<br /> not ihen due,wflh�ny exceas paid to Borrower. In the event ol a pn1W taMlny of ths Propalyl�n whkh 1M teir market value of lhe Prope�ty ,
<br /> Immedhtely Delore the t�klnp le equN to a qreder than the unouM ot the auma s�cund by iMs Security Inatrument ImmedUtey belore the
<br /> ukit�p,unteaa BoROw�r�nd Lender otherwbe�yree In writlnq, the euma eecurad by thu 3eairity Inetrument shdl be reduced by ihe�mount _
<br /> ol tha proceeds mulUpW�i by the topowinp hadlon: (e)ihe to1R1 nmaunt Ihe ol+sume securod MnmedY►sIY 4do►e�he teking,divid�d by(b)the ,'.,,,,
<br /> 1�Ir mak�t vaiue o}tha Roperty knmedlatey belore the tpkinq. My balance ahaA ba pald to 8orrowar.In Ihs went oi a partial taking o1 the , ,
<br /> Roperty h wMch tha fak m�rket vNus o1 the Propeity knmodl�tdy belo►e Ihe trking la Ins th�n th��mount of the aums seeured Immadiotely
<br /> belore the t�Wnp. unihs Bortower and lendar otherwiea aprea In wdtlnp or unleaa �ppNc�F�la Nw olhwwle�provldas, tho proc�eds ahal bQ , }
<br /> �ppWed to the sums seaued by this B�cwRy Instrument whether or not the sums ar�th�n due. �
<br /> � q ih� Property Is�bandotwd by Bort�ar,w A,aRer noUce by Lcr�da 2o Borrower tt+nt N+e c-en��o►oMers to make an award or aetlle � .
<br /> �clNm(a d�m�yaa, Borrowa I�fls to respond to Lender within 30 days�ftet ihe dnts the nodce is qhiQn.L�nder is authahed to eopeot end �
<br /> �ppry Ihe proce�ds, �t Rs opQon, elthor to rostorapon or rap:�af Ihe PropeAy or to th� wms sK�uuad by this Socudty Inatrument.whether ;
<br /> a not th�n due. r '
<br /> '.�� , Unkaa Lender wnd Borrower otherwiee epree In writing, any �ppliulbn of{xoceeds to Wincipol shall not wdend or postpona the due
<br /> dtle ol the monthy p�ymanta reterred to In paregrapha 1 and 2 or chr+��ye the amount ol such payments• %
<br /> 11.Borrowor Not Raloaaad: Forbaaranco By l.endo►Not a Waivor. Extensien of the Wne for peyment or modiAcation
<br /> oi omortl:atlon ot tho sums aecured by this 3acurily Inatrumant qranted by lender to�ny succasacx In IntKeat of Borrower ahaA not operete . �
<br /> to �elea�e the IlobiYly of the adpinal Borrower ar Bortower's aueceeaors In Intereat. lender shdl not be nqulred to commence proceedings
<br /> eqalnet Yny fuccessa In InlerQSt or refuse to extend pme lor payment or othe�wlse modify anatltaGon ol IhQ aums aecu�ed by 1hla Security
<br /> Inatrument hy reaaon of any dernend made by the odqlnel Bor►owe► a BoROwe►'s eueaasors in InteraeL My (orbearanee by Lende► In � ,
<br /> exerdalnp any rlpht or remedy shell not be R wahrer o1 or preclude Ihe exerclse ot eny�Ipht or nmedy
<br /> 12. Succassors and Asstyns Bound; Jolnt and Sevaral Uabllity; Co-si�n�ra. The wvenants and agreements ot
<br /> Ihls Searity In�Wment ehall bind and benetK lhe aucceasora and esalqns of Lender�nd BoROwer,aub�ect to the provlelons ol p�regreph
<br /> 17. Bortowor'e covenants and egreemante shap be Jdnt and eeveral. Any Bortower who co•alp�e this Securtty Instrument but does not • �
<br /> execute the Note: (a) If co-alqnlnq thts 3ewrfly Inat�ument only to mortgege, grant, end convay that BorrowK's Interest In the Property under
<br /> the terma ot thla 9ec:urlty InatrumenC (b) Ia not personaly obllgated lo p�y the sums aecured by thle Security In�hument: and (c)aqrees that
<br /> Lender md any other Borrower may aqree to exlend, modl�r, brbevr a rtwke eny �ecommodetiona wlth rQyerd to terma of thls Seaudty
<br /> Inatrument or thQ Note wlthout that Borrower's cons�nl.
<br /> 13. Loan Charyas. Ifthe loan secured by thls Secu�iry Inslrument Is subject to a law whkh aeta maxlmum loan charges, and thal
<br /> �r•: law Is Anally Interpratad ao that the Interest or othe► loan cher9es coNected or to be wAectad In conneeUon wlth Ihe toan exceed the
<br /> permmed Ilmfls, then; (a)any auch loan charqes sheN be reduead by the amount nQCetsary to r�duce the ch�ge to the parmme!1 Ilmll; and
<br /> ,I;�� ro) �ny sums already eoNecled from Bonower wh�h exceeded permltted Iknlls wIA be refunded to Borrower. Lender may chooae to make
<br /> ;.� thls relund by reduclnp tha prk�clpel owed under the Note or by making a dlrect payment to Borrower• If a tefund reduces prk�elpW. Ihe
<br /> rodudlon wIN be treNed�e a parllal prepeymeM wlthout any prepeyment cherge under Ihe Note.
<br /> ,' ' 14. Noticos. My notice to 9ortower provlded lor In thls Securiry Inslrument sheN be ylven by dellvetlng ft or by melYng It by tlrst
<br /> claaa mel) unleas appNcable law requlres use of enother method. The notice shaN be dkected to the Property Address or any other eddress
<br /> , 8ortower dealgnetes by notice to Lende►.Any notice to Lender shell be given by Orst class meN to Lender's uddress stated hereln or eny
<br /> yt�� olher address lender deaignates by notke to Borrower. My notke provlded lor In thls Seeu�fty Inetrument shell be deemed to hove been
<br /> 1tt` qNen ta Barrower or Lender when glven as provlded In Ihls paragnph.
<br /> #r} 15. Dovarnfng Law; Sovorabtlity. Ihfs Secu�ity Instmmant shall be govemed by federal I�w and the law o1 the �urisdktlon In
<br /> ^ i whlch the PropeAy Is loc�ted. In the event that any provlslon or dause of Ihls Securlty IneUUment or the Nate conflicts wllh applleable law.
<br /> 1 auch conll�t shaA nol aflect other provlslons ol thls Securiry Inslrument or Ihe Note whfch can be gHen eftect without the conflloting
<br /> prorlelon. To thls end the provlslons of thla Securlty Instrument eM the Note are declorcad to be severeble.
<br /> 16. Borrowor'= Copy. Bortower shaA be glven one conformed copy ol the Note end of thls Securtty Instrument.
<br /> . .a._ �____.�..,... � o����t:��i I��..�a1 in Rn.rnwnr. 11 au ar anv oeA of the PropertY or any Interesl In
<br />� I II. Ifif�iiri v� ��w r�vr�• � v.
<br /> N fs aald or iranalerted (or il a beneNclol Interest In 8orrawer is sold w translerted and Borrower Is not A neturel person)wlthout Lender s
<br /> � prlor writlen consent, Lender moy, et Its option, reqwre Immediate peyment In full of aA sums secured by thfs Security Instrumenl. Howover.
<br /> ' thls optbn shaU not be exerGsed by lender N exerclse Is prohlblted by lederal law as ot the dete ol this Securiry Inslrument.
<br /> � II Lender exerclaea thla optlo�, Lender shell g!ve Honowe► notice ot acceleratlon. The notice shell provlde e period ol not less than 90
<br /> days 1rom the date the notice Is delivered or mailed wlthln whlch the Borrower must pay aN sume secured by this Securlry Instrument. 11
<br /> 8ortower 1a11s to pay these sums prlor to the explratlon ol this per�od. Lender may Invoke ony remedies permfttad by this Securtry Instrumenl
<br /> ' wlthout IuHher nol�e or de�nend on Bortower.
<br /> I Fo�n�Jo1e von
<br /> .� I F�n(W.LMO(9A1) Vopc 7 ot 5
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