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<br /> ---�=� 21. IMltea.Exppt for any nmk�s,d�mands,r�qw�ts,a otha cammunkotions raqufnd undrr applicabl�law to b��fv�n fn anothK man• �
<br /> -__`''� mr,wMn�vK B�I(ciary a Twstar piv�s a�orv�s any notke(�cludin�,withouf limitotion,nntiu of d�iauU and notic�01 wNl,dNna�ds r�•
<br /> ���� ---�"""' qu�ttt a oth�r commu�ication wHh rap�ct to this Med of Trost,�och wch notic�,d�mand,nquest or oth�r conxnunkatlon sho�l b�in writinp
<br /> �-�,�,,�iam�i ond sholl b��ffatiw only if th�sanN is d�llv�r�d by p�rsonol s�rvk�a mofl�d b�c�rtifl�d moll,postaq�pr�poid,ntum nnipt r�quest�d,od•
<br /> _ r —_�.�r:}-;.,-, dr�:s�d to tlw oddnss os s�t forth ut th�b�pinnin�of fhis OMd of Trost.Trostor her�by rpwsts thot o copy ai an�noNca oi d�fault,on�
<br /> :�:�` �„ •�.� notk�of sal�,rpuind or pumitt�d to�plven th�Trusfor hereund�r,be mall�d fo It ot th�addnss s�t forth at th�beyinnirp of this Ded ot
<br /> - ----- !m�`� Trost.M�part�mo�l at aa�tim�cha�p�ifs addnss for suth nofk�s b�deN��rinq or malling to th�other portas hereto,os afa�said, o notic�
<br /> �:°�..� of such chanp�.MY notka he►eunder shall be de�med to hav�been qivQn to Trostor a B�neficlory,when qiven in th�ma�►d�sipnot�d hK�in.
<br /> ';;�' 4q, G�un�/t�w.lhis De�d of T�ust shall b�govtrned b�th�lows of the Stole of Nebraska. �
<br /> 'n�";"-- �9, f�eqtars wr Atsi�t.Thit De�d of Trust and all tums,conditfons and obliqations iwr�io apply to ond inur�4o th�ban�iit of ad bind
<br /> �...�:;:
<br /> ��=s="���..,,. oll parti�s h�nto,their i�i►s, legatea, doviaees, p�rsonol r�pnsmtativ�s, succossors ar�d assipns. Th�term"Bm�fkiary"ihall m�on th�
<br /> �`'��� � awner and holda of the Note,whethar or not nomad ac Beneficfory herein.
<br /> ' r�•o1. �' 2�1, 1oMt�1 S�r�nl Li�iillt�•All convenonts and apreemonts of Trustor shall be joint and severd.
<br /> <...r:a�.�:.�.:..
<br /> — _�±;: � 25. S���tlttr.In the event any one or mwe of the provfsions contafned in this Oeed of Trust,or the Note or arry other security instrumenr
<br /> __�;�;;rt.;�;;r;.,�'��_'�• qiven in connettfon with this trantattion shall for on�reoson be held to be inva l i d,i l lego l or unen forcea b le in any r e s p e c t, s u th invalidit y, i6 - -
<br /> ::,��`.:�.�•::��' lepolity,or unenforceablRty shall,at the option of Beneflciory.not offect any provision af this Deed of Trust,but this Deed of Trust sholl be com
<br /> � � � ' �� atrued as if such involid,illepol,or unenforceable provision hod never bee�contained herein or Iherein. If the lien of this De�d of Trust is inroHd
<br /> .. I,
<br /> w�.Y. �`{-%��-� of the debt,or if the lien is invalid or unenforceoble as to any part of the Property,the unsecured a port'*�NY
<br /> j y� �,x.� or unenforceobl�as to any port
<br /> -` --�"��,,,��,;;,q�.. . socaed portion of the debt shall be completely poid prior to the poyment of the remoining and secured or partiolly securM p�rtion ol M�e Oe�bt,
<br /> �� :�` '''' ` �' ' and all payments mvde on the debt,whether voluntD�y or under ioreclosure or other enforcement action or praedure, sholl bQ considered'b
<br /> :..._ ��: —
<br /> �'�=�°��°�=� hove been fast paid on ond applied to ths full poyment of that portion of the debt which is not secured or not fully secures by the Gan of ttis c
<br /> ����`�`��"''�``�����r! DeedofTrost.
<br /> - ,:• ,,.:.':, ;t;}��;{::;`,. �6, NumM�mi W�dtry GepNon�.Whenever used herein,the singular number shall include the plural, the plural,the singulor,ond the vse
<br /> ' ' � ''�E'•����" of any qender shaH be applicoble to all genders.lhe captions and headings of the paraqraphs of this Deed of Trust are fa convenience only and —
<br /> �_,� ,,:;:S;;l�,�ri�*.�;�r;? �r on not to be used to inte►pret or define the provisions hereof.
<br /> .c,�,.
<br /> . � _ • 27. Aee�ptau 1r?nrstN.Trustee occepts this Trust when this Deed of Trust,duly execWed ond acknowledged, is made public recad as �
<br /> - �.' ' •_•_,...;� '-';,;,,..,,:., providedb�law.
<br /> ;�� ' `''"�` IN WITNESS WHEAEOi,Trustor hos e�ecuted thix Deed of Trust as of the day and r first obove vrr'tten.
<br /> -. ��.�..,.�_;�;'�.;r�; 4.
<br /> • r�:.:.�;��:�.;,�.�,Y,y;' �
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<br /> '::��r ' ^' COUNTY OF 1 •
<br /> � � an�ne Ff:' a
<br /> '-" On shis.�doy of _�rch 19 92. betore n�e dersigned,a Notary Public duly commissioned ond uoli(ied ta
<br /> • Richard . Go�d Ren Goble and Thomae S. Nabity and Jea�ngl�ty .
<br /> soid county,persomally came._ ____ . � - �--- —
<br /> ,�;�y' �� to me known to be the identical persons whose nomes are subscribe �e foreyoing insfrumen�and acknowledged the execution the�eof to be
<br /> ,:..
<br /> �.�,.�. �.. ? tiwir voluntary oct ond dQed. °''
<br /> ' .," � ` � Witness my handandnotariol seol at Grand Islan�soid rowHy,the dplantoc�soid. �`
<br /> . (7 ' _
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