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<br /> S � -�4' r� ''. ' 11.AtpIMAIM 11/M OdwN7����t�. �1P��t�+lt by T�usta in the pormml ol a perfamoncs ol tbe t��rt►s and condi��a�s oi
<br /> =�;{�'���"+`^ 1M Not�,or any r�wals,modlikotlons ar�xtensions 1Mr�oi,a th�poym�nt of ony othw indebtedness iaured lier�by or in ttw periormoixe
<br /> ��-..:r..:=�:f:�-�. ..•a
<br /> �',�,�.,,,,,.,.F.,�..,.., __ ,� of omr of 1M co�v�nants or oprNmmts hsrfund�r.&n�ikiary ma�d�clon oll wms iKUr�d h�nby imrn�diatdr dw ad payabN � same �.r.�_
<br /> ��:���;` �holl tl��upon Mtonw dw and Puliabb wllhout prts�Mm�nt,d�mand. �xof�st or�otiu ol anr kind. 1h�nolt�r. &n�tkbry moy d�live�to
<br /> ',;;,;-f.;'�;,.:?" ^` TrustN o w►itt�n d�cbraNan of d�fault and d�mond ta toM.TrostN sholl hav�tFw powK ol solt of the PropNty and i(B�n�ficiary daides�he
<br /> �, Y��.• �.,, Prop�rly is to b�sold it shall d�posit wlth TrustN thla ONd o}Yrust and t1w Not�a not�s ond on�oth�r docwne�ts�vid�ncinp exp�nditwes
<br /> n �jt ;;ti�,,�4 • s�cur�d h�nb�,and shall delivK to T►usl�e o written no1k�of default and olaction to cous�tho PropQN�to bo soW,ond TrustN,in turn, shall —_
<br /> � �'" �' �� '" pr�pa�a similor notiu in the tam rpuk�d b�law which sholl b�duly iiled la raad b�Truste�.
<br /> ---• � '=•- (o)AN�r the lopst of such time us mo�bo requirod by low followlnq the recordotion of Notice of Oefoulf,and Notic�o( fkfault and Notice ol � ___ _ s
<br /> �• � � ` �r� Sol�havirg bNn qiv�n as nquh�d b�bw,T�us1N, without dmiond o+�Trusta,shall sdl th�Prop��lY ia on�or more Porc�ls and in such order
<br /> �� � as T�ustor mo�r dat�rmine on the dot�and at the lime and plae deslqnoted in said Notka af Sale,at public auction to tFw hiylNSt bidder,the pur-
<br /> �;" ..�e"� � ' • • , chas�p�in payabN in cash fn kwtul money o(the Ilnit�d Stot�s ot the time of sd�.The parson caiductinp the sole may,tar ony cause he or sho
<br /> :,� . , � . , dNms�xp�dimt,postpone ths sale f�om t�me to time until it sFwll be complet�d ond,fn�very such cas�,notice of postpanNnenf shall be given
<br />'«�. . . by public declaration thuw(by such peaon ot the tima and place lost appointtd for the sa�e�provided, if the sole is postponed tor lonqer than
<br />� ' ' - � . one(1)da�b�yond the do�r desiynated in Ihe Notice of Sale,notice thereof shall be piven in the same manner os th�aipinol Notice of Sole. __ __ __
<br />?�� ' Trustee sholl exatulo ard deHver to the purchaser its Deed conveyinq the P�operl�so sold,but wfthout any convenant a worranll• express,or
<br />� _ '. an '
<br /> , � implied. The recitds in the Deed of on�matlers ar locts sholl bQ tonclus{va�oo(ol the truthlulness tfwroof. My person, includinq wi�houl
<br /> 1'� `�� ' , ,.,•r:,;� Waitolfon Trost�e,ma�purchase at 1he sala.
<br /> . ' r � � (b).When Trustea sells pursuant to the powers herein,Trustee shall apply the praeeds of the sale ta poyment of thQ cosls ad expenses of _
<br /> � .. • exertisinq the power of su1Q ond of the sale,indudinq,without limitation,the payment of Trustee's fees incurred,which Trustee's Fees shall not
<br /> • �� .,;:: _ in the opgreqate exceed tAp following amounls bosed upon Ihe amount secured hereby and ramaininq unpaid, S perceotum on the balance — �
<br /> �� � thereof=and then to the items set forth in subporngroph(c)hereof in the arder thereio stated.
<br /> ., ''"� � �� �. (c)ANer po�irg the items specified in subparograph(b), if the sole is by Truslee,or the proper caxt and other costs of forecloswe ond snle _,
<br /> if tha salt is pursuont to judiciol f oreclosure,the proceeds of sale shall be applied in the order stated below to the poyment otr ___
<br /> •• • Il� Cost of ony evidance of title procured in connec�iw�a."such sale and of an�revenue requaed to be paid; �
<br /> � (2) Attorneys fees,
<br /> � .,, ' ' (3) All sums then secured hereby:
<br /> ,.,;I;,`.' 1�) Junior trust deeds,mortgages,or other iiei�liolders:anl � —
<br /> " ' (S) The remainder,if any,to the pRrson cr persons legolly entitled ihereto,
<br /> — T «•�� - - __ (d) If the BeneficiorY ot this Deed af Trust is a bank as defined by Nebrnska law,any stotemmit containod in nny alher section ol Ihis deed
<br /> nofwifhsfanding,the Br.neticior�shvll rat be enfitled to receive or fake und debtor sholl not be obiigated to po�a give:an��u��(ess+on at judg- _
<br /> ` ment,power of uttorney to con(ess judgment,power of attorney to appear for o b++rrower in o judicinl proceeding or ageement to pay the costs ._- -
<br /> . � ' of coNecfion of the offomeys'fees,unless such acts o(collection would not otherwise be prohibited by Nebraska law.Provided.;��s Deed af
<br /> ��`,%, � , this stcfion does not apply to the Trustee fee referred to in paagraph 6(bl.Provided iuNher, thot this paragraph shall not app y --_
<br /> •.r.tt. ,
<br /> �• �� Trust,if the 8eneficiary is nat a bank.
<br /> ,,,,
<br /> . ^ 12. AdQHiona)Seeurity Intfrnment�.Trustor,at its expense,will��xPCUte ond de�iver to the 6eneficiary,promptly uvon demnnd, such securi- �_��___.__
<br /> " ty instrumeMs as may be required by 8eneficiay,in(arm and substance sotisfactory to Beneficiory.covering any of the Property cmrveyed by ��Yt;; --
<br /> fhis Oeed of Trust,whith sewrity instrumenfs sl�ull be additionol security 1ai Trustar's tailhlul per lanwnce ol nll of�hn terms,COVI'INII115 INI(I '��"�fi..=
<br /> conditjons of this Deed of Trust,the promissory notes secured hereby,and uny othe��ecurfty inslruments executed in connection with this tron-
<br /> �. .:.,;;'��-
<br /> �•�,• � satfion.Such instromenis shall be recorded a filed at Trustor's expense.
<br /> , 13. Appo(ntmMt o} Sute�stor Tru�fee. Beneficiory moy, from time to time, by a written instrument executed and ocknowlPdged hy `��''
<br /> �%�� � rt is locoled and b otherwisetomplying with the provi ���—`
<br /> �._ , f o�tounfies in whith the Prope y Y �'-,�!`
<br /> .};. •,� Beneficiary,moiled to Trustor and recorded in the coun y -
<br /> �,,:�,.,.�':'.; ��-
<br /> ;,,,�•.� .. �� sions of the applicable lows of the State of Nebroskn,substitute a successor ar successors b the Trustee named herein or acting hereunder. ,j,,�r�.tiS.,--
<br /> �'�'• y,''vt`� .
<br /> '���.� .. . �. 14. Intp�edonl. Beneficiory,or ifs agents,representatives or workmen,are authorized to enter ot any reosonable time upon or in any par t ;:, .1•,-.;:.
<br /> �!-;` ''�' ' ' of the Property fa ihe purpose of inspecting the san�e and ia the purpose of periorming any ol the octs it is authroired to pertorm under the
<br /> � '`�" • 'r'��••• ���� terms of the Deed of Trust. . �
<br /> r ....•�,''
<br /> '��s'',;;��i 15. Option to Foreelo:e. Upon the acurrence of any defoult hereunder, Beneticiary sholl hove the option to loreclose this Oeed ol 1ru51 in f::�.��.;� ',;,�-
<br /> � ".�,,�-� ihe mamier provided by low for the foreclosure of mortgages on reol proper ty.
<br /> ° 16. ionbearmt�by B�eeticiary Not a Wolrer. Any lo�ebear�nce by BFnrficiory m exercisirg any right oi r�m�dy he�eunder. or nlhr�wis� �
<br /> � � ptfaded by opplicable low,shall not be a waiver oF nr preclude the exei cisr.u( any such right or re�uedy.likewi�.e. tlie wniver by BeiMl��iui y o1
<br /> ' " any defaull of Trustor under this Oned of Trust sholl not be deemed to be a waiver oF any other or sirnilor detaults subsequenily octurri��g. �
<br /> { ' 17. Ttwtar Nof Released. Extension of the time for payment or madificntion or omortiration of the sums secured by this Deed o( Trust ,
<br /> granfed by Benefitiory to nny successor in inlerest ot Trustor shall not opwotr to relrns�,in�ny mninAr,the finhility of the originnl Truato�au1
<br /> Trustor's successar in interest. Beneficiary shull no1 be required 10 commrm�procr�i�dmys ayninat su�h suurs•.u� o�refuse to ext��nd tuue tur
<br /> �• payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secu�ed by this Deed of lrust by reoson uf any dema�xl niade by flie originol irustnr�uu1 ,
<br /> � Trostor's successor in interest. �
<br /> 18. Yelielltiary's Powers.Without affetti�g the liobility of the irustor or a�iY othrt perSOn luihlr (ar the pnYmrnl of iu�Y obb�ntion h��rPn� , .
<br /> mentionetl. and wifhout oifecting 1he fien or chnrye o(this �eed of irusi upon any portion n1 thr Pinprily nof th�n m fhmetofor�rnlrn�rd n�•
<br /> . - �> seturity for the ful)amouM of all unpnid ub6gniion5. Beneficiory may.irom ti�rir. to tim�r ni�i wdhout notiie. f 1 ���Ir��s��a��y person so hnl�l�• h�I
<br /> � exfend fhe moturity or oNer any of the terms ot any such obliga�ions. liiil grnnt o��irr indulyPnces livl relrtisr nr re[unvey. or cqu•;n tn h��
<br /> ,�'���. ,� ;, � f@IBOS@d 0►I@CO�V@yCd Ot UnY ti111C(If B�nPli�iiii y's optiVnt nny pn��AI.pnrlinn Ot tlll nl thn{h apr�ty (vl t�ik�����i�h��iar any��1hM ni��dditmnnl
<br /> , .� . sewrity tor any obligotion heiein a�entioncd,a(v�1 n,nkc�uu�pusi�w�n���ouu��ununq��rarn�s w��h d��bto�s in i�•Inhunlh����riu.
<br /> ' . i 19. Futur� Adrana�. Upon rrquect of Truttnr i�ustee al iructn�'s nph�m prro� to roronveymict�ol fhr (hopsvly 1n irus tn� may mn G��
<br /> • � � � _ ._.._.__ r.._�. a........ ..a....�..... ..,:e��.��lurocl flu�ln�ul cbull hn SP(UIPII I1V IIIIS If USI UI`i`fI W�IPII NVI�IPII(PlI IIY���OIIIItiti01�
<br /> "'._ _'__�'
<br /> • ^' . "'— "' IYIUIC WYUIRC�IV �rV]IVI. .lu��� ���v.�. ..�........ ..
<br /> � notes stating that said notes or� sccured h�r��hv p�����dr•d�I�ut at no��rn���hull il���tr�n���d p��n, q,.,t I��iu�����I:,,n��,., n�,i includ�nq�u���•.���f
<br /> ' vanced to protect the security.�xrr�d on nqqr��ynrr pru��q�nl u�n��unt ol e Z00���0.�0
<br /> ZQ, R�canvtymab�Tru��ce.���100Yr1111Fn1���U���,10� ��11P1u�U�yti�i�l,��n �h��Iq�IClun��r�qtr��6�•�r�iyhi�tirhr��nlrilq� �tin�n�io�' �nrrntb`i
<br /> � OI thlf Deed of Trusf and the Noie to (�uSlrr ha �nn�Cll�lhbn �tnd�rtrnhnri�tnd�q�rn�p���n�rnt by I�u�l�u ��f 1�util�•t�ti I.•�••. 1�,..: � . �ludt
<br /> reconre�tn Trustnc. t�i tlir���1��tlll�lt ����ISflll.h �•i I�rtlhl��•��l��r�l':: ���Ihr�t�:.����Pnf y �u�y����I T�pn ��I Ilin�'�n���.,�Y tl�rn hrli��It'�Pni 1... ���r
<br /> � �ee�►tllt{�1SUthratnnveynnr«afnnyn�nlle�eo��n�lt'hi111�iw�nn.I�N�YP������dnllhpl�ulld�,lnn�tlhol�•n1 Ihp.p�nllt���WnnylWnll.ny.b,
<br /> � b�dQSCribed as"the person ar pwtons Irgtdly ent�tlyd�herF�o
<br /> � _ _
<br /> ' - -
<br />