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<br /> •x�ch4r�th�poww�af wla��r�d tlss w�,lntlucikq th�piym+�nt of ths Trust�'s hu�ciuc�iy Inc�r�d,nat to
<br /> �xcMd Hw(6)�af tha p�incJpa!pmoiu�t of tha nat�ac thm tlrt�of tM dact�ratlai�of d�buM��nd rr�+Aonabi�
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<br /> t�p�e�on t�r pw�a,zs N�a�ty.�titla�w a, -
<br /> 22,R�catv�nc�, Upo�t p�Ynwnt M aU wms aacured by th:e Socuriiy Inst�unwnt,Le+x�ar�ts::tl ro�uasi Tn:stea to =
<br /> roca�vay tha Pro{�etty And shaU aurtender thlt Securit�Inttru+'�'�er►i and aU notes evlde�cinq debi secured by ihis
<br /> 5ecu�ty Insirument to Tmstee.'fru�tae shedl rocawey the Property wkhout warra�ty and w�haut charpe to tha person
<br /> pr psraon�tepalty entftled to k.Such p�rsat or persor►s sitiaU y any recoctlat{ort Costs.
<br /> 23,gubatitut!YrulMe. Lender,at its optto+�,��ay ir�r��t��to ttma ra�ava Tntsise�snd ap�wlnt a succeasor
<br /> trusiao to any 7rustea aPl3dnted h&raundei by An Instnttn�i�ordad!n the county In whkh this Secu�ty Instrumsnt Is
<br /> record�d.W4hout cor�veyanca ot tha Proparty,the succes5or tntstes shelt succaecl to�il tttie tGla,pa.ver atsd dudes
<br /> c�nFerred upon Trusiae hareln and by appibab�e law.
<br /> �',�.n...��t 9r.i�aa�+,eirr,ti. Rr��{Lx'JO_f��l9�g l�wf c.(HSI�of t''1a P..7+i�:8S OZ f�BU.t 2♦11(�S'�l!B S9(1�t0�OdTOWef�S _
<br /> address wh�ch Is the PropEirty Address.
<br /> 25.Ridsn to thl�e Security instrumsn�Y. If one or mora riders ara executed by BaROwor and ra�eordeci together
<br /> wkh thls Sacurity Insirument,the covenants and agreements of each such�idor shall be Incarparated into and shaD
<br /> a�and suppidrnent the caa��nts and agreomanis of thls Securiry In�t�ument as�the rider(s)were a pan of thls
<br /> Sectuity Instrument. �+Chack ap}�1r,��e box(es?2
<br /> P.��;uiabie R.3te R�dat QCon�omintum Rkter t�-4 F:�inuy Rider
<br /> Ce�{�ratazQ P3k�Ri�fer. �!Plannad Unit Deveiopmont Rkis�� Biwoek�y Payment Rlder
<br /> �;;��,�r ❑Rate Improvoment Rkler Second Home Rider
<br /> Other(s) [spac"�iYl
<br /> BY SlGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and aQreas to the terms and coven�ants contalnad in th�s Seca�itY
<br /> Instrument and in any rides(s)executed hy Borrower and reccxded with a.
<br /> W�neszes:
<br /> ZZ �_�
<br /> T l MEAKlANO
<br /> ���
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<br /> 30HlG B YEAKLAtiO and JAl1ET L YE�iKLAttO
<br /> W�ness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island tn said Cotu�ty.the date aforeseid.
<br /> ' IutY c.ortx�r�ssiott expires: '
<br /> � �.
<br /> �6EIf'c�l1lCtLi�'[St�Y�i Ncbrula Norary b+�e
<br /> 11y C�w fiR J�h 3��1960
<br /> � NE6RASKMSI11�ilE F/1ilILY-fNMA/FHL�AC UlIIFORY IMSTRtJA�l��'�-•.:.,• FORM 302�Y/YO
<br /> 1S0/CDAATI�//0792/302E19-�0)•L PA a(�6 0�6
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