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<br /> If Lsnder exercises this optlon,Leixfer shaU givp Borrower notice of acceferatlon. Tho notico shall provido n poriod
<br /> of not less thar.30 days trom the data the notice is da1(verad or ma�Etl�vithin whtch Borroti��or must pay ull sums securec!
<br /> ` by thls Security Instr�ment. If Borrower taUs to pay these sums prlor to the expiratlon of this period,Lendet may invoke
<br /> any remetiiles permitted by thls Security Instrument without tuRher notica or demand o�Borrower.
<br /> 18.Borrowst's Rl�hl to Ralnstata. If Ba�rower meets cartaln conditlons,Borro�ve�shall have the rlght to have
<br /> enlorcement ot this SecurRy Instrument discontinued at any time�rlor to ihe eariter ot�(a)5 days(or such�ther period
<br /> � Asapplicablo taw may specity for reinstatement) befpra sale of the Property�ursuant to any power of sale containod In
<br /> this Secur�y Instrument:or(b)entry of a Jutlgment entorcing this Securtt��Instrument.Those conditions are that
<br />� i Borrower:(a)pays Lender all sums wt�lch then would be due under this Securfty Inst�ument And the Nate as if no
<br /> � acceleratton had u�:cui rei;, (b}�u�as any da ouli af any o:hsr ce��Qnants ur a�greements: (c)pays ail expenses fncurreti
<br /> in enforcing thls Security Instrun�ent,including,but not Ilmited to, reasonable attorneys'fees;and(d)takes such action
<br /> as Lender may reasa�ably require to assure that the Uen ot this Security Instrument,Lender's rights In the Praperty and
<br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon
<br /> refnstatement by Borrower,this Security Instrument arul the obllgatlons secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if
<br /> no acceleration had occu�red.However,thls�i�ht to�elnstate shaEl not ap�ty in the casc�of acxeteration unde�
<br /> paragraph 17.
<br /><- 19.S1de of Note;Change Of Loan Se�ti�:�t. Th�PIL^Lk�Q7 3�3!'C4i��nt4r�st irr N-�ti;,;��(t�y�c���'.�Nh tiZiS S�aeurity ;.
<br />�� lnstru^��nt)may be sdd o�e or more t'r��ti�'���.:t�rc�^a'.va tQ B���v.er.A s�`.e 2��.•::C�r�d���c�c-i n t+-��e+�tiry .��;
<br /> � (ke�o�-��.;t'�e"Lc�:n Servicer")t'�..t�:�c:�5�+,:+,:'�Y PaYrnaMS d�e urtae-�+e Kct�a�.:'i;:�:cr,;��I�r�b�u�u:n:. rn�re
<br /> alsa r.^�a�L�c�e e�mnre chan�,:s c't`��:;,�^:2�vicer unrelated to a s:,:�cF the�..a.'�tr���i�.:�-;;.r:ge of tFt Lo.zn
<br />`-� Se�'c� Ecrro�:e-�.��°'t+�g���n:���:'e�r�.i,ce of the change in accorcaRce vrit��,:�c;�ph 14 aL�ave and aF��csble law.
<br /> T+��-,a;cew�t s`�;��'ie name s�d address of the new Loan Servicer and the adcfress to which paym2nts should be
<br />..,� ma�ia. The noiice w�:;also contaln any other information required by applicable law.
<br /> 20.H��dous Substancna. Borrower shall not cause or perr�it the presence, use,disposal,storage, or release of
<br /> any Hazardous Substances an or in the Praperty.Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do, anything affectir�g
<br /> the Properry that is in vidation of any Environmental Law.The preceding twa sentences shall not appty to the presence, _
<br /> use,or siorage on the Property of small quantftles of Hazardaus Substances that are�enerally recopnized to be
<br /> appropriate to normal resldentlal use�and to mainienance of the Property. -
<br /> Bwr�we�shall prompUy give Lender written notice of any invdsiigation, cta�m,demanci,lawsuit or other actlon by �•
<br /> any povemmental or regulat�ry agency or prlvate party Invdvfng the P�operty and any HazaMous Substance or
<br /> Envlronmental Law�f which Borrower has actual knowledfle.If Barrower leams,ar Is notifled by any flovornmantal or -
<br /> regul�tory autharity,that any removal or other remediatlon of any Hazardous Substance aNecting the Property Is
<br /> u
<br />` necessary,Borrower shail promptly take all necessary remedial actfons(n accordance with Environmentai law. _
<br /> As used In thls paragraph 20,'Hazardous Substances"are thase subsiances defined as toxlc ar hazardous
<br />� . subs4ances by Environmenta!Law and the fdlowing substances:gasdine,kerosena, other flammaWe or toxb .:—
<br /> ; petrdeum products,toxic pesticides and herblcides,votatile sdvents,materials containing asbestos or formaideliyde,
<br /> and radloactive materials.As used in thls paragraph 20,'Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the �' °
<br /> ? jurisdiction where the PropeRy is located that relate to health,safety or environmenta!protecilon. �
<br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.BoROwer and Lender further covenant and agree as toilows: ``-
<br />: : d:;
<br /> 21.Acceleratlon;Remedles.Lender sh�ll give noUce to Borrower priar to�cceter�tlon tollowinp BaTOwer'� _�'
<br /> �d ti...�ti.,�,..,��nwm n.warnart�wnt tn thls Security InstrumeM(but not pNot to acceieration undlr pa►�911ph c -
<br /> - 17 un(e�appt°�abia law prav�ss etharsx:sa).The notice sl�a!!specify: (e)the detault;(b)the ectlon re�u'�r�d to �
<br /> � cure the default;(c)a date,not less thart 30 daya irom the date the notice la given to Barower,by which ths _.
<br /> debutt must be cured;and(d)th�t fai(ure to cure the defauft on or betore the date specified in the nottc�may
<br /> � resutt ln�cceleration of the sum�secureel by this Secwity Instrument and sate of the Pr�perty.The notice thail __-,
<br /> further inform BoROwer of the Nght to reinstats after acceteration snd the rigM to lxin�a court�ction to assert --
<br /> the non-axistence ot a det�uR or�ny other detense of BoROwer to aceefention and�ale.it the detauft t�not
<br /> = cured on or b�tore the date apecified in ttw notice,Lender at ita option m�y roqui�e immedEace payment tn tull of °
<br /> -- ali wms aecured t�y this Security Instrument wRhout t�Yther dema�d�nd may invoke the pawor of ssle and any
<br /> - other remedies permitted by appticable law.Lender stu�ll be eMitled to collect ali expenses iricuRed in pursuin� i,
<br /> _,_ the remedies provide0 In thls psrt�r�ph 21,inCtudin�,but not 8mited to,reaaonsoie attorn�ys'tees and c�sta o9 -=
<br /> t1W evidmce. -
<br /> y If the power of sale ts invoked,Trustee shatl record�notice of dstauft fn each county in which�ny part o! �-
<br /> - tha Prop�rty[s lacated and shsll mail co�ias of such notice tn ths mannar prescribed by ap�ikable lawto w'
<br />� Sorrower and to the ottwr�ons�escribed by applicabte law. Atter the tims required by appUcable law,
<br />:a Tn�tee�tiail�ive public na+¢Ece ot sate to the persons snd in the manner prescribad by applic�ble Isw. Trustee,
<br /> � without demand on Borrower�shall seil the Property at pubttc�uction to the hi�hest bidder at the time�nd ptace --
<br />:� and und�r the terms designated In the notice of sale in one or more pucels and in any onier Trust�e determines. :
<br /> � Trustee may postn��a�ala of at!or an,pucel ot tho Property by pubtic�nnour+cement at the time and ptacs of -
<br /> any Rreviously acheduled sate. Lendor or its desi9nee may purchase the Pcopeny at any sal�.
<br /> � Upon receipt of payment of the price bW,Trustee shall deliver 4o the purchaser Trusta�b deed conveying
<br /> � the Praperqy. The recitals In the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made
<br /> thereU�. Trustee shap�pply the procaeds ot the sate in the tollowing order: (�)to all Costs and expenses of
<br /> ,� ISC/CMDTNE//0792/3028(9�90)-L PAGESOF¢' �. . �--
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