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<br /> ; Ail insuranca pdklas aixi reriewals sfiall ba aecAptabie to Larxter anti shall Include e standarri m�nqa�e ctause.
<br /> Lender shail I�ave the rlqht to hdd the polkies and ranewa►s.It Lerxiar ra.�ulf�as,f3arrau•er shall p;amptly��va to L��nder
<br /> i aU receipts ot paid premiums and rerwwal nWlces.In the event at loss,6orrower shall�Ne prompt nottco to the
<br /> tnsurance catni�r atxl L�der.Lsnrler may make proof d toss M not made promptly by Borrowar.
<br /> f Unless Lender and Ba�rower othervvise aprea In wrii(nfl,insurance proceeds�h.�ll�e applled to restoratlo�or re,oai� -=
<br /> j ot the Pruparty damaged,r the�esioratlon or rcpair is oconomlcaliy feasibfe and Lander's security Is not lussened. IT the
<br /> resioratian or re�air is noi economkalty teaslbl0 or Lender's sec�ray wouid bc�lesscn�ci,tho insurunce prac�ds shall
<br /> ' be applled to the sums s�cured by this Security Instr;�ment,whether or noi then dua,with any excess paki to Bon'owe�.
<br /> � If Borroa�sr al�arxions the Propsrty,or does not answer w(thln 30 days a notice irom Lender that the insurance ca�rler
<br /> itia�u�a�au►o se«la a�:fal�,than Lan�ar may cala�t th�lnsu.►ance preceeds. Lender may use the p►�ca��to rNnalr -
<br /> or restore the Nroperty or to pay sums secured by thls Securiiy Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day perlod
<br /> will begin when the not�e is given.
<br /> Untess Lender and[3orrower oiherwise agree In wrfting,any appllcatlon of proceads to pr�nclpal shall nat extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymenis roferred to In paragraphs t and 2 or change the amount of the
<br /> payments. If under paragraph 21 the Propeny Is acquired by Lendar,Borrower's�lght to any Insurance policie9 and
<br /> proceeds resWtinn fmm damage to the Proporry priar to the acqulsitlan shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums
<br /> sacured by thls Securiry Instrumeni immediately prior to the acqulsttlon. te
<br /> 6.Occupancy,Pre�ervatlon�Malntenance�nd Protection of tha Propany;eorrower's Lwn Apptication; F
<br /> Leaseholds. Banower shall occupy,�staWish,and use the Property as Barower's princlpal�esidence withi�sbcfy days �
<br /> , after tha executlon of this Securiry Instrumeni and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borroa�er's pri�cipal �
<br /> residence tor at least one year after tha date of occupancy,untess Lender otherwise agree.s tn writing,whiciti�ons�:�t �
<br /> shall not be unreasonabiy withhe;�,or unless e�enuating circumstances exist which are beyond Brrrower's contc�.
<br /> Bor�ower shall not destroy,damage or impair i�e Proper.y,a:low the Property to deteviorate,w commit waste�e t�t�e
<br /> PiQ�k�rV.°u�iBL'v8P StSu���2 ii���uft f�anysa�€2it;;,2 a�u�7'Jr�3fOCE.^..'�ZTi{�,L�~22ti2�C���1i�i Cfi(ii�i«�i,i3 u�^^yi:7i a1w3i i77
<br /> L.ender's good faith judgmens cau1�resWt in torte�ture of the Property or othervvise ma2erial+y imoair the lien creaioti by ��
<br /> thls Secur+ty insirument ar Leixlar's se�uriry interest.BoROwer may cure suc3�a default anc�re�s2aie,as prav�der�in �
<br /> paragraph 18,by causin�ihe action or prpceeding to be dismissed w�h a n,:in$that,in Lender's good#a�h �`:
<br /> determinatian,predu�as forfeiture of the BoRCU��er's inierest in tt�Propefty or otF�er maierial impaim�ent of the iien �
<br />- created bythis Securt�1�tn�ment ar Lende�'s securfty irrterest.B�mower s1�a:�a�so be in defauit H Borrower,daringtha ��
<br />- ioan appk;atlon process,gati•e materlaliy false or inaccurate iMormatian a s:atements to Lender(or faUed to provide i:
<br /> Lender wfth any material information)in connectlon with the toan evidenced by the Note,i�cludfnfl,but not limited to, �
<br /> representatlons concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a pri�cipal residence.If this Securfty Insttument is F_
<br />_ � on a leasehold,Borrower shall compty with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee t�le to the Property. --
<br />= � the leasehold and the fee ti�e shall not mer�e uNess Lende�agreeq to the merfler in wr�in�. =-
<br /> ' 7.Protection of LsndK's Ri�hb In th�Property. If Borrower faus to peKorm the covenants and agreaments _
<br />- contalne�In this Secu�ity Instrument,or the�e Is a legal proceeding that may signfficantly aHect Len�er's Nghts ln the _ _
<br />- Property(such as e proceedin�in bank�uptcy,probate,tor condemnatlon or forfeiture or to enforce laws or
<br /> • re�ulatlons),then Lender may do and pay for whatever Is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's _
<br /> N�hts in tha Property.Lender's actlons may Indude paying any sums sacured by a Iien which has pdomy over thls =-
<br />-. Securiry Instrumer�t,appearin�in couK,payln�reasonabie attomeys'tees and entering on the Property to make
<br /> tepei►s.AAiihouph Lender may take acdon unde�thls para�raph 7,Lender does noi have to do so.
<br /> _ Any art�ounts dislw�sed by Lende�under this paragraph 7 st�a8 bacome add�tanaf debi of Barrowar se�ured by -
<br />- this Securiry Instrument.Unless Borrower and l.ender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear -
<br /> (nterest irom the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,wfth interest,upon not�e from Lender to
<br />— eorrawer requesiing payment. --
<br />-- 8.�Aat�a�s Instuance. If Lender required mortgage lnsurance as a condftion of making the loan secured by this
<br />= Security Insirument,8orrower sf�all pay the premtums required to maintain the mongage tnsurance In effect.If,far any _
<br />— reason,the moKgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the
<br />__ premtums requlred to obtaln coverage substantialiy equ�rate�t to the mortgage insurance previousty in effect,at a cost
<br /> Q1l�.'S�3�I2II�@GllI1/EI°!1t LO tI19 COSt*O RC►RON/�7f tIT91i10ltlr'3y°insun�ce pre:�lo�sly in Mfect,trom an alt2rnate �
<br /> mortgage insuret approved by Lender. if substantial(y equivatent mortgage Insurance aoverage is not available,
<br />= Borrower sha8 pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one-tv�+elRh of the year(y mortgage insurance premium being
<br />= paid by Borrower when the Insurance coverage tapsed or ceased to be in effect.Lender wUl accept,use and retain these
<br />— payments as a loss reserve In lieu of mortgage insurance.Loss reserve payrrier�ts may no longer be required,at the
<br /> = optbn of Lender,�mortgaQs insurance coverage(in tFu�amount and foc ti�e periods that Lender requi�es)provided by
<br />-� an insu�er approved by Lender again becomes avaflable and is obtained. Barrower shall pay the premlums required to -
<br />`� malntatn mortgage insurance fn effect,or to provide a loss reserve,untU the requirement for moriyape insurance ends --
<br /> = in accordance wRh any wriuen agreement between Bonowa�and Leoder or appiicabte law.
<br /> � 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entrles upon and lnspections of the Property. Lender `
<br /> sftiall yive BoROwor notice ai the time of or p�lor to an fnspection specHying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> � � �
<br /> � ISC/CMDTNE//0792/3028(9�90)•L PAGE 3 OF 6 • �
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