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<br /> � � L�ANN�• 153921187A
<br /> . ; 96 g(?� _
<br /> ,
<br />, � THIS SECURI'TY INSTRUMENl'cnmbines un��w���ca��nis tar natlana�use ancf nnn-unftorm covenants wit -
<br />. , Umfteti var{atlons by�urlsdlctlon to GonslRute a unHo►m securlty lnstrument coverir►q real propetiy.
<br /> i UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lende�covenant and agToo as idlows: � whan due =
<br /> t.P�ymsnt oT Prtncipal and Intoriat;Pr�payn�nt�nd Lato�hsrya�. BmQnt and lat�e char�es due under the
<br /> it;►e princlpal o!etnd Interest on the daW av�der�cac0 by the Note and any prepay =
<br /> , Note.
<br /> ' � F�������y���n�tu��sr,a. Subject to eippl�cablo lau►or to t�writton v�a(ver by Lender,Borrower s pay
<br /> I to Lende�on the day mantitilY PaYments are due under the Note,unili tha Nota ts paki t�full,a surn("Funds')for: (a)
<br /> � yaart�t3xes ansi assess�i'�ents wh�h may attaln p�lor�y ovet this Secur�y 13 s�t�men�t a��1 su nce pre�m ums:�(d)y��y
<br /> � lea�PaY�nts or�round rents an ine Fru�,�iy,t any;(4)yr.. S
<br />- ( yaa�fy flood Insurance prem�ums,�any; (e)yeariy mart9a9a Insuranco p�emiums,fi any;and(f1 any sums payabto hy
<br /> � 8orrower to Lendar,in accordance wfth the provtslons of paray�aph 8,in Ileu of tha paymont af mortga�e insurance
<br /> ipremiums.These Items are called'Escrow Items."Lendor may,at any timo,collect and hdd Funds In an amount not to
<br /> ! exceed the maximum amount a lender tor a federally retated moKgage loan may requlre tor Borrower's escrow account
<br /> ` under the federal Re�l Estate Settlament Procedures Act af 1934 as amendeci from time to time,12 U.S.C. §2601 et
<br /> soq ("RESPA"),uNess anathor law that appUes to the Funds sets a lesser amount.If so,Lentier may,at any tlme,cr�lect
<br />'•� and hdd Funds In an am�nSn a����t hs of exepecxli u es of fu ur Escrowmltemshor otherwise nuacco da ce wtth
<br /> ba,,is of curreni data and
<br />:'� applicable law.
<br /> � z The Funds shall be hetd In an tnstftutlon whose deposfts are insured by a tederal agency,Instrumentality.or entity
<br /> ' (inciuding Lender.if Lender is s�ach an Institution)o�In any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall applythe Fundsto
<br /> pay the Escraw Items.Lend the Esc ow It rms,ur�ress lender pa}5 eo ower i iterest on tdhe�Funds and Ppl�c�bie�u'
<br /> ' escrow acco�art,or vecifyin9
<br />�° r�}ss i�r t�make such a charge.However,Le�der may reQulre BoROwe�t��pay a a���in�ne charg��an
<br />:� �� independent real estate bac reporting servlce used a��e�x.ia�i�4a"�;���%µ°� •°N °••�.�n..,....r""..
<br /> =-.�t �rovldes otherwlse•Uruess an agreement►s made oP aRplicable law requiras interest to be�aid.fGen�er s�na:�a
<br /> .:-��Y1� �equlred to pay Borrower any interest�+r aMrnings on the Funds.6��wer and Len��rn3y agree in Kriting,t►�e�er.
<br /> ' `�' that Interest shaA be pafd on the F�tn��.L�der shall glve to BorrowaT.uich�ut G1�rye,an annuat accounik�g of the
<br /> � Funds,showtng credics a�d dEbrts t4 tha Funds and the pu�pose f�wh+�h each deb�Y to the Funtls was made•The
<br />�;�'.�•� for a►I sums secured bl•this Secu�lrastrumens.
<br /> : �. Funds are pledged as adc�uanal se.=uritY
<br /> - If the F�nds held by Le�der Pxcaa��1�e a^'�our�s perm�ted t�b�hetd by apptkable law•le�►der sha�l account to
<br /> �;ar:; g�rrov�et fa+rthe excess Funds in ac�ardas�ce v�ith t's�►ee�u:re�''^fs of app�Icable law.If the amowt of the Funds held
<br /> by Lender at any tlme Is not sufflcient to pay the Es�r�w Items wfien due,Lender may so notrfy Borrower in writing,
<br />' and,In such case Borcower shall pay to Lender the a�n�,���s sote dlscretlon�IclencY.Borrower shall make
<br />� up the deflclency ln no rtw�e than twelve monthly PaY �efu�d to Bonower any
<br /> - Upon payment In full of all sums secured by thls Security I�nstniment,Lend�.���Pr�?UY to the acqul�tlon
<br />- Funds held by Le�der.If.under P�an Fiu►ds held by Lendet at �the tme W acqulsitlorti sate ss e�ctedU apalnst th9
<br />� or sale of the P opeRy.shall applY Y
<br />�� sums secured by thls SecurKY Instrument.
<br /> =� 3.AppUcatlor�ot Paynf��. iJnless appllcable taw provld4s othervulse,all payments�eceived by Lsnde�under
<br /> = naraoraphs 1 and 2 shall be applled:flrst,t�anY PrePaYme�t charses due under the Note,secaxl,to amounts peyab�e
<br /> ' � .__.,....�.,..� �e .n.1 Isat tn wny lato Chi(COS dU6 Uf1d8�th8l�Ote.
<br /> � ur�der paraflraph 2:tht�.to trueresi due;iwuu�.w wN,...�,...�:...�_.....__. rtbutat�o to ths
<br /> s�� q,Ch�r�q;Uenf. Borrower shatl pay all taxes.assessments.cha�yes,flnes a�nts�ound rer�s,if any.
<br /> p��peKy wh{ch ma,y attain prbriry ove�this Securiry Instrument,and�ea5ehold PeY g ����
<br /> �� Borrower shall pay these obllgaUons In the manner provided In para9raph 2,o��f not pa{d tn that manner,
<br />�� pay them on tlrne dlrecUY to the pe�son owed Payment.Borrower shall prompUy fumish to Lender all nottces of
<br />=� amouMs to be paki under thls paragraph.lf Bortower makes these payments dtrectly�Borraw�r shati promptly fumish W
<br /> —'� Lender ret�tipts evidencing the paYmer►ts.
<br /> e p
<br /> .-.� Borrower shatl prompUy discharge any Ilen which has prbNty over this Secarity InsinimeM�ntess Bo��o���s�
<br />.,�:_;� agrees In wr�ttng to the payment of the obUgatlon secured by the Iten ln a manner acceptabte to L.ender,(
<br /> _ good fa�h the Ilen by,or defends against enfarcement of the Ilen in,l�al proc86t1i��9y Wh�Ct�It:the LBftder'S��
<br /> operate to prevent the er�o�cement of the lien;or(c)secures from the hdder of the Ilen an agreement satlsfact to
<br />= Lender subordinating the Uen to this Security f�stl��n��ere��g����e�a�not�ice e�Nyir�ig the lien�to
<br /> ,i� a Ilen whkh may attai�p�Ority over thEs Secu�y
<br /> � g�oyyer SF�aI!satisfy the Iten or take one or nwre of the acUons set forth above wdhtn 10 days of the gN�ng��.
<br /> � S.�ro a prapeRy�nsur�nce. Borrwver shall keep the improvements now exisii�g�r hereafter erected on the
<br /> �� PropeRy tnsured against loss by fire,hazards included withln the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards,
<br />,� lncluding floals or flooding,for whlch Lender�equires lnsurance.Thts insurance shall be malntalned In the amowts and
<br /> for the petlods that Lender requi�es• The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject
<br /> _� to Lende�'s approval which shal;not be unreasonably withheld. If BoROwer faAs to maintain coverage desc�ibed aba►e,
<br />::=;�i Lender may,at Lender's optlon,obtain coverage to protect Lende�'s�ights in the Propeny in accotdance wdh
<br />-:� ParaSraPh 7.
<br /> ��
<br />:.��� tSC/CMDTNE//0792/3028(9�90)-L PAGE 2 OF 6 _ - ---
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