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<br /> �,Co�d«nnaMon.Th�procesd�ol a�y�word or ctelm for dernopes,direct or comequenUel,in connectfon with any
<br /> condrmneQon oroth�r hkinp ol th�Prop��r,or portth�rlol,or lorconveyanco in Ilou of condomn�tion.ero hereby aa�pn�d �•...:.
<br /> and shdl b�psld to L�nda. _ .�r��'`,
<br /> . , ;-•--�
<br /> In the ownt o1�tobl t�Ninp o11h�Prop�rry.ths pracs�ds�h�u be�ppHsd to fhe�ums�scured by thi�DNd ot Trus�with f• � , _.�_ -�., �:�
<br /> � the exc„s,II�ny,pald to Borrower.l�the w�nt oi a pnrlial takinp ol the Propsrty,unleea 8orrowar and�endar otherwise ; �„�
<br /> apraelnwrlUnp.thsreth�llbs�ppBedtothewrn�sacursdbythltDeadotTrust�uchpropoNonolC�sproceedse�iasqudta �
<br /> I thatpropohlonwhlchtMamountolthe�umtsecuredbythisDeedofTruetlmmsdiatelyp►fortothed�teoltaklnpbearotothe -
<br /> fai�m�rkst v�lue ol tlt�propertY fmmedl�tNy prlor to Ihe date ol lekinp,wllh ihe belence of the proceeds paid to Borrower.
<br /> � � If the P�o p�r t y Is ab�ndonsd by BorrowH,or If,afbr notica by Lende►to Bonower that ths condemnor otts�s to make an =�+
<br /> � awe�d or senls a cl�im for dem�fls�,Borrow�►lals to rsapon d to Len der w i t h in 3 0 d e y s e f t e r t h e d a 1 e w e h n o d c e i s m a l l e c 1,
<br /> � Lend�r I�aup�orlisd to collact And apply th�praceods,ol Lendar'c opUon,otther to restoration or repalr of the PropeAy a to ._
<br /> ths sums ascured by this Ossd ol Trust '
<br /> Unlets I.�nder�nd 8orrower otherwiseapree in writi�g.eny a+ch uppl�atlon of prxeeda to principal ahell not extend or
<br /> poatpons th�du�dah of tha monthly Installmenb ref�rred to fn parepraphs/and 2 hereol or chan�e the amount ol such ,
<br /> installmenb, f
<br /> ; 10.RoROw�tNo111Mws�d•ExUnalonoltheQmeforpaymentormodlHcatlonofemoAfzetionoftheeumssecuredbythla
<br /> peed ol Trust�r�nted by Lendsr to any succeuo►{n intereat at Borrower shell not operate to releaae,in any manne►,ihe
<br /> Ilabiliry of ths oripinal Bo►rower and Borrower'a�uccetsors intere��4entler ahell not be�equfred to comme�ce proceedinys
<br /> apeimt such succeseor or refuse to extsnd Ume for peyroent or otherwise madiy emortfzadon of the sums aecured by this
<br /> Deed ol Truat by reafon ol eny demand mede by the oriylnel Barowe�and Bonower'a succesaors in interest. f
<br /> 11.Fwb�araac�by L�nd�r Not�Wafw►.Any forbearanceby Lender in exercfeiny eny right or remedy hereunder,or ; ••
<br /> otherrvlae aBorded by appliceble lew,ehall not be e waiver ol a preclude the exercise ot eny auch right or remedy.The
<br /> prxurementofinsuranceofthepaymentolfexesorotherliensachergeabyLendershellnotbeawaiverolLender'�ri�hito ; � • . r��i._
<br /> ' acceterate the matu►ity ot the Indebtedneaa eecured b thia Dead af Truat ''�`^"""
<br /> ' ��,p�nMd{�s Cumulaqv�All r�medfes prcvided in this Deed of Truat are disNnct and cumuladve to an other right or ' �''`'"'��
<br /> � ' .z„•�,�y,�t.•.._.
<br /> remedy under this Deed of Truat or�Horded by lew or equiry, and mey be exercised concur�ently, i ependanUy or •��;,— :
<br /> eucce�elveiy. ,t:`1.�•�;.�.
<br /> 13.Sucassors and Asd4ns 8ound;Jolnt and S�v�nl LIWIIiry: CaPNoos.7he aove�ents end eyreementa herein . �'::':'.
<br /> contalned ahell bind,end the ripht�hereu�der shall Inureto,therespective successors and asai�na of Lender and Borrower, ;;,`
<br /> aubject tA the provisions of parayraph 17 hereal.All covenants end epreements of 9orrower ahall be Joint and esveral.The • , ;.';.�,,,�••
<br /> captionsandheadinpaottheperaprephsolthisDeedofTruatereforconvenienceonlyandaranottobeusedtolnterpretor .' •;
<br /> define the provialona hereof. � ���
<br /> 1�. Notk�.Exceplforanynoticerequiredundera�pNCablelewtobegiveninanothermenner,(alanynoticeto6orrower ;,z;
<br /> provlded fa In ihls Deed of Trust ahall he given by meA ng such noticeby certified meil addresaed to Honower at the Properly �
<br /> Addrees or et such other address es 8wrower mey desipnate by nat�e to Lender as provided Mrein,end(b)any notice to ,°
<br /> lender�hall be given by ceRiffed mail,retum receipt requested,b Lender's addreas afated herel�or to euch Wher eddreas as ���-
<br /> Lender maydesipnete by notice to BaROweres provlded hereln.Any noticeprovided lur in Ihls Deed af frust shsll be deomed ;'�
<br /> to have been�iven to Borrower or Leoder when�Iven i�the manner de�lynated herein.
<br /> 15. Unfbnn ONd ot TruN;Qov�n�lny Law;S�vKaWW�►.The brm ot deed of trust combinea uniform covenents for •
<br /> natfonel uae a�d non-uniform covenanta with Nmited varietione by�urisdictian to conatitute a uniform securi1y instrument � :
<br /> coverfnp real properry.Thls Deed ol Trost ahall be qovemed by the lew ol the Jurladlction In which the Property fa located.In ;�
<br /> `* lhe eveni ihet any proaainii ar Gause oi thls Dasd ot Tru�t or the t+lote con!liCts wlth appl4r�hiq Inw,++uch con(Uct ehall not � __
<br /> aNectotherprovlsionsoithisDeedofTruslortheNotewhlchcenbeglveneNectwfthouttheconil�tinyprovisiont,endtothis ,,.. •• �
<br /> � � end the proviaions ot the Deed of Trusl and the Note are declared to be severable. '� . ''
<br /> , � 18. Bonow�r's Copr.Borrower shall be furnlahed a coniormed copy of the Note and ot thia Deed of Trust at the time ol
<br /> execution a efter recordetion hereof. ,�:"'f�� ��
<br /> 17.TraaH�r of th�P�op�rry;Auu�nptlon.If all or any parl ol the property or an interest therein ia aold o�iranslerred by
<br /> ofT ust(b►t e�creatfodn of a purchase money se�curiry interest foh houaethotd aep plefences,(c)t ensfesby devlae descent w by
<br /> operatlon af law upon the death ota�ointtenent a(d)the grent o}any teasehold interest of three yearo or leas not cantalning an �
<br /> option to purchase,Lender may,at Lender's option,declare e111he sums aecured by this Oeed ot Trust b be immediately due
<br /> end peyable.lender ahell have waived such option to accelerate i(,p►ior to the sele or transfer,Lender and the person to ,
<br /> whom ihe Property ia to be sold or trensferred reach agreement in writfng that the credit af 8uch person is selisfactory to
<br /> ' Lender a�d thatthe intereat payable on thesurns secured by thieDaed ot Trust ahall be at such rete as Lender shall�eques�If
<br /> • Lender has waived the option to eccelerate provided in this paragraph 17,and il Borrower's successor in mterest has
<br /> exeouted a wriften asaumptfon egreement eCCepted m writfng by Lender.Lender shall release 8o►�ower irom all obliyatfons
<br /> under this Oeed of Trust end the Note. •
<br /> If Lender exercisea euch option to eccelerate,Lender shall mafl Borrower notice of acceleralfon in accordence with �
<br /> � parayraph 14 hereof.Such notice ahall provfde e perlod d not leas then 30dayslrom the datethe noticels mailed within whfch
<br /> � Borrower may pay the suma declared due.If 6or�ower fails to pey such sums prior to the expiratbn ol such period,Lender •
<br /> may,without further notice or demond on 8o�rower,Invoke any remedies permitted by peragraph 18 hereol.
<br /> • � NON-UNIFORNI COVENANTS.Borrowe and L�nd�r iw1hK cov�n�nl and aprN��lallow�: •
<br /> 1�. AeeNK�qon;R�m�dl�s.Ezcept as provided in paragraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of any covenant ar ;
<br /> , � egreement of Borrower in this Deed otTrusl,Including the covenants to pay when due Rny sums aecured by thls Deed of Trust.
<br /> Lender prior to accelBratlon shall meil notfce to 8orrower as provided in paragraph 14 hereof speclfYlnp:(1)the breach:(2)the
<br /> ��. action requlred to cure such breach•(3)a date,not less than 30dayslrom the date the notice ia meiiedto Borrower,by whfah
<br /> � such breach mu9t be cured:and(4►thet fallure to cure such breech on or before the date apeclfied in the notice may result in
<br /> ecCeleratlon of the sums eecured by thls Deed otTrustand sale olthe Property.The notice shaN further Inform 6orrower otthe
<br /> right to relnstate atter acceleretlon e�d the right to brfng a couA action to assert the non•existence ol a delault or any other
<br /> defense of Bor►ower to acceleration end sale.Hthe breach Is notcured on or before the date specftfed In the notice,lender at
<br /> Lender's optlon may declare ell of the aums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immedletely due end peyeble wlthout fuAher
<br /> demend and may invoke the power of sele a�d any othe►remedles permltled by applicable lew.Lender shall be entitled to
<br /> collect all reasonable costs and expenses Incurred in pursuinylhe remediea provfded in the parapraph 18,Includiny,but not
<br /> limited to,reasonable ariorney's fees.
<br /> II Ihe power of sele is Invoked,Trustee shall record a notice of delault fn each county in which the Property or some part
<br /> �' ' thereotislocatedandshallmaticopiesofsuchnotfce�nlhemanne�aescnbedbyapplfcablelawtoBorrowerandtotheother
<br /> � � peraons prescrfbed by applicable law.Afler the lapse of such Ume es may be required by appl icable law.Trustee shall give
<br /> pubtic notke ot sale to the persons and in the manner presc�ibed by appi�cable law.Trustee,wlthout demand on Borrower.
<br /> I shallselllhePropertyafpublicauctfontothehighestbfdderatthetimeandplateandunderthetermsdesignetedinthenotfce
<br /> ot sale In one or more parcels and in such order as Trustee may determme Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of
<br /> � �' the Praperty by publle announcement at the t�me and place ol any prev�ou�ly scheduled sele Lender or Lender's des�gnee
<br /> � may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> � Uponreceiptotpeymentolthepricebid.TrusteeshalldelivprtothepurchaserTrustee'sdeedconveying thePropertysold
<br /> The recitals fn the Trustee's deed shall be pnmalacie evidenceolthetnilh of the statements mede Iherein.Trustee shall apply
<br /> � theproceedsottheseleinthefollow�nyorder:la)toallreasonaDiecostsandexpensesolthesale.lncluding,butnotlimitedto.
<br /> � T.��a�aw'clxasofnotmorethen 96nflhegrosssaleprice,reasonableattorney'sleesendcostsoftdleevidence:
<br /> (b)to all sums seCUred by thls Deed ol Trust; and(c)the exCess,�t any,to Ine person or persona iegaiiy e�iiiied inereio
<br /> 19. Borrow�r's Rlphl to RNnflat�.Notwithatandmg Lender's aceeleration ol the sums secured by th�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> Borrower ahell have the right to heve any proceed�ngs begun bylender to enforce the Deed of Trust discontinued at eny time
<br /> priorto t�e earller to occur of(I)Ihe IiNh day befare the sale ol the Property pursuant to the power of salecontafned i�the Deed
<br /> ot Trust(iQ entry of a judpment enlorcing this Deed of Trust i1�lal Borrower pay3 Lender all sums which would be then due
<br /> under this Deed of Trusl the Nole and�otes secunng Future Advancea,�t any,had no acceleration occured:lb)Borrower
<br /> cures a�l breaches ot any other covenants or agreements of 8orrower contained�n this Oeed of Truat(c)Borrower pays all
<br /> reasonable expenses incurred by Lender and Trustee enlorcingthe covenants and agreements of Borrower contained in th�s
<br /> i' Oeed of Truat and fn enforcina Lender'a and Trustee's remedieaes prov�ded m paragraph 16 hereol,mcluding,but not I�m�ted
<br /> t to,reasonable attorney'stees:end(d)Borrower take�such acUOn as Lender may rQasonably require to assure thpt the I�en of
<br /> � this Oeed of Truat,Lender's interest in fhe Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Oeed ol Trust
<br /> � I shall continue unimpaired.Upon such payment and cure by Borrower,th�s Deed ol Trust and Ihe obligations secured hereby
<br /> �! shall remaln in lull fa►ce a�d etlact as ff no acceteret�on had accurred
<br /> Y
<br /> t •
<br /> �.
<br /> 6
<br />