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FundNaTaxM�nd I�aurana�.Subfectto applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender,8orrower�hell pay to Lender E <br /> '; on tha d�y monthly Inst�llmenbolprinclpeil�nd Inbrost are payebla under ths Note,untN the Note Is paid In lull,a sum(herein � <br /> i � "Fund�")equd to om-twstflh o1 Ihs yeA�ly uxes and asssssmenta which mey attein priorlty�vor thl�Deed of Truet,and <br /> pround rents on the Property,it eny,plue one-twelfth ot yearly premium Instellrnents lor hazard Insurence,plua one-tweltlh of <br /> yearly premlum fnsqdlmenb for moK��ae inwrance,il any,all a�reaaonebly a�t�meled m�tielly end Irom Ume to lime by <br /> 4� Lander on the b��fs ol asfe�sm�nts end bflls�nd reasoneble esrimetes thKeot. � <br /> The Funds ehell behsld In an inatitupon tha d�posiUs or eccounta ol whfch are insured or gueranteed,by a Federal or stete <br /> t, ayency(i�cludinp Lender II Lender if such an imtitution).Lender aNall apply the funds topa y eaid laxes,aaaesamenla, <br /> t. insuranca premfums end pround renta.Lender meynot chargelor ao holdinq and epplying the Funde,anelyzina seid account <br /> � or verllyinpand complling sa�d aseessmentaand bills unless Lender paya 8orrower Interest on the Funds and applicable lew " <br /> z� pe rmita Lendarto meke auch a che►ge.Borrawer and Lender mey aqreein writing etthe Ifine ol executfon o1 thla Deed ol Truat <br /> � I thet interest on the Funda ahall be pald to Borrower,and unleas auch ag�eement fa mede or appIicelbe law requires such <br /> interest to bepa Id,Lendar ahelt nui oe requlred to pey 8orrower any interest or earnings on the Funds.Lender ahall give to <br /> �� Borrower,without cherge,an ennual eccounpng ot the Funda ahowin0 credits and debita to the Funds and the purpose for , <br /> which each dabitto the Funds we�made.The Funda are pledyed as additional securiry for the suma secured by thia Deed ol <br /> �' Trusk <br /> !: If ihe amount ol the funds held by Lender,together with the luture monthly Installments ol Funda payable pnor to the due <br /> detea ol texes,asaesemenb. inaurance premfums and grou�d rents,shall exceed the amount required to pay said te�es. <br /> � assesaments,insurence premiums and ground renta as they fall due,such excess ahell be,at Borrower's opNon,eflher <br /> promptly repald to Borrower w credited[o Borrowe�on monihly instellmente of funde.ll the amount ol the Funds held b� <br /> �, lender shell not be sufNcfentto pay texes,assessments,Insurance premiuma end ground renta ea they fall due.Bonower shall <br /> � pay to Lende�any amount necesaery to make up the deficiency within�0 deys irom the iate noti�p is me�iad by Lender to <br /> � Borrower requeatinp payment thereof. ' . <br /> Upon peyment in tull of ell suma secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shell promptly refund to 8orrower any Funds heltl 4y <br /> Lender.If under paregreph 18 hereof the Propert�r fa soltl or the Properhr isotherwfse acquired by Lender,Lender shall apply. <br /> no later than immedletely prbr to the sele ol the Propertyor ita ecqulsit�on by Lender,and Funda held by Lender at the tfine ot <br /> appHcet�on es a credlt a�ainst the suma secured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> 3. Apptic�tloe o1 P��tm�nq.Unleas applicable lawprovfdes olherwise,all payments recefved by Lender under the Note <br /> end paragraphs 1 and 2 hereol shell be applfed by Lender first in payment of emounts peyable to Lender by Borrower under <br /> eny Future Advan f ea.�n to Intereot peyeble on the Note,then to the principel of the Note,and Ihen to�nterest and principal on , <br /> �. Ch�r�M;Li�nf.Borrowersshallpay alttaxes,assosssmontaandotherchergea,flneSSmdimpoAitfonsatlrilH�fablet0lhe � <br /> � Properry whiah mey ettein a prforlty over thls Deed of Truat,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any,in the manner j <br /> p►ovided under parag�aph 2 hereof ar,if not peid in such manner,by 9orrower meking payment,when due,directly to the <br /> payee thereof.Borrower shell promptly turnlah to Lender ell notices of amounts due under thia peragraph,end in the event <br /> � Bonower ahell meke payment directly, 8orrower shell promptly furnish to Lender recelpte evldencing such payments. <br /> 9onower el+all promptly diecherge any Ifen which has priority over thie Oeed of Trusk provlded,that Borrower shall not be <br /> � Ilen fn edmen e a cepteble to Lender�or shellein good teith contest suwch If�en by oPdelendienforcem�enttol such lien fny leqal <br /> � proceedings which operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien or lorfe�lure of the Property or any part Ihereol <br /> S. Nu�rd Infuranc�.8orrower shall keep the fmprovements now existing or hereafler erected on the Property�nsured <br /> egeinst loas by fire,hazarde i�cluded wfthin the term'extended coverage",and such other hezards as Lender may reqwre <br /> �� and in auch amounta and lor auch perloda as Lender may require;provlded,that Lender shell not require that the amount ol <br /> � such coverage exceed that amount ol coverage required to pey the auma secured by this peed of Trust. <br /> � Thfa ineurance carrfer providing the insurence shall be chosen by Borrower sub�ect to approval by Lender:provided,ihat <br /> such approval ahell not be unreasonebly withheld.All premiums on�nau�ance policiea shall be peid in the manner provided <br /> � under pereqraph 2 hereof or,II not peld in auch menner,by Borrower making payment,when due,d�rectly to the insurance <br /> carrfer. <br /> All Inaurance pol�fea and renewels thereof shall be In fo�m accepteble to Lender and shell include a standard moAgage <br /> clauae fn levor o1 end in form acceptable to Lender.l.ender shatl have Ihe r�ght to hold Ihe policles and renewals thereof,and <br /> BorrowershallpromptlylurniahtoLenderallrenewalnoticesendallrecefptsofpaidpremiums.Intheeventofloss.Borrower <br /> shell give prompt noUce to the inaurance carner and Lender.Lender mey meke prool ol bss ff not mede promptly by Borrower. <br /> � UnlessLenderandBorrowerotherwfseagreelnwrfting,insurance proceedsshellbeappliedtorestorationorrepafrolthe <br /> Property demeged,provlded auch reatoration or repair is economically feasible and the securihr of thia Deed of Truat is not <br /> � thereby impalred.II auch reatoration or repelr is not economfcelly feasible or if the securiry of t7ds Deed ol Trust would be <br /> Impalred,lhe Insurence proceeds shell be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,wilh the excess,If any,pafd to <br /> Borrower.lf the PropeAy i8 abandoned by Borrower,or fl Borrower lails to respond to Lender wlthin 30 deys Irom the date <br /> notice Is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the msurence cerrier oHe�s to setlle a cleim for inaurance beneNts,Lender�s <br /> authorized to colleCt endap ply the fneurance proceeds et Lender's optlon either to restoraGOn ot repe�r q1 the Prqperty or to <br /> � the sums secured by th+s Deed of Truat. <br /> � Unleas Lender end 8o�rowerotherwiseagree in wndng,any such applicalion ot proceeds to pnncipal shell n�t extend or <br /> postpone the due date ot the monthly i�stellments referred to�n paragraphs t and 2 hereoi or change the amount ol such <br /> instellments.If under paregreph 16 hereof the P�operty Is acqwred by Lender,all ngtil Iltle and�nterest ot Borrower in and to <br /> i any Insurence pollcies end In and to Ihe proceedsthereot resulting from damage to the Property pnor to the sale or acqufsdion <br /> ; i ahall pess to Lender to the extent ot the aums secured by this Deed of Trust irnmed�ately pnor to such sale or acquisllion. <br /> �, 8. Pns�rv�Non�nd MNnt�n�nc�01 Prop�My;Lea��hold�;Condominlums;Plann�d Unll DevNopm�nls.Borrower sheli <br /> keep the Property in good repair and shall not commit waste or permit impeirmenl 01 deterioratlon ol the Property and shall <br /> � comply wfth the provlaiona o1 any lease if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold.II thfs Deed ol Trust is on e unit in a condammium <br /> + � or a planned u�it development,Borrower ahall pe�form all of Borrower's obligat�ons under the declaratian or covenents <br /> creatlng or governing the condominium or planned un�t development,the by-laws and regulations of the condominium or <br /> planned unit development,and ConstltueM documents H a condom�mum or planned umt development nder�s excuted by <br /> e3onower and recorded together wifh this Deed of Trust,the covenants and agreements of such rider shall be�ncarporated <br /> into and shall emend and supplement the Covenants and agreements of Ihis Deed ot Trust ns�f the nder were a paA hereof <br /> 7. Prot�ctbn ot L�nd�r's S�curlryt.H Borrower lails to peAorm the covenants and agreements contained�n this Deed ol <br /> Trust,or il any actfon or proceeding is commenced w�th matenally aHects Lender's�nterest in the Property.including but not <br /> limded to,eminent domafn,insolvency.Code enlorCement,or errangements or proCeedings�nvolvmg a bankrupt or decedent. <br /> � then Lender at Lender's option,upon notice to Borrower,may make such appearances,d�sburse such sums antl take such <br /> aclfonasfsnecessarytoproteclLende�'sinterest,includmg.butnothmitedto,disbursementolreasonableattorney'sleesand <br /> ` entry uponthePropertytomakerepairs.IfLenderrequiredmertgageinsuranceaseconditionotmakingtheloansecuredby <br /> the Deed o1 Trust,Borrower shall pey the premwms requ�rod to ma�nta�n such msurance�n eNect undl such time as the <br /> requlrementlorsuchinsurancetermfnatesinaccordancew�thBorrower'snndLender'swnttenagreementorapplicalbeiaw. <br /> � Borrower shell pay Ihe amount ot all mortgage�nsurance permwms in the manner prov�ded under peragraph 2 hereol <br /> Any amounta disbursed by Lender pursuant to this aragraph 7. w�th �nterest thereon, shall become add�t�onal <br /> indebtednesa ol Borrower secured by th�s Deed ol Trust.Un�ess Borrower�nd Lender ag ree to other terms ot paymenL such <br /> ..._.....�....a,..•.,o......�..n..nn��onlmn na�maM hArwOl and shall benr mterest Irom the <br /> �j � amounis si�aii im{ieru`v�v i:�ri,���:,:�:..,�...�.�........... ........._.._..-�---- --r <br /> � dateotdlsbursementattheratepayablefromtimetot�meonoutstandmg principalundertheNoteu�lesspeymeMol�nterest <br /> t at such rate would be contrary to appl�cable law. in wh�ch evenl such amounts shall bear mterest at the highest rate <br /> permiss�ble under applicable law Nothing contained�n Ih�s pnragraph 7 shau requ�re lender to�ncur any expense o�takeany <br /> �► actfon hereunder. <br /> 8. In�pletk�t.Lender mey make or ceuse to be made rensonnb��entr�es upon and inspect�ons ol the PropeHy.U�ov�ded <br /> ihet lBnder Shell grye Borrower notice pnor to any such�n�;pect�nn°.pe�cdyinq rgASU��abl�COUSE'IhPtP���rP rel.�ted to Lende��s <br /> mterest m the Property. <br /> � � <br /> c � <br /> � <br />