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<br /> executcd[ar thr�+r}x+tir c�f creAting,s�:uring�u gu�rant}•ing th�S�cu►��d U�bt.A ��xxl faith tklirf hy I�nckr that
<br /> I.cn�kr at uny lUnc�i lnsecwa with rs�ct t:�an}•�rxu�ac cntity ohligatcd 4�n thr k�currd[kbt o�Itwt thc ptn�cct
<br /> �,f Anp pa}•mcnt or the���lue�f lhe*Prc�x rtY i-v in�xirrd stuil ulw caulitutc su�c��cnt�d d�faull.
<br /> YS. KEr1EUlES ON U�FAULT.In scunc instanccs,fe�krul und statc tt►w wil!rtyuir� I.cnct.r!u pPUti�k Gr�ntar with
<br /> noti:,.,c�'th,. right tc�curc or culu�s iu�!icss snd may cstabGsh tirnc schc�ukc f�►r fur�rk�ure actiuns.Satycct tu thcsr
<br /> liniitations,ii any, i.cnuer may acccicratc thc S�cured 13c61 anJ CuicrN►,w Il�i� �cu►ity I�ut�uji��nc in a r,wnn�;r -
<br /> pro�•id�:d by!aw if t;rontor is in drCaul�.
<br /> Al the o(►iiot�oi l.ender,all c�r any part ot thr aFrred fees und chacFes. ;►ccrue�intcre�i arul pri�uipal�haU tkc�nu
<br /> immediatcly due aiui��ayabte.afcer gi�•ing ncuia:c if rcqu;rcd by law•,u�x�»:hr uecurr�nce��f a 3cfauLi or aiiytiak
<br /> thereafccr. In additic�n,l.encle:r shall tx��ntitt�d tu�U th: rcmcciics pnnided by law,thr tcrms af ttu Sccurcd Ikbt.
<br /> this Security Instcument and any rclatcJ�iocununts,inclwiing wiehout limitatiw�,thr Ex►w�cr ta sep the Property.
<br /> Ii thete is a default,Tnutee shull.in additia�to any alhcr permittcd remcJy,at thc mquest af thc Ltndcr,ad�•crtisc
<br /> and scU thc Property as a whok ar in scparatc parccls at public aucti�n ta thc higl�est biddcr far ca.sh�nd wm�cy
<br /> absotuts tide free und clear ot all rigM,titla: and interest oi Grantur at such tinu and plac�us Trustcc dc�ignatcs.
<br /> Trusiee shall gi�•e notice of sate including the time,temu urxl place of sale aad a dcscriptiati of thc property to be sold
<br /> as rcquired tsy the applicabl�!aw in effect at thc time of the proposed s�le.
<br /> tlpon salc oi the Esroperty and to thc cxtent not prohibited by law,Trusiec shall make and deli�•er a deed to the Property
<br /> st�ld which oomeys absolute dtle to the purchaser,and after first paying aU fecs,charFcs and ccuts,shall pay to Lender all
<br /> moneys advanced Wr repairs.taxes,insurance,liens,�ssescments and pnor encumbranoes and interest thereon,and thr.
<br /> principal and interest oa the Secured Debt,paying the swpl�u,if any,to Gtanior.Letuler niay pwchase the Pcnperty.
<br /> The reutais in any deed of oonveyanoe shaU be prima facie evidence of 11�e facts set forth therein.
<br /> AU remedies aze distinct,cumulative and not exclusive,and the Ltnder is entitled to all remedies providcd at law or
<br /> equiey,whether or not expressly set forth.The aoceptance by Lcndcr of any sum in payrnent or partial payment on the
<br /> Securec!Debt after the t+alance►c dt�e:►r ie aecelerated or after foreeloeure prooe�:ciings aze filed shall not constitute a
<br /> waiver of Lender's right to require oumplete cure of any existing default.By not exercising any remedy on Gr+ntor s
<br /> default.Lender does not waive Le�der's right to later consider the cvcnt a default if it mntinues ar happens again.
<br /> prohibit�d by law.Grantor agrees to pay all of Lendcr s expenses if Grantor breaGhes any cov�nant in this Secwity
<br /> I�trument.Grantor wip alco pay on demand aoy amount incurred by Lender for insuring.inspecting,preseiving or
<br /> otheiw�ce protecting the Propeny and Ixnder's security interest.These expenses wiU bear interest from the date of
<br /> the payment nnW paid in full at the lughest interest rate in effect as provided in the terms oi the Secured Debt.
<br /> Graator agrees to pa,y all costs and expeiues incurred by L.ender in collecting,enforcing or protecting Lender's rights
<br /> and remedies under this Security IastrumenL'Ihis amount may include.bu2 is not Gmited to,attomeys'fees,court
<br /> a,sts,and other legal expe►ues.This Security lnstrument shall remain in effect until relc:ascd Grantor agrees to pay
<br /> �iir any reoordation casts of sttrh release.
<br /> 17. ENVIitO1�iMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES.As used in this section.(1)Environmental Law
<br /> mest►c,wittx�ut limitatian,the Comprehensive Environmental Rc�po�ace.Compensation and Liability Aet(CERCLA,
<br /> 42 U.S.C.96f31 et seq.).and all other federal,state and local laws. reguladoas,ordinances,court orders.attorney
<br /> beneral opinioas or interpretive lettets conceming the public healtb,safety.wclfare,environment or a ltazudous
<br /> . . substanCe:SIId(2)H87.atQOl[S St��2�J1C8 Rieans any tO7tiC,rdaioaciive ur nazaniuus�uuic�ia➢.wa;ic.E,i�aouw's as:- - --
<br /> cont�uia�nt which has characteristics which render the substance dangerous or poteatially dangeraus tra tl�e public
<br /> t�ealth,safety,welfare or enviroament'Ihe term includes.withaul liatitation,any su6stances defined as'hasudaLs
<br /> material.""toxic substances,""hazardous waste"or"ha�ardous substaace"uader any Enviroamental I.aw.
<br /> Grantor represents,warraais and agrees tha�
<br /> A Facapt as previousIy riisclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender,ao H�ardous Substance is or will be
<br /> located.stored or reteased on or in the Property.This restriction daes not apply to small qwzatities of
<br /> Hazardous Subst�nces tl�at are generalty recognized to be appropriate fw tbe aormal use and maiatenaace of
<br /> the Ptoperty.
<br /> ii. F.:acnc s�orevinuxtv disdosed�►d xknowfedeed in writiia¢W Lender.Graator�ad evesv teaaot bave beea.�re,
<br /> and sliall remaia ia full oompli�nce with anY a�r�ii,cable£nviranmental Law. . -
<br /> G Grantor shali immediatety notify Lender if a rc�se or threateaed release of a Haxardous Substance oocurs�n.
<br /> under or about the Property or there is a violation of any Environmental Law tflncerning the Property.Iu such
<br /> an even�Grantor shall take all neoessary reraedial action m accordance with any Environmental L.aw.
<br /> D. Grantor shall immediately notify I.ender in writing as suon as Grantot has reasott to believe there is any
<br /> persding or threatened invest'rgadon,claim,or proceeding relating.to tl�:release or threatened rei�c:oE any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substance or the violadon of any Environmental L.aw.
<br /> 18. CONUEMNATION.Grantor will give Lender prompt notice o!any pending or threatened action.by grivaYe or
<br /> pubtic entities to purchace or take any or all of the Property tiuough condemnation,eminent clomain,�r any other
<br /> meaiu. Grrntor authorizes Leader to intervene in Grantor's n.3a�e in any of the above described actioa5 or claims.
<br /> Grantor assigtu to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a oondemnation or other
<br /> �alring oi aU or any part of the Property.Such proceeds s,t�all be coasidered paymeats and will he applied as ixovided in
<br /> this Securiry Instrument This:�ssign�ent of proceeds u subject to the tetms of any prior mortgage,deed of truti,
<br /> sec�uity agreement or otber lien document
<br /> 19 INSIJRANCE.Grantcr shall keep�Pra�erty insured against Ioss by fire,flood. theft and other hazardc and risks
<br /> reasonably as.sociated witb the Properg due to iu type ar.d loratioa'Il�is insurance si►aii be nzainia;�-yed ia ihe am�a�sis
<br /> wd for the periodc that Lender requires.The incur�nce carriez providing the insurance shall be chosea by Grantor
<br /> subject to Lender's approval,which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Grantor fails to maintain tF.r�coverage
<br /> desenbed above,Lender may.at Lender s optian.obtain coverage to protect Leader's rights in the Property according
<br /> to the terms of this Security iaurumen�
<br /> Alt�nwranoe policies and renewal�shall be acceptable to Lender znd shall inctude a standard"mortgage dause"and,
<br /> where applicable."loss payee clause:'Grantor shall immediately notify Lender of cancellation or terminarion of the
<br /> insurance.Lender sl�ll have the right to hold the policies and renewals.If Irnder requires,Grantor shall immediately
<br /> give to Lender all receipts of paid premiuins and renewal notices.Upon Ioss,Grantor shall gi�•e immediate notice to
<br /> the iastuaace rarrier wd Leader.Lender may mafce proof of bss if not made imnediately by Grantor,
<br />_ , ,� (p�pe3d�)
<br /> �� �. ..
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