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<br /> B. AU(ulw�+ul��+�ct:s f�au L.cjul:�lu C;���»i:u u:uitur[u1w����+G�;atuuis ui(irantar lu E,cndcr uncicr any pnxni�,x�ry �-
<br /> ru►tc,contract,guarunly.w'uthcr c�iJ.��tt�►f�kbt cxccutcd hy t�rantur in i'a���u af Lrnikr caccutcd a(►er this =
<br /> Sccuriry Insirunkn�w�luttkr or nut this�Sccwit}� instcumcnl u��xcifiwfly r�F�r�nc�d. IP morc than�uu:�+rn+m _
<br /> ►l���a 4his:i�curity I�sirwixnt.cach Grantor�grees that fhix Sccurity I�u�rununt w ill s�curc all futur�r�uiti•aixc�aiul =
<br /> futurr��t+iigati��u tt�a� ��a gi��a�to a irkurrtd hy;�ny cuu:o: mE�xc Grantor,ur�ny�ute �u more Grantnr nix! _
<br /> u�hr�a.AU futurr Aticana:s�r►d oth�.r fu�urc uhliRauar►sare sccur�d t+y Ihis Sccurity L���i�wiunt���n thuugh all�,c
<br /> �►art may nat}��t b.wl��nced.All futurc ad�•anccc Atld ottur futurc��t+liFationc an sccurr�l uc if tjiAilc��th�dat� -
<br /> oF thic Seeurily I�utrwneni.N�uhing in this Sr�eurity Instrument shall ccu�stitutc a aurmitnunt tc�make add�tional
<br /> ��r futur�t�ians or advancc-�in any�mcwnt.Any sueh casunilnkrii�uuat lk:►gr«S to in a s.:�arat�wr�tin�. _
<br /> C. Ali c�t+ligations Grantoe owes ta L.codcr,whicfi m�y latcr arise,ta thr extent n�u prohihited by law,iruluding,but
<br /> ncit limited to,liat�iGties fur uverdratis relatin�ta any dc{�►�sit acs:ount agreemrnt Mtw�een Grantor and Lcnder.
<br /> D. All a�iditiaoaf sums advanoed and expenscs incucrcd by L.rndcr far iaeuring,preserving or c�thcrwisc prcucMing
<br /> the Property and its value aud any other suius udvsuued and expeiues incurced by Lendcr under the temu o:
<br /> thi�Security[nstn►ment.
<br /> 'R�is Sccurity Inxtrumcnt wiq not secw�e cny athE:r d�:bt it Lcndcr failc to givc any nquired nc�tiaa of the right of rescissioa.
<br /> S. PAYMEM`S.Grantor agmes that all payments under the Secured Oc:bz w•ill be paid when due and in s000rdauce
<br /> with the temu of the Secured Debt s�ad this Security Instrunxut.
<br /> 6. WARRAlV7Y OF'�TT1E Grantor warrants tl►�t Grantor ic ar w•il)be IawfulIy seized�f the esiate coaveyed by this -
<br /> Security lasuument and has the right to irre�•ocably grant,com•cy. and scll the Froperty to Trustee,in trust.with
<br /> power of sale.Grantar also warrants that the Property�s unencumbered.except for eo�u�nbrances of reoord.
<br /> 7. PRIOR SECllR17Y INTERESTS.With scgard te�any other matgage.deed of tnist,security agrcemcnt or other tieu
<br /> docua�eat ttwt created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property,Grantor a�rees:
<br /> A. To make;zll p�yments whcn due and to perform or comply wiih sU oo�•enants.
<br /> B. To pranptly deliver to Lender aay notioes that Grantoc reoeives from the holder.
<br /> C. Not to allow any modif'kation or extension of,nor to requcst any future 3dvanoes under any note or agreemt:at
<br /> sccured by the tien document without Leader's prior written conseat.
<br /> 1i. CLAUNS AGAIIVST T7TL&Grantor wiU pay aU taxes,auessments,tiens,ecuumbrances.lease payments,ground
<br /> rcnts,utilities,and other chargcs reWting to the Property when due.Lender may require Grantor to providz to Lender
<br /> oopies of all notiues that wch amounts are due�nd the receipu evidencing Grantor's paya�ent.Grautor will defend
<br /> titie to the Property agaiact any claim4 that would impsir the lien of this Security Iastrument.Grantor agrees to assign
<br /> to Lender.as requested by[.ender.any righu,claims or defeases G�aator may have againsi parties wbo su�ply labor
<br /> or materiais to msiniain or improve the Pcoperty.
<br /> R DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMARANCE.Lender may,at iu option,decl�re the entire balance of tls�Secvred Debt to
<br /> be immediately due aad�ayable upoa tLe creation of.or oonuxt for the creation of.�ny lien,ena�atbr�noc,transf r
<br /> or sale ot the Property.'Ibis right is subject to the restrictions in�ased by federal!aw(12 C.F R 591),as applicable.
<br /> This wvenant shall run with the Property and shall recnaia in efted uaW the Secured Debt is paid in full and thic
<br /> �ecurity Ituuumeat is released.
<br /> 1�. PROPERTY CONDiTION,ALTEitATIONS AND ll`SPECfION.Grantor will keep the Property in good
<br /> . condition ana atate ai[repairs tnat are reasoa�biy necessary.ivnnior snaii noi wmmii ur aiiuw auy wwsic.
<br /> impairment,or dcterioratioa of the Prc�perty.Grantor will iceep the Prc�pe�rty Eree of noxious we�eds and gr�ses.
<br /> Grantor agrees that the nature of the oocu�anry and use vuilt not substantially char►ge without Lender's prior writtea
<br /> coasent Grantor will not perntit any change in any Gce�se,restrictive covenant or easemr.nt without L.ender's prior .
<br /> writteo oonsen�Grantor wiU notify Lender of all demaads,pr000edings,cl�ims,�ad actions ag,aiasi Graator,and of
<br /> any Wes or damage W the Pcoperty.
<br /> Lender or L.ender's agents may,at Lender's option,enter the Property at any reasooabk time for the puipose of
<br /> inspecting the Property.Lender shall give Grantor notice at the time of or before an inspection specifying a
<br /> reasonabte purpose fos the iaspection. Any inspectioo of the Property shaU be entireIy foc•Leuder's beneSt�ad
<br /> Graator v�ill in no way rely on Lendec's iaspectiaa.
<br /> 11. !►t�iffVl�u�Y it3 r�iatcfiMCia. ii uran�or iaiis cu periurm any uuty ur ai�y oi tuC wvenan� Wue,inr.�i u�titis
<br /> Security Instrwnen�Lc:•nder may.without notice,perform or puse them to be perfortned.Grantor appoints Lender
<br /> a5 attomey in fact to sign Grantor's name or pay any amouat necescary for performance.L.eatler's right to perEorm for
<br /> Grantor shall not create an obligatioa to perform,and Lender's failare to pedorm will not preclude i.ender from
<br /> exereisiog�ny of Lender's other rights under the law or this Sec.-euiry Instrument.If any oonctn�dion on the Property is
<br /> diccontin�ed or not carried on in a reasonable manner,Leuder may take all steps necessary to protect I.euder's
<br /> security interest in the Property,including oocnpletioa of the ooactructioa. �
<br /> l2 AS51GN1HEN!'OF LEASES AND RENi�.Grantor irrevocably granu,conveys and sell�to Tnutee,in wst for the
<br /> bene6t of Lender,as additional security all the right,title aad interest in and to any anci all ezisiing or future leases,
<br /> subleas�,and any othet written or verbal agreem.nts for the use and occupancy of any portion of the Propeny,
<br /> including any extensions,renewais,mod.ificadons or substitutions of such agreements(alt referred to as"Leases")and
<br /> renu,issues and pro6u(all refemed to as"Renu"). Grantor will promptly provide Lender with true and correct
<br /> copies of all existing aui futt�re I.eaSes.Grantor cuay ooUect.receive.enjoy and use the Reats so loa,g,as Grantor is not
<br /> in default under the cenas of this Security Instrument.
<br /> Grantor acknowledges that thu as�ignment is perfected up�on the recording of thic Deed of Trust aud that Lender is
<br /> entitlecl ta notify any of Grantor's tenants to maice pay�s[ of Rents due or to become due to i.reader. Hoke�'2:. _
<br /> Lender agrees thai ody on defautt will Lender notify Grancar and Grantor's tenants and make detasad that all futwe
<br /> Rents be paid dirc�tlg to Lender. On receiving notice of default,Grantor will endorse and deG�er to Lender any
<br /> payment of Rents iu Grantor's possessior.and will receive any Rents in truct for L.ender and will not commingle the
<br /> Rents with any other funds.Any amounu collected will be apptied as provided in this Security Iasuument.Grantar
<br /> warrants ih�t no default exists un�r the Leases or any applirable landlord/tenant law.Grantor also agees to maintaic
<br /> and require any tenant to comply with the terms of the I.eaSes as�d applicable law.
<br /> L'i. LEASEHOLDS;CONDOMINIUNS;PLANNF'.D UNl'i'DEVELOPMEN'i'S.Grantflr agrees to oomply with the
<br /> provisions of any lease if this Secnrity Instnunent is on a leasehold.if the Property includes a unit in a condominium
<br /> �r a planned unit development, Grantor will perform all of Grantor's duties under the covenants.by-laws,or
<br />- r�gul�aons of the condominium or p�anned unit devebpmeni.
<br /> 14. DEFAUL7'.Grantor wi0 be in default if any party obligated on the Secwed Debi fails to make payment when due.
<br /> Gr�otor wil!be in default if a breach occurs under the terms of this Security Instrument or any other documeat
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