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<br /> 5. F�szsnl or Pt�o�rl� lxr�ue��e.R.�rrnw•cr shall ke�p the iu�ro�emc.nts now exi�ting ar her�:►fter erect� on thc
<br /> Pmpen�� i�uured u�aitut i:+ce by fire,hat:�rd� in:ludcYl uithin the term "cxtciKle�l�r��draba" �ux� any c�tt►er }�:uania, including --
<br /> floc��or flaxfing, fur a•hich l.e�xler reyuirc+ in�urinc-. This ituuratue sh�ll he n�aint:tiiutil in tFw a�kwuh:uxl P��r ttt�p:.riods __.
<br /> thut l.e�xier rcyuires.Thc inwr�kc u�ricr pr��vidin�t the insura�xe sh•rli t+e chn�en hy &�rruwer>ubje�t tc� l.c�xlcr's :�ppnn•al —
<br /> which shall iwt Be unm;�+.m�bly withhelcl.lt� &�rrow�er fails tu nuint�in co�•er;�e deur�htxi atx»•�, I.e�xlrr m:►y, ut l.e�wkr's �
<br /> o�iius�.ab�zin eoeesage ta pmeetit l�ixter'v rilt�uc in the Prupen�•in uccurJa�ue with par�gr,►ph 7.
<br /> All ii�.�ur.utice policic�:u�ui ren�w•als sh�l1 be ar�Y(►table to Lender arxl shall inclu�a �tarxl:trJ ux�n�;•rge rlauu:. I.c�ulcr �
<br /> shall havc thc right to hol3 the pc�licies a.'tidtc�uwals. If I.tnJer rryuire�.Borrow•.r�hall pnlmptly gi�•e to Lr�xler a11 rr��ei��Er of -
<br /> paid premiunu and renew�l�wtices. In Qu et•ent oi bss, Borruw•er si�all Sive prampt notic�t�thc insurance�:urier and I.erxkr•
<br /> Lencler n�ay n�:e proof o�las if ix+t nw:te pr�m}�cly by Borrau•er. _ -
<br /> llnit�.c l.endcr :uxl Burrou•cr otl�crw�ise:tsrt;e in writing,insurancc procerds sF�all be applicd to restoratian or rcpair ot'the
<br /> Propetity dan�td, if the reuoration ar repair is ccotu�mica]ly frasible and L.cnder's sec:urity is nut lessencd. lt the reuoratien or -
<br /> repair is not ecoiu�mically feasible or[.ender's security w•ould bc�lessened,the insurrnx proceeds shall be appliod ta the sumc
<br /> secu�� hy this Security instrument, wheihcr or not then duc, with any excess paid to Borrawer. If Borcow•cr ab�ndoiu the
<br /> Property, or does not answ'er within 30 days a noeice fmm Lender that the insuranee carcier t�s offerzd to setde a claim, tt�eu
<br /> Lender m�y collec�i the insur,uuc procceds. Lender may use th:proce�ds to repair or restore the Property ar to pay swns
<br /> secured by this S��:�;sriry ln.etnm�ent, whether or noi then due.The 30-day�rzriod will begia when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borcower otherwisc �grse in writing, any a�rlication of pra��s to principal shall cxY eztend or -
<br /> post�the due date oi the monthly Rayments rcfe�red to in p3r.graphs 1 a�d 2 or u�ge the amount of the payments. If
<br /> untler��:ua�raph 2! cn��ro�ny�s ���r�a e�y t.��ter, Borrowe�s r.ght to any insurance poiieies an�proceeds resulcing from
<br /> danuge to the Propeny pcior to the acquisition shall pass to Lendet to the extent of the sums secured M�'this Security Instrument
<br /> immediat�ly prior to the uc:quisition.
<br /> fi,Occuponcy, Prae.svptian,Nt�oteaa�ce s�wd Protectlon of tae Property;Borrow�er's I.oan Applic�tion; l.eusc6oids.
<br /> Borrouar shall occupy,establish,and use the Property�s Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> this S;curity Insttumettt s�nd shall continue to occupy the Pn�perty tts Borrower's prineipal residenoe for at least one ywr ailCr _
<br /> the clate of occu�y.unless L.ender othenti ax agrees in a•riting, which consent s}�all not be unreasenably withheld, or unless
<br /> extenualing cincnnut�ncGS exisi which are l���ond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> Prope�ty, allow the Property 4a deteriorate, or comnut waste on the Property. Borrower sh�ll be in default if any forfeiturc
<br /> action or procceding,whether ri�ii or criminal,is begun t}sat in i.ender's good faith ju�ment coutd resutt in for€eiture of the _
<br /> Pcoperty ar otherwise tnaterially impair the lien created by this Security I�utrument or�ndei s security interest. Borrower may
<br /> cure uch a defwlt and reinstate,as provida� in paragrap518.by causing the action or proct�ding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> thai, in L.ender's good faith determination, pncludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in d�e Property or odxs materi�l
<br /> im�i�ment of the lien cre�ted by this Security 3nurument or Yxndu's serurity interest. Barrower shall also be in defuilt if
<br /> BQ�w•er,during the loan�p;+1�..tion pracess.gave materi�l[y false or inaccurate infarniation or stateme�tts to Lender(or failed
<br /> to�rar•ide L,ender with any mzterial informat'sonl in oonnoction with the loan evidenced by the Note, itu:luding,bst not limited
<br /> � to,npreseatations coneerning Borrower's occupancy of:he Prapeny as�prineipat residence.if this Seeurity Instrument is on a
<br /> leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisioac of the lease. If Borrower xquires fce titk to the Property. the
<br /> � leasebold and the fee ride stull not merge unless l.ender agrees to the meraer in writing,
<br /> •._ i n._�r.. D 1 �w • �My�nsMc sff(�waT1Mf1Y11iC O(1Nf11YEf�tIl
<br /> - - ---=/.17'O[RLI00 W'LCaYIS��J1�t1{isutYCt�vpuy���uGeT^uww f:l.� �L`2.T..� ro--- - ' -- _
<br /> this Security Incirrumat. or thete is a log�l ptoceeding t}wt may significantiv affect Ixnde�'s rights in the Property fsuch as a
<br /> , procading in banlctuptcy.probate, for condenu�ation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender mey do and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessuy to prouxt the catue of the Property and Lender's rights in the ProQuty. Lendar's actionc raay .
<br /> � inclu�de paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this S«.vrity Iactrument, a�pesuing in c�ourt, paying
<br /> reasonable attameys'foes az�d enteriqq on the Property to make repairs.Although 1,ender maY take action under this paragraph
<br /> 7,i,�der docs aot have to do so.
<br /> My anwuats disbiarsed by L.ender under this pangraph 7 shall beoome additional dcbt of Borrowu securai by this
<br /> , Securiry Inuruma�t_Unless Borrower and Y�der agrce ro other tem�s of paymeat. these amounts sItia11 bear interat from the
<br /> date of disMusee�ent at the Note rate and shall be payabk, with interest. upoa notice frum Lcader to Borrower roquestiag -
<br /> PaY�•
<br /> g,Mortgage Insuranoe.If Lender required mortgage insurance u a oondition of making the loan secured by this 5ecurity
<br /> Ituiruur.�t. Borrowu sliall pay the premiusns required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effxt. If. for any reason, the
<br /> mortgage inwratsoe covtrage required by Lender Iapaes or cezscs to be in effoct.Borrower shail pay the premiums rcqnired to -
<br /> obtain coverag�substuuialty equivalent to tD�e mortgage inwr�nce previously in effxt,at a oost suEvstaruially equivala�t to the
<br /> wct to Borrowu of drc matgaga insuraxe previauly in effect, from an altern�te mon�e insurer approvod by L�ender. If
<br /> substantially equivalent mortgage insuranoe coverage is not available.Borrower sh�ll p�y to Lender each moruh a sum aqu�!w
<br /> • ono-twelfth of the yearly mortgage ic�urance premium being paid by Borrower when the inwrance coverage lapsod or ceau+d to
<br /> be in effoet.L,wder will aaept.use and ntain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage iacuranoe. Loss reserve
<br /> Fo�m 3028 9J9Q
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