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<br /> � „ � 6. Aasf�nor hereby covenenta and werrants to the Aasi�nee that(a)Asaipnor has not executed eny prlor � -
<br /> assipnment of the Lease or of ita�ight,dde and interest therein or the rentels to accrue thereunder,(b)Asatgnor has not � '
<br /> pe�famed eny act or executed eny inatrument which mf�ht prevent the Asafpnee hom operatln�unuer any af 1he terma end t . -�-.• ?"
<br /> condi�ons hereof,or whfch would ifmittheAasi�nee in auch operatian;(c)Assignor has not accepted�ent underthe Leasetor � �
<br /> � anyperlod subaequant to the cunent perlod for which rent hes already become due end payable;(d)there is no defeult now �±
<br /> ,� ! exisdny under the Lease,end(e)Assigno�has notexecuted or granted any modif icatlon oramendment whatever of the Lease
<br /> � either arelly or in w�itinp except as set forth In Schedule B,and thet the Lea�e is in full lorce and eifec� � . `�
<br /> t
<br /> � !
<br /> " 1. AssigneeherebygrantsperraissfontoAssfgnortacollectupon,butnotpriortoaccrual,allrents,issues,deposits ;
<br /> t: and prolitsfrom the safd P�emises end to retaln,and uAe any enjoy the same,but reserveathe►fghtto revoke such permisslon ,
<br /> � et any time,with or without cause,by notice in wridng to Assignorby certifled mail sent to the addreas hereinaRer presc�ibedfo� ►
<br /> sending notices.ln eny event,auch permlaslon to Aaslgnor shall be autometicaAy revoked upon default,by Assignor in the '
<br /> : • payment oi any of tt�e ObNgationa secured herebyo�in the pe�formance of any obligation,covenant agreement hereln,in said i•
<br /> � moR�age or deed of trusf.in the Lease or in any of the Obligedons secured hereby,or in any securing dxument given in �.
<br /> ' connectbn lherewith,(all of which will be retened to herein as"DeteulC').In tha event that the Aselgnee ahauld revoke such ,
<br /> • permisafonoratterthexcurrenceofaDelault,theAssignee,meyatitsopdon,a(ternotlficetiontoAssfgno�,byceRitiedmaN,to ,
<br /> � • the address he�einetter p►eacribed for aending notices,direct any or all of the tenanta of the Premisea to pay to Assignee,ita
<br /> .,. , agents or its attomeys,such rents, issues,pro8ts, revenuea,deposite, ►ights end benefits es may now be due or ahall ��.'�`�•
<br /> hereina(ter becomedue,and Assignee mey collect the same.The a�fdavit or written stetement of an ofllcer,agent,or attomey ___
<br /> ' ' ofAasigneeatatingthattherehasbeenaDelaultahallconsdtuteconcluafveevidencethereof,andanytenaMtaotherpersons �'� --�-��
<br /> 3 is authorized and dlrected to rely thereon.The Aesignor fu�ther agreas,that i�the eventthe permlasion to use and retaiin the : � '"'��t-o,
<br /> rents,income,issues.deposits and pro8ts,should be terminated or upon the occurance of a Defaul�to immedietely lurn over �
<br /> to Aasfgnee,atthetime and in the manner requested by Ass�gnee,all securiyr deposits aa1lre�moniesdeposited by lessees � .
<br /> ! ot the Premiaes in accordance with the provisions of tl�e Leases. � ' �'k:
<br /> �'.:..
<br /> 2. Notwithstanding the provislo�s d paragfaph 1 hereinabove,upon or at any dme afte�a Defaul�as defined :=,;
<br /> herelnabove,lhe Aasignee,at its option,may d�are all Obtigabanssecured hereDy immediately due and payable,and may,at . Y�'•�,
<br /> Ns optfon.wfthout notice,and if any such Obligations be secured by deed o1 trust irrespecdve oi whether a declaration of
<br /> � defeult under aeid deed of trust has been deNvered to Truatee the�eunder,exercise all rights and remedies conteined i n said �"'
<br /> mortgage or deed of t�ust and without regerd for the adequacy ot secutiry fo�the Obligationa hereby secured,ellher in pe�son "�
<br /> �J or by egent with or without bringing any acUon or proceeding,or ay a receiver 10 be appointed by e courf,enter upon,take
<br /> � posseasion of,manage and operate aeid Premises or any parlthereof,make,enforce,modiy,and accept the surrender of
<br /> ' Leases,obtaln and evtct tenants,fix or modily renis,and do any ects which theAssignee deems p�oper to protect the securiy .
<br /> � � I hereof,and elther with a without teking possesslon of the Premises,in Its own name,suetor or otherwise collect and receive _
<br /> ��' all rents,iasues end pro8ts,fncluding those past due and unpaid,anyappty 1he aeme,lesscost and expenses of operaUon end
<br /> collectlon,including,but not Iimited to,paymenta for wages and payrdl taxes, compensation of ineneg(ng agent and other �� ' '
<br /> �� management cosls end expenaes,real estete texes and assessments,water, aewe�,and similer charges, insurance a�d
<br /> worker's compensatfon premiums,ground rents,customary real estate commission,and reasonable atlorney's fees and court �
<br /> costs,upon any Obligatio�ssecured hereby,and In such arderas the Assignee rnay determfne.The entering upon end taking �
<br /> , � possesslon of the Premisea,the collection of such rents,issuea and proflts a�d the applkstlon thereof as aforesaid,shall not
<br /> � cure or waive any default or waive,modiiy,or eftect notice of default under said mortgage or deed of trust or invalidate a ny act
<br /> donepursuanttosuchnotice.AssignorherebyreleasesanyandallclaimswhlchithasormighthaveagainstAssigneearfsl�g
<br /> � out of such collectlon,management operatlon and meintenanco.excepting the Nabiliy of Assiynee to account ior emounts
<br /> , , collected e�d expended by i�
<br /> � . 3. The Assignee shall not be�Wigated to pe�to�m or discharge,nor does it hereby underteke tope rform or
<br /> d�sCharge,any oblIgatlon,duty a Ilabflity under the Lease,or under or by reason of this Assignment Assignor ahall and does
<br /> � ; hereby agree to indemnify the Aasignee agafnstand hold it harmless f�om any and all I iability,loss or damage which if may or
<br /> � � might incur under the Lease or under or by reason of this Aasignment and ot and irom any and all clelms end demend
<br /> � � whatsoever which may be asseAed against it by reason of any alleged obflgation or undertaking on its peh to peAorm or inthe
<br /> � discherge of any ot the terms,covenants,o�epreementa contelned in the Lease:should Ihe Assi�nee Incur any such Ifabllity,
<br /> � : loss or damege under the Lease or under or by reason of this Assignment,or In the defense againat any auch claima or
<br /> ; ; demends,the amount thereoi,including costs,expenses and reasonable attorney's tees,together with Inte�est thereon atthe
<br /> � highesf rate set forth in any oi the Obllgations secured hereby,shall be secured hereby and by the sald mortgage or deed of
<br /> t trust,and Assignor shall reimburse the Assigneelheretor immedfat�ly upon demand,and upon thefailure of Assignor so to do
<br /> � � the Assfqnee may declere all Obligatlo�s secured hereby fmmediately due and peyable.
<br /> .' :
<br /> •� '' 1. Until the Obligations secured hereby shall have been paid in tu II.Assignor tovenant9 and aqiees to keep leased
<br /> �r at a good and sufticfent rental the Premises and upon demend to transter and assign to Ihe Assignee any and all subsequent
<br /> Leases upon all or any paA of such Premises upon the same or substantially the same terms and conditiuns as a�e herein
<br /> ':��; contafned,and to make,execute,and detiver to the Assignee,upon demand,any and all instruments that may be necessary or
<br /> �';� desirable therefor,but the terms and provisions ot this Assignment shall apply to any such subsequent Lease or Leases
<br /> �� I whether or not so asslgned and translerred,
<br /> .��
<br /> �� � 2. Assignor shall,upon request of Assignee,furnish it a complete list as of thedate of the request of all Leasesend
<br /> ;r�;� � other tenancfes otthe Premises m such reasonable detail as may be requested by Assignee.FuAher,d requested,Assignor
<br /> shall deliver to Assignee executed or certilied copies ot all Leases and other written agreements,correspondence,and
<br /> '�', memorenda between Assignor and Lessees and other tenants setting forth the contractual arrangements between them.Such
<br /> requests may be made at any reasonable time.
<br /> 3. The failure to list anv soecific Leases under Schedule B hereto.shall not inval�tlate or afleCt in any manner,the
<br /> ° general assignment of rents and leases provided for herein.
<br /> ; .
<br /> � 4. Upon the payment in full of all Obligations secured hereby, as ev�denced by the recording or tding of an
<br /> i instrument of satistaction or full release of said mortgage or deed of trust,unless there ahall hav�been recorded another
<br /> mortgageordeed of trust in favor of ihe Assigneecovenng the whole or any part ot the leased Premises,this Assignment shall
<br /> become null and void and of no eNect.
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