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<br /> THIS ASSI(3NMENT,mede this _16th dey ot _ March _ 19 92 , �-_
<br /> Bueiness Worl.d Investmenta, Inc. t �
<br /> bY --
<br /> B1A lslest 3rd__________ � _.�ranc� tsland. NE 68801 °.: .
<br /> res�din al o►havin art oNiCe at.� -- � - � ����'T
<br /> 9 � -� � �-.-
<br /> �� harein called"Assignar"),to FlraTier 8ank.Nationel Aasociatbn,Omaha,Neb�enka T hevinq � •-
<br /> k 1 its prf�cipal uflice at Omaha,Ne6rasite(tlerefn celled"Assi�nee"),
<br /> �•
<br /> �.L WITNESSETH:
<br /> ' FOR VALUE RECEIVED,Assignor hereby grants,translers and assigns to the Assignee all of th�right,UUe and �'�
<br /> � interest ot Asaiqnor in and to any and all leases and other tenanaieanow or hereader medeon or with respect to the real esfate �_-°-"'_--
<br /> �' Hsl l countv, rtebraska and more perticularly described �'-�
<br /> , located in - g �� '-
<br /> ' in Schedule A hereot,which real estate shall be refe�red to herefnaRer as"Premises",i�cludin ,but not tim(ted to that certein __
<br /> j Lease or those cenain Leases,with modifications,ii any,descrlbed in Schedule 8 hereof.covering the Premises;together wNh �.=.
<br /> � (1)any and all extensions or renewals thereol.(2)any and all guarantees of the Lesee's obWgatfons under any thereof end �-��
<br /> under any and all extensions or renewals of any thereot.and(3)aU rents.issues,protits,revenues,deposits,earnest mcney �`':�t..�
<br /> payments,rights and beneHfs now or he�eaiter arlsing from such lease and tenancfes or far the use and occupancy o1 the � ' �',�-:
<br /> Premises,and any and all extensions and renewals thereof.Sald leasea and tenancies or other use of the Premises together • .�:
<br /> , , wilh an�r and all guarantees,moditications,extenslons,and renewels ihereotshall be sornetimes hereinaRer refened to as the ___
<br /> '�L.ease'or "Leasss";
<br /> ��• FOR THE PURPOSE OF 3ECURING: .�`.���~
<br /> .:;:,:.�-
<br /> ,� :�-:..
<br /> r � �:
<br /> ONE: Payment and performance of each and every debt,lieblllly end obUpatlon of every type and descriptlon •� f;;
<br /> which Assignor mey now or anylime hereatter owe to Assignee,Including,but not limited to,the i�deb�edness of Assl�nor
<br /> secured by that cenem morigage or dead of trust made by the Assognor to the Asalgnee deted 3-16 ,i 9�_. , �_�
<br /> � and recorded or to be recorded at or prfor to the recording of lhis Assignment,o�eny other moRgage or deed of huat hereaiter
<br /> ,q� covering the wi�ole or any pert ot the PramEsoa,(whe t hes suc h de b t,I fa b l l i t y,or�bll gation now exists or Is hereatter created or __ _ "`��
<br /> incurred and whether it is or may be direct or Indlrect,due o�b become due,absolute ar contingent,p►Imary or secondary, � --
<br /> �' liquidated or unliquidated, or �olnt,several, or Joint and several,all such debta, Ifebllltiea and obli�aflons belnp hereln ;:;���.:�;:��
<br /> �� � coNectively referred lo somelimes as the"Oblipatlons'7;and
<br /> �;,.;.'
<br /> .� TWO: Pertormance and discharge of each and every obHgetlon, covenant and agreement of Assignor i � •� • � �
<br /> contained herein or in any such mo�tgage or deed ot trust or any note or bond secured thereby,or in eny obliyetlon or any
<br /> � � securing document piven in connection with any of the Obligations secured hereby.
<br /> 1 -
<br /> LEASE: ;;�==
<br /> ., .{�5;
<br /> 1. To faithfully abide by,peAarrn and discharge each and every obligation,covenant and agreement of the Lease •��.:=
<br /> • � by lessor to be pe�tormed,to give prompt noNce to the Asslgnee of any notice of default on the paR of Assfgnor with respectto
<br /> the Lease recefved from Lessee or guarantor,together whh an accurate end complete copy ot any such noNce;et the sole cost
<br /> ' and expense of Assignor, to entarce or secure the perlormence ot each and every abNgatfon, covenent,conditlon and
<br /> agreement of the Lease by the Lessee to be pe�lormed;not to modHy or in any way alter the terms of the Lease;not to terminete
<br /> the term of the Lease and not to accept a surrender ot the rents the�eunder or to waive,excuse,condone or In any menner
<br /> release or discharge the Lessee thereunder from the obligatfons,covenants,condltions and agreements by the Lessee to be .
<br /> pertormed.including the obligatfon to pay the rental called tar thereunder in the manner and at the place and tlme specitled
<br /> ; thereln,and Assfgnor does by these presents expreasly release,relinquish and surrender unto the Assignee all Assfgnar's
<br /> � ; right,power and authonry to modl(y or fn any way alter the terms or provisions of the Lease,qr to terminate the term or accept a
<br /> surrender thereot,and any attempt on the pa�t ot the Assignor to exercise any such right without the wrltten authoriy and
<br /> r � ; consent of the Assignee thereto befng first had and obtained shall conslitute a Default of the terms hereof,as deflned
<br /> � hereinaRer,entitling the Assignes to declare all sums secured hereby immediately due end payable.
<br /> ' 'l. At Assignor's sole cost and expense 4o appear in and detend any actian a proceeding arising under,growing
<br /> i out of or in any manner cannected with the Lease or the obligations, duties or liabilihes oi Lessor, Lessee or guarantor
<br /> thereunder,and to pay all costs and expenses of the Assignee,including eltorney's tees In n reasonable sum,in any such
<br /> , I actlon or proceeding in which the Assignee may appear.
<br /> i? � 3 That should Assignor ta�l to make any payment or to do any act as herein provided,then tNe Assignee,but
<br /> � � without obligation so to do and withoul notice to or demand on Assignor,and without releasing Assignor Irom any ob8gation
<br /> hereot,may make or do the same in such manner and to such extent as the Assignee may deem necessary to proteCt the
<br /> security hereot,mcluding specitically,without limiting its general powers,the right to appear in and defend any action or
<br /> �. � proceedmg purporting to aftect the securlty hereof or the rights or powers of Ihe Assignee,and also the right but not the du1y to
<br /> � perform and discharge each and every obligation, covenant and agreement oi Lessor in the l.ease contained; and in
<br /> � exercising any such powers to pay necessary costs and expenses,employ counsel and�ncur and pay reasonable attorney's
<br /> tees.
<br /> � � 4. To pay irnmediately upon demand all sums expended by the Assignee under the authonty hereof,together w�th
<br /> '� ; interest thereon at the highest rate set forth in any ot the Obl�gations seCUred hereby,and the same shall be added to the
<br /> ;. Qbligat�ons and shall be secured hereby and by the said mortgage or deed ot trust.
<br /> ! �
<br /> � 5. That Assfgnor wfll not transfer or convey to the Lessee the fee title to the dem�sed Premises,or any part thereof,
<br /> unless the Lessee assumes in writing and agrees to pay ihe debt secured hereby m accordance with the terms,covenants and
<br /> � conditions ot the said note or bond secured by said mortgege or deed of Irust-
<br /> t I '. ' "
<br /> .� '
<br /> �
<br />