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<br /> FIftE,CA3UALTY,AND OT ER INSURANCE:To kee�+such property Inaured apainst loss or damage by ffre and other ____ _
<br /> risk or�isks which,in Ihe eole opinion of Beneticlary ahould tse insured agAinst,under policies ot inau►ance with loss �--—_—._ — _-r
<br /> � payeble to Beneficlary M brm,emount and companfes acceptable ta Beneticfary.Safd poHcies ahall be delivered lo and _—
<br /> remain in possesaion ot 8eneffciery as fu�ther securlty lor the felthful performa�ce of these obligetfons,which delivery shell �,._.,�.�
<br /> ' � ° constltute an assi nment b Trusror to 8enetfcie of all rights thereunder, including all return premiums;to dellver to F �` .;.�-._ .
<br /> 9 Y rY i�.�:�., .:. �....-�—.
<br /> " . � Beneticiery a policy or poNcfes renewing or extendin�any expi�ing Insurance with a receipt ahowinp premiums paid at es�___ ` _—
<br /> � least thlrty(30)daya before explration.lf Trustor lails to so deliver any renewel policies,8eneticiary mey procure such �;
<br /> inaurence es It may elect and may make paymeM ot premiums thereon,which payment is repayable on demand.Nefther _77'-:�
<br /> Trustee nor Benelfciary uhall be reapons�ble tor obtAining or mafntaining such inau�ance.Beneliciary,trom tfine b time, , , •=�`---
<br /> : J••..�_._"___
<br /> . _I[_.li
<br /> may fumiah to any insurance agency or company,or any other person,eny information contained in or extracted from any . :
<br /> insurence pollcy therotofore delivered to Beneficfary pursuant he►eto,and any information concemi�g the loen secured � .,_..�..�__ _
<br /> hereby. In no event and whether or not default hereunder has occurred shall Beneliciary, by 1he fact of approving, �•�-:';';��,�tl__
<br /> acceptfng or obtaining auch insurenca,incur any Ilebility for the amount of such insu�ance,tho form or legal sutliciency ot ; �_.�;�.r:=—
<br /> � insurance contracts,solvency of insure�s,or payment of loases by insurers,and Trustor hereby expressly assumes tu0 `��i����
<br /> responsibllfty therefore and liabllfty,it a�y,thereunder.In the event o1 loss,Trustor shall give immediate wrfllen nodce to •,•: y,y�,;�;�_
<br /> Beneliciary,and Beneficlary may,but is notoblfgated to,make proof ot loss if not made promptly by Trustor.ln case ot any • ,, r.���
<br /> ' loas the amount Gollected under any policy of insurance on such property may,et the option of the Beneticiary,be appliQd ,:= ,.
<br /> �I by Beneficlery upon any fndebtedness and/or obligation secured hereby and in such order and amount as Seneti��ery may
<br /> � I determine;or said amount or any portion thereof may,at the optlon of the Benetfciary, either be used in replac�ng pr , �
<br /> � restoring the improvements partially or totally destroyed to a condltion satisfactory to said Beneficiary,or�ald amounl qr ,' !.
<br /> � any po�tion thereof may be released to lhe Trustor. In any such event nelther the Trustee nor the BenefiCiary shall be � . .:,.;�^�M7-
<br /> � obllgaled to see to the proper application thereot;nor shAll the amount so�elea�sed or usBd be deemed a payment on any
<br /> indebtedness secured hereby.Such applicatiqn,use and/or release shall not aurp or waive any default or notice of default � ••►�,1t:�••
<br /> � hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice.Any unexpired insu►anCe and all returnable insurance : '�_---�-�-
<br /> .:.�....�.�,,.
<br /> � premiums shall insure to the benetit of,and pass to,ttia purcha�er ofthe property coveredther�by At any Trustee's sale held
<br /> � hereunder.If seid property is sotd pursuant to the power of sale contained herein o�pursuant to any dec�ee of toreclosure,
<br /> � all right,title end iMerest ot Trustor in and to the proceeds olfire and other insurance policies for damage prlor to the sale, � �:.,�r�.
<br /> �• which proceeds are not received prior to the date of sefd sale,shall belong to Beneticiary.Trustor will comply with such
<br /> � other requfrements and provide such other type of insurance as Beneticiary may requiretrom time to time for theprotection __
<br /> by insurance of the interest of the respective parties hereto. `
<br /> �
<br /> •.A.�
<br /> TAXES AND OTHER SUMS DUE:To pay,salisfy and discharge,at leasl to ten(10)days before delinquency all general
<br /> ' and special taxes and assesaments and other publlc charges,and i n no event later than the date such amounts become �
<br /> � due and to further pay when due or requested:ll)all encumbrances,charges and liens,with interest,on such property,or
<br /> ; any part thereoi.which are,or appear to beneficiary,in its sole dlacretion,to be prior to or supe�ior hereto,(2)all costs,fees ; �•
<br /> and expensesaf this trust,whether or not described herein,(3)fees or charges for any statement regarding the obligation
<br /> i�4 � secured hereby in any umuurii damei�dad by 8eneficiary,nct:o axc�ed!he maxfmum smount allowed by i?w thRrAlore at ' , �'���
<br /> the fime when such request is made.(4)such other charges as the Beneticiary m�y deem reasonable t�r services rendered •`'
<br /> I ,;'�.
<br /> by Beneticia►y and furnishad at the request of Trustor or any successor in fnterest to Trustor.(5)if such property includes a ;!k
<br /> leasehold estate,all peyments and obligatlons required of the 7rustor or his successa in fnterest under the terms of the • ����
<br /> instrumeM ot instruments creadng suah leasehold,(6)all payments and monetary obligations required ol the owner ot �
<br /> such p�operty under any declaration of covenents, conditions and rest�ictfons pertaining to such propRrty or any � ���
<br /> � modllfcatlon thereof;(7)all mortgage fnsurance or guaranty fees,premiums,or charges of any nature pertaining lo such
<br /> I property.Trustor agrees to notify Beneticiary immediately upon receipt by 7rustor of notice of any increase m the assessed
<br /> value of such properry and agrees that Beneficiary,in the name ot Trustor,may contest by appropriate proceedings such
<br /> increase in assessmenl.
<br /> In the event of the passage ot any law deduc�ing from the value ol�eal property for the purposes of taxation any lien
<br /> � thereon or changing in any way the I�ws for the taxation of deeds of trust or debts secured by deeds ot trust tor state or local
<br /> � purposes.or the manner of the collection of any such taxes,so as to aftectthis Deed of Trust,the holder ot this Deed of Trust
<br /> � And ot the obligations which ft secures shall have the right to dec lare all sums secured hereby due as of a date to be
<br /> specilfed by not less than 30 days' wririen notice to be g�ven to Trustor by Benet�ciary; provideo,however,that such
<br /> i election shall be ineffective if Trustor is permitted by Inw to pay the whole of such tax in addition to all other payments
<br /> ! requfred hereunder and if,prior to such speciffed datQ.does pay such tax nnd agrees to pay any such tax when hereafler
<br /> levled or esseased against such property,and such agreement shall constitute a modilicatfon of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> FUNDS FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE:If Heneficiary shall su request,Trustor agrees that there shall be added to the
<br /> periodical payment required to be made hereunder an amount estimated by Trusted to be suHiclent to enable 1'rustor to •
<br /> � j pay, af least thirty(30)d�ys before delinquency,all general and spec�al taxes,assessments,or other public charges
<br /> , against such property,the Promissory Note,or upon or on account ot lhe debt or the lien of this Deed of Trust,together with
<br /> "• � premiums for msurance required to be provided under this Uaed of Trust and all mortgr�ge msurance or guaranty fees.
<br /> premlums or similar charges and no interest�hall be payablP to Trustor �n respect thereof Upon demand by Trustee,
<br /> Trustor shall deliver to Trustee such s�dditional sums ot money:�s are i�«�cessary fi m�ke up any def�cienCy in the amouMs
<br /> necessary to enable Trustee to pay nny of the foregoiny�tems
<br /> SUMS ADVANCED TO BEAR INTER�ST To pay immediately upon demand any sums advances or paid by Beneficiary
<br /> or Trustee underany clause or prov�:��on otthis Deed o1 Trust.Any such sums,uniil So repa�d,shall be secured hereby and
<br /> bear interest from the date advanced or paid ut the same�ate as sHl fo�th m such Promissory Note and shalt be secured by
<br /> this Deed of Trust
<br /> ASSIGNMENT OF DEPOSITS:Th�t as:idd�tional secunty�f th�s be r�construct�un loan,Trustor hereby transters and
<br /> assigns to Beneticiary during cont�nuancc ol thes� Trus►�,;�II nght,title and interast to any and all monies depas�ted by
<br /> 7r��c��r�rriwnositPd on bRhalf ot Trustor w�th anv c�tv.county,public body ur agency,sanitary district.gas and/or electric
<br /> company,telephone compan�and any other b���iv��r.igen�y,tor the�nst.huaUOn or to securethe installaUon otany utmty by
<br /> Trustor,pertaining to this property
<br /> FAILURE OF TRUSTOR TO COti1PLY WITH DEED UF T RUST In t he event Trustor should fad to make any payment,or to
<br /> i do any act as provided�n tli�s Deed ol Trust,or ta�l to pertorm�ny obli�ation secured by this Deed of Trust,or do any act
<br /> j ! Trustor agreed not to do,Beneticiary,but without obhgaUon su lo do.ind wrthout noUce to or dem�nd upon Trustor and
<br /> I without releasmg Trustor from any ubl�gation hereof and without contest�ng the validity or amount ol the same,may�a)pay.
<br /> ; make or do the same in such manner and tn such extent as it rnay dr�em nHCessery b proteCt the secunty hPreo�.
<br /> � Beneficiary being authorized to Qnter upon such Exoperty for such purposes. and (b► pay, purchase, contest or
<br /> � compromiseanyencumbrance,charge or lien,wh�ch�n its�udgement is or c�ppears to be pnor or supenor hereto,and(c 1
<br /> in exercising any such power,p�+y necessary costs.(ees.:+nd expenses.�mploy counse.�l and pay counsel's reasonable
<br /> � fees.Trustor ngrees to repay any amount su expended on demand of Benet�ciary
<br /> ..: -
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<br />