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<br /> � . DEED OF TRUSTi �� . ":;°=.: _
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<br /> THI3 DEED OF TRU3T,mado this 16th dey of Morch � �g 92 ,betwaen i . __
<br /> . ^ Wor � estments asTrustor, . � .__.-
<br /> i
<br /> FlrsTier Bank,National Asaoclation,Omahe,Neh-�ske ae Truatee, ���`..�
<br /> Fi�elter Bank Nationel Aesociallon Omehe Nebres ,. ae Beneticiery: -- —
<br /> .. ; :n��:_
<br /> WITNESSETN: ' _ �
<br />_ � ... _-
<br /> � That Trusta►irrevocebly yrents,tranafers end aselpns to Trustee in truet,with power of sale,the following described
<br /> property:
<br /> Lot onQ (1), Jensen Subdivision in the City of Graad Island, Nall County, Nebraska. k _ _
<br /> t , _--=-_.
<br /> . . f . ---
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<br /> together with all interest which Truator now has or rnay hereafter acquire in and to safd property and in and to:(a)all � '. • ' . .
<br /> � easements and righta of wey appurtenaM thereto;(b)all tenements,hereditaments,buildings,structures,Improvements, . . -���-
<br /> � ifxtures,equlpment,fumishi�gs and appurtenances now or hereaRer pleced thereon;(c)all leasehold estete,right Ntle, , '��:�
<br /> ' and intereat of Trusta in and to aq leases or subleases thereof or any poAfon thereof now or hereaRer exiating or entered � •• . -
<br /> into,and all rlght,title,and interestof Trustor thereunder,including.wNhout limitation,all cash orsecuriry deposits,advance . - -
<br /> rentels,and deposils or payments of similer nature,and(d)all mineral,ofl,gas rights and protits,water,water rights,and � � • ;
<br /> weter stock.Trustor agrees to execute end deliver,from time to time,such further Instrumenta as may be requeated by •±� ...
<br /> Beneficiary in torm and substance satfsfactory to Beneficiary to confirm the lien of lhis Deed of Trust on any of the ,
<br /> aforementioned property.The propeAy so canveyed to Truatee hereunder is hereineRe►referred to es"such p►operly"• ' •
<br /> r � -
<br /> The Trustor absolutely and irrevocably grants,transfers and asaigns to Beneflciary the rents,income,issues,and profits
<br /> . of all propery covered by Ihis Deed of Trus�
<br /> 1. Payment Of the prinCipal sum of Thirteen thousand six hundred and no/100-------- ��
<br /> ---------($13,600.00) Ilollars----
<br /> evidenced by the certain promissory note dated of even date herewith(hereinefter referred to as the"P�omiasory Note")
<br /> exeCUtedby Business World investments ,
<br /> in seid amount and payable to the order ot Beneficiary meturi�g on March 16, 1997 .
<br /> together with interest thereon,late charges, and prepayment bonuses accarding to the terms of the Promissory Note , ,
<br /> end all renewals,extensions,end modificetlons lhereof.
<br /> 2. Pe�formance,dlscharge ot and compliance with every obl igation,covenant and agreement of Trustor Incorporated by
<br /> reference or contained herein or in eny other securlty agreement or deed of trust at eny time fliven to aecure eny
<br /> indebtedness hereby secured,or any paA thereof.
<br /> ; 3. PaymeM of all fees and charges of 8eneficiary or Trustee,whether or not set forth herein.
<br /> ?�.
<br /> TITLE:That it is lawlully seized and posseased ot a good and indefeasible title and estate to all 01 such property in fee
<br /> simple tree from any prior lien or encumbrance,has good right and lawlul authority to convey the same,and will torever
<br /> warrant and detend the title thereto agafnst the clairns and demands of all persons whosoever;that it will,at its expense,
<br /> 1 maintain and preserve the lien ot this Deed ot Trust as a tirst and paramount lien upon such property.
<br /> i MAINTENANCE:To keep such property in good condition and repair;to complete or restore promptly and fn good and
<br /> workmanlike manner any buflding which may be constructed,damaged or destroyed thereon and to pay,when due,all
<br /> ; claims tor labor performed and materials furnfshed theretore and for any alterationsthereof;to comp�y with the provisions
<br /> � of all insurance policles covering said prem�ses,to cornply with all laws,ordinances,regulationa,covenants,conditfons
<br /> , and restrictions aftecting such property:not to remove,demoh�h or materially alter any building,or the character or use
<br /> ! ' thereof at any time thereon;not to drill or extract nor to permlt Ihe drilling for or extraction of ofl,gas or other hydrocarbon
<br /> I substences,wateror any mineral of any kindunless the writlen consent of Beneflc�ary is had and obtained;not to commit or
<br /> permit any waste thereot or any act upon such properry in violatfon of law;to do all other acts in a timely and proper manner
<br /> J id sa.n...iA• !tic .
<br /> ; which fromthecharacteraruseoi sucn prope�iy mbyues rna�onbuiy ntice��n�y ivp����..a���Mra�s�:o W...�..........�,.
<br /> ispecific enume�ations herein not excluding lhe general.
<br /> ' CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS:To complete m good end workmanlfke manner any building or improvement or
<br /> � repafr relating thereto whlch may bebegun on such property or contemplated by the loan secured hereby.to pay when due
<br /> ; all costs and liabililies incurred therefore,and notto permitany mechanic's lien against such property.Trustor also agrees,
<br /> i anyfhing in this Qeed of Trust to the contrary notwithstanding;(a)to promptly commence work and to cornplete the
<br /> � proposed improvements promplly,(b)to complete same in accordance with plans and specifications as approved by
<br /> � 8eneticiary.(c)to comply with all of the termsof any bwldmg loan agreement between Trustor and Beneficiary,the terms of
<br /> Y whfch are incorporated herefn by reference to the seme extent as it fully set torth herein and made a part of this Deed of
<br /> , �� Trusf,(d)to allow BeneNcfery to inspect such property at all times dunng construction,and(e)to replace any work or
<br /> ,� � meterials unsetistactory to Beneficiary,withln Iltteen(15)days after written notice from Beneliciary ot such tact,which
<br /> � • notice may be given to Trustor by �egistered or certified mai 1,sent to his last known address,or by personal service of the
<br /> f: same. _
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> - - — —� �
<br />