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<br /> �ybstwui�lly ryui�•�Itnt nN�rtgagc i�uyr�uxe c���•rr�e i�nat a�•ailuhle, &►rn►we;.hall pay tu Lr�xlrr e:�+:h nx�rth;►sum equ;i!to --°-
<br /> wt�t�►�eitih o1 ttw yea�i} u�wik:,�o ir►�ur�t�:Prcsniun�he++�v�wid by BurroN�er w l�en ttk mwr.uur covcra�:e I;y�sai��r c�l t�� �_
<br /> ' be in e�tect. [x�Ki.r will«:.:pt.4•�:ux)mtrin�Fx•r�u+yn�ents�c a A�.... ��•��•in U�w nf ►tiwn�age inu�r,��k�c. Lu�.. rM»n•c F—=
<br /> �l;�r sh��ri�x)
<br /> Wyn�euts nr►y�x�I��a�ct bt rryulrecl. s:t th.�pti��n ut�xixler.if ow»tual.iu.�ratuc rcn•craLe tin �ik�nx�u�t n� �_
<br /> ttwt L.e�xler reyuircr�)pra�•ickxl by��u�i�uurrr r�►�+ro�•ul by l.eixl�r���li�bc�uu�e�u�uii:�blr w�l i� uW:►in;,�.'.. &�rmw•er+liull{wY �_
<br /> • the premiun�v rcyuiral a�m a intu in��w�r tgr�;e i��wrWxe in ciPcxt,ur tu pn���i:le a lu�s rc�en•r, wuil �he R�yuirenxnt for nx�n�aye
<br /> iiuurnnce e�xJv iii ao:otdurk�e wiih uny written c►greenx��i tw:Iwc�n F3urruu�e��x![.e�xler u�Kppllc+bie law•. c--
<br /> 9. l�upec:ttiw. I.crxkr a�ftc ayent ma• ititi;u.�r.•:i:�1ttible etu�rs u�tn K�xl in��d��n.� �,f Ihe Pruperey. l.��der shall give E,�:
<br /> &urow.,r cx►tic::it tiu tl►ut of a'priur to wi�n+p:c�i�n s�p�ifyin�re�.N,n�bfc cautic f�x tlu hu{xction. --
<br /> 10. l'opdewusUluu. Thc pr�kaxt�of�ny awarJ�,r clum f�x d.utj:.gcs, dim�t ur tvK►K`y+��ui:il. i« cwu�:ction with �n}• _-
<br /> ccuulenu�ation ur othcr wkinr ul any pan uf Qu: Nruperty. ar fur��unveyancc in licu u€cwxtenusation, att:hcreby +sssi�nai�u� �-
<br /> sluil be pvd ta lx�xtur. -=
<br /> in tt►e event oPu total taking��f'the['mpeny,the prekeal.�shall t+e npplieJ t��the sums�ecured by thi�Security Iacuume�u.
<br /> wtuther ar nw then�ur. with uny exccss p:►id ta Bormw':r. In tlte event of a[�artial taki�F of che F'ropeny in which the fair
<br /> market value of�fu Pru�ny imnx-d�ately befarc Qic taking is cyual ta or greater than the anxwm af ihc ��u�u�b�y `
<br /> Security instcutnent inuned�atcly bcforc the taking.unlecs Barrower s►nd Lendcr�therw'isc agrce ia writing. �
<br /> this Security Inutument �twl1 be reduced bY ihe aicw�nt of 1he proceeds multiplial by the following frxtian: (a) the tc�tal
<br /> amount of the sun�c securcxi inunaiiately t+efore the taking,di��ided by lb)the fnir matket value af the Prapcny immediate{y
<br /> cx
<br /> before the taking. Any ba�ance shall be paid ta Barroa•cr. in the event of a paniul taking of thc Property ro which the n r
<br /> markct vuluc of thc Praperty immodia�ely befara the taking is less tt�n the nm�unt of the sum�securcd i�nmediatei�s e��
<br /> takin�, unlesc B�orrower as�d Lender othen�'ise agroe in writing or unless applicable law othenvise provi�ies, the p
<br /> y��pp��ed to che sums secured by this Securiry Instn►ment whether or not tha sums ar�then due.
<br /> If thc Property is abandoned bY BorroWer,or if,after nwice by Lender to Bonower that the condemtwr affers to malce an
<br /> 3ward or settle a cla�m for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days alter tiie date the notice is given,
<br /> L,ende�is authorized to collect uxi appiY t1►e Proceeds,at ies°Pt�°°•e�tt'u't°res�°�on or reptir of the Pre�perty or to the surr�s
<br /> se�vrod by this Security l�uttument.whethar or not then due.
<br /> U�� �r a�d gorrower otlier,yise agree in v►riting. any applic�tion of proceeds to principal shall tat exter�d or
<br /> poscpone thc due daie�i����ra.-.:�}�:;e�-^,s•�fe,T�!i to in naraeraef►s t attl 2 or change the unount of such p�yments. _
<br /> 11.Bwtnwer Not Releas�ed:F'a'be�m�BY Leader Not�Wa�ver.Exceasion oF the ume tor paYment or modiiiw:�:�
<br /> of tinorti�iion of tiie sums secured by this�+5:w'iry Instrument grstuod bs fi.ender to:u�y succtssor icr rc�erest of Bomower shall
<br /> nat rat�er.ue to c�:�+s�the liabilit�of the ar'`tirx=Bottower or Sorrower s saocessors�en�c�eres�. 1-��er shall nat be required 4a
<br /> ��,��p�c againsF;a;,:,:w�,-cesu�r m interest or refuse to exte:�d dme for l�u;,n�%nt or otherwise modif} t�rr�'nixacK�x _
<br /> of tf�e s�nu sec�:' b� ttus ���w..-6t�� lns:�ument by re�on of any dec��`�'�I aoi be wa�iv�ec of ocrpRxlude th=
<br /> sw�:s�^rs in ec�its2. AqF fi*cb�e:s�-t�by l,endei'in exercising anY�;
<br /> ex�n,:i�•r uf any cib'�t r,�c mac�cf�. 'Qhz eavenants and �gnx.-�nts of this
<br /> i�. Suoce�ops and t1� Bo�oac�:�aiat and Se.erai Lis�bility; Co-signess•
<br /> Seccttuy Instnunent shall bincf �' �+e.ti:fit tht�:eeessors a�3 acsigns of Lender ac��rtower. s�'^j�c.�a to thz provisions of
<br /> par,�rap's� 1T. Borrower's covcyunts an3 a�ttiemencs shall be joint and several. Ar.:g �'urrowerg� ��8�h�nve�ntha
<br /> Inctrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is casigning this Secarity lnscrument �al to mort e. g Y
<br /> gorrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; ib)�s�Pe���y�'��g�to pay the sumc ,
<br /> securod by this Socurity Insinimenr and(c)agrees that 1.ender and any other B°nower may agrce to extend.modifY.forbwr or
<br /> �ke sny ac�commodations with rcgard to the tem►s of this Security I�utrument or the Note without that Borrower's mnsent•
<br /> 13.I.00n ChstrQes• If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrun�ent is subjoct to a law u�hich sets maximum loan ch4rges.
<br /> and that law is finally interpretod so tlwt the �nterat or other loan chsuges collected or to be collected in connection w�th the
<br /> loan exceed the permiuod limits.tt�:n:(a)anY such loan charge shall be reducod by the amounmittod I�inuu wil�i be rc u�ed w
<br /> _ to fhe petnliueo iitnir,arni ioi•+�r �;;���«!r-^.,.�y �!!•.^-e„�FH►m i�cxrower which czc�oded P�► ��__�
<br /> Borrower. Lender may choau to mdce thi� rcCw�d by raiaring thr. �rincipal owod uncicr tlu Na;e � °`pina�t wi�tbout wy
<br /> PaY�t to Sorrower. lf a refund roduccs principal. t1u roduction w�u bc creaced �s � psrtia� preay
<br /> prepay;rent charge under the Nott.
<br /> 14.Notias.Any notice to Borcowsr provided for in this Security Inurument st�all be given by deliveriag it w by msi tng
<br /> it by first class mail unles.g applicable Iaw roquires use of another method.'17u notice st►all be directaf to the Property Addrcss
<br /> or any otlxr address Borrowa drsignates by noticc t° L.ender. ,�ny notice to Leader shall be given by first class msil to
<br /> l.ender's�ddress stated herein or any other address Lencler designues by notia ta Borrowa. My notice providal for ia this
<br /> Socuriry Inurument sl�ll be deaned to have�6�n tO I�nct�nt rst►all�be govemod by fak�al law and� 1�aw of the
<br /> IS.Goveroin� I.aw; SeyerabUity. tY
<br /> - juri���in W}���property is located. In the evtnt that any provision or dause of this Security lntwmau or the Note
<br /> oonflicts with apglic�ble lttw,s�conflict shall not affect other provtisions of tlus Security Instrurner►t or the Note whid�can be
<br /> given effoct without the 000flicxin8 Provisiot�.To this end the provisioas of this Securiry Instrumuu aad the Note are dxlund
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> �6.Borro��'s Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformod copy of the Nae and of f����Y o��Y���in it
<br /> 17.Traasfer of t6e FropeiYY or 9 Benefici�l Interest in Borrower.If�Il or anY�art
<br /> is sotd or traasfernd(or if a beneficial interest in Borcower is sold or transfernd urd Borrower is not a natunl person)witho�►�
<br /> Lender's prior written consent, 1-ender maY. at iu option. require immodiacc pa}mmt in full of all sums secured bY th�s
<br /> Security Ynstn�.Howeva.this optioa st�a11 uot be e�cercisad bY Lender if exercise u pmtubited by federa]!aw as of the date
<br /> of this Securiry Irutnunent.
<br /> If Lender eaercises this option.L�ender si�ll8i�e BonoWer notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period o not
<br /> less than 3p days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay a11 sums socund by this
<br /> Securityr Instrump�t.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this pesiod. [.eacler may invoke auy renndies
<br /> permitted by this Securiry Inctrument without further notia or demu�d on Borrower.
<br /> la. gpR,pwp.+s g}p� � Rdt�iate• If Borrower meets certain condiNons. Borrower shall have the right to huve
<br /> enforcement of this Security Instrumenc discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days (or such other period as
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinctacement) before s�le of the Property pursuant to any pow+er of sale contained in this
<br /> — Stcuricy InsnvmeM:or(b)entrY of�judgmau enforcing this Security Insuvmau. Those conditions are ttsat Borrowu:(a)PaYs
<br /> = ienaer aIi suu►s w��c�tt�..-a�:�atsld i�dstt uadtr thic Securily L�strumeai� incurned in�cnforc8ithisioSxu�rit�st��-.�?
<br /> cures yu�y default of�ny other vovenants or agceanenu; (c)pay p�, �n����
<br /> including.but not limitod to,reasonable attomeys �;and(d)�es such act�on as Lencler$Y re��������by
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrument. Lender's ri U m the Pro rty and Borrower's obli ation to paY
<br /> this Security Insnunxnt shall continue unchanged• Upon roinstatement by Borrower. t�is Security Insuument and the
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall remain fuliy effeccive ac if no acceleration had occutted_However,this right to reinstate sha11
<br /> rwi�,pply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 1'7•
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Chstn�e ot I.oan Service�'• T� N�e or 3 partial interest in the Noic (together with this Security
<br /> ,-;, I�strument)crm�•be sold one or more times without prior notice to Sorrower. 4 sale may reuiit in a chs�nge in the eniity(known
<br /> :z:� as the'l.oa.�Se�r•icer")that collects monthlY PaYments due under the tiote and this Security Inu�ument.Thera also r►�y be one
<br /> = oc rrwrC ciiang�of w:-x�.��°^"-t=r'�"�"lated to a sale of the 13ote. �f there is a change of the F.aen Sen+icer,Bortower wi[1 b�
<br />-= biven wriiten notice of the c[tsnge in aecordanee with paragraph 14 above anci applicable taw. i-Ese nocice wiii�i.t�the:+�.'t'�:s'^''-
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the�ddress to which paymenis should be made. The notice wiil also c�tain anY other
<br /> _'� informatior.reyu�red by applicable law.
<br /> Zp, ��ys��aees, gorrov.2r shall not cause or pera*.it the presence. use.dispo�al, storage, or release of any
<br /> `��� Nazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrowcr shall not do. nor allow anynne el�e to do, anythine affecting the
<br />--� Pro rty that is in violation of any Environmental l.aw• The preceding two sentences sh�ll not apply to the presence. use. or
<br /> -= storage on the PropeRy of sroall quantities of Ha7ardous Substances that are generally raognized to be appropriate to normal
<br />_w.� residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> :�� v.o.a a a forrn 3028 9(80
<br /> x _ _ _
<br />