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<br /> Thc l=unc:� at►�11 !+t htld itt ait imtitwf�N� wtx►+t �k���•lt� +�n in4a.tl hti' r f��:l:rri •ru�ne}. InM�uoki�l.+lilS, ur eiuity _
<br /> li�w�iwlin�t 1�►�t.r, if l��w��i..u.iti«:ti in•:iiusi��a�ur in��iy I�cilera!Ff�n�e�r»n R:+:+l. lc�w4�r.tu!!�uf�l� itk�i'ui�fs ic�pny thr �
<br /> 4..•mw Ita�u. l.:cxkr n�►}��x►t rh;ugr Hurruwer fur Ix�IJin�w�l:4��lyink�lu Hwwl�.:►iuwul{y wul�.+iii�t tlk�.rruu a::uuiu,or _
<br /> verifyini Itk f?srn�w�Itrm�. enle.�Leiwkr�►y.f��rr.�wer i►uertat�u�lhc Fuixls:u�J upplicat,le I•rw Fxnn�t.L.c�uier u�nui:e wch
<br /> �ch•rrde. Heiwe��t�. t.ender nuy rrquirc Harn�wc�lu 4�y a�Nx•time ct�ise far w�inJepeiulent re.+l e�tate tax ���ning�ervii�e
<br /> u�al hy Leixkr ir� c�uuxYtiun with this ���n. wdcsr upplii�t+l� law' pruvitlex �uhcrw•isc. Unle�. an ugnrn�cnt is m:xle ue —
<br /> up{►li��blt law r�uiie.ii�te�e�t ta tx.Fwid. i.cnci:r�twll �s;u!x��c;uir�!to�y�l3arn�w�r uri} i�tcrc,�or e�rt�ingc un tl�.:'ur�cl�. `
<br /> Borrr+wzr anci Len�ler n�y :�t�cc in wridng,haw•evcr, ti�t iatere.�chall 6e paid on thc Fu�xis. [.c�xkr�haU Fivc to k3�►rraw•er, -
<br /> withcwt rharge, an an�ual arrnunting c�f tix Fu�xf., +lx+win�;craJiti and debit� to tAr Furt�a ar�' the purpnse fnc whieh e�1f _
<br /> debit to the Fur.cls w;u mxie.7'he Funds are pfedgeri zc adciitirn�,a! security fo�all aun�.c secur�:i1 by thi�Sccurity insirum:nt. --
<br /> i1'tye['un:is�held by Ler�cr cxc�cd the an::w:uc peruutted t�be held by apgticable law,Ix�xter�hall c�cc�wnt to&xrower _
<br /> far the excess Fu�Kis in xrorda�ice w�ith the rcquiren�ents of applicable I+�w. If'tlx�wiwunt of the Funds held by I.ender at uny
<br /> tinu:is iwt auff ieirnt to{�y the Gccrow Items u�hen duc, l.e��er nuy x�niKif?�Bocro�4•er in writing,and,in cueh cace B��rrower _.
<br /> shall pay to Lecxier the�x�+ant nece.csary to m�l:e up tfu:ck:fice;:iuy. ticuruwce sh�Jl mu�;e up the deficiency in na nu�rc thcu� ---
<br /> twelve monthty r,+ayn�ents.ai Lendcr's sc>tc discrction.
<br /> Upon payment in full of a11 wci�s socum�l by this Seeuri¢y Instrument, l.e�ukr shaDl promptly ��fuiul to Ei�rn�w•er any
<br /> Funds hcld by L.ender.If,under paragr.�gh 21, l.endcr shall:ryuim or seU the Property.Leixler,prior to the�uquisitian or sale
<br /> of the Propeny, shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the tinx of acquisition ur sale as a crafit:�ainst the sunu secured by
<br /> this Security instrument.
<br /> 3.Appllcxtbn of Hi}ments.U��less applicable law•provides othenuise,all payments reccivcd by Lerxt�r wufer paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,to any prepayment chasg.s due under the Note; second, ta znwunts payuble under pEragraph 2;
<br /> tbird,ta interest due;fourth,to princip�l due;and lact.to un}•lue c�arges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Cdarges; Lie�tc. Borcower shall pny aU taxes,assessments,charges, fines and impasitions attributable to the Pro�rty
<br /> w•hicl�may attain prioritg aver this Security Instrument. and leasehold payn�ens or ground rents, if any. Borrower shal!pay
<br /> ¢3iese obligations in the n�.�smer providad in puagraph 2.or if noi paid in that mV:r��;r. Borrow�er shaU pay them on time dircxtly
<br /> to the person owod paynrnt.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notse::of amounts to be paid under this para�;raph.
<br /> :;I3o:r���..�°•:.s ih;,;�,p:ym:nts�e*_�cil;,Berr��wer chall rmmdly fumish to l�.nder receiuts evidencinR the payment,.
<br /> Bwzti,�.�c shall promptly dischuge aay lien which has priorit��1•er this Security Instr►e►n;�t unless Borrower:(a)agr��s in
<br /> writing ta d.�r:,��yment of the obligatiwa s��ured by the lien in a rtur.ne:acceptal•2e to Lendec;�,�n contesu in�aod faith the lien
<br /> by, or �e:n3s against enforcement �S ti,r:lien in, legal proeeedings which in the Lender s aFinion operate to pre�•en1 Yhe
<br /> eaForcement of the lien; or(c)secures fn.�e:the hoWer of the lien an agroemens satisfactory ta l:,Jxler su3h�c��.uuting the lien to
<br /> dtis Security Instrument. If l.ender detertnines that�^.� ;�art of thc Property is sub;ect to a lie:e w•hinc�tiu s�ain priority over
<br /> �is Securitti Instrument. l,ender may gi�•e Borrower a notice i�ati.`ying the lies�. Borrowec s'�:i satisfy t3ic 9i�:n or wke one or
<br /> more of the�ctions set forth�bove w�ithin 10 days of the giving aSmc.�ce.
<br /> g, H3awrd or peoperty Iasur,t�e. Borrower shall keegr �x ia►provemznts now� exi� or hereafter ecected on the
<br /> Pevpert}' irsuc�ed�g�i.c�st lass by fire. hzzards induded within the t�era� 'exter�d�,�a��•erage"un3 any other hazards. ineluding
<br /> bl�io3s or floo3ing. fix wn:�ri[.ender requires insur,�na. 'i'hls inwr�.�s.�shall!+e ur�aintainod in the amounts an�i for the periods
<br /> �.hat Leratrr roquires. The incurance carrier pmvidiceg¢14e inwra¢�ce s7s�ll be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's alrproval
<br /> wfiich shall not be unreasot�ably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage described above, [.ender may. at Iw�c!.~a's •
<br /> optiao,obtain covuage to protoct L.ender's rights in thc Propeny in acwrdance with paragraph T.
<br /> All incuranoe polictes and renewals shall be acceptable to Lcnder and shall incltule a standard mortgage clause. I.ender
<br /> shall twve the right to hold the policies and renewals.If Lendcr requires,Borrawer st�aN'promptly give to Lender all rcxcipts of
<br /> paicl premivau and rencwal aotices.In the event of loss.Borrower shall�ive prompt notice to the inwr�noe carriu aud I�der•
<br /> Ltnder may maice proof of loss if not rt�de promptly by Bomower.
<br /> t,fwl�.i.w.l.r:,��m,�we�vtvwicw woerr m umhna,ittruranCe QrooDOdc iFlall be aaQliOd t0[CiWtit1011 Of iC�ilf Of d1C --- --
<br /> Pn�peny d�twged.if t1x c�totatia-�ar r,pairia c:.ottomirally ft�sible and I.endtr's seeurity is not lasened.1f the restaaticu►�r -
<br /> apair is nat econom�cally feasible or Lendcr's security would be Iessenod. the insuranee procneds siwll be applied to the wmc
<br /> secured by this Securitv instrument, whether or not thtn due, with any excess pzid W Botrower. If Bo�TOwer�bandanc dx
<br /> Praperty,or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lerxler that the insuranoe curier has offerrd to setde a ctaim.tha�
<br /> Lendsr rtuiy colloct the insurance proaeds. Lender �nay use the procads to t+epair or restore the Property or W pay wms
<br /> securei by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due.The 30-day period will bcgin when the rwtice is geven.
<br /> Unks,s Lender and Borrower otherwise agra in writing. �ny application of proceeds W pancipal ct�ll not eztead or
<br /> poupone the due date of tt�e monthly payments nferrod to in par�graphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of thc paymaus. If
<br /> under paragraph 71 the Property is xquirtd by Lender, Borr�wer's nght to any insurroce policies ud proaeds nsulting from
<br /> damage to the Pnopa�ty prior to the xquisitioa shall pac�to l.ender to the extau of the sums securod by this Socurity I�U*��
<br /> i�umediately p�ior w the xquisition.
<br /> 6.Oocup�ocy.Praervatba.Malateaaaa swd Protectkw o!t6e Fr+opaty;_Bort�ower's I.osa App�icstlon;I.easeholdt.
<br /> Borrower st�all oocupy.estal�lish.and use the Property as Boaower's principal res�denoe within sixty days aRer the exaution of
<br /> this Sxurity Insnvment and sh�ll oontinue to occupy the Property ac Borrower's principal residence for at least one yeu�ftu
<br /> the ciate of oa:upancy, unlas Lender otherwise agrees in writing,which consent shall not be unrcasonably wittil�ld. or unless
<br /> exteau�ting circumuuxes exist which are beyond Borrower's oontrol. Borrower sh�ll not desimy. d�magc or irnpair the
<br /> P��operty. allow the Property to deterarate, or canmit waste on the Ptoperty. Borrower s1n11 be in defauit if any forfdture
<br /> xtion or procaaling,whaixr civil or criminal. is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment cauW resWt in forfeiture of tlx
<br /> property oc otherwist materially impair the lien eteatod by this Seeurity Inswmeni or L,ender's security interest.Borrovxr may
<br /> cure such a default and rein�tate.as providod zn paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed wich a ruling
<br /> that, in Leader's good faith determin�ti�m, precludes forfeiwre of the Borrowu's interest in the Property or ot}�er material
<br /> impairmeat of the lien created by this Security Inwument w Lender's security interai. Borrower shatt �so be in default if
<br /> Borrower.during the lo�n application prooess,gave mlterialty false or inaocurate mformuion or stauma�u to Lender(or fvled
<br /> to providc Irader with any material infomiation)in wnnection with the loan evidencvd by the Note.including,but not limited
<br /> to,repres�tWations cooceming Borrower's ocrupancy of the Property ac a prineipaf residence.If this Seturiry inswmant is on a
<br /> leasehold. Borrower si�ll comply with ail the provisions of,ibe lease.,If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property, the
<br /> . leazelwld aad the fa tide sf�all not merge udess Leader agras to the mrgu in wridng.
<br /> 7.Plmted'ww oE I.mdv's R�Lfs in We Awn�ty.If Borrower fvls to prsform thc covc�nts aud agranxsus cos�ir�cl iu
<br /> this Security Instrurtxnt. or there is a legal procoeding that may significandy affect L,rnd�r's rights in the Propercy (such as�
<br /> procealing in b�nktupu�y.probate, for condarus�tion or forfeitun or to enforee laws or regulatiau), then Lendet may do and
<br /> Qay for whatever is necessary to protect the valut of the Property and[.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actioas may
<br /> mclude paying any suma secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrumcnt, �ppeanng in co�rt, paying
<br /> reasonable attomeys'feac and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although I.ender may talce action under this par�graph
<br /> 7,L.cnder does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by l.etxler under this paragraph 7 shall become additionzl debt of Borrower securad by tt�is
<br /> Security iiuirumont. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other temtis of payment. these�tiounts shall bear interest from thc
<br /> d�te of�_��..**�^� at the Note rate and shall be pryable.wctt�interest, upon notice frotu•Lender to Borrowa requesting
<br /> payment. �
<br /> 8.Mortgage Iasurmce.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of mzking the loan secured by this Securiry
<br /> Irutniment, Borrower sF�a71 pay the premiums requited to maintain the mortgage insurance in effxt. If. f�x any reason, the
<br /> mortgage inwrac�ce coverage required by Lender lapses or ceaces to be in effect,Bonower shall pay the pn:rniums required to
<br /> obtain coverage subsiantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previw�sly in effect,at a cost substu�tially equivalent to the
<br /> - cost to Borrower of ttie mongage inwr�nce previously in effcc:t, fruu�an alte,-�ate mo�.gage insure.-approvod by Lcnder. if
<br /> • . vp.2 w a Fam 3028 9/80
<br />- ` ,
<br />