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<br /> ��'��,���� '`. of wde.and Ihe sale,Includin�Ihe payment otthe 71�ustee's fees pctuolly Incurred,not lo exceed 3•� �of �----
<br /> `_��y„�� ' 5�,� - the rinct 1 amount oT lhe note al the Nme ot the declarAtlnn af defAUlt,and rewwmoble ultarne R'fee��spermitted -
<br /> ,-:7� . f '.. by lawt lb)pto ail wmr�ecur�d by thir SiecYrity In�lrumentt and Ic►any excar tu the person or persuna k�lly fRINIlII �"_`�_==��—��.. -
<br /> .�-�' h�• to i� -
<br /> ,,v��.,.n,::,;F:...�� 22. Reconveyaace. Upun puyment of ull sumc ssecured by Ihi�Sccurily Inti�rument. Lender�hall requcr� 1tu�icc la
<br /> ' ' �"' , , recanvcy the Properly and shall r:urrendcr ihiti Sccuriry Ingtrumcnt und ull naes rvidencinR ikht �ecurrJ by Ihi+Securily 6__��=--
<br /> '��;,;�q#����•' � Inslrument la 'fivxtee. 'tlurtee xhull reconvey Ihe Prupeny withoul wurrumy and wilhaut chargr to the pcnson ur persons
<br /> ;��,''' �f'"" ''�� le ull erdiNed ia it. Such rse►n or non�nhull s► un recunlation curtr.
<br /> �,1 _ B Y P� 1�• p Y Y �-_..�_�...,_-_ -L
<br /> " 2,i. Subslilute'I�ustee. Lender.ot its up�ion,muy Gam lime Iu Iimc rcmovc'li�u.�cti und uppuim u�ucce,ux iru,�ec:w - - -•-
<br /> ,+�� 1•.,A' f �� ,• any Ttustee uppainted hereunder by un lnxtrumrnt recurdcd in the caunty in which thix Sccuriry Insirumenl iti recurded.
<br /> -�;as►.,;�tisxs;u,:": � WiU�oul conveyonce of the Praperty, the .rueceaxor Irus�ee shull succeed to all the title,power and duUex conferred upon ---__--- '�r�
<br /> . . ..rf.�I:c R r.`':��+.��J4+Lr..�rt:�.
<br /> , . p� � 7i�ustee herein und by uPpticuble law. ,_.;�,t.�.�.
<br /> -- 24. Request for Noqcea. Borrowpr n�yuex�K thut capics uf'the nuticec ot'dcFuult and sule Ue sent to Borrowcr x uddre�s
<br /> ;ro:� � � , which is Ihe Property Address. •;�;���.c==°
<br /> - • 2S. Ridera to thia Security Inst�nment. If onc ur m�ire riden arc execuled by Barrower und recorded�a�ether wi�h � ��"'�""'"�""'*�
<br />_ _ ,,t., _ •, .., .......M..r-
<br /> ° �*'°"."` this Securlty lnwtrutnent,lhe cuve�unts And ugreemems of each such rider shall he incorporated imo und+hall nmend and
<br /> ,��' ' supplement the covenants und agreements at'thia Securiry Instrument ax if the�iderls)were u purt of Ihis Security Instrument. •
<br /> ;t . ..��'o , (Check applicable box(es)� -
<br /> „ �:;ti:-,.__
<br /> � �` �Adjustable Rate Ridcr �Condominium Rider �I-�t Family Rider =_=_---
<br /> . �--
<br />'r�,s� . a�
<br /> . ° ° � ��. .- �araduated Puyment Rider �Planned Unit Develupment Rider �Biweekly Puyment Rider `-
<br /> ��'_�=__.,
<br /> J �Bnlloon Rider �Ru�e Improvement Rider �Serand Hane Rid�r `�°t��•��=
<br />. ' ��'�° �=b'",:`-
<br /> ' �Qiherlsl�specify� ACKNOWLEDGpIENT '��
<br /> ,,�,r
<br /> n BY SiGNING BELOW, Borruwcr accep�ti and ugreex to thc tcrn»anJ covenunts comuined in�his Security Instrumem � -�--- � �
<br /> o und in any ridcr(�,)executed by Borrower vnd t+ewrded with it. �__-__=--- --
<br /> � �� " Witnesses: _-v-
<br /> � � � �, �:w,-7.:�:�- ---
<br /> (ScaU C - •.�•..
<br /> -- - RICHARD G. P'INYS •6�wcr =�_-- -- -
<br /> • Saial Sccurity Num6er 506- -3393 �''__
<br /> �..a.....
<br /> • , � �Seul l --=-— -
<br /> . L .earrowcr
<br /> • Sociul Security Number 483-72-2106 �??°�'''=y
<br /> :�.;"�---
<br /> STATE OF NEBItASKA, HALL County�s: �'`r�"'�^'��
<br /> b[!^��j�nl`�v-
<br /> . 16TH mARCH 1992 •...;��,�' --
<br /> On�his day of tmfnre me,the undersignrd,a Notary Public r � -'
<br /> duly commissioned and yuulificd for.c�id rounyt ,penonully cume RICHARD G. mAYS ANO �'� ��'�'��"� ^ --
<br /> BETTY L. mAYS� HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to mc known to be the � - - "
<br /> '`'. identicalpe nonsls) whose namelti)ure suhu:ritx;J ta th�G�reg��inE instrument anJ ucknowlcdged the execution thereof to
<br /> , . . � TH�IR voluntaq•acl and dccJ. �'�'�'
<br /> .. ,�r- _
<br /> �� •• Witness my hund vnd nolnri•rl seul a� GRAND ISLA D, ^ in.uiJ cuunty,the ' ..:._ � "°'
<br /> . :�' .. M suid. /' _�� /�,��� , /�� ,:+:�h;� ._
<br /> � � � � ��t ` ` � -_
<br /> Naary Wblic
<br /> • . W4U�Ml �.'•v.:
<br /> ' : TO TR��m��'� 1� KE(�UES'I'FOR ItECONVEYANCE •
<br /> .�,�
<br /> � �'�' � . The undersigned is Jrr�if�he ncxc ��r niKex�ccurcd by Ihi.LkcJ uY Trusl. 5•riJ n�NC�►r notcs,togethcr with ull '
<br /> � „ other indebtedness secured hy thi.Derd oi'7tu+t,have Iken paid in 1'ull. You ure hrrch�•directeJ to cuncrl said nute or notes � ,
<br /> . ':'';:.;, and Ihis Decd of'Ii�us�.which arc drlivcrcd Ikrrhy,and lu rrr�mvr}•,without���arr:inl}.;ill Ihr r.tatr nuw hrld by you undcr .
<br /> # thix Deed oi'71vst to Ihe perxon or prr�om I�gully enlilled thereto. �
<br /> Date: _ __,— �
<br /> • tiKm 302N 9/9Y qh�xe n nj n Mix��� �
<br /> i
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<br /> �
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<br /> � , � — - -
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