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� �. ..� , 'tf; -r Adi;'�j"c'ru..zY.--.._.. - <br /> ��+ r :..:Ff�aurr�+a�* <br /> ' •'r " • .,. ,.,=,.�+�, .. . - <br /> :y.-�:�t�r;�•..... .. <br /> r..+.w+r�"' . • _..� ..� . - — ' - <br /> u <br /> : : - -_---..-. . 92-- i�2U80 � <br /> � applicuble law may xpecify fnr rein�.tu�emeni)before sale of thc F'�openy purguant to uny power of xale canteined in this — <br /> �.�. , Securiry Instrument;or(bl entry of u Judgmenl enf�rcing�his Securi�y Inrtn�ment. Those condilions ure Ihut Barruwer: (u) � <br /> ;}��, . paya Lender ull sumc whicfi �hen wauld tm due unJcr thiK Securfiy Ias�nimenl and the Note us if no acccicrulion hAd _ <br /> • - .. accumed;(b)cure.r Any defaull of any ulher covenuntti oi c�greemenlr::(cl puys ull expentiex incurred in enfurcing thiti Securhy <br /> � • ... Instrument. itK:luding, bW not limited l�.rcu�onublc Al�orncy+'iee�;und(dl tukes xuch ucdun uw Lcndcr muy rca�mably <br /> � �equire to ussurc�hat Ihe li�n ol'thir Securi�y Intiirument,l.rnder'+righty in Ihc Propeny wid Bam►wer�c�ibligalion lo puy�he _ <br /> '� ,� �• ' sums secured by thic Security In�trument xhull continur unchanged. Upnn rcinxlutemcm by B�►ROwcr, �his Sccurity <br /> Insirument und the obligutiunx secured hereby�hall rcmain fully eifeciive as if na uccetcro�iun had�xcurrcd. However.ihi� <br /> n�ht Io rcins[ute shnll nw apply in�I�c cu,e uf ucrclera�iun unJrr puragraph l7. -- <br /> � 19. Sale of Note; ChaaQe uf l.oan ServMer. The Nate i►r a paniul imerest in Ihc Notc ltogethcr wi�h �hir Sccuriry <br /> T•�� � In�;trumenU moy be sold one or morc timcx without prk►r naticc to Borrawcr. A salc may result in a change in thc entiry <br /> . lknown ac the'l.oan Servicer"1 that cuUect+munthly puyments Jue under Ihe Nute und thix Securiry In.rirument. There ultio <br /> ,. . • � muy Ix one or more chcinges of the Loun Servicer unreluted to u 4ale of the Nole. Ii there ix u chunge of the Lcxut 5ervicrr, <br /> Borrower will be given written notice of ihe change in uccordance wilh parngruph 14 ubove and upplicable luw. The naice <br /> ' will sta�e the name and uddress of the new Loun Servicer und the uddresx to which paymems�hauld be mud�. The naice will <br /> �� also contAin any other inforrnalion reyuired by upplicuble luw. <br /> Z0. Hazardous SubsWnees. Barower shall not cuuse or permit the presence,usc,dispowl.swrage,or releuse of any <br /> Huzardous Substunceti on or in Ihe Pmpeny. Borrower shull not da,nar ullow �nyone else io do, anything uffecting ihe <br /> . ' PropeAy thut is in violation af nny Environmentnl Luw. The preccding two,emenccs shull not apply to thc presencc,use,or _ <br /> „ swrage on the Prapeny oi smull quantlties of Hux�rdoux Suixtunces thut san�generally recognized to be appropriute�o normul <br /> re.r•identinl uscs und to muintenunce of ihe Prapeny. <br /> � � ' Bomuwer shnll promptly give Lender written nutice oi any investi�ulion,cluim,demand,I•rwtiuit or olher,u�ion by any <br /> _ � g�vernmen�nl or rcgula�ory agency or privute party invalving the Property and any Ha�unioux Subc�unce or Environmental <br /> , Luw of which 8orrower hus ucwul knuwledge. If Borrower leums, or is natitied by any governmenud ur regulutory <br /> uuthority,tha�uny removul or other remedi�tian af uny Huzurdous Subxtunce ufferting the Propeny is necessary. Burrawer <br /> , shall promptly luke ull nece�wry remeJiul aclions in uccordance with Environmenlul Luw. <br /> As used in this puru�ruph 20."Hazardoux Subslunce;'arc those sub+lunrex deiined a�toxic or huzurdous substunce+by ` <br /> ' Environmenlul Luw und Ihc following zubz�uiKes: gu,oline, kerozene.other Qummublc or toxic petroleum prcxlucts, �oxir _ <br /> pe�tiride� und herbicide,, voluiile tiolvenls, material� contuininF ��be�tos or fomiuldehyde, and rudiouctive muteriulz. A+ �.- <br /> " u+ed in thiti parugruph"_'(1."@nvironmeniul Luw"mcunz federol lawy and luws of ihe juri+dictian where Ihe F'tupt:rty is located _.. <br /> ' �hat rclulc lo heulth,+�fciy ix environmenti►I prutec�ion. � <br /> " NON-UNIFURM COVENANTS. Borrowcr ancl Lender funhercovenant und ugree us Follows: _ <br /> ' 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender slwll give nolice Io Borrower prlor to acceleration following Borrower's �_ <br /> breach uf any covenaM nr a�reement in Ihis Security lostrument Ibut not prior to acceleratbn under paragrnph 17 _ <br /> � unle+s applkable law provides utherwisel. The notice shall speclPy: lal the defAUlt:lb►the actbn required to cure the _ <br /> _---_-= dc£su!!:{c!:s!!e!�.g than 3Q days!'rom the dntP the nMice is given to wbich the default must be <br /> cured;and Id1 thut failure!o cure the deFuull on or hefore the dale speciiied in Ihe notice may regult in accelemtion ot' _ <br /> � the sums�ecured by this Security Iastrument and sale of the Pruperlv The notice shull Purther inform Borrower oP _. <br /> Ihe riRht lo reinctule a�1er arcekralion und the ripht tu brin�;a court acUon ta assert the non-exlslence uf a dePwult or _ <br /> any other defense u°S�Mrower to acceleration and sale. If Ibe dePuult ig not cured un or before the date specified in _ <br /> Ihe nutice.l.ender ut its apliun muy require immediule puyment in full uf all sums secured by this Security Inslrument <br /> � without furlher demand and may involce the power of sale and am� athe� �emedies permltted by applicable Ipw. <br /> l.ender shall be entitled p�c�dlert all expenseti incurred in pursuinR the remedles provided in this parngraph 21. <br /> includinQ.but nut limiled In,reusonublr unornevs'fi�x und coclx nf ti11e e�•idence. <br /> If the pnwer��'sule iti invoked,'[�ustrr shull record u m�tice oP defaull in each county in which any part oP the <br /> Property is loruted und tihull mail a�pi�w nf+uch n��tice in the manoe�prescribed bv applicable Ipw to Borrower aud to <br /> Ihe other persum prrxribed by applicublc luw. Af�er the lime reyuired by upplicable lew.'I�ustee shall give publk <br /> • notice of sule to the peru�n�und in Ihe munner prescribed by upplir�ble Iaw. 7Yugtee.wilhout demand on Borrower. <br /> ' shull sell the Property ut puhlic aucli�m 1��Ihe hi�hesl bidder vt the time und plece und under the lerms designated in <br /> the nutice of sule in one or more purcrls und in am�order Trustee determine�. 'Iruxtee may postpone sale oP all or any _ <br /> panel uP the Property b�•public unnnuncement al the time und place of an��previously scheduled gale. Lender or its <br /> desi�nee mo�•purchuse Ihc Pruprr�y a1 any xule. <br /> " Upon r��celpt oP puyment oP Ihe price bid.7Y�uslee shull deliver to the purchaser 7lrustee's deed conveyl�g the _ <br /> Property. The recHs�ls in Ihe'I'rutitee's dced xhull be primu fucie e��idencr aP the trulh oP Ihe slatements mt�de lherefn. <br /> 'll�uster chrll apply the pr��ceeds oithe xule in the follmvin}�order: lal lu all c��sts and expenr►es of exercising the power _. <br /> a <br /> . y <br /> l <br /> , i <br /> I <br /> I r <br /> � <br /> j <br /> • Furm M128 9�411 i�u�cr s n►n�ti�er�� { <br /> V <br /> . I',. <br /> � <br /> ! <br /> f <br /> I <br /> � <br /> • �_ - <br />