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<br /> • periuds that L.endcr reyuircy. The in+uruncc cuRirr pruviJing�hc in,ur�nre shall tx choK:n hy purrower subjec�to L.ender+ --
<br /> ;.. . ' • . approv��l which�hull nut bc unmuWnubly withhcld. If Hurrowcr 1'uilx�o muiMuin arvcrugc dc.crif+cd ulxwc,Lcnder may,at
<br /> �-�,.� ':r_;rP:;'?,• " Len�lerk aptian,abtain rovcr�gc ai protcct LcnJcr:ri�;ht,in�hc Property in�ccurJanc�wilh purugruph 7.
<br /> ',' All in�urnnce policie+und�newula rhull be uccep�uble�o Lender und rhall include u+�undurd mortgage cluu�e. Lender
<br /> o . • . '. �holl huvc ihe right to holJ thc policie�anJ rencwok. If Len�kr reyuirex,BoROwcr whull prixnpUy give w Lcnder all rcccipt�
<br /> . . "' -� oi'paiJ pmmium,und rencwul notirc.r. In�hc cvent of lo».Surrowrr tihull give prompt nuticc�u the inruruncc currier und
<br /> Lcndcr. Lcndc�muy makc pr�H�f oi'lo�a ii'nui maJ�promptly by Borruwcr.
<br /> -.. • •'^' Unlr�+Lcndrr unJ Barruwer�whcnviu�ugrcc in wri�ing.in�urunce prarcrds,hull be upplicd to retitoro�ion ur repair of
<br /> �� � �hc Pu�Fxny dumu�ed, if thc n.wrutiun or repuir i. ccunomirully Icu.iblc und l.rnJer; ,ecun�y i+ not Ie.aened. If the
<br /> � � �� re+taruliun or repuir is not camomicully tirti�hlc or Lendcr+ ticwrity w�wld Ix� Icsscncd, thc inxurance proceeds +hull be --
<br /> � " upplicd tu thr +wn+.erured hy thi+ Securi�y In�irument, whether e�r n��t then dur, with nny excc�s puid lo Borrower. If
<br />'T � ' Borrower abanJon.the Propcny. ��r d�x� nut an�wer wi�hin 111 duys a no�ice from Lendcr �hui thc insurnnce cumcr huti _
<br /> ' '' �� offemd ta.ettle a cluim.�hen Lrndcr muy coUec��he insurunce pr�xeedti. l.enJcr muy use ihe pr�x:eeds lo n:pvir or restore �y^-_:�
<br /> thN Propeny or to puy sumx tircureJ hy�hi.Security In.trunknt,whether or nnt�hcn dne. The�0•duy period will t+egin when —
<br /> � ihe natice ix Fiven.
<br /> ° �' Unlcc. Lendcr und Borrnwer olhenvitic •rgrcc in writinE, uny upplicu�ion of proceeJs to principul shull not extend or � � __
<br /> . ' pastponr�he due dc►te uf'�hc monthly puym�nt�referred to in puragraph. I •rnd?or chungc the;unount oF�he pnyments. If
<br /> . � • under parugruph 2 l the PrapeAy is ucyuired hy Lender. Borrower ti right Io :u�y in.urunce pciliciex und proceeds resulting
<br /> . '. ' i'rom dumage �a�hc Propeny prior 1��the acyui+ition sh•rll paxti to LenJcr w the cxirnt of the sums secured by this Security ---
<br /> •• � . Imtrument immediatrly prior w the ucyuisitian. _
<br /> •, 6. (kcupuncy. Preservation. Mainleaance and Protection of the Properly; Burrower's Loan Applkatlon: ___
<br /> Leasehulds. Borruwer xh�ll accupy,c.wblish,und uxe the Property a.BoR��wer+principul retiidence wi�hin sixry duy�after __
<br /> " the rxecuiion of ihis Security Imtrumrnt:uid ,hall cominuc w�kcupy tlx Propeny us Barrowerti principal regidence for ut __-----
<br /> ' leu.t one yrar nftcr thc d•rte af ckcupuncy, unlexs Lender alherwisc agrees in writing, which con+ent shall not be
<br /> � unrrusonuhly wi�hheld, or unle�+rxtenuuting circum,tance,exi�t which are heyand Borrower's control. Borrower shall not T�-,�ff
<br /> • destroy, Jamuge or impuir�hc Property,ullow thc Property to deteriora�e,or commit wutite on the Propcny. Borrawe�shall '�
<br /> � Ix in default if any fo�tei�ure action or pruce�ding,whether rivil or criminal, is he�un that in Lender's good faith juJgment �°"°''��`
<br /> �, nt.�
<br /> rould re�ult in torfciiure��f thc Propehy �ir othcrwi.e m•rteriully imp•rir �hc lien rreuted by ihi+Seruriry Instrumeni or � ^'�^ .,_-
<br /> •• LenJer:+ecurity intereti�. B��rn�wer muy curc+uch u defuult und reinslutr.a.pro�•ideJ in puru�raph IS. hy cuu+ing the aclion :�--_
<br /> • nr praecJing�o lx:dismisxd with a ruling iha�, in Lendcr���xxl fuith detcmiinution,prccluJe,forfciture of the Borrower's �:W%;�na�-...�
<br /> intcrat in�he Propeny or wher mutcriul impuirmrn� of the licn crca�ed by thi� Serurity In+�n�ment or Lender's�ecuriry �-'`"`'°"
<br /> imere+t. Borrowcr shull ul,o Im m defuult if BoROwcr, Juring 1hr luun upplicution praccs�, guve materiully ful�e or ����
<br /> inaccurute inl'wmutwn or stutem�n�ti to Lender lur failcJ�o providr LrnJcr with uny mute�iul inf�xmu�ionl in ronneclion wi�h •x���
<br /> • the loun evidrnced by the Nntc, including. twt not limited ro, rcprc.rntu�iunti runcerning Barrower: �xcup•rncy of the �`;�'�':,�• =
<br /> •.r.,.-�_�
<br /> • Pmperty ar u principal rc.idcncc. li'thi.Srcuriry In.trument is un u Icu+cix�W.BoROwcr+hall comply with ull thc provisions •' �•�• ` ..��:
<br /> uf the leatie. If Borrow�rucyuire+fec litic to the Propcny,the IeiixcholJ unJ�he fee tille.hull noi merge unlesz Lender ugrees
<br /> t---- —���rd'�-
<br /> - -- _ -- to the mergcr in wriung. --�—�
<br /> ° 7. Profectioe of l.ender's ki�hts in Ihe Pruperty. li' Born�wcr luilti to Fx�li�rtn Ihr cuvenunt+ und ugrecrn�nts k ••
<br /> c�mtnined in thi+ Sccurity Instroracnt,or �hcrc i. u le�ul prexccJing that may �iEnificundy affect Lendcr's ri�th�s in the
<br /> Pmpeny I+uch ux u pr�xeeJinE in hunkrupicy.prohute,i'ur c�Nidemnulion�x tiiriciture or tu enforcc luw�or rcgulalion�).Ihen y�,, .; ,
<br /> • l.endcr may do und pay for whutever i.nrcr,.ury w prntect the vuluc��I'Ihr Pru�ny c�nd Lcixlrr�right.in the Pruperty.
<br /> Lender:uctiun+muy inrludr puyin�:my wm�+ecurrJ hy:i licn which ha.priority uver thi.Securiiy In�trument.uppearing . ' "
<br /> in coun,payin�rcu.anaMr auurncy.'Fe�. anJ rnlcrin�on thr Pn►�xny �o mukc repair+. Al�hough Lender muy tuke :x:lion �• . . i'�:���
<br /> under this purugroph 7.Lcndcr dik+nut huvc tu du.i�. ,.
<br /> Any anwunl,Ji.buncd hy L�nder und�r thi� paaigruph 7 ,hall Ixcome•rdditiunul drht of Bnrrower+ecureJ hy�hi. �
<br /> � Srcuriry In,trumcnt. U nlc�.Burruwrr unJ LrnJrr aRrre to uthrr irnn,ot'puymrnl.lhr,c:�mowu�.hall lxur intcrcst frcim thc =
<br /> • Jute ot'Ji+hurxment a� iha No�r r•rtc anJ ,hall Ix puyoblr,with imrrc.i,up�m nuiirc frum Lcnder�o Burmwer rcyuctitin� , . -
<br /> , raymcnt. � ,t�
<br /> . 8. Mortgu�e Insurunce. If Lrndcr rcyuiRd mongagr imurunrr a.a cundi�iun�►f�mal�ing th� loun .rcurcd hy thi.r �
<br /> Security Inxtrwnrnl. Burruwcr+h�ll pay the prrmium, r�yuircd to mairnuin ihr mungu�e imururnc in rffect. If.fur any -..,_._
<br /> . nu.un. Ihe martgauc in,urance covrrage rryuircd by LrnJer lap.c. ur r�:nr� w Ik in rt'tcrt. Botrower +hull p:ry the � ..�r-�.f_.
<br /> premium� n:yuircd lo i�Yxvin ruvrr,�gc .uh.tunliully equivalent tu ihr mongu�;r in+urancc previuutily in ct'fect. at a ro�t ' �'staW.-
<br /> suh.luntiully cyuivulenc w thc ro.t��� Hurrowcr of thr m�in�:��c in�ur.incc prcv�uu.ly in rffrcl,frum :m alternatr m��ngugc m°'Tr:-•=�
<br /> insuRr uppruvcJ hy L�mlcr. If.uh.tanlially ryuivalrnt murl�.agr in,urance corrragc ir not availi�hk. [3orrowcr�hull pay tu . �'���'�'
<br /> LrnJcr cuch month a+um ryual w unr-iHrlfth ul'�he yri►rlr m��npuge in.ur;inrr pRmium ix ing paid hy Barcawcr whcn Ihc ' '
<br /> inxurancc covcr��c lap.cd ur cra��d to Ik in rlTrc�. Lcnd�r will acrep�.u.r:md retain�hr,c puymcrny u+a lo»rrtiervc in liru °'':.. '
<br /> ot'murtgugr in,urriicc. La.,rc,crvr puymenh muy nu IonErr Ix reyuircd. at thc upiiun oi'Lcndcr. if mong:��;e in,ur�nrc � � • ,
<br /> covcra�c(in the amoun�•rnv lor Ihc�xriixl Ihat L�ndcr reyuirr.►pr�►vidrJ hy un iu+urcr appravcd hy Lcnder aguin hecome. �
<br /> ' uvuilahlc and i�uhtain�d.Hortowcr�hull pay �hr prrnnwm rryuircd�u mi�imuin m��n�aEr in,urnnrr in cFfect.or w providc u
<br /> lu,�R��rvr. umil �hr rryuircnknl li�r mortgage imuru�xr rnd.in arr�►rJanr���•ith:�ny�vrillen agrecmrnt Ix�twren Bormwrr ;
<br /> � and Lc�xlcr ur applicaM�law.
<br /> �
<br /> 9. Intipection. L�nder ur il�ap�nl ma)• ma6c rc:i.unaMe rnlric� up��n:m�l m,pec�ian�ul 1he F'n,�xny. Lendrr•hul
<br /> givc Bun•uwrr no�icc at ihc timr„f��r prioi a►an in,�kr�i�m,�xril�in�.rc:u�,nahlr r;�u.c li,r thr m.�xrtiun.
<br /> 10. Condemnuti��n. 'fhc pnkrrd.��1:m� aaard ui rl;inn���r�Innac��..durri�a run,r.�ucmial,in rnnncr�i��n ai�h am•
<br /> ' timyk I�annly �•F'nnnM�1uNFreddli•\luc 1\IFIIN\t 1\�TRI�IF:\f •1 ndnnn t'ma•n,xn. 4�W1 ��a�er?,�I���4�crv
<br /> � bn•.��I.a.��.Ha,wr..I'�nM. I�M � ,
<br /> , Innrtlnr.�ll lliaF�11f4d91 ra�i�..r��l�llfl
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