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t' � . . .,. A 't .�:.�. . :r. ._ .i ;.� .�a f . .. .c <br /> p.' ) 'r "r ,� ' f i::.�'��:�+„'�_ � - ,i.a #� f: �J .,.��5e-.a..�W,.(tAo.M•' <br /> �:. •.rt.,�S4}�Ob . ,f'�tY.r� i�t' a=.0 J�. t !T..i� �w.1W�{t�'7� ' _ <br /> '.S a.J� , , . <br /> � . ma+v . . . _ .. - . — <br /> "_1._ <br /> -_'-_ . r���1/ _ — _ "''.h^T_--_ <br /> .... " �_— ��:__. "- <br /> r� .-�:_-- - 92- 1�12084 �- - <br /> , TOGETHER WITH aU�hc improvement�nuw ur h�r�ulirr crrr��d un Ihe pru�x ny.un�l:dl ru�rmcn�..:ippunrnunccti, <br /> ' , and fizturc�now ar hereafter a part��i the pru�xrty. All roplucemenl.unJ;►Jdili��m +hidl ulu�tk c�►venJ by Ihi.Sccun�y <br /> , d Insltumem. All of the faregaing i+refrrred io in ihi.Srcuriry In,trument u.thc"1'rapeny." <br /> � � BORROWER COVENANTS�h�t Bam►wcr iti luwiully xi�ed uf�hr���atc hrrehy cunveyrd und hu+Ihr righi���Erum _ _. <br /> ' � ' and convey thc Propeny und that thc Pn►pcny i+uncncumlkrcd,except tur encumhrunrr.uf rccord. Wirr�wcr wurrunt�und <br /> � ' , will defend generally the tiUe to the Property again.t ull claim.r unJ drmand�.tiuMjrrl lu any encumhrun�r.ul rec�i�J. ��`�'"-�� <br /> " • THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT canbincs uniform rovcnunts 1'ur na�iunul ux und non-unifurm cuvenuntx with � -°'' �'� .� ^ <br /> __ " _.�;•,_ limi�ed e:.riution�Ay juriediction u►con+�iwtc a unifum�+c�;unty in.irum��nt cnvcring rrul pr��xny. �:.--. <br /> °' '"" UNIFURM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und Lrndcr cuvcnant und ugrrc a,toUuw+: t'��v^�� <br /> � ' " L Payment of Principal and laterest;Prepayment and l.ate Char�es. Burcowcr.hull prumpily pay whrn Jur�hc � "��`� <br /> � ' principul of und intercst on the debt cvidenced by�hc Note und any prepaymcnt anJ laic churge+dur unikr Ihr Note. � ;"�"'-=_.---:°�° <br /> ' �� � , 2. Funds for Taxes and lnsurance. Subjcct to upplicublc luw or tu a writtrn waivrr by l.cndrr.R��rrowrr.hall puy to ` `°"- <br /> �R:_�. ::;_,�:._� <br /> ' Lender on the day manthly paymenty are due undcr thc Notc,until 11x Notc ix puid in full,a+um l"FwiJ.."1 ti�r: lul ycarly ;��:�---�_.. <br /> ° tuxes und assessment+which muy uttain priurity over thi�Srcurity Instrument uti a licn on thr Nru�xhy:fbl yeurly Icu�cholJ �:.�- _. - <br /> a ments or round rentti on the Pr n ii'un (c) yrurl huiurd ��r ro n intiuruncr remium,; Idl �,�rl fkKx1 �� ���'�t'�' <br /> , . p•y g ope y. y: Y P P�' Y p Y" Y ,� . ... <br /> ; insurance premium., if any: Icl yearly mortguge insurance prcmiums, if'any; und ltl uny +um. payublc by Rorrowcr ro -- <br /> ' Lender, in accordance wiih the provi�ioos of p�uugruph 8. in lieu of the paymcnt of mortgagr in,uruncc prcmium.. TMrsr �_ <br /> ' � items are callyd"Escrow Items." Lender may.ut any time,eollecl+md hold Funds in un amnunt nrn to exceeJ the muximum � <br /> . nm�unt u lender fbr u federAlly related mongage loun may reyuirc for BoROwer ti escrow uccount undcr Ihe federnl Rrul � ry ��� <br /> ,. • - •� � Estate Seitlement Prc�cedures Act of 1974 us nmended from time Ia timr, 12 U.S.C.�2G111 rr sry.l"RESI'A"),unlc„u��xhcr � ;; `�;�j�='- <br /> s� � .• luw thut npplies to the Funds sets u le�ser umount. If so,Lender muy.ut any timc,collect und hold FunJs in an anwunt nut to ! - <br /> exceed the lessrr um�unl. Lcnder may eslimate the amount of Funds due an thc basiti M' rurrcm dalu und reusonable __— <br /> estimates of eaprnditurex of luture Escrow Items or olherwi.r in uccurJunce with applicable la�v. ia� "_� <br /> Thc Fund+ ahall be hcld in uo institulion whu.r•c d�p��it. urc insurcd by u fedrral agenry, inslrum�nlaliry,or cntity �'� �� ��'-°"'="' <br /> � o .,,.,.� z..,_�s <br /> ',. ,�.',.�.::; <br /> , ,;..�:,,.�t�,�:`;�» (including Lendcr,if Lender i.such an in,titutionl or in any Federal Hcxne Loan Bank. Lender tihull upply Ihc FunJs to puy i �r}���;::_ <br /> ;,:�;'�;'t:;,;�,;F.' the E.�cro�v Uemx. Lender may ncn rhar�;e Borrower for holding and upplying the Funds,unnuully unuly�ing the r,crow _: '._�•._ <br /> �• .:�;;y;,••:� accaun�or verifping Ihe Escrow ltems, unle+s l.endcr pays Borruwcr in�cres� on the Fun�iti und appliraMc luw permi�+ ;°�._: -- <br /> '�� � Lender lo make such a chur�e. Howevcr.Lrndcr mu rc uim Burrower lo u a onr-�imc chur c F'�x un indc nJcnt reul ' ��'`:'"�'•`.� <br /> 6 Y N P Y ' F fk j: .,�„�� <br /> ; c,tute tux rcponing service uuJ hy LenJcr in connertion with thix loan,unle.�applicublc law providc+othcrwisc. Unles.�n d +-- <br /> agreement is made or upplicublc luw r��yuire+inlercxt to be paid.Lender+hull not lx r�yuired to pay Borrowcr vny intrrc+t or � •� <br /> carn�ngs cx�thc FunJs. Borrawcr and Lender may ugrec in writing,howcvrr,lhut intcretit.hall lx puiJ on Ihe FunJ�. Lender , . <br /> ' shall givc to Borrower,without chur�r,un unnual ucc�wnting of tlxr FunJs,�howing rrcdit.unJ dcbit.w thc Fundti and thc � ,��� <br /> purpose for which euch debit�o thr Fund,wa,mada The Fundr ure pledged n+adJitionul uxuriry ti�r all.ums.ecured hy • .--.� <br /> this Securiry Mstrument. � , '�� <br /> __ �� _ lf �he Funds held bv Lender exceed�he amaunts permitted a► bc held by upplicublc luw. Lendcr ,hull uccount �o E �� <br /> �,�"'� ^ Bormwer fnr�he rxcess Funds in ucccxdance with�he requimments of upplicuhlc luw. !t tne umount of the Funds hrld by F::-•r``-i-`-a�u�'Z` ��� ° <br /> • Lendcr ut any time is nut sufliricnt k�puy thc �+crow Itcm.when due, Lcndcr may +o notify Borrower in writin�,und,in � �� �: <br /> ''.::�'"� such case Borrower shull pay to Lender the umi�unt nece,.ary to mukc up the detirienry. Bnrrower shall makc up Ihr ! '"�'x <br /> � deficidncy in no more thun Iwelve monthly payment�,at I.ender's xole Ji,cretion. � , ' � <br /> . Upon paymem in full oP all,ums.rcured by ihi.Sccurit�•In+trumrm. Lrndrr shall promptly refund a Burrowrr any � <br /> Fund�held by Lcnder. If,under purugruph 21.Lrnder+hall aryuire or scll the Pro�xny.LcnJcr,prior tu thc acyuisitiun ur � <br /> � s•rle of�he Propc�rty, shull upply nny Fundx held by Leixicr at thc [imc of uryuizition or ,ale ax a crcdit uguinst Ihe +um+ � , <br /> kcured by Ihis Security Instrument. � <br /> ' 3. Applicalion of Pavments. Unlc+s appliruhlr law proviJc. uthrrwisc, ull paymcnt. rcccivcd by L�ndcr undcr <br /> � puragruphx I and 2.r•hull Ixr upplied: fint,to any pnpaymcnt chartic.duc un�kr thc Nutc:,crond,to amountr puyublr undcr � <br /> '1Ct.•- <br /> purugrs�ph 2:third,to imrrrs�duc;ti� principal Juc:•rnJ any I•rte ch;u�ge,duc unJcr Ihe Notc. :,•••:�" <br /> 4. Char�es: Liens. B�►rruwcr tihall pay ull taxc.. a+.c„ments. churge,. tine. and impc►sitions a�tributublc to thc , .w�"- <br /> � ��•� Propeny whirh may uuain pnority uvcr thi+Security In,�ruimnt,•rnd Ira,cholJ paymcntx or grounJ rents,if any. Borruw�r • .. . <br /> � " .h�ll pay Ihr+e thc manncr proviJcd in para�r•rph :,or iF no1 puiJ in�hat manncr.Borruwcr tihall puy them un . ��•,�- <br /> �,:;'.,;� �ime dirccUy to the per�un owcd payment. Borrowrr�haU pmmptly fumi.h to LenJer•rll nuticr�of ar�xmnl��u Ix paid unJcr «;''': <br /> ;, � •, thi.paragrnph. tF Borrowrr makes Ihcxe payment.Jirerdy.B��rrowrr rhall prampdy lumi+h to Lender receipts evidencing -���':::_- <br /> '•�+. the paymen�s. � <br /> Borrowcr+hull prnmpUy dixhargc any lirn which ha+priuriry uvcr thi.Srcurity In,�rument Born�wcr:lu1 ugrcrs <br /> in writing to�he p•ryment ot'thc uhligatiun xrurcd by�hc lirn in a manncr arrrp�abk tu Lendcr:lb) goud f'aith Ihr ..�ti;a;:=� <br /> lien by,or defcnd,ugain.t cnforccmrnt uf thc li�n in. Irgal pnwcrJings which in�hc Lcnd�r's upini�m operatc to prcvcat thc : <br /> . Y enforcemem uF thc licn:ur lrl ucurr+Irum ihr halJer uf thr lirn an agrcrmrnt.ati.laclory to Lrnder�ubordinating the lien , <br /> to Ihis Security In.trurmnt. If Lendcr Jrtrrmin��+that•rny pan ul thr Pru�ny i..ul►j�rt Iu a lirn which muy attuin priority <br /> �� over this Security Instrumrm.Lendcr may gi���Burtowcr•r nutirr idcntifyin�thr licn. Rurrower+hall sutisfy tix:licn or take <br /> ' one ur murc of�he uctions,et 1'.x[h aFx�vr w•ithin 1(1 Jay+��f thr giving uF nulier. <br /> � 5. Hs�z�rd or Property I�suraace. BoRUwer.hall krrp Ihc impr�wrmcnt�n�n� rxi+tin�on c�rcaftrr crected un thc <br /> Propcny insurcd uguin+t lo,y hc lire,haiarJ,incluJed«nhin�hr lenn°�xtrndrJ ru�rra�e"and:my ulhrr hutard+,inrluJing <br /> Floais or tloodi�. far whirh Lendcr rcyuiR. in�ur:mrr. 'I'hi+in,ursmrr +hull Ix maintam�d in 1hc amoun�, •rml titt Ihe <br /> � Fi�rm 11121i 4i�M1 rp,�qr=�,►n/wpr�i <br /> a <br /> � <br />