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<br /> '.�5r �-,;Y�,'�}V ,.�,.;-,, ::n.,-,.
<br /> . • . ih-�r�I�h^i�.I-.►t.v.� . _'_-_�.err�..._.._____'__'•.'_
<br /> J' ..4 � � .., . _ _____'_ .__. _ __
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<br /> -_�."'�►:RN � Q 7V�
<br /> °— �-���-''����--`�= of sple,And Ihe sAle�includln�the pAyment of Ihe 71�ustee'A tees actually incu��ed.eW to excecd • ___
<br /> ..�:�!1`?!*�°':.
<br /> --� - _.,� the principAl Amount of the nWe Al lhe time ot the declprAlbn of defs�ulf,and re�ns�ble AltorncyA'feea aspermitted ��4
<br /> .�,.-��...,..,x-;�-• ��, by Ipwi Ib)to�Q run�recured by thls Securily InWrument:And Icl�y excea++lo Ihe persoa or per�aw k�lly endlled
<br /> -.�a ,'�'�„��:;t�`�r,� -.� at�
<br /> '�.:,s>� �
<br /> .�� ... .;,,;,t�. :� 22. Reconveyanoe. Upon puyment oF ull sums secured by ihis Security Mstrument,L.endcr xhull�equcst 'itustcc�a
<br /> '• ,.: '' reconvey 1he Property and shnll surrender this Security lnsuument and all nates evidencinF debt securcd by�hig Se-curiry o�_
<br /> �" � �� � ' �`' a;•. Insuument ta 7tustee. 7tustee nhull reconvey ihe Praperty without warrunty und whhout chu�ge to the penon or pe�ons ��
<br /> r��;��' •�':,�..
<br /> � ,.;�,,,:;�;,:�;,, �. IeQally enlitled to it. Such person or persons ghall pAy any recordaUon costs.
<br /> ���' �� •• ,� 1,3. 3ubstitute 7Fuslee. Lender,ul its vptiun,muy from time to Hme remove'IYustee and up�int u succresor�ruxtec�o �-_-_,-_--
<br /> :. �.w F�R�r�•°,y�.�•: uny 7tustce appointed hereu�der by un instrument recorded in the county in which �his Secudty Instrumenl is rccorded. �
<br /> i-;,iV 8:;;��@i��•:° " Wi�hout canveynnce of the Property.the successor trustee xhall succeed to ull the lille, power und duties conferreci upon -- _ _
<br /> �iMra::.+��.': ,;, °•.. • 'Ituatee herein und by upplicuble law. —"`
<br /> �••':d~' �` • •s . �.. ?A. Requesl far Notices. Borrower rcyuests thut copics of the notices of defuult and sule he sent to Borrowcr w uddress _ ______
<br /> -"' °:'��.''�= a which isihe Propeny Addreas. __
<br /> 'y�=�� '. ' 2S. Ridera to Ihis Securily Iaslrument. If one or more riders are execuled by Borrower und recorded together with ��
<br /> -��: '�', . . . .
<br />-;,��� � '�,���.�. .�i; � this Secu►ity lnstrument, the covenunls und ugreements of eech cuch ridcr.r•hAll be incurporuteJ into und shnll Amend nnd J�.A:-`��'"--
<br /> su lement the covenants nnd agreements of ihis Security Instmmen[aa if the rider(s)were a pan of ihix Securi�y In�lrument. ��`�'-=��-'�'-�`` �
<br /> '��� .~ '� (Checkapplicableboa(es)I --
<br /> � :�. _ '• �� _ ---
<br /> ± ��,r.,�+te� ;`.-?'`' �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �I-4 Fumily Rider {��
<br /> - . . ;.,.- . ���.5...,.---
<br />���. • .^ �" �_`;_ ' �(irnduated Puyment Rider �Plnnned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Puyment Rider = _
<br /> ,.. _.;..
<br /> ' •'� '� Rute Im rovement Ridcr �Sccond Hame Rider ���u�' �•�-
<br /> 4� , ., „ �Balloon Rider � P _
<br /> _ . ;:.:���
<br />_ • , �X Other(s)�specify� ACKNOWLEDGPIENT c� --
<br /> �,�_
<br /> ,. BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrowcr uccepts und agrees lo Ihe icrm+und covenunts comained in this Security Instrument •c���_I •~
<br /> , • ��� ��,�_� and in any ridor(s►executed by Borrower und recorded with il. �`
<br /> . .. ••�„ ��s�:,::� _
<br /> • � � Witnesxes: �"�".�"`�
<br />' • � ra��f��ti:
<br /> ■��:-.��=--
<br /> __ - -_ OANIEL E. F v •H°"""�`� - °
<br /> Social Security Num r 506-60-6556 ��..,.-
<br /> , -
<br /> �J'�' .a
<br /> � � � �,1 ��tef�s� 1$eUl) ���.�:�yo,. �
<br /> " � � � LEAH R. FALTIN -��Wer ��=`� =
<br /> � � Social Security Numbcr 507-92-2386 .�t��
<br /> '../.l . . ...��_
<br /> .\.i lLfClf;'.
<br /> . • ';i...�;:y.. . �',i�'—
<br /> �' '• `. � STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL Ccwnly ss: —_�.
<br /> , . . �x.•--,;
<br /> On Ihis 11 TH ��Y�f IrIARCH 1992 ,fxfore mc,thc undersiRned,u Notury Public �.'�-�,�
<br /> •• duly commisxioned und yuuli�ed for xuid count .persanull c•rme DANIEL E. FALTIN AND LEAH R. �?'.�`•''``=
<br /> Y Y �L.,�,.,.r�:
<br /> � FALTIN, HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to mc known t�i bc thc ��,�,;�+;
<br /> , , identicul persons(x1 whose nume(s)ure .ub.crihed ���the foregoin� instrumen�und ucknowledged�he execwinn thercuf to ��"" y
<br /> �.�b;�r--.—
<br /> ' be THEIR voluiuiiry•act and dccd. ', ,�
<br /> . . ;, Witneti�my hanJ•rnJ n�HUriul�cal at GRAND I LAND, NE in�uid caun�y.thc '•�� . ?'-.�
<br /> ' � . datc afixesaid. ) , ,y � �
<br /> " My Commission pi �`M� � ' � �
<br /> . � Notury Puhfic y':.:,:;_`:_,
<br /> Ouia r�.�,_ --
<br /> , ' T FOR RECONV�YANCE '-;���';��;;.,,..
<br /> ' � .. • TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> . . A+.
<br /> •• Thc undersigned is�hc holder of'the nolc or notes,ccurcd by thix [ked al'7Yu.�. Suici nme or notc.,toFcthcr wilh all -
<br /> other indebtedness secured by thi.pccd ul'7tu.t,huvc txen paid in t'ull. Yuu:�r�heriby Jircrted t��cunrcl.aiJ notc ctt notcs
<br /> ., tmd this Deed of'IYu+t.which ivc dclivrrcd hercny.und t��rcrom•cy.wi�haut warranq.all�hc c+tair nuw hrld by you under
<br /> ' this Dccd of'Itvst to the person ur�xrsonx Iegully enti�l�J Ukretu. �
<br /> .
<br /> Dutc: - '
<br /> .. � Fwm102M 9/SI6 �pu.eenu�npt¢rs� �
<br /> !.
<br /> , � ,• .
<br /> _ �. , '.
<br /> . ,';; `. ,
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<br /> 1
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