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<br /> ,. •.,, ' "�� upplicuble I�w may specify for reinsiwernent)befure sule of thc Property pursuant to any power uf wale contained io this
<br /> "�''�` ' Security Instrument:or(bl endy of a judgment eofbrcing thfa Sccu�ity lns�rument. Thosc conditiuns ure thut BoRnwer: (u)
<br /> .'�''�:''' -=�'`;��t'- pays Lender ull suma which then would be due under thix Securiry Instrumenl und the Note as if na accelerution hnd
<br /> • -..,>�'.�..
<br /> occurred;lb)cures any default of ony dher covennntc ar agreements:lc1 pays ull ezpenxe+�incurred in enforcing thfs Secu ty
<br /> � Instmment, including, bul not limited io.reasonoble altorncy�'fces; und (d► tAkcs such acUon uc Lcnder may reasonably
<br /> ' " require to uxsure thut the Uen of�hls Securiry Instrumcm.Lcnder+rightK in thc Prc�perly And Borrawcr+obligation tu puy Ihe
<br /> ' sums securcd by ihis Security Intitrwncnl shall continue unchunged. Upcm reinslatemenl by Borr�►wer, this Security _
<br /> ' InstNment nnd the obligations xecured herehy shull remain iully ef fectfve ua it'no accelcrution had occuRed. Huwever,this —
<br /> • right lo rcinslate shaU not apply in the ca�e of acceleratiun under paruRruph I7. �__ _.__ _ _„__
<br /> :_; . l9. 3ale ot Nole; Change of' I,unn.Servkec The Note ar �puniul imeres� in thc N�HC (tagcther wi�h thi, Security
<br /> • InstmmenU may be sald one or mora dnnes wi�houe prior notice ta Bannwer. A sule muy rewult in u change in the entity __
<br /> - ' .' . � „. (known us the"Loun Servicer') that coNc��s monthly payrncnt�dur under the Nate and this Securily Instrument. Thrre also ___
<br /> ' ' maybc;one or more changes of the Lown Servicer unrclated to u sAle of the Note. If ihere is uchange of the Loun Servicer, ���_l�°�_-
<br /> ' — Borrower wiU be given written ndice of the change in uccurdunce with paragruph 14 ubove smd upplicuble law. The notice ��._; �__.
<br /> ' � � �� will atate the name and uddress of the new Loan Servicer und the uddresx to which payment�shou Id bc madc. 7'he natice will -_
<br /> � ulsoconwin any other informationreyuiredby applicable lnw. __ -_,- _____
<br /> � ' 24. Hazardous 5ubstaneea Bnrcower�hall not cause or�:nnit the pmsence,u�e,dispoxul,titaru�e,or rclease of any
<br /> ' Hazardous Substunces on or in �he Propeny. Bortawer xhnll not do, nor ullaw unyone els.tc�do, unything uffecting �he
<br /> � • ' Property thnt is in violatlon of uny Environmcntal l.aw. The preceding two scntences shall not upply a►thc prescncc,uec,or ____ __
<br /> stonge an the PropertY of smoll yuami�ies uf Hnzurdous Subs�nnccs�hat ure generally reco�nized to he uppropriute to nonnal. +a'.- __-�
<br /> � residerniol use�and lo muintenuncc of�he Propeny. �_'r;�_--=
<br /> , � BoROwer shnll promptly give I.ender wri�ten notice of uny inves�iga�ion,cluim.Jemxnd,lawsuit or other acdon by uny
<br /> ' gavemmental or reFulutory ugency �K private purty involving the Property und uny Huzurdous Substnnce or Environmental ��°=-- .
<br /> � Lnw of which Borrowcr huc uctual knowledgc. If Burruwer leams, ar ix notified 6y uny govemmental or regulutory -,--;��.,�.�___4__
<br /> " •:•• Authnrity,that Any removal or c,ther remediatian nf uny H:uurdaus Subxtunce uffecting the Pro�rty is necescary.Bnrrower `_-.'<.�.y i��.:_;-�;
<br /> .'y'`,��`• � xhall promptly tukc ull neccssury rcrncdiul actiuns in ucwrdance with Environmentul Luw. . _ ';«` -
<br /> A�u,ed in Ihis parugruph 20."Hazardoux Subxtanecs"ure thosr suhstances de�neJ us tozir or hur.urdc�u� substuncez hy ;:,��,._�''
<br /> �� ., Environmentnl L.aw und ihe 1'ollowing�ub,tunce+: gusoline.keroscne,other Ilummublc or �oxic�utroleum pn�luc�+,toxic ��.,��:;�,.:
<br /> .,.t�..1�.,
<br /> ' " � pesiicides und herbicides,volutik tinlvenl+. mutcriuh comuining u.hestas or farmuldehyd�.and rudioUCtivc muleriul+. A� — .-
<br />, . ' used in this puragruph 20."Environnunt:�l Luw"meun.federul luws anJ luws of tix:juri+diction whcrc the Yropcny ix lucuted �.��r r:�:•:,��
<br /> .. tha�rclu�c to health,safcty urenvironmc�tal paHeciion. �'���"''.
<br /> NON-L'NIFORM COVEN ANTS. Horr��wcr smd I.rndcr funhcr cuvrnunt und uFrcc us tollowti: • •
<br /> 21. Accekrotiun; Remedles. Lender shall�ive nutice to Bnrrower prior lo accekr�tlon fbllowin}� Ii�rruwer's q�.�:•,-_�,;••��.
<br /> bre�ch of uny covenant ur u�reement in this Secu�ity Inslrument Ibut not prior to acceleration under peraRraph 17 �;rii.,��,�;,,,,���
<br /> unless applicable law provide�ot6envjsel. The notire shall specU'y: lul the default;lbl the actiun requlred to curr the �•.�.�^._:!'�'�.,;,,;��.
<br /> - __ ����.U;1c1 A dale,not less than�0 days from the date Ihe notice iR Riven tu Rorruwer.by whirh the deiaelt must be ;.-�uf���-:�
<br /> � cured:and Idl that Pailure la cure Ibe dePuull on or UePore the date gpeciiied in the nulicr uiay resuii In rcrelersfl::n of �,,,,.���.
<br /> ' �,:�~.;rr thesums recured bv this Securlly Intitrument und xale of the Pr��perlv. The notice shull Purlher inform Bor�ower of �_=:., �. •..
<br /> " the ri�hl to�einstate aPte�ucceleralM��und Ihe riRht to hrin�u rnurl uclion to us�ert the nim•eKistence of u dePault or ' •
<br /> �" uny other defen.rr��P Borruwe�tu ucreleradon and+ale. If the default is not cured on ur beFure Ihe date specifled in ����"�•�.�'�'< � :
<br /> the notice.Lender ut its option muy reyuire immediule puyment in full uf ull sums tiecured by this tiecuritv Instrument . :,. ,,��.__—
<br /> wilhout further demand und mra��In�v�ce the po�ver of sule anA uny nther remedirx permitted 'n�� upplk:�ble lu�c. "�`•`�
<br /> ?��,.
<br /> I,ender shnll be enNtled to collecl ull e�penses incurnd in pursuin� thr remedie.r• prm•ided in this para�ruph 21. , _y�:.�u- .
<br /> includinR.but not limited tn.reeconuble utlurnev�'ieeh und cost�of Utle evidencr. ,,u.;.;�
<br /> IP Ihe power nf tiale is in�nked,'/Y�usler tihnll rec��rd u nulice of dePault in eucb c��nnty in��•hirM unv part oP the .,...,�;;
<br /> Prnperty ig locuted and tihall�naU copirti uP�uch noUcr in the munner prescribed by upplkablr law to BorroH•er und to ,;�:;
<br /> • � the other personh prescribed by upplicuble lua•. Afler the time requirrd b�•upplicuble lu«•.Trustee tihull give public
<br /> nutMe of�ule tn the penona und iw Ihr munner prescribrd h�• uppUcublc lua�. '1'rustee.xlthuut demand on Kurrower, r
<br /> .0
<br /> • shall �cell the Proprrtv ut pubUc uucti�m to Ihc hi�hext bidder ut thc lime und plarc und ender the terms desiunutcKl in
<br /> , the notke��f sole in one or more puncls und in un}•ordcr Trustce determine.r•. T�uslec muy porlpone sule ui uU ur um• _ __ _
<br /> pnrcel of the Pruperly bv publk uno�iuncement ut Ihe time and place of an�•pre�iauzl�•Kheduled sule. l.ender ur ils ! °�"`�:-"'
<br /> deslKnee mav purchu�r the 1'ri�prrl}�ul un��sule. �
<br /> Upnn receipt oP puymern of the pricr bid.'It�ustee sholl deliver tn the purchu�er 7'rustee'x drrd cop�'r}•in�the
<br /> prnperty. The recituls in the 'llrusl��r'�dced shull be primu turic e��idcncc oP the Irulh of 1hc statcmrnl!�made thrrcin. ,
<br /> . Trrxtee shxll apply the pr��ceeds atthe wle in the iidlo��in�;��rder: Iu1 to ull ro�l+und r�pen+er uic�ercising thN pm�er � . ��
<br /> � �;���
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