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� :.. •:.- _.__-----_--- , — — <br /> .��� .. . ���..-. � :;,�w} __ <br /> � .�.al� �-d.l;. .J:___— <br /> „ <br /> r�r� <br /> — _ <br /> -:.�.t..• _.�...,.r.t.M � -� <br /> ..a ._. ° 6�.•. - _ <br /> . �`'i.:::'...._... _... <br /> �: �...��, 92— � ��oF4 <br /> ..:::, �,. <br /> .:�.� .'�.( 'A i ��. . .. <br /> `�t��f.' K�"' <br /> �' ..�,R,�;'„� .. tM PropsAy I�w tok�n or damapW,L�nder�htll hwv�th�optlon,In iu�ole�nd abiolute dlscretlon,to apply ell such ProcNO�, <br /> ���+-�-�:�=;?� �ta�d�duaqnp Iherarom�II cos4 ond sxpaneea incurred by It In co.mection with such Proceod�,upon�ny Indebtsdn�u Mound <br /> '�'"''a+�'�„�'�`: hKeby a�d In such ader u L�nde m�y d�tsrmin�,or to�pply all tuah Proc�ed�,aR�r�uah dsduotlom,to th�rwtoraUon ol th� <br /> .t'.. .._ r..:-....a. . <br /> ,�:q�.�,�r�.�r,;;.• Proporly upon such conditiont a�Lender m�y determine.Any appUasqon of P�xoadt lo indebtedne�s�hsll not extand or po�tpone <br /> �`•�y �"�" •' �•,� the dw dats of�ny paymonta u�da tho Not�,or cura anY def�ult thonundar or honundar.Any unwppllod lund�shall bo pald to <br /> �,;�,�; Tmstor. i1 E:'�:a.-:-=— <br /> ..•�� g,p�rlprm�ne�by L�nd�r.Upan Ihe occurrence o1 en Event o1 Delault hereunder,or If eny act 1�laken or lepal proceodln <br /> l.,_ ;;... ,.,,,. <br /> ,�,,, ..,• . � cammenced whlch materlally eHecb Lende�'s Intere�t in the Propsrty,4ender may i�Iro own diacretfon,but wlthout oblipotlon to do <br /> ` � �' '.• � so,and wlthout notfce to or demond upon Truato�and wlthout ra�eesing Trustor Irom ony obligation,do any act which Truator hea �_ �_�_... <br /> �� , �.�.. .t;-:.,: <br /> ���'�h��:����A, , apreed but falls to do and may et�o da any oth�r ant U deem9 nec9asary to protect the securiry hereol.Trwtor�hell,immedlate y <br /> ;•-. -� � �� ''` upan darnend thorelar by Lender,pay to Lender pll coals and expenaes incurred and eums expended by Lender m connection wlth __.____ , <br /> ��� � � ' � the ererclee by Lende►of the faregoin�rlghts,together wllh interest therean at the delault rate provided In the Note,whiCh shall bp �.,}�r�:�,�,._� <br /> ����'� ' '±'�'� added to the indebtedness �ecureci hereby. Lendor sh�ll not inCUr pny Iiabillry becauce of anythinp it may dp or omit to da <br />��- - <br />--_;� - • '' � hereunder. - ---- <br /> �"�� •' "" , a; �� ' 9.Hat�rdous NIN��lils.Tructo�ehall keep the Property In compliance with ell appllcable lawa,ard�nanaes and regulatlona � -���:x,�-- <br /> .;;� '. relatlnp to Induet�ial hyglene or envlronmental protection Icolleotively referred lo herein a9"Envlronmental laws")�Trustor ehall --•�_-� <br /> v'�✓'�� °� keep the?roperty free Irom all sub�tances deemed to be hAZardous or toxic undor any Envi�amm�ntal Laws(collectively rotprrec3 to �'-��___ <br /> `� � � � hereln as"Hazerdous Malerlals")•Trustor hereby wairanls and represants lo Lender that there are no Hazardaua Materiala on or ��^-.�._, <br /> ` � under the Property.Truator hereby ayreea to Indemnify and ho'd harmless Lender,its dlrectore,oNicFra.empl0yees and agdnts,and -°°— <br />- . eny euccesaora to Lender's interest.Irom end agafnat any and aU clalma.damagea.loases and Ilab�lities arising In cannectipn with �___ _ <br /> `:?� � � • the presence,uae,dfsposal or transport ol any Hezardaus Materlals on,under, from or about the Propery.THE FOR�(i01NGi <br /> " `�`���' ��" WARRANTIES ANQ REPRESENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBLI(3ATIONB PURSUANT TO THE FORE401N(3 INDEMNITY,SHAI.L . _ <br />�:1�' ' � t.:.i;�.�:��; — <br />':,� � � �!' ', � , SURVIVE REAONVEYANC�OF THIS DEED OF TRU8T. — <br /> :"{;;r'..�;^� 10. Atsipnrttent ol ReM�.Trustar nereby asaigns to Lendar the rents,Isauea and pralits ot�he Property;provided that Trustor � `— <br /> •,. ri:.1:,i,;:f.r , �,� <br /> ,�. • �,.;�, ��r, .0, shall,untll the occurrence ot an Event of 0efeult hereunder,have the right to callect and relain auch rents,lasues and prutita as Ihey ,,_. <br /> ' !�;Y'��'�.�i�'"���`•:`±;� bacome dae dad payable.Upon the occurrence of en EveM ol Detaull,Lender ma ,elther in person or by agent,wlth or wfthout , <br /> �t��. (. <br />' ' �.������11t:�;�,«�j?��• bringing aRy action or proceedlnp,or by a receiver appaMed by a couR and wlth ul regard to the adequacy of fts securiry,enter - �-I-r��: .� <br /> •.•' ,f !� � �t � upon and take passeasion of the Property,or any part thereot,In its own name or m the name of the Tnistee,and do any acts whlch It �.�.z-- <br /> +"3`�� i y�`�'r; _�r�,.� <br /> � ,tt;'�''`�f�k�'�'�'� ' ncr eseehe Inc me th��ebom or pro�cl the slecu Ityrho eo�l and,rwth o1rl�vithoulPak ng poasesslon of the P operly,suehloeor �—�- ---- <br /> , � ,c���,f, •,,.��. •� �.,��_ <br /> :, , ���:_�:::=_. <br /> � �.k^t;%• „ • otherwlse collect Ihe rents,�asuea and Frollta lhereol, mcluJing those past due and unpnld,and apply the sarne,less coats and - - <br /> " � expenses ol operatlon and collecuon mcluding ariorneys'fees.upon any indebtednesa secured hereby,all fn such arder as Lender __ <br /> � ,. . .:.,---- <br /> ' '�� °- �;.a A:', may determine.The entering upon and:eking possussion of the Property,the collectlon ol such rents,lsaues and pro0ts end�he G <br /> ', �<;,.`�'• gppllcetion thereot as afo►e9aid,ahall not cure or wafve any default or notice ol delault hereundor or Invalldale any act done in _____ <br /> � response tq such detaultor pur9uaM to such nM�ce ol delaull and,notwllhatanding the conlinuance In possesslon ol the Property or �.i ac' -"""`__ <br /> • � r�f+ '' the colleclion,receipt and applicatfon of rents,Issuae or protlts,and Truatee and Lnnder shall be entltled to exercise every rlght � ,,�; _ <br /> � ' '`"�� ` provfded lor in any ot the Loan�Inatru�ents or by lew upon occurrence of any Event of Default,lncluding wlthout limltatlon the rlght -- <br /> � •-___----- <br /> � . . .. to ex3rclae the power ol sale.Funher,�ender's r�ghle ar�d remadta�urde►thle pareg�A�h anall be cumulatfve wlth,and in no way a ` �%��-� <br /> '� Umltelfon on.Lender's rigMs and remedies under any asalgnment olleases and rents recorded egelnst the Property,Lender.Truatee ��r':_�_ <br /> � � and the recewa�shall be liabie to aCCOUnt only for those rents actually received. �;_:-_ <br /> � 11. Ev�nq ol DNault.T�e tollowing ahal!c�nstltute an Event af Detault undor this Deed of Trust: _�„ <br /> ' �� (a) Failure to pay any mstallment of prfnapal or interest ol any alher sum sacured hernby when duo: �� • , .;�_ <br /> (u) A breech of or tlefault under any proviaioR contained in lhe Note.Ih�s Deod ol frust,any ol the Loan Inelrumems,or any ��!�'f;��,�',__--- <br /> other Ilen or encumbranco upon the Properry: � � ��s= <br /> �t�iaR_:�--_ -" <br /> ° (c) A w�ll of executlon or atlachment or any si mllar process shall be eMerod agalnst Trustor whlch shall become a hen on ���;,r� �_,� <br /> ' �� the ProperN or any portion thereot or finereat►herein: �y. ?`�"-' <br /> '"Y'`/�•�. <br /> (d) There shall be liled by or ageinat Trustor or Borrower an act�on under any preaent or tuture federal,stete or other 7';j��c�I�rf` "'}__+�,.._ <br /> statute,law or reguletlon relating to bankruptcy.msoivency or other rel�ef�ur debtors;or there shall be appointed any trustee, '; '�+_��i;;:�- <br /> � recefver or I lquidator ol Trustor or Borrower or ol all or any part ol lhe P�operty,o�the rents,issuea or protlls thereol.or Trustor s:��-�" . <br /> or Borrowr�r shall make nny general assignment for the benef�t ol creddors; � � � <br /> ' (e) The sele,trensfer,lease.assignmenl,conveyance or furlher encumbrance of�li or any part oi or any�nterest in the f <br /> ;,,.:_ <br /> � � Property,eilher voluntanly o� mvoluntanly, wdhoul Ihe express•Nntten co�sent cl Lender; provlded thal Trustor shall be �,;.,, <br /> . , permitted lo exec�te a lease ol the Properly that doe�not contain nr.opuon to purchase and the term ot whlch does nol exCeed ;�ti+_,,.- <br /> . • one year, � <br /> • ° (n Abandonment ot the Properly.or ��`f��:' <br /> �,� '������ • �g) If Truator Is not an Indlvldua�,the��e,�ranslor,asslgnment.conveyanCe or encumbrance ol more then a totel � ;�` <br /> .�,,•.�� __ ! <br /> ��^ perCe��t ol lif a corporat�on►its�ssued antl outstanding stock or�lf a partnara�ip)a total ol _ ._percertt of r � r,�� <br /> partnership Interests during the perlod this Deed of Trust remams a hen on the Properry r , <br />- nt ol an Event of Default Lender may.Wdhout notice exCept as required b�r ` ,Y.�..•y`.��s-_ <br /> �� , 12. Remedln;Acc�loratfon Upon Oetault.In the eve v = <br /> law,declare all Indebtedness secured hareby to be due and payablo and the same shall thereupon become due end payeble ,.4�,,,_� <br /> „ . ' v:,.�. _ <br /> � wlMout eny presentment,demand,proteat or not�ce of any k�nd.ThereaHsr Lender may • _ <br /> (a) Demand that Truatee exerC�9e the POWER OF SALE granted he�em.nnd 7rustee shall thereaker cause Trustor's <br /> t intete8t In!he Property tc be sold and 1he proceeds to be diatr�buted,all in the manner providetl In thp PJebraska Trusl Deede <br /> ACC <br /> ' (b) Exerclae any and a;l rights provided lor �n any of the Loan Instrm�enta or by law upo�occurrence ot any Event of <br /> . '' � Delauit;and <br /> oult a recerver,or specdlcally entorce any ot the ; <br /> � (c) Commence an action to lorecloee th�s Deed of Trust as a . <br /> ��� ' �,�. ,�� covenents hereof <br /> '' ''� '� ' No r9medy herein Conterred upon or ieserved to Trustee o�Lentle��s�htended to be vxcl�s�ve of any other remedy herein,m the <br />• � ,�,�;�- Loan Instruments or by law provfded o�pe•�mtted,but eACh sh�l1 Ge cumulat�ve.shull be in add�t�or.IG eve�y Other remedy g+ven <br /> hereunder,�n the Loan Instruments or now ur herealter oxistmg u!�aw o�m equ�ty oi by slatute.a�d may be exerased concurreMly. <br /> independently or successfvely. �'� , <br /> • 13. Trust�Q.The 7rustee may res�gn at any t�mQ w�thout c&�se.and LFnder m�y at any ur,�e and w�thout cauae apDn�nt a i- <br /> Successor or subst�tute Trustee.Tru9lee shall not be 1 ab�e to any party.�ncl udmg �v�thout limdation Lender.Dorrowar,;rustor or any <br /> � purChaser ol the Properry,lor any loss or damage unl�ss due to reckless or w�lit,�:m�sconduct,and snall not t+e requued to take any � . <br /> ; actlon m connecUOn w�th the enfo�cement ol th�s Deed of T�usc u��bss �ndemrnhed,�n wntmg, for all costs. compensaUO� o� <br /> expenses whlch may be assoc�ated therew�th in addit�on.Trus�ee ^�ay�ecome a purchaser nt any sale ol the property f�u��c�a�o� <br /> _.___.. .__ .�___..._...�....i.. .......�� hoin�n� nnatnnnA the s81e Of elt p�any poruon of the prov�ded by�ew:Or yeli th@ � <br /> .. .. .. _ .. . unun� uro pvve�... ......, y........_ .._ _ ,.�__ , <br /> Property as a whole,o�in separAte parcels or lots at Tr�stee s d�scrett�on <br /> 14. FN�and Exp�ns�s•In the event Trustee se�ts the Property by exerc�sQ o1 power of sale,Trustee s�:ail be ent�tled to apply <br /> ' any sele proceeda first to payment of ali costs and txpenses of exerc�sing power oi sale,�nclud�ng a�l Truste�s�eea.entl Lender's <br /> ,� end Trust6e'8 atlorney's fees.actually incurred to exten�purm�tteq by apphcable iaw �n the event Borrower or Trustor exeruses any <br /> rlght provlded by law to cure an Ever�t of Oelault,Lender snall be ent�tlod to recover trom i rustor all costs and expenses actually <br /> � incurred as a result of Trustur's delauit.includmg wdhout lurotndon a11 Trustee's and attomey's the extent permltled by <br /> eppliCeble law. <br /> 15. Futur�AdvAnC�s.Upon request of Borrower.Lender�ts opUOn.mawe additional and future advances end re- <br /> advances to Borrower.Such advences and readvar.ces,w�th mter�st thvreon,shau be secured by th�s Deed o�Trust.At no time shall <br /> ' the prfnclpal amount ol the�ndebtedness secured by th�s Deed oi rrust.no1�C��ns advanced to protect the securiry ot th�s <br /> peed ol Truet,exCeed the onglnal princlpal amount staled herem,or$ __.-- . -.wh�chever�s greater <br /> . � <br /> • � _ _.L__ _ <br />