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<br /> •aL.n. Y� ��yj` 't r�C� _r�way _ . ^''r4.ti.�..
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<br /> - ����-� ---L�--�=- ACKNOWI.EDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST OJ2_, 1�206 9
<br /> ��-;'��... . �--�,
<br /> �-�'`�'r�' �1�'' �� � - --
<br /> ="' 'a°'"''��`�" Trwtor und�nf�ndi th�t th�docum�nt Ihat Trustor Is about W�xoout�Is�D�ed ol trwt end not a mort�pe And thAt the power
<br /> _.:,��yVry.�,yp*,�""i"+IR!„�•j �.
<br /> �' h^ � oi wb provlcNd for in th�ONd of Tru�t provlds��ub�tantl�lly dlflsr�nt rlphb�nd oblipetfon�to Trustor then�moRqape In ths avsM _.
<br /> � ��P���+�%��� ol�d�ult or brNah ol obllp�don under Ihe DNd ol Tru��Includinp,bul not Ilmlted lo,lhe Lend�r's�Ipht to have the PropeAy wld •�-
<br /> � ^�•:"�"'>'"'•'�•'°"�' by th�Tru�te�wlthout any Judlcfal proceedlny.Tru�tor nprsuna d wa►ants th�t thl��aknowlodpement wa�ax�aubd by ��°;�'"
<br /> ° � , .` '. Trustot b�for�th��xocutbn oi tho W�d of T�u�4 � —
<br /> . �`J�',.`.'}L(`. _ �,t�„�
<br /> ''h :�'
<br /> --•''-� .�K��ia��= - DOMAL J RUZI True • �_-�. .� __:
<br /> � ., ..,.:F . . . '
<br /> ��..., .�_ ._ ...., .. ' It1
<br />� . .. , � , PA ANM RU2ICKA T to ��'��-'`
<br /> � . ��=
<br /> C� ` ;,, .. , : .. :. .
<br />, . -.�•��x�h-��' ��' , DEED OFTRUST WITH FUTURE AOVANCES �""-";"
<br /> �� . . �-�:� ; . _ . . �_«
<br /> F� � THIS DEED OF TRUST,Is made as of the 16L�.day of N�r. ,19 92 by and amonp '"""`�"'.'.
<br />�'• ; • .
<br /> � ,�...•.. . �,::-°-
<br /> � � � . � the Trostor, DOMALD J RU2ICKA i FABNE ANti QUZICKA , huob�nd and riiv , �,_:.
<br /> � ' 1�1�1 MBST STOLLEY PK RD t3RAND ISLAND NE 69801 "'�'"'�
<br /> �•--
<br /> • � . whose molllnp addrea io (herefn"Trostor;'whether ort�a or more�, f'�'`"'�"
<br /> -•>:. . . . �
<br /> ; . � . ° the Tru�taa. Fivo Pointo B�nk. � Nebr��ka Corporotion � ��;-
<br /> �� _ - ,�:' % Q P.0. Box 1507 Gr�nd I�land. NE 68802 �-`
<br /> ' whose mallin address fs (hereln"Trustee"),and
<br /> . . . ......� .
<br /> the BeneNciary, Fiv� Point� B�nk . `' '"�
<br /> i. � «�„"'4'.
<br /> � ' NE. 68802-iS07 �+;�s;;t:
<br /> • '�� " whoae malHnp eddreas le P 0 Box 1587 Gr�nd I�land, �hereln"Lender").
<br /> ��,:,;
<br /> , 1 . {:.•
<br /> . ' FOR VAIUABL�CONSIDERATION,fncludiny�ender's extenslon ot credit fdenlllled hereln 1�ALD J RUZICKA ��;�1:.
<br /> ,:� . ��,4;:c�...::
<br /> "' • •• � F�EYE AtIN RU'LICK (hereln"Borrower",whether one or more)and the truat herein created, ;�.,{�;1;'��t,.,�:_
<br /> � • the rece�pt of wh�h is hereby ecknowledged,Truator hereby Urevocably grants, trensfers, canveys and assigns to Trustee, IN ;'�'•��.�': ti �
<br /> ��� TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for tha benefit end aecurlty of Lender,under a�d suqect to the terms and conditlons hereinaRer set ' -
<br /> d „' lorth,the real property,described ao followo: �`
<br /> . — S££ ATTACN!lENT 'A• ---_ -
<br /> �"�: -
<br /> . �:;��;;,:.
<br /> ' �����`���
<br /> � Topether with all bulldings,fmprovements,llxtures,atreets,alleys.passageways,easements,rights,privlleges and appurte• •:�'�,. ,'°��
<br /> � �� nancea located thereon or in anywise pertelnfng thereto,and the rents,issues and prollts,reversions and remainders thereot,and " �
<br /> • such personel property thet is attached to the Improvements so as to constitute a fixture,Including,but not Urnited to,heating and �
<br /> , � coolinp equfpmenC and together wflh the homealead or marftal Interests,�1 any,wh�ch Interests are hereby released and wa�ved;all �����R'��
<br /> ' of which,including replacements and additionsthereto,is hereby declared to be a pah of the real eatate aecured by Ihe lien o(this �"�'���f t
<br /> � „ Deed of Trust and all ot the forepoinq belny relerred to herein as�he"Property". . •
<br /> � This Oeed of Truot shall aecure(a)the payment of Ihe princfpal sum and mterest ev�denced by a promiasory note or credlt
<br /> __ !�i•:'ti��•
<br /> . �� ayreement dated M���� 16th 19Q� .havmg a maturNy date ot —Marah 16th 1995 , :-;�if:+�;;_•�
<br /> . „ � ' ����.;�;•,:
<br /> .�1:,,..:,.
<br /> in ihe orlglnal principal amount of 5—�.-Ql�•� .and any and all modlGcatfons,extenslona and renewels ••-• :,,;;;:,,:
<br /> ^ . , thereof or thereto and eny and all luture advences and readvances to Borrower Ior any of therr.d more then one) hereunder �`�����•�';,
<br /> pursuaM to one or more promisaory notes or credit agreements(herein called"Note"):(b►Ihe paymont ol other aums edvenced by �� h �;w '�
<br /> ' Lender to protect Ihe seCUrlty ot the Note:(c)lhe pe►formance of all covenants and egreements of Trustor set lo►th herein;and(d)all ':;e r_
<br /> present and luture fndebtedness and obllgalfona ol Borrower(or any ol them if more Ihan one)to Lender whelher dlrect,indlrect, "•
<br /> ` � � :��''•�::' ab8olute or Conlingent and whether erfsing by note,guaranry,overdralt or olherwise.The Note.this Deed ol Trust and any and all ' .�;r'!;''_
<br /> � �'"'� ` other docuente lhat secure the Note or otherwfso executed i�connect�on therewdh,includr�g without Ilmitatlon gueranteea,securlry � �;i;;;�;' :_
<br /> 5-.-.r�:,,��at ,:
<br /> ,,..;-.���. . apreements and assignments ol teases and rents, shall be referretl to herem as the"Loan Instruments". �. �,;�{;.�;,.
<br /> �•� Trustor covenants and agrees wlth Londer as follows: ��`� .
<br /> �� t. P�ym�nt ol Ind�bMdnns.All indebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when due. (� ,;
<br /> 2. TRI�.Trustor is the owner ol the Properly, has the nght and authonty to convey the Property,and warrents that the Ilan ,
<br /> i . created hereby Is a lfrst and prfor Ilen on the Property,except tor hens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in wnting and , •
<br /> delivered to Lender before execuNon of lhis Doed of Trust,and 1hF executlon and delwery ol this Daed ol Trust does not v�olate any
<br /> contract or other obligetfon to whicn Trustor �s sub�ect. •
<br /> 3. Tax��,M��s�rrNnl�.To pay belore delmquency all taxes.spec�al assesaments and all other charges against the Property
<br /> now or hereaRer levied.
<br /> . ' ; �•,�•. 4. Insurane�.To keep the Property�nsured agamst damage by fire.hazards mcluded w�thui the term"exlended coverage",and
<br /> � ' SuCh other haZard8 es lender may reqwre.in amounts and with compames BCCeptable to l.erv�er.naming Lender as an add�tional �
<br /> ' ' nemed in9ured,wHh�oss payable to the Lender In case o1 loss under euch i�••hcies.the Lenc�er�s autho��zed to ad�usL�.ollect and '
<br /> '���?��� compromise,all cle�ms Ihereunder and sholl have the opUon ot applying UII or N�rt ol Ihu,��sura�icu prucuuds IU W any�ndeptedness �•. "
<br /> � '" • seCUred hereby end in auch order as Lender may determ�ne,li��to the Trustor to be used for the repa�r or restoratlon ot the Property
<br /> � or(iN)(or eny olher purpose or ob�ect sabsiactory to Lender without affecung tne fien o1 this Deed of Trust lor Ihe lull amount secured
<br />, • � hereby before such payment ever took place Any applicat�on ot proceeds to indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> ' ���" date of any payments under the Note.or cure any delault thereuntler or horeunder
<br /> � ��,�: 5. E�crow.Upon wrfRen demand by Lender,Trustor shali pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may designet@.SuHiCient
<br />� sums to enable Lender to pay es they beCOme Oue one or more of tne toliow�ng:���all tazes.assessments and other charges agamst
<br />� — �� � � me Properry,pq 111e ptBm�umS On Ine properry msurance requued nereunaer,and�iui ii�tl Nrrnnums un nny nwriyaga meu�n�wa
<br />� requlred by Lender.
<br /> 8. MNnt�n�nc�.R�paln and Compllane�wilh Law�. TruStor shau keep the Property �n good condit�on and reDa�r,shall
<br /> promptly repefr, or replace any Improvement wh�ch may be damaged or destroyed. shall not comm�t or perm�t any waste or
<br />- � t dBterloretlon ol the Property: shell not remove,demolish�r substantially alter any ot•he�mprovements on the Prope►ty.shall not
<br /> commlt,suHer or permd any act to be done in or upon the Property m wolat�on of any Iaw,ordmance.or reguiation,and shall pay and
<br /> promptly dlscharge at Trustor's cost and expense all liens,encumbrances and chargos levied.�mposed or assessed aga�nst the
<br /> Property or any parl thereof.
<br /> 7. En�In�nlOomaln.Lender Is hereby asalpned all compensatfon,awards,damages a�d other payments or reliel(hereinafter
<br /> � "Proceeds")fn connection w�th condemnation or other takmg ol the Property or pert tnereol,or lo�conveyance m heu of condemna-
<br /> tlon.Lender shall bo entitled at its optfon to commence,appear in and prosecute�n�ts own name any uct�on or proceedinge.and
<br /> shell also be en►flled to moke any comprom�se or settlement m connect�on w�th such tak�ng or damage In Ihe event any portion of
<br /> N�C 3�611�1onprKWwi��OMaI R�.t0 !6
<br /> 0 1 fN M�UOnN Y�n d Comm�rc�i�uu�na S�nrq�I�uoen��on l�ncan N�or�N�
<br /> .
<br /> —
<br /> �. .. _ _ -___. ._ . __ _ ..
<br />