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<br /> —`s1-"'`�'�""-=-`z��..�� D. UNLVOitM SECURIIY INBTRUMENTi GQYERNIN(i LAWi BEVEitA�IlJ7Y �I�� �U�O�V ------
<br /> T� Uniform Covaiunt IS of ths Seeurity Imtrwnent b Wnend�d to rRad as fd�ow�: L•
<br /> _. _:��i'�_�='1:,�._'.J —
<br /> —a��a-;r
<br /> �.:a;r�:n:r.�x.:n.�...:p 16. U�Itor��vAn I�tr�li Cor�I.�w=8w�nbWlp.This tarm ot Secutlty Inurument combina uniform coven�nu tor n�tfond wa �
<br /> "���?a;,�4"�' -- -- �—
<br /> •�•�" : wnd non-uniform coven�nts wlth Wnited vui�dom by ju�fidiction to con�Nwte q uNform�ecudty lastrutnent coved�i►al PfOP�y.T�+ -- -
<br /> '.�+��,����',:., i�loc�ted.In the evm�thu any i�L�__�_-..
<br /> ;�;� � Sxu�ily Inurument�AaU be Yrn'erded by Foidav I�w�nd tha bw ot�he jurisdlctlon in which the Property ��,�.._=.__-.--
<br /> :�.aR=����• providon or cl�use oi thls 9a.�urltY�n�t�ummt or the Note cantlicts with appNcabir law,such conNct�h�l)not�tfect other Drovlsions of tM� -
<br /> 7'2'+g RPl�^.._.�.:�. � �' '�"i]K�'_-`_ -.
<br /> `;'��:;�{'a Sxurity Initrument or the Nou which c�n be�ivm eitect without the coailktin�provision��ad a�hia end tha provWons ot this SecuNty F�"��.
<br /> '-���:,����;� ;;;��,• ltutrumeat�nd the Note arc declued to bt�evaabk.
<br /> ....a�.1�`�:ir; + .• _. ._.._ -._.
<br /> i:*» Y��',` '
<br />��'�'' Uniform Covenant 17 of tha Savrity Insttument is uncadal to rad w follow�: —.
<br />�le,'
<br /> Jl�i� :.. .,. . , ����.�.,
<br /> 17. Trnmfa ol tb�Properq m�BaetkW L1era1��s°R°Na.lf aU or any part oP the Property or an interat therein is wld or transfared _
<br /> _ ,,,� � .: . �3's:+R?tit+��ct�,�-=_
<br /> ' (or if a beneflcial interat in Borrower is wld or uwuferrod st�d Borrower is not A nwtunl perwn)without L.ender't prior written consent,
<br />• ,', '' ' • I.ender moy. at L.ender'�op[ion.declaro al!the sums secured by this Secudty Imtrument ro ba Immediately due pnd payable.However,this �,�,�:.�,�-._•,
<br /> n _�..�vr__
<br />�� � '� � option rholl not be exercised by l.ender if exercise it not authurfud by Federal lpw.Lender mAy waivc the exercise of thi�optlon ff:(a)Bortowa ��
<br /> �.•,_.. ��_�_-'.�___
<br /> ���`•' • ' " causes lu 6e aubmitted to Le�idcr informadon required by Lender to evaluate the intended transteree a�it a new loan were bdn�m�!°�°��e ,
<br />�,' �.�i`�4.Ykt�7��.�.s•, -- -�•••'�
<br /> r Ira�uPmee;and(b)Lender re�oru�bly determines�hwt Lender's secudty wiU not be impaired by the loan�umpdoa�nd tiwt the�k of the �`��-.'.��--�',.=—-
<br /> t+� ' - � broach ot any coveiwnt or egaement in this Securiry I rotrumrnt is uceptabk to L.ender.
<br /> �� �. �� •`• ' To the¢xtent permitted by applicable laa,Lender�nay chprge a reasonable fee as a conditioa to Lender's consent to tMe lou�wsumption. __ ___
<br /> y � Lrnder moy alw require the tronsiera to keep all the promisa and agreements made In the Note s►nd in this Security Instrument. _
<br />`�`�'' '��`�:: • '•If Lender exercises sueh apdon to accelerate,Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleradon ia accordanee with para4raPh l4 here°i• ;,
<br /> .�.. : •� �, ... �... ;,
<br />,::. s. .'>>�;�"` .�i''. Such notke shall provide a pedod oi not las tlwn 30 daYs from the date the noticc is mdled within which Bortowa maY pay the sums declued • :1',��'?.
<br /> i` � _- _
<br />'�;��;�` ��� ' �' �� due.If Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to Ihe expiradon oi such period, l.eader maY,wi�hout further notice or demand on Borrowa, _
<br /> ,t,l�.�' '�, ��;���' �r`. ,:�"�" ;�" invoke any remedia permitted by thia Secu�ity Instrurncnt.••
<br />�.. , :5:;',��.,-•;;r; l.a ��.�1..�:' .a .
<br /> •'''•:;�ii i,�ld; - . . I. )' c�i;�'' u — ------
<br />,r,•, ,, � , �.,,,�� : Notwithitandina a aale or transfer,BoROwcr wlll wnUnue to be oblipated under the Note And this Secu�ity Insuumeat unlas Len _
<br />•t ;�n;.; :`�. �aleaced Horrower In wtiNn�. �"`°-
<br /> •�x, '��,•, �,��.......
<br />".::• � •• �"'. '_.'','i' ------
<br /> � ' �� ; '� F. IAAN CHANGFS
<br />,:;.�� ; ' • ' , �'?. r. �as��.-=.
<br /> � , If the loan socured by the Security Inatrument i�subject to a law which se�meximum loan charges,and that law is finallY interpreted w �:.;�-.;;�_
<br /> ..�a_ -+��=���•'-' • itted limits,them(Il en9 such loan _
<br />- - : . . --
<br /> tbat the inte�at or other ioen charges coikcied u�to be�allccicd in conneceion a4th!he loen exctttl jx�rm =--__ --
<br /> charge shall be rcMuced by the amount necessarY ro reduce�he charge to the permitted Ilmlt;und(2)any sums already collected Prom borrower -- _
<br /> which exceeded permitted limita will 6e refunded to Borcower.l.ender may choose to make this refund by adu��in�the pdncipal owed under the �___
<br /> � ` �' Note or by mokin�a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces principal.the reductfon will be treated ea a paniel prepayment under the
<br /> ^ . Note.
<br /> IN W ITNF S!3 W HIsRkOF.Borrower ha+�eu�aled Ibu AdJuxuble R�It Rldcr. --_--
<br /> . „ ��s-�-
<br /> .i � . � �f��r�4�.�.
<br /> � � . ' � /� ---.IJCY�) ('}15,• �_
<br /> „ . — -- � --BnRROW R � �`�•t�
<br /> 1 .d , �
<br /> mICHAEL DAL MRRTIN A/K/A(►IIpiAEI.D. PWRTIN '.,.:,;,.��,�.. ;
<br />� 1�'' �c/��1�i���in-�'. /iC /� �"'rY (!,�/-���/ ($CY�� �,,,..r 4 r.
<br /> , . -- �I N RROWER t,:N:'";:}`—
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<br /> • ,��'_�. _ . • CYNTHIA JO mARTIN �� '`:��
<br />� -�'.
<br />* 'A:�:' : ' . _ (�) E, . •
<br /> .. , • ,•� 80RROWER , . '
<br /> . . � •'. �SIGN ORIGINAL ONLY1 �.:,j. _...... --_
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