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<br /> , . `ti
<br /> •r.�.rrK .N� - _
<br /> ' ^' ---
<br /> r,
<br /> ; . - . . ` • ' �DJUSTABLE 1tATE RIDEP�
<br /> �.�F 92-- �(1��b 8
<br /> � ;...�, .
<br /> .�„ , . .:,,... ,. � �,. 11 Ytu"frawurylnde��R�ItC�ps) ��
<br /> ' b"•
<br /> � •�+�� --� FEBRUARY � 92 �
<br /> �. „ � ° THIS ADIUSTABL.E RATE RID�'R f�mrd�Ihis _ �3T� d�y of 19- _
<br /> ..
<br /> ., , u�d i�Incorponted into and�hdl be damod ta amend ond suppkment the MonQa�e, Deed ui Trus1, or Security Deed(the"Socutity �^��
<br /> :� � „ Instrument")ot Ihe aame d��e piven by li►e undersi�ned(ihe"Borrower )to sccure Horrower's Adjustable Rate Note(the"Note")to HOM6
<br /> ...�..e a �n•u�aanr_�er�nN eR n1uNe IsuND.NHBRABKA(the "Lander")of the sAme d�te�nd coverity the
<br /> ,,::�..:.�,,..,; FHuB°w�$��m..o. ..
<br /> -- ` . . propeny described{n the Security loslrument and located ac _
<br /> --_ .
<br /> �,� :'° , -�� -'.-� _ � RT 1 80X 25K. DONIPHAN� NE 69832 L-----`�'.-'- _-,
<br /> ��� ''���� (PropertyAddrew)
<br />_ '. 17J� �ok cont�lm provblon sNow�ly for cM�n�a U ny Iote►at mte ��d my ao�lUlr ---- —
<br /> psf�e�b.TMI��ote�bo Il�lu tM wwOY�l I�y IAIl1l�I fwlf C�f1 tMR�Lf�1�wy ON II�Q YO -- --
<br /> ' alfo IYe�al�brwe��d IM mnda�w nle 1 roal psy. !� -
<br /> . ..yy�a�
<br /> �:. •, ADPITIONAI.COVENANTS.In addNiun to the covmants and n�amenu made in the SecuNty Instn�mrnb Borrowa aad L.aider �.`"-`� `-`r--------����
<br /> ���,' ! �� funher covcnant ond t�ree as follows: �
<br /> . ...''�.•
<br /> ' � A, INTERFST RATE AND MONTNLY PAYM 7'CHANGE9 -"`�`'" °:�_�
<br /> � ' � �;- � c+ar, , The Note provida for an initial intcral rAte af �� '!i.SccUon 4 oi�he Note provida for chan4es In the Interat rete end the � ,_ -. ,_
<br /> �' • -
<br /> ' ', ' ...;`tii,°.� montby paymenu,as follows: , ;
<br /> ;;
<br /> •..��r .'��:.,
<br /> ' ,:� `•,.�;1` I, 1NTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT ChfANOES ,,,,,,
<br /> ,. S. ... , . . � IA/ Clu���e D�us , _ :_a , , �,
<br /> ;;•.};o,-,.. ' 1+1ARCH ,�9 93 .and on that daY e�'erY .,,Y..�.
<br /> � •�;� �• � The interat rate I will pay may change on�he flrst day af �-.
<br /> ,:.�,j;' .. . —�_��c�__:
<br /> 1? monlhs thereafar.Fach date on which my intaest�Ate could chanQe is called a"Chonac Date." -----
<br /> '`:��� ,� s�••,�v.,_��,
<br /> ' �' .'�• IB) Tdetadex t. ,
<br /> '` &�Inning with�he firs�Changc Datr,my interest rate w ill be based on an Index.The"Index"is the weekly average yleld on United Stata `�``_"�`�
<br /> ,. .:;�,; -
<br /> � � Treasury secudda adJusted�a a conatunt matudty of 1 year.as made nvailAble by Ihe Federal Reserve Board.The moit recent index flQurc -----
<br /> � availpble w oi 1he date 4S dpys before each Change D�te is ca11M the"Current Index." . •�'•
<br /> • If the Inda is no langer ovailable,the Note Holder will choo�e a new indea�which is brued upon comparublc infornwUon.'Ihe Nate � f��,���4_�.
<br /> ' Holder will give me natice of ihis choice. - ~;;.,, �
<br /> � .. . ,� �;'�:,'�.:•
<br /> .. . ,
<br /> _ : •. . »;.��,. '-- � , :,,,.,
<br /> ----------r.-:; --• ---
<br /> ;,.�'... �c� e;a�ca.ao.ofciun�e, 1HFtkE atvo oivE HAI.F --
<br /> n� �
<br /> • &fore each ChanRe Date,the Note Holder will ctalculatc my new Interat rale by addin� P°«1e�0 �'�, ,,; t s
<br /> poinu( 3.5 'h)�o the Current lndex and roundiny to the nearat 1/Sth of Iri.subject to the limiu stptod in Sectian 41D)below. � �--- _
<br /> • Thia rounded nmount will be my new ioterest rate un�il ttx nexi Change Date. "� �
<br /> The Note Holder will then dclermine the omaunt of the monthly payment �hat would be sufflcicnt to repay in full the principal I am �
<br /> expected to owe on thot Chan�c Da1e in sub�taniially equal paymenti by Ihe malurity date ot my new Intcrest rale.The rault of this cakulotion ,�„�+.i
<br /> � � . will be the new amount of my monthly�aymrn�. � �` � '
<br /> � :,� -
<br /> IDI I.fu�ib oa laten��R�le Cb�aRea _
<br /> NI
<br /> The inures� ruic 1 um rcquiicd �n pay �I ihc fir�t c'hangc l)o�c will nu� be greater thun 10.0 ___—"i or Icss than , � ; `
<br /> " �n ne.Thereaf�cr,my inicrctii ralc will ncvcr br inrrc•rseJ or Jerre�sed on any ti�nQle ChanK�Uu�c hy mi�rc than T��� ,
<br /> � .�.�Q�.�from the ra�e o(imeres�1 hovc heen paying for�hc preceding�wclve months.The minimum intetest rate on this lorn will never be :-_ �
<br /> � leas�h�n�__ --ni and�hc maalmum intaect nte wlll ncvcr be Qrca�er than 'L3 � �• � _.
<br /> IE) M:ffecUve D�te ol('h�a�es ■�
<br /> ' „ My new interest rate will become effeclivt on each Chan�e Date.I will pay�he emount of my new munthly payment be�inninQ on tlrc Finl ;,, n
<br /> monthly payment date after�he Chan�e Date uMil Ihe amount of my monthly payment chenQes eQein. � ��� •T
<br /> IRl NoUceotCM�Nea � � '
<br /> The Note Holder wfll mail or deliver to me u naice before each ChanQe Da�e.The nalce will advfse me of: `' �•i'�.�
<br /> �:,t �
<br /> , y�� �.4.+.n3.:;".
<br /> 1i) �he new interest rate on my loan as of the Change Date; � • , •
<br /> ° (iq the anounl ot my monlhly payment following the Clwnge Da1e;
<br /> •. liip nny additional mauers which the Note Holder is required to disclose;unJ •=
<br /> Ifv1 the addras of Ihe associa�ion you could rnntut regarding any questions about the adjustment notitt. ; "`M�.- „
<br /> 6 B. CHARG�; LIENS
<br /> Uniform Covenant 4 of�he Security Instrument i�amended to read us followc:
<br /> � 1, Clwry�ea;l,ka. Borrowcr sholl pay all taxa.ussessments,and other chargcs,fina,und impositfons anribmable�o the Property which may
<br /> attain a priority over�his ticcuri�y Imtrument,ond IeaseNdd p�qmenb oP ground rems,if any,in the manner provided under parograph 2 hereof
<br /> � ur,ff not paid in surh mannar,by Burrowcr muking pa5•mcnt,x�hcn due,directly to Ihe p�yee thttmf.Borrower sh�ll promptly furnish Lrnder
<br /> ull notices of amount�due under�h�s parngraph,and in Ihe coen�Horrowcr shall m�ke payment dire�:tly,Borrowcr shall promptly furnish tu
<br /> Lender receipts evidencfng wch paymen�s. &�rrower shall promptly discharEe any lien which hu prfority over�his Securiry Ini�rumenl;
<br /> however, Borrower+hull nut tx reyuir�til to Jfscharge any wch lirn�o lung as Borrower. (al shall agree in wri�ing �o the payment of the
<br /> ` obliQation scr•ured by cuch lien in the manner acreptable to l.ender;(h►chull in guod(aith contest such lien by,or defend against enforcement of
<br /> such Ilen in,kg�l p�occeJings which in Ihr opMian of I.cndcr�xratc in prcvrn��he entorcement of Ihc Nen or foriellure of the Property or any
<br /> par��hrr�Y�f;a�Icl�hall.e�ure Iram the hc�lder ��F.urh hcn an;��:rrcmcm m a lorm �•r�ftilhcWry�u I ender+ulx�rdinaling wrh licn �n Ihix
<br /> Sei:uri�y Intittument.
<br /> . . _ .... ._.--'-•---'-_. .w.....0........ .,...�..�d�.. �n���....�. �,,��mo:�e,:�G�n wh�rh nwv attam a nriurit�•orcr thi5 Sc�unty la,trumcn4
<br /> _ 1 �� ..�.�,.,.��...��...��...................: ._.. . . _ . . . . .
<br /> , j Lender shall give Borcuwer a nohte idenut�in�wch lirn.Iiorr.�Ner tihall+uu�fy wch lien or�uke one or more cif Ihe actions set forth above
<br /> � within ten dayc of the giving ot'the notirr.
<br /> ! C. NOTICF
<br /> � UN(orm Covenant 14 of the 5ecuri�y Instrument i�amrnded ro rcad a+tollow•�:
<br /> �
<br /> � I U. NoNce.Ezcept for uny nolice required under uppl�cable lox k�he g�cen in anolher manner,(a)any nuhce to Borrower provided for m this
<br /> ,, Securily Instrument shall be given by deli��ering it or by mailing it My I'irst rlass mail w gorrower nt thc Properly Addtas or at such ulhcr uddrcss
<br /> I as Borrower may designate by notice tu t.ender as providM herein,and 1b)uny noiice co l.ender.hall be given by ffrst clstss mail to l.ender'c
<br /> address stated herein or�o such uther address as Lender may designate by nuuce tu Burrower as pro�ided herein.Any nai.e provided for in Ihis
<br /> ` Security Instrumcnt shall be decmed�o have txen given�o gorruwer ur Lender w�hen given in the mnnner designated herein.
<br /> I
<br />