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<br /> secured so as to�ffect tiiis Oaed of Trust,the antire indebtadness secu�d hereby shail et the
<br /> optlon oi the Boneflclary become due and payable; (c)to kaep the above described Praperty
<br /> and the improvemants therec�n ir� �ood canditlo�and repair e�d not to connr�ii4 e�r suffe�was4a
<br /> thareof, and except as autho�ized In any schedute annexed hereto and formin� e paft hereof,
<br /> ne�ther to remove nor pemnit thc �amoval of any timbe�, bulidings� oil, qr+s, minerals, stona,
<br /> rock, cfay. fa�tllizer, �ravel a�top sail without the prior written consent of 6aneficiary; (d) tfl
<br /> malntain and detiver to Benoficiary poUcies of insurance apainst such hazards az�t�c�C�dtngas
<br /> and improvements now or hereafter Iocated on or constituting a pa�t oP the P�Y�r�,� as tL'�3
<br /> Beneficlary ahall require� in such companios anz�amounts and with sw.,l`�t,�ss{����;s�aus�ss
<br /> as shatl be satlsfactory to the Beneficlary; that in the event of loss, ���c:�.� i� expres�.�
<br /> autharized to settle or compromise clalms unde�said poUcies and the �d.��C+�reof shall
<br /> be pald to the 8ana�cJary who may appty fna same or any pa�t ther+e�f on the indabtednass
<br /> secured horeby or toward the reconstructlon o� �epair of said buIl�:r�s and improvements o�
<br /> reloase same to the Tn�stor (e) To pay any Iien, claim or char�e a�ieast the Property which
<br /> mlght take precedence ovec tha lien her�ci; �tp t�.�pay on derinand to t}�extent providad in 11
<br /> U.S.C.. Sedian 508(b) and as otherwcise perrrti�ied by law, all legal e�xpanses, tltle searc.hes,
<br /> appraisal o��+tt�cneys' fess reasona�riy i�c�azecJ or paid by Benef�ciary to collect the Note er
<br /> fcmeclose, liqu�:e, exe•�e the power of saGa�e�r otherwise enforce �nzUor prote�t the Ilen of
<br /> t��eed ot Traast; (g) �: in the event Trusitar�all fall to comp(y wi#h the provisions ot(a)
<br /> t3ua�yh (f� �ve, the Seneficiary nnay exaand such funds and take such actlon as is
<br /> necessaryr ta�:nedy such failure ar�a� s�ms paid by the Beneflciary pursuant hereto with
<br /> interest at the rate hereinafter prou�i�d sh�11 constttute a lien upon the Property. shall be
<br /> s�cured by this Deed�Tn�st,and shall be irnmediately due and repayahle to the Beneflciary;
<br /> ���ot to sep tt►e Pr^�y or�ny parUon thareof; or. if the Tnisto�is a corporation, nvt more
<br /> t�ar+N/Agb Qf i3�corpar��e siack shail be sofd,traded, or disposed ot to persons other than the
<br /> present aw�rs of sucTti stt�ck ptia.• t�th8 tirne the indebtedn�ss serured hereby shaU ha�ae
<br /> R�n reduced (excluslve of prepayments other than as provided in the said Note)to$N/A�and
<br /> ir�the even!of any sa{e herein prohibited. then the enGre indebiedness secuned by ti�e Deed of
<br /> Tnist shatl�at the optlon of the Beneficiary become due and payab(e;(i)that i�tne f�ropariy or
<br /> any part or panxl thereof ahall be taken or damaqed undsr the power of emtnent domain�the
<br /> awarcl�or any Pcnperty so taken or dama�ed(induding sev�rance damapes to the remairttrty
<br /> .. . - premisesj �nari be paid io me esenenasry and appued 'm iuii or in pari si iira opuon of aze
<br /> BeneflGary in reduc�ion of the i�debtedness hereby secured; (j)that the Beneflciary shalt have
<br /> the ri�ht to inspect the Pnoperty at such reasonable times as the Beneficiary may desire to
<br /> deteamine Trusior's compUance with the cavenents contalned in this Deed of Tnut; (k)that the
<br /> Beneficiary may release from the lien hereof any part o� pancel of the Property witheut
<br /> requuin�any considerat�on therefor, and(I)that Trustor is IawfuAy se�zed of said premkes and
<br /> Property in fee simpfe, tha!the same are free from aU ttens and enaunbrances except as may
<br /> otherwise be specifically noted herein or waived iA wri�ng by the Beneficiary; that Trustor wiU
<br /> execute ot procure any further necessary assurances of titie and does hereby warrant
<br /> qenerally the ti�le to said Property and wiU forever defend the same agalnst the claima and
<br /> dernands of all persons whomsoever, and that Trusto�s separate astate� whether vested,
<br /> continqent or in expectancy. is hereby conveyed and Tnutor does hereby� expressty waive,
<br /> release s!! ri�hts and beneRts of any homestead, dow�ar� courtesy� appraisement� exemp�on
<br /> and stay laws of this state. It is agreed that the interest provided for in stibsec.�o�n (g) above
<br /> shaY be at the same rale as speafled in the Note secured hereby on the prinapal thereof after
<br /> de#ault and matutity.
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