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'�. "�. ':;'y_ .��,�T�i�r�1'vj��r�itK'i.'�if,� ,S,C ;y•:i,:. .1 „�:;±:. . ��,.�,.,:::.. . 7t:;�% +�7`.��rf i Rv� <br /> � � ' . .m�mv_. <br /> ` .:, � �d 'i'�r�w'!'�i f !�. � � �..Y �Q��i!J <br /> . S� � �, �.y `��/'� �_ 1,(f. ��#'�`�J, ,t .�' �.-. �`�t-.r�i �, .��9J�� i _ <br /> 4 (• �kG Il:yl4t'�S��i• `71.�T�. <br /> �I'"" ..a. -�. �- - _ . <br /> (���,., .. � ,: .'il`'i��Gsr.;ner. -... ,� ' . _ =-- <br /> +;. <br /> ' i . �..vH'I�.k.s _==r_ <br /> ._y.v•a��YV�a..+ <br /> . _. _'._ _ ___.:---_—_ <br /> .. `. - -------� QS..i:a S.v.t....;..,. <br /> - ��., : „ ��,.�: 92— 1 U�049 �s=---==._ <br /> : �y.���,� <br /> " ���;!,._a��y*;' ' , �xriixlti thut Ler�Jcr nyuire,. 11�e in�urunce cur�icr pn►�•idinµthe in�urunce+hull t+r rhu.rn hy Nn�ruwer.�ih_jcri �o I.�ndrr', �_'.��_.::�,_--� <br /> � K• upprnvul which�hull nut Ik umcu,onuhly wi�hhcld. If Ni�nowcr fuil�w muintuin cnvcr�iE�dr,crilxd uMwr.l.�n�kr muy. u� �:_�,;__;_::_z,�. <br /> ;,'°. .�•'';�"°�`�'$�i"• � L��ncicri+o�iun,aMuin cuvrrugc to protcc�Lrmfcr ti right,in thc f'�u�ny in ucrordimrr N•ith pu�ugruph 7. <br /> y:���kw�. �� — <br /> � . I ....•6•s ° All in�urunrc�x►licieti und mnewul�.hull tu uccep�uble�o Lrnder and�hul I iaclude u ,�andurd mort�!u�r rluu+e. l.endrr �:�+��.~----- <br /> ��•=• •` � shall huvc�he rf�ht U�hukl�hr�x�licir�unJ�tnrwub. If l.endrr reNuir�+.Nurrower,bull pmmplly Ni�•e ta l.rndcr ull rrcei��t+ _____ <br /> �•� �c" , ' of paiJ premium,and renuw:d notice,. In�hc rvrn�uf lo,,. Nurn�Wrr,hull gi��r prumpi noticr�o�hr in.urun�c ri�njer u�xl —'� <br /> ' L�m1cr. Lender ma mvkc r�w�f o(lu,.il'nu�mudc mm 11 h HaRUw•cr, ��: ::�.;:.:��.� <br /> Y P P P Y Y Y�_ryav.:r:."�:��'"`` <br /> � ,i � Unlc.,�.ender und Burrawer u�hcnvi.r ugr�c in writing. inyurunrr pnxced,,hull hr�ipplird�n resN�r�Uion ur repair ul' <br /> . " � °1 Ihc F'ruprny dumuged. if�Fw re,torutiuu ur �cpuir i,ccanumic�dly I'eu,il�i� au� l.cndrr'. .erurit� i� nut Irtitiened. If the M� <br /> 1 ,; , �:-'��1,� , • rc�iora�iun nr re ir i* �n� er�mamKUll tea.ihlr or Lrndcr; ,rrurii would ix le.�eixd.�hr in.urunrc r�xccd+.hull tk �,�1=''�"`_i-;J�..: <br /> ,f Pa Y Y P ,--p.,r.R,x,�,,,r.,.- <br /> ' . .. • u�li�J to the �ums +ecured by �hi+ Sccurity Im�rumcnl. whethrr or nut ihrn due. wilh uny exrc�. ��+iid t�� Burn�wer, If . <br /> _�° ' Barrc�wcr ubundons tik Prupeny. or diKr not un.wrr wi�hin �11 duys a nutice t'rum Lender �h�n the in+uruncr carrier hu� �-��:^!�*�;-v <br /> r' � ' ' u((ered to,cUle u rluim.then Lrnder mu��ci�Ucrl Ihr in.uranre pnx:crd�. l.endrr muy u,r Ihr prixcrd,ai rrpuir��r re�lorc . ' , <br /> ; . . � Ihe Propeny or a�pay wm�.ecured hy�hi.Security In,trumem.whrther or nut thrn due. Tlk;Ibduy�xri�xi will hegin when �; .�,:,,;_"-�.�----• <br /> ' the niidrr i,Eiven. s�;;_,-_�.�T,-` � <br /> , . ' . ''� Unlcs,Lcnder and Borrawrr nthcrwi+e a�nr in�vri�inK. uny� urri�«�u���� uf pr� prinripul .hull nut ext�nd or �,.-.. :_:—��:�_ <br /> ' pa��p�nc thr due dule uf the m�mthly payment+rufeRCd tn in parugmph. I und 3 or chun�c thc►imoum��f the paymem+. II' �.,���'iW":""'- <br /> i , •• under purugraph 21 the Pro�xny i�ucyuired by l.endcr. Borruwer i right ai amy in.urancc�xilirir+und pr�xccds retiul�inK Q;�: ��__ <br /> ' . fmm dumuge to the Pmpeny prior to ihe ucqui,itiun+hull pa�+to l.endrr lo�hr exicm oi'thr uum,ecumd hy thi,Security >• �-,�ti,; <br /> „ Inurument immediately prior to Ihe acyui+ilion. �"_��� �Y <br /> 6. lkcuppncy; Preservatian. Maiotenance and Protectiun uP the Pruperly; Burrow•er's I.aan Applicatlom �''';�_�_�- <br /> � • . l.easehwlds. Horr��wer ,hall cxcupy.c.�ubli.h,und uu the Pro�x:ny u�Rorcowrr±p�incipul rc,idence within.ixry Juy,atter �^�=u=- <br /> r; �:r ,,,. � ..�. <br /> _ • �he rxeru�ion oi'this Srrurity Imlrumr�l und+hull cominue to�xrupy the Pn►�xny u+Born+wc�+principul rexidence for u� ,�T_ _W <br /> • lea�t onc yeur af'tcr �he datr ol' �xcupunry, unle„ Lendcr othenvi�r ugrcr. in writinE, whinc �umcn� .hull nrn Ik '�^""'��'f' <br /> onreusonubly withheld, or unlesti exlenua�inF circum�lunrc.e+ci.t which arc I+cyund Bunc�wer's conlrol. Borrow�r xhull no� ���""j°.'�=....'" <br /> '" dcstroy. dumuge or impair�hr Pro�xrty.ulluw thr Pro�rly lu dctrriixulc.or commi� wu+tc on thr I'rn�xny. Bnrrowcr sbull ,��t�{-i '� <br /> ' bc in detuult ii'un furt"eilurr ucnon ur nkccJin�,whethrr civil�ir rrimmul,i.Ix�un�hut in l.endcr: �o�xl lui�h ud�meni """�` - <br /> y r � E � i � �,:.L�.:�_--.. <br /> � coul�l result in forfei�urc of the F'roFxny or othcrwi�e mu�criully impuir �hc licn rrcu�cd hy �hi� Srcuriry In.�nimrm or -- <br /> �. l.ender's.erurity intere�t. Borruwrr muy rurc.uch u defuuli und rein.tutr,a+pruviJed in puragruph 18,hy�ihr uc�icm �*��"5�'--:_ <br /> , or prixcrding�o lx disrnis.rd wi�h u rulin� Lender�g�x�l faiih dcirrniinu�ion.pRCludc�ti�rl'citurc i,f Ihc Hotrowrr's �-"'-"``���' <br /> intere+t in the ProFxny �x��Uxr nmtrriul impuimicnt uf�hr lirn rreat�d hy �hi� Scrurity b�.�runum �w Lrnder:,�curity � -- <br /> • '� i�Hcre+t. liorrnw•cr �h:�ll uhu bc in del'aul� il' Borrowrr. durin� thc laan applicu�ion pnx:r.,. guvr muterially fuhe or — —, �_-- <br /> inarcurute ini'orma�ion c�r.�atrment.ta Lendcr lor ti�ilcd to providc Lcnder wiih uny mu�criul inti�m�utiun)in ronnerti�m with --"'- <br /> 1he loan eviJencrd hy �IK N�►te. including. hut no� limited �a. rc{uesentu�ion� conceming Borriiwrr; �xcupuncy M'the � <br /> ' Pro�xny i�s a principul rc+iikncc. If Ihi.Sccurity Im�rumcm i.un a ka.etx�ld.Bonawcr.hull comply�vith uU�hc pruvitiinn� <br /> — :�!'thc le:r.x. 1!'9cirro�s�r acyuirc-!ee!ille tt�Ihe Prt•Ye.^,;,!he le:t�e!!�•F�u!!��!!!_r-�`!i!!c�h�dl n�»mrrgo�ml����I t•ndrr nnmee =--_---- -- <br /> ' . �o�hc mrr�cr in writing. _ <br /> �`'"`• 7. Prote�tion uf I.ender'x Ri hts io the Yro rlv. 11' B�•rn�aer 1•ril. n, rtorni thc cuecnunl� uixl s��rc�ment. �••�dr. <br /> k Pe F'c 6 )+''c .-- <br /> ',"':.•� ax�t:�inrd in �his Srwrily In�lrunxnt. ix thrm i. :� I�LaI pnkce�lir� th:d ma}� .iznilic•rmly afl'rct l.enikr', righl. in Ihc r=� <br /> , Pn�pc�ny I+uch lis u pnw ccding in hankruptcy.���,n:���,fur rundrmitation or tiwlciturc��r w cNi�rcr luw�or rrguluti�x�ti�.Ihrn — "� <br /> �;"� ' Lender rnuy do unJ p•ry fi�r whntcvrr i,nrrrswry w prv,�rrl th�cnlur ul thr !'r�,�xriy unJ LcnJer±righlti in�hr Pro�xrty. __. <br /> L.ender+ uc�i�ms may inrlude paying wiy uim+�rrurcJ M a lirn«hich ha,prii�rit� avcr thi�Srcw•ity In.lrumm�t.ap�xaring - <br /> in c�wn. puying rrasonuMe uUurney,'ter,und rmerinF on Ihr Pru�xm� la muke rrp:�ir�. Although Lrnder muy lalr actiun �'�`.;�= <br /> � undrr Ihi�paragruph 7.Lcndrr J�x.n��l havc U�d��.o. '��°""""'- -_ <br /> Any umounh di.hunrd hy LenJcr wiJrr thi. par:��:raph 7 .hidl Ikr�mu additiunal dcM of f3urr���+•rr ururrJ hy ihi. . .�:., -- <br /> „ S�tiu�ity In,�runknt. Unlrs,13��rro�tirr and I.cndrr a�:rrc tn uthcr Irr�uti��f pc�ymrnt.Ihr.c anwimt,.hull Ixiir inlrrr�l from the ,•'":':` _ <br /> dutc ul'Jitihur�cmcnt at ihr N�HC iair :md .hall Ix pa�:�hlr.��ilh in�crc,t.u�Hm noiicr liam l.endrr u� R��rruwcr rcyucstinE -- <br /> � paynxnt. .- <br /> �. 8. Mo�t�uRe Intiuruncc. If LrnJcr rcquired nwnEagr in,urancc a� a randitiun ot'mul�ing lhr loun +ccurcJ hy Ihis . .•'`.'. _ <br /> • Securiy� Imlrumrnt. Burr�►wrr yh:dl p:�}•thr prcmium, rcyuirrd k► m:iint:iin�hc m��rlgagc in.urancc in rfl'rrl. II'. ti�r any `�`'�• —� <br /> rcu.un. thc mongagc in,ur�mrc rovrragc rcyuir.d by Lrndrr I:�pxc. ar rrn.r, u� Ik in cl'Iccl. Rorco«•cr .hull pay Ihr - • � '., <br /> pnmium, rcyuircd lu uhl:iin ruv�rage .uh,iunliully r��uivalrnl i�� thc mnng:i�:r in.ur,inr� prcvi��u�ly in rt'tcrt. u1 a ro.1 • .. . .. _. <br /> ,.. +ubxtantially cyuiv:�lrnl N�Ihr cntit k� B��rn,�vcr��t'Ihc nx�ngagc in..uranr� ��rcvi�,u.l� iu rOcr�.frum iui allrrnatr nx►nEagc � _, . <br /> . insurcruppn►vcd hy Lrndcr. If+uM.tainti:dl��cyuivul�n� m„ngagr in,urancr ro��rragr i.nui u�ailaMc. [�orro��-cr,hull pay lo ' ' � <br /> ,,,.':�,. Lendcr ecrch m�m1h a,um rquul li�anr-iwrltlh ul'th.�e:irl� mnrivage in,unmre prcmiwn t+cin�puid b�•f3o�rowrr u•hen the • 'f�:'-= <br /> ;�'�,,. imurancr rovrragr IapwJ nr r�awd i�>tx in cflrrt. Lrndrr w ill arr�pi,u.e and ntain thc+c pa�ment,u,u lu�,•r in li�u � ;�f`= <br /> �';;:s�:' . �•.�� ut'm�x��age in.uranc�. Lu,. rc,rr�•. p��ymem,ma� no lunger Ix rcqu� Ihr„piion uf Lender. if nwrlga�;r in�uranre � ; x <br /> : . covcr•rEc�in�hr amuwu and ti�r�hc�ri�xl thal Lcndrr requirc,�pru�•ida•d h�•:ui in;urcra��pn,���d hy Lrndcr:iguin Ikcumr. <br /> ' � availahlr and i,ohlaiixii.N�irro��cr.hall pay�hr rrcmium+reyuirc.f w maimain nu,rtca;:r in,io•ancr in cllert.ur tu pr�rviJr a <br /> � los. rc�rn•r.un!il �h�rryuirrmcnt li�r monga�c in.uranc�rnd,in+�ccnrdanrr a�ilh:in} �u•iucn :igrermrnt Ixt��r�•n Bnrn��vir <br /> � � anJ Lcndcr or applir.ihl�I�iµ. <br /> • 9. Inspection. !_cnJcr nr ih.�grn1 ma� mal.r rca�„n:ihtr cnlnc. upun:uid in,prrli�m,ul Ihr Pru�xrl�•. I.cixlcr.h:dl <br /> . �ivr Harro��•cr nulir�at Ihe lim.uf��r priur lu c�n in,�xrli„n,(xci(�inE rra,ou:ihl�c:u�.r lin Ihr in•prrtiun. <br /> �0. �'ondemnallon. ��ll'��IYk'CtY�+�d :111\ :1�\:�fd uT i�altll Inl il.Vltl�`�'�,i�ll'�'il��I i�N1�C��11�0I1:1�.111 t'��011l`Cll�tll\1•11�11111\ <br /> � tiinpl.•I.m�d� �Fannir�1ae%Frcddl�•�1ac 1\IFl/N\I 1\51'RI\IF:\'1 1 ml.nm l���.• 4.411 ���d�r?,./nµ�ir.� � <br /> � �ar.n Ldr.Nuww,..I�im, h. � . <br /> ' I.�N�!�f�.111 1+4+15.M���.or1 I\\�d�.in1-1111 " . <br />, y <br /> � 1 <br /> i <br /> � - . _ . <br /> � <br /> r <br /> . .�1 _ <br />