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�i��. �:;•y,.-r. ; ,'i�•�,�" •,,.�x��-.�..f..,_..,,,, <br /> . <br /> . _ � <br /> ��.� <br /> -— � -- --- � rv.�...c.w� --• , — <br /> ��'.- ,-r��F4r ,r.r.x•. �.�,f��l�q� � -___ <br /> �:.'.� ° f _ .�, . � -- <br /> . �.,:.�a.��_.� _ <br /> �[::�r�11�1if�lW+it --. . <br /> 1 ._ . . .._ - - - �_ _�{'......__-,.X.r-�� _ .. <br /> 5��,S-2�?".___ — <br /> . i <br /> .� . . . „ ——--'_ <br /> .. -_ ¢� •A. c�. . _. . _. _ .. <br /> •. �'S i� �i.�(I�isR��': ��� �.. <br /> z.3��-��-i: •`.i�' 1�2 0 4 9 ��.}.. __ <br /> •n a,ey-.,d,,,,�M1.:�w� '. <br /> ,`� ,Ay.e. ��„�y,_, * TOQETHER WITH nll�he improvementx now or 6ercuftcr erectcd un�he propeny.und ull cu�cmrmti,uppunenunce,, �_,_l_ <br /> ,.��b�°'�"°���'� and fiatures now ar hereaRer a purt ai the property. Al)rcplpccmenlx ond addiiionx+hull al�u�Ix:covc�ed by �hia Securny <br /> °� '`�� Ins�Nmem. AU of�he foregaing ls referred lo in�his Sccu�ity In.trument���the"Propcny." <br /> �. :fi�.ti�1...';�. <br /> • •�.P�:r'•'•'="���'" BORROWF.R COV�NANTS thm BaROwer is luwfully sckrd of Ihc c.tatc hcreb��c��nvcycd und huti tix rigM tn grun� <br /> -•. -�.,;� ; und comey the Prapeny and that the Propcny i.unencumbered,exrrp�for cnrumhrunce.uf n�:urd. HoROwer wurrantw And _..____ - <br /> ��'� � will Jefend generAlly Ihe title to Ihe Propeny aguinst all cluim�and demundF,subject tu uny cncumbrances af rccurd. �•�u�__-_—_ <br /> • - � d~ THIS SECURITY INSTRl1MENT combines unifarm covenunla ti�r nutionul u+e und non-uniform covenams with <br /> � .-- .. � �__ =-_. -_ --._. <br /> �f , limiled wuiut{ons by judrdictbn ta constilute n uniform security ins�rument covenng reul property. __ <br /> � ' � ' ��� UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Barrowcr and Lcndcr covenant and ugrcc r,iolluws: �"�— <br /> _� 1 . ., ' �• l. Puymenl af P�incipal and Interest:Prepayn�ent and Lele Chargex. B+�ROwcr tihull promptly pay when due the �:_- <br /> ^ b-,�. .�� princi pnl of und irneree�an the dwM evidenced by tha Note und uny prepuyrnent and late churgea due under the Note. _ •-_ <br />=��. Z F u a d s f o r 7 h x e s a n d l n s u r a n c e. S u b j�c t l o u p p l i c a b l e l u w o r��a w n t t c n w u i v e r b y Lendcr,Borrawer shull pu y ro ` <br /> • t. °= Lender on the dny manlhly paymomh urc duc undcr the Note,until thc Nntc is puid in full,u sum 1"FunJs")for.(ul y�su�y �_._-�, <br /> � n ' tuxes and actiessments which muy uttuin pnority over this Security Instrumen�n,a lien on the Propeny:(b)yearly leasehold ��:��- <br /> �ptw.�,�.:y:-. <br /> ,{ �.,.,� • :,; ' Puyments or ground rents on iha Propeay. if uny: lc) yeurly ha7urd ar propeny insurunce premiums: ld) yeurly ticx�d G—r►o.:°°—�-- <br /> . , n I� r!.r�,.vtba..H..__' <br /> • , . , insurance pr+emiums, if nny: lG yeady martgage insurance premiumw, if any; und (Il uny sum�c payubte by Banower to -------- <br /> • •� Lender. in ucca�rJance with tha rovisi�mn af �►mm ra h R,in lieu of ihc mem oP mon u e insurance remiumti. These ��'==—_ <br /> p P' � P PuY R � p ���:..,_: _ .�_ <br /> � ' itema Ars callud"E+crow I�oms.' Lender may,nt uny time,collec�nnd hoW Funds in un amount na��o exceed the maximum �;����.._--- <br /> ' �� � amounl,a landvr for u fado�ally rBlnted mortgogc loan may rcyui� for Borrower'.s curaw acrount under the [edcrul Real �'�- <br /> ,' ,, Estate Senlament Piracedures Aat of 1974 As umended from timc to�imc, 12 U.S.C.§2b01 rt srp.("RESPA"),unless anothcr '�'�- <br /> " , :�;, law�hat applies to�he Fuods sets n I���er amount. If u�.Lender may,at nny time,callect und hald Funds in un nmouM not to r:::�"� _ <br /> „ ° ' 'I exceed the Iesser nmount. l.ender may estimate the wnaunt of Funds due on the basis of cu�rent data and resuona6le �.�'_'•'`=a'v_- <br /> ,, estimutes of expenditu�es of future E,crow hems or otherwi�e in accardunce wilh upplicable luw. �— <br /> I The Funds shall be held in nn inslitulion whose deposits are insured by u fedcrul ugency, ins�rumentolity, or endty �,�s�-;= <br /> , (including Lender,if Lender is such an inslitutionl or in uny Fedcrul Home Loan Bunk. Lender shnll upply the Funds to pay ,-,.-.� <br /> � � the�scrow Items. l.ender mAy not charge Borrawer for holding und applying the Fun�s,unnuully analyzing the escrow �--�"""�"'- <br /> �ti;,-; <br /> ., ' uccount,ar verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender puys Borrower interest on the Fu�xls and applicable luw permits �:���.,,4:;_:,. <br /> � � I.ender to muke such a charge. However,l.ender may requirc Borrowcr to puy a oix;-time churgc far un independent reul y�,�.�` <br /> estate tax reporting service used by l.ender in cannection with this loun,unlers applicuble law provides athenvise. Unless an �-�"'-� <br /> „ s ��,r_�. <br /> . � A�reement is made or npplicable liiw rcyuires interest�o be paid,Lcnder shal I not be rcyuircd to puy BoROwer nny interest or ��.:• ����r� <br /> � , eurnings an the Funds. Borrowcr und L.ender may ugree in writing,hawever.lhut intcrest shall be paid on Ihc h�unds. Lender �.k-= <br />