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<br /> � .._""'a- �_.,. _
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<br /> ' y�' lt��i� _
<br /> ' xi.r3o���w ca,y. a�wa�sr►aa;n��i�cn cxso ccx�f�rmod cx�Qy oi'thc Note a.ul oF t1�is Sxurity Inatrunxni.
<br /> Xy.lYansfsr oP t�e�'f'oxrt or a Beatllc.s!Icterat ie Borrower. IF�11 or ar►y put of the P�n�urty ar any intcrc,rt in it is
<br /> soid a u�nsfurod(ar if a�icW interest ia Borrower �s sald or truufcrred�nd BuROwer is not a nuurdperson) without
<br /> i,pjder•s{xior writkn consr�►�latidu may.u ils nxluirc iaamndl�w qyment in full of ail sums sccurod by this Socurity
<br /> Instnunau. }bwovdr.tAl9 optjon t6�U oot be aucr�by 1.etWer if tacerci�o i�pcoitibitod by fodaal law as of We dAte of this
<br /> Sau�ity Irstrumr�►1
<br /> It l�ca�ei czrlctst�thisopt�on.l.eader sA�l3�ive&xmwcl not�cc a°aoce�ers►tix.'t'he notL.e shall provtda aprrwd af'not lcss _
<br /> th�� 3Q clays tnxn the d�tc tbc tsuti�;t is deliverod or malbd within whicA Barrower tnuu pay uU sums socurnd by this Security
<br /> Insp'ume�t If Botrowu f�li9lo paY t1�:s�+mc Pria ta the etpi�atio�n of tAls period.Y.ender aaay iuvo{ce aay runodics petmitted
<br /> by thi�Socurity Instrum:nt wi3'r.cu�t fut3i�ar'�uxice�c Gwi��Q aa�^ �ow.�.
<br /> l�.Bor:^cwer'a Rt��t W ReWtwte. ►u ��► ��rte+� conditio�s, B�Owa shall davc thc right to havc
<br /> cnfot�anrnt of thls Sectu�tyiIns�ffinQe+�t�ii»oniicsued �i any' � p.-bc W L`ie eatller of: (a) 5 days(or such othcr perbd as
<br /> ap{►IicaWe l�w tr�ay spxity fd'�I�ri�st)'before ssb 11f We Yrc+�uty p��to any powu of sak conminod in tlus Socurity
<br /> a
<br /> Insu�uncat;a(b)cntry of a jud�cnc�t caforcin�thL9 Sacurin Instrunseat T cond'►tions au�c th�t Bortower:(a)p�►yS l.tnder Au
<br /> urrod• (b)cums any
<br /> swnc whicb then vrou3d be due ucx{er this Socutiry Insuum�nt and the Noce as if no ac�uatiaa Imd ooc .
<br /> clafnutt of any otlxr covrasants or t,�rocments;(c)WYs all e�cpmsec iocumd in enf'orcing thts Socurity Instruroent,includiag.lwt
<br /> noi timited a�na�Die�tuxneys'fees:and(d)ts�tces svch acS'an as l.eodtr may ras�bty roquire w assure ttwt tbe lien of this
<br /> Security Instn+ment, l�,adu's rigAts in We Pc+onaty �ad Bamowtr's obtig�ioa oa p�y tbe soaos seciund by this Socurity
<br /> Inst�uma►t slwll oandaue uacl�nged. U��t by Borrawer.this Security Insaumeat and tAeobi�gasjons soctued
<br /> h�er�eby sh�ll remain fully effective as if no aocelaation had aocurrod.Howevu.thi5 right to ceiastato sh�ll aot appTy ia tbe case af
<br /> accelaai�nn�xier parqgraph 17.
<br /> 19.Sak at Note.CW�a=e ot�.o�a.Serviar. '!Re Note or a psrti�l iata�esi in the Note CtoBether wlth this Security
<br /> Insuum�nt)may be 9old one ot ma+e tunes witbaut prior aotice W Bormwer.A saie may result ia a change w the entily(lcnown
<br /> st�tbe'LoaA Scivicer")tAu callxt�ma►t�.lyp�yments due w�der tbe Note and this Socurity Insuiunen�.lbae oLco may be one or
<br /> mae ct�ages of the I.oaa Savicu uiuelaeod to a sak of ttse Note.lf thele is a chaage of the Loan Serviocr.Borrower wiU be
<br /> given writta�notloe of the chaage in accocdance witA p�nigraph 14�bove u�d�pp�b k law.'Ibe nopce will state the name and
<br /> �ddress of the new Lo�a Savica and tt� address w which paytaa�ts sAou3d ba msde.7be notice will also contain aay other
<br /> iafarm�tion roqtvred by appiicable Iaw.
<br /> 20.Ha�sreloYf Sabatateea. Barower shall aot cause a pd�mit the prawxx. tue. dicposal, uaa8e. or cr]ease of any
<br /> Haxart3ous Subst�oxs oa or in tbe Propaty.Boti+ower sAaU aot do�nor�llow Aayone eLse to cb.anytlung effecticlg the Propaty
<br /> tbat is ia vio�t�tion of ax Eavtronmeni�l Iaw.'I�e pcecediag two suueno�s slsaU aot appty to the pre9a�oe.usa,or staage ao the
<br /> Pmpaty of aaa11 qwannes of Harardous Subswoces tLat are�enaaUy rocogniud co ba appcopriate ta nonnal resida�ti�l�ses
<br /> aod to a»itu�aoanoe of tbe Propr�ty.
<br /> Bo�roaer sh�Y. P�P�Y Slve I.enda� writtu� aotia of any invesnguioa�claim. danand.tawsuit or otL,�acti�on Dy �ny
<br /> goveincneatal or reB�Y aB�Y�Pnvate party iavolaing tLe Pmperty iusd any A�A•�,�Subst�nce ar finvaoiuc�ental Law
<br /> of which Barawer dac aci�l irnowSedge.If Boirowu 1e�ms,or is notified by aay govanmm�l or ngul�tory authoriry.that any
<br /> removal ar othe�remodiatioa of aay Fiazardo¢s Substance affectiag the Propelty�s nxessarY.Boa�uwa shaIl P�P�►Y taice all
<br /> aooessary rtmedial actioac sa xcaaao�ce with EnvIIOnnxaizl Law.
<br /> As usod 'w ihis p�r�grap6 20.'H�rrdoac Substaisas" are those substanoes defined t� taxic or hazardous su�by
<br /> Faviroommtal Law �nnd tbe folba;,s� �i+'�s�nas: a^�1ine. kaosa�e, ott�er flamn�abk oc wxic parn3aun pc�oducts. touic
<br /> �L!es!TM9�!elb�k4�.ve+l�u+1'cotve�we, R�tex;�k c��ing�,chex�c�a�fmnaldehyde,�sd c�ci+o�ctive mao�ials.l�used ia
<br /> thls ��'Eavimaa�ental I�w"tneaas fodescY inws aad laws of ILe jatis�lictioa where t�Propetiy iy k�c3tod thu relaLe
<br /> �co beALL.�dY a eavii+oomental prot�octioa.
<br /> IV03V-Ubi�ORM C4YBNAIVI'S.��xrower and I,endei fwther oovenmt and�rx as foIIc��
<br /> 21.Aooderatioa;Remedies.I.e�c�er sba0�ive�otice to Borrawa�prio�r b aooeie�ia+f io�owia�Bormwer's erea�i d
<br /> aay oove�ast or s�at iu t�ie Secmid� Ia�trameat (bW �ot prior to acoder�tao� uader ppra�rapr 17 unies9
<br /> appYcabk lnv provides oti�nvice?.T6e notke e6aB cpeciPy:(a)We defanft:(��oi�e actioa reqalred to cure t�e detanit;(c)
<br /> a date.�ot las tiaa 30 days h�on tbe date t�e aotia ie�ives to Borrowar,by wbit�tbe delaak�nat be cured:aad(d)
<br /> ttiat tailare to care the de�aoM ou oe refon tbe date tpecYkd i�t�e aotice�y re�lt ta�ooekrati�oa o�tbe suns sewred
<br /> 6�tl�SenritJ Ia�rrae�t asd ssie c�the Pro�ert'.'I'I�e�stiaY f'arther ietorm Barctiwer of tbe ri�ht to r+ei�ste
<br /> stkr aade�tiu�aad the rig6t to bri��a conrt acdoo to acsa�t tLe soa-esi�tesa of a defadt ar�a�ather defeau o1
<br /> Bon+o�wer to soateratio�s�d da If ttie defsult is�ot cured a�or 6elare tbe tlate�peafied io tLe�otioe,I.eader�st ih
<br /> oP�.y7*Wair+e�iatr psyoeat io fuo a��w�c�ae�red 6'tl�Saurity Iaslrusmt wit�out turtDer desasd
<br /> aail ss�i�vok,e t6e power of�ale aad aa�ot�er reseaia P��b9 aPP�iPw.Le�der�pe eat&)ed to colkct
<br /> a9 e�a iicrrned iw p�rsu�=tEe rnoedin provided i�t$!s para;rap�21.iscladio=,bss�ot li�ited t4 rn�oasWe
<br /> at�o�e�s'tea a�d co�ts of title evid�ie.
<br /> U tLe power of sale i�bvW�ed,71r�tee s�w!! reoord a a�otice of defsWt ia esci ooaaty i� w6ic� amy put ot t�e
<br /> Properq ir foc�tf�d aod skall ma0 ea►pks d�aotice i�tLe vaoaes P�'e�i�d by sPP�iC+�bie it�v to Borr�ewer aad to the
<br /> �S perso��es�i�b]aAP�CSbk law.Atter t6e ti�e reqstc+ed E�appticabie l�w,Trast�ne ehaY @ns pnbiic�otioe af
<br />- saie to tLe persooa ad iA the sanaer P�bY aPP��'fuw.�a�s:ee,��r�o�c ae�ma�o�so„�o.�.arau seu we
<br />- Propat�st p�biic auctioa to tre�best bidder at tbe time a�d pi�oe�ad vwder t�e tarms desi�aated ja t�e�olire a�de
<br /> POiA 30Za!!�0
<br /> �'�R(NE7c�t�.ot P�y s o1� u�l�IW:
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