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<br /> prynxnts m�y no ianX�e:be raquirad.w�be c►�►cwa uf Q.e+uiu,ii wa i��a L�cu::��:.,c���;o(w tL:«�unt«nd fa:tha pesiod
<br /> that t.rnder roquires)provid.xf by en insiuer ap{Zrovod by I.erda��iin bECancs�v�ils�b and ic�btaainod.Brnnwcs stu11 pay Iho
<br /> i pl'Cmium9(CQU1Md W I�1�4T�iA tDO�tt�11�C iA3ur�S1CC 1n Cf[eiC1.Of b p(tiviciC i{OfL9 t�PVt, uiltil thC 1'8auititllCilt fcY iri0i'�'i�C
<br /> IIiT{YfOCC CiKIS�A iD00fdi11CC WI{21 iGy Wf1uCA�It�lClll DUWCW BO[fOWtt YG�L.Ci�GI Of II�IICib{C�W.
<br /> I 9.[aspectiu�. Lasder or its�au asay mxko c+n�oasble ea�rties upon aad in�oas�t�Prop�y. �s� �ive
<br /> � Botmwet notiee u the timo of or p�io�r b�iavpo�ion s�ocuYic►�rt�wx�81e c.�ts�f�x tl�i�:.ti�.�.
<br /> - � 10.Condemn�Lioa. '�'!so prucoods of et�y award a cWm far d�su�es, diroct o�oa►�aqua�tlal, ia �11on witi► auy
<br /> � cucdasu�atioa or other takitl�of ony pArt of tbe Propetty.or for coavoyauca i� liw af ooadannrtion.t+re 6ereby asti�nal and
<br />' � �tbe eveat oi'�wcat taiciag of the Property.tlsee procoeds s�ll be appliod W tho cunu ttcuraf by this Socurity Inst�umeru.
<br /> witieider o�aot the�due.with�ny exc=ss paid w BoROwer.Ia tti:,ev:,�u of a partial talctng of the Propaty Ja which tbe Cair mariat
<br /> value oi the Pro(xrty iramediuely bef�+e tbe t�lciag is oqual to or gnAtei than the emount of tbe waic sxurod by t,hls Sxurity
<br /> Iusmuixnt Iaunettiately before tA: talciqg, unkss Borrower aad I�ender othtcwise�rt�e in writiag�the sunw sccurod by this
<br /> Sopuiiy insdruascat sball be rod000d by tbe ruwunt of tbe ptocoedy mWdpliod by the[dbwit�fracti�on:(a)the Wtal anwwu of
<br /> the sums Focurcd immediucly before the takitt�� dividcd bY(b)the fiir market value of tbo Pmputy immodlitely before thc
<br />_ laiciqg.Aay b�lanea sh�ll be pid b Borrowu.In the avznt oi a p�tia]taicing t�'tbe Pmperty ia whiel�tbe fair ea�icet v�lua of the
<br /> ProQetty ia�a�ocli�eJy bet'ore the talcin� is kss th�n tlsee amouiu of tbc+ sums setuted iaaaaodiudy before tde talcing,uNesr
<br />= Borrower aad I.eaKler otherwise s�groe ia writing or tuik�ss applic�bA:l�w otlwwise provides.tftie pcc�caods sfnll be appllod tn t!u
<br />= w�sexured by d�is Sacwity Insuumesu wh�ttser or not tRa su�ns are tha�di:e.
<br />- If tbe Prapeny is atwiaooea by Borrower,or if.�11u aotioe by LeAder w Bcrmwv th�u cLe coortuacwr offus to m�ice aa
<br /> aw�rd or 9euie a claim for dam�es.Botrowa fails to respoad to I,et�det withia 30 days afkr tbe date Ibe axxice is�ivea,I.eader
<br /> is autboiized to oollect aad a�pQly the prnoeods.at its option.eiiba to resioc�tion or repair of the Prapaty or to Ibe wms cxaued
<br /> bY this Sectuity L►suumeat,whetLer or not tAea due.
<br />= Uokss Lasder aatl Bortowa oiherwise aQree ia writin8.oaY�pplicaoioo of p�ocads to principal shall not extead or postpone
<br /> tbe cWe d�te of the moathl9 P�►Ymeats nfared w ia paragraphs 1 aad 2 or chsage the amouat of sucb pAymeats.
<br />_ � 11.Borwwer Not Rdr�ced:Farbesr�aoe By I.ead�er Not a Waiver. Futeasioa of Ihe time fa paymeat or modificatioa
<br />�. 1 of aoaa�tixatioa of tl�e sams sxured by tlus Socuriry Iasuv:naot�nted bg I�eader w aay wocessor ia iaurrst of Bomower sl�ll
<br /> ' not oQaate b trka9e tLe liability of tbe origia�l Borrower or Sarowa's s�cces9o�s w iota+est.Leader shall not be requlrod to
<br />_'� oommenoe pcnoeal;ngs agriost any waxsaor ia interest ar rafuse to ea�tend Wme for paymeat or otM�wi9e modify�monizatioa of
<br />� tl�e sums 9ecw+ed by this Security Iactnunau by reason of ang dema�nd made by the oriainal Borcower ar Barmwer's snooe.�,sas
<br /> �.� ia inoarst.My forbe�caoce by L�tader in eaercising any right or remedy s1�a11 aot be a waiver of o�prxWde tLe e�ciaa of aay
<br /> � right ur nmedy.
<br />-� li S�ooe�ws sod Assigas Bon�d;Joiot aad Several l.iab;bty;Casigaa�s. 1be covan�ats aad a�a�ats of this
<br /> .- Soc�aity Ias�nuaait shall bia9 at�beuefit the suoces9ors aod ascigac of Leider aod Bannwa. subjett to the provitions af
<br /> = par�papi� l7. Bo�ma�a'a oo�►Yaauts aad �roaae�nts shall 6e joint aod sever�l. Aay Boa�ower abo co-si�as dus Socuriry
<br /> � L�saument but d�rs oat aceeuLr the Nota: (s)is co-signing this Securily Inucumeat aNy W mQrt�lg0.H�aad cmvoy d�t
<br /> - Barower's int�aai in tbe Prop�a�ty undrr tbe terms of this Saauity 1a�u�ea�(b)i�not P�Y�8�to pay d�e sums
<br /> 9oCt�od bY d�is�Y inr�.,���(C)�IBrees that I.eisder�od aoy o�her BOrrOwa miy t�0e�D Cx�rad.modifY�farbear or
<br /> _ as�lce aap aocommodasi�s ws�r�ega�d[fl the tams of ihis�ec{uiry Insaumeoc a d�a Note wubaut that Ba�rowa's oo�serl, �
<br /> 13.Laas(.'har�a. If tbe loaa secured by tt�s Sa�vin Iaztrummt is subject oo a law wh�Ch sets ma�dm�m losu chargas.
<br /> aad that liw is fmally inwp�+eted so that tLe iutaest or other loea cbarges oolkcted or to be oolloct�od in 00000ction witL ebe ban
<br /> _- exceed t8ee pamioud 11mit9.then:(a)any s�cb loao chuge sh�ll be reduad by ttse amo�nt r,ocessary to reduce the cl�A to tde
<br /> pauuttod umik.ud(b)aay sucas alnaay couecxoa fr�n s«rowes wt�ict,�acc«dod pamiuod limits wiu be retuaaea w s«rower.
<br /> - I.eada�nay choo+e to malce this refund by raLr3ag the prmcipal owrd uadar the Note or by m�lCiog a diroa paymu�t b
<br /> - Barower. ff a refund redirces principal,the nducti�on will be Zrr�t�ed a9 a Putial Pcq�a�ma�t witLoat anY P�Y�t�8�
<br /> under tLe Note.
<br /> - U.Na'-:oes �y notice to Boaowv pcovi3ed for in this Socurity�a�7rumeat shall be givw by deliveriag it or by m�lit�it
<br /> by ficst cla4s tmti7 wm3ess apQlicabie 1aw roqu�es use of a�otha metl�od.'IR�e notice shall be direccecF m tlu Prnpe�ty Address or
<br /> anX odKr a3dcet4 Bortower design�tes by aodce w L�fer.Any notice to I,eader s�t�all be givea by fasi clas�mall t�L,endu's
<br /> - �statcd 6a+eio�any otba addrrss Leader designatzs by aotice to Borrowa.My t�tice p+ovidod far m dus Sacurity
<br /> '_ lnstrument slwll be depried to ltiave beeA givea W Borrnwu oe L�eadei whm givm as provid�ed ia this p�gn�.
<br /> ; 15.Coverais�Law;Seva�abiidy. 'ILis Security 1n�„+„�1e sl�all be govaaed by federal law aod the laa of the
<br /> � j�isdictioa iw whi�tl�e P,rope�ty is bcated.In the avau that any provisioo or clsuse of Wic Socursty Insnwaait a tbe Noee
<br /> - coaflicts wiih applic�ble law,sucL cooflict shall not affxt od�a ptovisions of this Secarity iastnvoo�t ar the Note wkicb can be
<br /> � givm effea w;tlwut t6e wnfl�ctiag provisioa.To tLis wd tLe provisia�s of this Secwity Insavmmt aod the Nde ace declarod to
<br /> � be�ev�rabie.
<br /> �
<br /> = Form 5021 �/90
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