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r;,:: :r . �a .; . �� •r � .. Z� <br /> � '�X� ,��4�+► � � •�i.�l. " '" . . - . • C..n� °•�F f 'i_^'_' . <br /> � , <br /> �> ' , V�6��•- ... _ T. ' <br /> ' ��f �-♦1��IM��\ n!'�.14.. ' . . �. � � �. .• �h......'f�1.` �t (''�jC037' -T'��'_�'��" ,r�� - .._ �"". <br /> 1) <br /> \ �^�/�.�_ <br /> ..-_ . ,YrW,...,... . � <br /> � �i:su•�r.... � <br /> J!+PE. . . <br /> _ �x�-„�.. <br /> , ... .:T' .. .. . . • -� _ <br /> ti,.�� :a <br /> - --_.. — - ... _�_._ _......__._.� ---""".�"'�"+,�'i�'�'-::r=���' <br /> �.,.:_='_- - <br /> . 92— 1o204i ���-_�::_.---- <br /> �. . :.: � �. , _ _-��,_ <br /> •' '�i►mtr",itF x..a • �P?�:-.m. --- <br /> pericxls thu�l.cnder myuire�. Thc insurunrc currier providing the in+u�+mce rhull Ix chuKn hy H��rruwcr►uhjrrt to I.cndcrt ��=m � <br /> `�„�,`�,�''�':,,. upprovul which�hull not be unRU.onubly wi�hheld. li'Born�wcr i'uil,ui muiotuin cuveru��de,crihcJ uixwe, l.rn�kr muy,ut �` <br /> . ;r�,,,ti • l.ender i;oplion.�t+tain coveruge to pmtect L��nder:righ��in ih�Pr��peny in urrurduncr wilh�u�ugruph 7. _ -- <br /> �, � . All inwrunce pnliric,und reoewul+tihull tx arreptublr w Lenckr und.huU includr u+�andurJ morlgu�:c cluuxr. l.endrr �__ <br /> sh�ll havc�hc riuht tu h��ld�hc�x�licic.unJ rcnrwuls. If Lrndcr nyuiRti,Barn�wcr+hull prampUy give tu Lrndcr ull rccript, �;=^T--�� <br /> � of paid premium+and renewal nolice,. In ihe cvem of la,�.Borruwer�hull�tive prumpt n�►tice�o thr in�urunc�currier und �'�s.;-=__� <br /> " ' • . Lcnder. LenJcr muy muke pnwf at'lo�.it'riot mudr prompUy hy BuR��wer. _ _ <br /> � — `' . ., Unles,l.cnJrr und Burcowcr uthcrwi.c agrcc in�+•rinng. in.unmrr pnK•red..hiill Ix upplicd to rr�wrution or npair of� '� -_ --_ _.. <br /> • • .: ��; the Propeny damuged, if the rc+turution or n:puir is ec���H�micully fcu,iblr und l.rnder+ .rcurity ix n�H Ir,.ened. If ihc i�:��°° <br /> i�.-..�. -_- �� <br /> � • � �' o restoru�ion o� repuir i�not econ��mics�lty feu�ible or L�nder: +ccurity would I+c I«.cned,thr imur+�nce pr�xcect,+hull t+c �,_�_._------ <br /> .*� <br /> ' uPPlied w�he sum� secured by tbi+Sccurity Intilrument. whethe� or no i t hc n d u c. w i t h u ny c x c e.,puiJ to Sorn�wrr. If �_'=��'�n�:.���.— <br />',�', , Barrower abandons the Propeny,or dae, nut vn.wer within 311 duy. u nutirc t'rom l.cndrr thut �hc imuruncc curric�hu. :�n•.,•��_�_ <br /> ' O��CfCd 10 SCII�C 71 l'�AI01.llll'l)LCI1lICf Illily�UUI'l'I Illl' 1(NUI'Ulll'C�1ftM:CNII�. I.cndcr may usr thc pan:ecd,�a npuir or ru�torr 4�i_x�Y`Y"„a}r��i_•.. <br /> • the Prupeny or to puy xum+serured by�hi.Security In.�rument.•.vhe�hrr nr nat thcn dur. The�11-iiuy�x�i��l will txgin when ';��;.�t�,���v <br /> the noticc is given. - r�� <br /> „�.�,:ti�k <br /> � ' •� Unle+s Lender and Bi►rn►wcr i� agRC in writin�!.uny upplicatiun nf pr�xeedti w prinripat�hall cwt��t�nci c+r ,;.�{:,�„ �, �,t�, <br /> � '� ,i mcnt+rcferrrd to in aru�ru h+ I and?�x chun �thr umuunt.�f tlx .� nxnt.. If � '�� <br /> [:�:- � � puxtpune Ihe due J;w�uf the monthly p•y r� �- r �' P�) ,,•� �=4•m+'��,:��; <br /> ��'�s'',� � ' undcr parogruph�I Ux Prupeny iz ucyuireJ by Lendcr. Boirowrr�nNht tu any in�urunre Fx�licic.and pr.xeeJs re.ulting :,,` _ <br /> .` frum dumuge tu tl�Proprrc} prii►e w Ihc acyui+iiiun�hull l.enJcr to ihe extent uC thr�um.rerurcd by thi.Srrurity ^�i.,• .:_4`�.--��v� <br /> Inhtrumcnt immrdiatet�pri�x w thr aryui.ition. 'r' `�� <br /> " � � b. lkcupruiew Presen�a�in�. MainMnance und Prntection of tf�e P�opert�; Borruw'e�'s l.00n AppUcatiun; ��;ti�;Y - _ <br /> ''`7�11�:4: <br /> � I.eASChalds. B�xrower:hall arru�*}.cr�abli�t�.ar�l u.c th.•Propeny u�RoROUer:principnl ro�idrnrr wi�hin tiixry da��aftrr .;,� ,.__, <br /> � ;,.,,r�; � the execution oi'd�i.S��urin�Imtrumenl unJ ,huu c��minu. lo ixcs,� t � i'rop, �y a�Burcowrr', prin�ipal reridcncr for at °�...?4� ., <br /> . ^ `;� , Icuxt one yeur after the �:►te af ckcupuncy. unle�+ Lender rnhenvi+e s�gRC, m wrilin�, which ron.ent .hall nut txc ,,_�,S.,. <br /> ° "�t�'��� ' unrea.ronubly withheld,or unlr.a e�tenuuting circumstnnre.rxi.t which urn c�ynnd Borrawer's cornrol. BuRawe�+hall nat . <br /> :;i,-.; ..a <br /> � .. dcstroy.dumage ar impair th�Pc:Ype�y.alluw the Prupen}•a+drtrrioruic.��r commit un Ihc Pru�xny. Bu������•rr�hall �_. <br /> tx:in del'uult if any forfeiture ac�ion c►r pnxeeding,whelher ci�•il or criminul,is l��;un thut in Lendcr�gc�xi fai�h judgment -;�:'��i}�,_.t.�— <br /> cou1J resull in torfeiturc uf thr Prnpeny ix �Nharu'i>C matrrially impair thc lien crcuteJ by Ihis S�rurit� Imtrumem or _ ; � <br /> Lcndcr's xcuri�y intcrcxt. B��rtuwer may cun ,uch a�Jefault smd�cin+�utc,u.proviikd in par:�gruph I} cau�ing�hc uction ',:r�'.��-=°='- <br /> " or pnweeJing Io lx Ji,mi,.cd with a ruling Lcade�'s L�ad fuith ik�emiiniuii►n,pr�cludeti t��rlcitun�f thc Borrowcr; ,:%."s'•=--=� <br /> _.,,...,��— <br /> • ::�:r;.: • inlere�t in thr Pruperty or otl�r mut�rial impairmrm of ihe lien creu�ed by thi.Srcuriry Inr�rununt or L.rnJrr's.ecuritY •;.',�C?' :• <br /> �;'•'i�.•r�: "',.;. <br /> ,;,..�,.,;:.. imrrc,�. Borruwrr tihull ul,o h� in defuul� if Borru��•rr. during �hc luun npplirutiun pnxcti,. g;rvr msaeriully fuke or ... a?'::�':;�: <br /> Fk�.i"�•�:� <br /> :.r, •:�,�},;�:;; inuccura�e infurmution or statemrnt+to Lend�r lor failcJ to providr LcnJ�r wilh uny materiul inti�miutiunl in c�+nnrction with ..;,ti, i''�� <br /> � � thr loun eviJenccd by the Nut�, including. t+ut not limiied �u, reprrsentatiom coixcrning Bixruwer.�xcupunry of the •'�, ��!_` <br /> � �.��';;�• �— �.<a .r.:::,�:� <br /> - —=—=,�-t:r-. Property as a principr!re�iJencc. !f tlti•S�eurity In,tromenl i.on a Ie:�+rh��W.Bixn»vor.rhull cuntply wilh all thc provisitms ___�y,��� <br /> • ' uf the Icaxe. If Borrowcr ucyuirc�fer tiUc iu thr I'ro�wny.ihe Icsi.rhulcl und�he f'ec tiUe shull rnn merge unl�.s Lrnder ugrecs --�v;;.,L�,6�- <br /> ,.�'!;::�`'r� lo thc mcrgcr io writing. !�'"'`�` '`'--'` <br /> � 7. Protectfon of I.ender'y Rights In the Properly. If Nnrroµrr 1'ail. w �xrl'umi Ihr ruvenam+ und ugreement� ;1ft'�;::,___.� <br /> • � , c�►ntuinrd in �his Sccuriry In,tnuncnt. nr thcrc i. ;� IrEal pr�Krrding ihat nwy ,ignd�icandy cdTcri Lcnclrr's ri�h1� in �hc :1�{;,�:�;+�'-,, e <br /> t `: praperly l+uch u�a pr�xcrdin�:in bankruptry. prob:nc.ti►r rnnJcmnatian or li�rlci�urr ur to cnli►rcr luw,or regulution,l.lh�n + <br /> Lendcr muy do and �;iy li►r whulcvcr i.nccrs�ary Iu prulcrl th� valuc ul'ihc Pr��cny anJ LrnJcr� righl� in thc Property. '•'.�, � .;'.,,°! ;:; <br /> ' L�ixlcr;ucti�m.muy includr puying an)•+um..urur�d by n li�n which ha.pri��riiy uv�r this Scruriry Inyirumc�i�.uppruring ; <br /> ' � in a,un. puying rcasnnahlr alu�mry�'Icc,iind entcring�m Ihe I'ru�xny tu mukr repiiin. Although Lrnder muy wkc uction '�;t;:'''ii�•;;,''�e;� � ;� <br /> undcr thi,ps�ruEruph 7.Lendrr dik.nw h:rvc tu du,o. ' �+'• - <br /> 1'• ���'• } <br /> � Any a i m x i M. d i,h u r n e d h y l.e n d e r u n d r r�h i,p u r u�r�i p h 7 ,h a l l I x ru me c�dJili�mul drht u( BurroWrr �ecureJ h�• thi� . '.,:,(;i•,;,.,:�;�:'c'-._ '- <br /> Sccurity In.trurrwnt. Unlc,.Hurru��•rr and l.rndcr agrrc tu�►Ihcr I�mi.ol'pu}•��c amuunl+,hall Ixur imrrc,l l'rom�hr '� �'�.�'cY�`:,-i.;�..,. <br /> dute��i'di�hw•.cmrnl ut�hr Nulc rutr and ,htdl hc puy.ihk. «�ilh inlcrc+t. u�n► n��tirr(rom Lrnd�r to Rorri�wcr rc��ucxlin� ;,���,i;;;'_..,---. <br /> puyment. ?';l''�::'ti�`,,,,�,:[^a:n <br /> � 8. No�tgeRe Insurunce. If LenJrr reyuircd mi�rl�upr in.ivanrc a,a r�aiJiliun uf muking�hc loan.ccured hy �hi. �r,��. ;.:,=_� <br /> , ., . Sccurity In,trun►�nt. Borrourr �h+ill p:ry Ihc premium. reyuircd lu mnintuin thc m��rlg:�gc in,uranc� in eftcr�. II. IiK uny • ' ;�:;,��'-,� <br /> rcu�im. tlx m�x�guge in,uranrr riwer.►g� rcquirrd hr Lender I:�p.r. ur rca,rti tu he in efl'ecl. 8urro�vcr .h:dl r�y thr ''.•'.,., ; �.cH- <br /> pmmiwn+rcyuircd lu uhlain covrragc tiuh;�antiully rqui�•alrnt lu Ihc mur�g:►p. in.uranrc prr�•irn��f�• in eflccl. ul a ru.t , ,�,..�•,�li�� <br /> .uhstantiully cyuivulent tu thc ra,l to Rorr�,wrr at thc mixt�;i�r in,uranrc prrviuu,ly in�I'fcrl. tr„m an,�Itcrn:nc murtEagc ; :...��y�,,:,, <br /> . insurer uppruveJ hy Lender. N'�uh.tunlially cyuir;drnl mortga�:r in,ur:inr�cuvcra�e i.nui u�•ailuMr. B�xru���r,hall pay w - .'v;�.i; :, �,�,. <br /> Lcndcr cach monlh�yu:�l In unr-�wrll'Ui ul'thr�r:uic murtga�r in�ur:utri prrmium Ixing paid hy Barrawrr w•hen thr �:; �:':� T_-„_, .... <br /> insuruncr r�►vcragc lap+rd or cru,rJ t�►Ix in rtlrrl. Lcndcr w ill arrcpl.uu:md r�iain Ihr,c p:�)mrna a,:i I�►.,rctirn��in licu ;;t;�„'. .'>�.-===-__--. <br /> iit'murl�uEr imurancr. Los,•r pi�ymrnt,nu��• nu I�ai�rr he rcyuircd,at �hc �,p�i�m af l.rndrr. il'm.�n�a�c in.urancc ': �°�!'"��~; <br /> � � ' c�n•rrugc lin the umount amd for Ihc�xriud�hal LrnJrr rcyuir�,l providrd h�•un in,urer:ippn�vrd h� {.cndrr:�Euin Fkr�mic, . <br /> uvuilablc:ind i.ohluineJ. Bi�rru���r.hall p,iy Ihr prcmiu�n.r�quirrd U�muinl:iim m�rt�ap��in,urance in rllrrt.��r lu pru�•idc u <br /> , lor,rc,ervr. umil Ui►r«�uirrnum ti,r m�mgug�in.ur:� acc�ml:inrc��iih imy�vrinrn:�grrcmcn�tkiw•rcn F3uRO«rr , <br /> , ' i►nJ LrnJcr ur:��ri��ahlr luu•. . <br /> ; 9. Inxpectinn. Lrndcr ur i14:igcnl m:i) mal,r n:i.un:ihlr �ulrir�u��un:mJ in,prrliun,ol Ihc I'rupril). Lendcr�h:dl <br /> givc H��rrowrr nalirr;it Ih.•lim.•u(ur priur 1��an in,�xrtiun,�xril�in�rca�unahl�ruu.r li�r Ihr in,�xrliun. . <br /> 10. l'ondemnallon. 'l hr prurer�l.��f:�o) a��;irJ�n claio� fur dau�a}�r..diirrt ��r:un,r.�urnuul. in r��iuirclion���ilh:�m� i <br /> .. � <br /> . timylrfamd> I�+mnle�toe/Frcddk•\1ucl�IFIIH�II\�1R1�Il:\1 ..1 ndunu����.•n.m�. 94U ��a�cr±.�l��p��c�'�� , <br /> �.�. �n..a I.�►��Iw•nu.•iwmti IMC ■ . �. <br /> ' . fu1h�N�'.dl l•IY�li11�4.1'll-.I'A\�i1��T11�11.11 , . <br /> �' . . . <br /> r�' ' <br /> �II ' �J��. ' <br /> i <br /> � <br /> , <br /> � • , <br /> f . <br /> ' I <br /> _ <br /> __ _ _ <br /> __ <br />