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�.,� .. . � t . t 4 V i�r ,..__. <br /> ,.. ti�. ' - ��, 4< < ,i, r.- ). k� ,: <br /> ��, •• '+ /�:;r��, 3 tl�.k��x't"��±s�s,...,.-- <br /> , . <br /> . ��:e� , i.� <br /> ,s v.}i�. � .{y �� • � '`'''� .` � .. .`:'s ..,�Iftlela.,��T�Li _" <br /> � -- --. ��' �.. ' ..:. ' ''a .. � .. <br /> ? y,. - ` .,u.<<o <br /> ;'1 ... , . � .t�'S.: '�.. , _. - .a;_ <br /> � ... ..�.-..�.�a'4r....rrn•.. _,�,... <br /> �-� __ _.__.�-..._� __ - - ._. . . —_--' — <br /> ��-_ :��=- . 92-� 102 04i �u--= - -- , <br /> ,l � � .- `� . � <br /> - 4�. . :,� . .. �:::.�..1.���«%R-•-. <br /> .,�,.M;;,;;.��, � � TOCi�THER WITH ull thc impr��vcmcnt.nuw or herruftcr crcctrd�m thc propeny,und ull cuumcM�. uppurtcnunccti. �`__.._ .,____�__ <br /> � • �-�•�t •-• ond f7xiurcs now or hercaf�cr u purt of thc praperty. All rrpluccmcmx an�i uddi�ionx Yhull ulx��be rorrred by this Security � <br /> �s•• .'�`���•�'�' Inctn�ment. All of the foreRoing i�:refcrred t�in this Srrurily In,trumcnl ns�he"I�rupcny." _-- <br /> �., __-- <br /> ° , ^ . �• BORROWER COVENANTS Ihul Bom�wer is luwfully�ci�,rd af Ihc c.lutc hcrrby ranvcycd und ha+lhc righl lo grunt __ <br /> ' � " und cunvey the Prapeny and�hut the Pru�xny i�unenrumlx red,cacept li�r encumbrunre�of rerord. �►rn�wer wurmnts and �,�.___ <br /> � . <br /> � . . � • will defend generally the ifde�o Ihe Propeny uguin�t ull cluimw und demandz,subject lo aay cncumbruncc���f ras►rd. � <br /> Tt11S SECURITY INSTRI�MFNT combinrs uniG�rm covenunts fi�r na�ion�l usc und nun-unUe�rm covcnurnx wi�h �.e..._,-.� <br /> �_=-- -:-_-- <br /> limfted vu�iulionx hy jurixdiclion w cunrtitulc u uniform security in�lnimrm cavcrfng reul pruperty. ��-,::= <br /> . � •t UNIFORM COVENANTS. Burrowcr und l.cndcr covenunt und ugme as falluws: '�=� <br /> �,,.;.--�:__� -- <br /> ` � 1. Payment af Principal And Interesti Prepayment and Lpte Cb�rgeq. Bum►wrr shull promp�ly ptiy when due the �;_,�`-,--v__�•---__,_,_ <br />�,. ' , "',, � principal of and inlerest on the debt eviJenccd by�hc Nrne uncl uny prepuyment und lu�e char�ea due unde�Ihe Note. :'t�•�y��=µ=�_ <br /> i:i;��:__.,._____ <br /> ' ' ,�� • 2. Fbnds tor'ILxea wnd InRUrAnee. Subject to uppliwblc luw ar lo u wriuen wuivcr by L.cndcr,Borrc>wc�shall pay to <<h„i�.,=_-- <br /> l.cnder on the day manthly puymenta are due under thc Note,until the No�c iF puid in full,u rum l"Funds") ,;u�-_�_� <br /> '-..�""°a:=;�y�,,:�.... <br /> ' '"� ' [oxeti end asses,memz which muy uttuin priority over this Sccuri�y In�trumcnt u�u lien on the Propeny; lbl ycorly learchold t'_ � ';;'���;h' '"'�`>� . <br /> • . � ' � i paymems or graund rems nn the Propeny, if any; lc) yeurly hazurd ar property inhurunce premiums;(d) yeurly flood ,,,,.,,. `��u,;_ <br /> � insurance premiums. if uny: (e) yeurly martgugr inxurnnce p�emiumr. il' any: und 1� uny ,ums payuble by Barrower to ,,,^�;,4v�., ,�, �.:.� <br /> - Lender,in uccordance wilh the provisioM af purugruph 8, in lieu�►f thc puyment of manguge in+�urauce premiumx. These `'' �..� <br /> ° '� items ure rulled"�scrow Uem�' l.cndcr muy,ut Any timc,collcct:md hnld Funds in un amount not�o c xceed the muximum '��*'r"�___'.��•�_ _g` <br /> wnaunt u lender for a federally related mortguge loum m�y requir� for Borroweri eticrow uccount under the feder�l Reul ��>>'•rt;'«� <br /> Es�ate SetUement Procedures Ac1 of 1974 us umended from time io�ime,12 U.S.C. �2b(11 er sey.("RES PA"),unless unother '��,::.;''_� <br /> � law that applies ro the Funds sets a Icsser Amount. If so,Lender may,ut su�y time,collect und bold Funds in un amount not to ��=r�� <br /> �y:.t' <br /> exceed the lesser amaunt. Lender mnl' extimatc thc amoum ��f Funds dur on thc busis oi cuRen� alulu and reasonablc ,trx_: <br /> . ' es�imares of eapendiwres of future Eecrow Items or otherwise in accordunec wi�h upplicubk luw. �-��-�:-- - - <br /> ' The Funds shnll 6e held in nn institution who�deposits urc insured by n federul agrncy, instrumernaliry.or entity �'�r� <br /> (including Lender,if Lender i�such un in.�iw�ion)or in uny Feders�l Home Loun Bunk. l.ender,h�ll apply the Funds:o pvy + '- <br /> • � c ur c Borrowcr Por holdin and a I ing Ihc Fundti, annuully unalyzing the escrow �1''«<���� <br /> the Escrow Items. Lender muy not h g B PP Y <br /> � uccount, or verifying the Escrow I�ems, unless Lender pays BoROwer interert un the Funds and applicuble luw perm�ls _��__:t <br /> Lender to make such a churge. Huwever,Lender may require Borrower to puy a one-titm ch�uge fur un i ndependent reul ,��;_�— <br /> eswte Iux reponing service used by LenJer in connection with thi+loan,unlesz upplicuble luw provicks otherwise. Unless un �'�f�� <br /> ' s' c st to be aid L.ender shUll not be rc uircJ to pay Borruwt r any interest or ��=��°`� - <br /> � � • agrcemcnt is mAdc or applics►blc luw rcquirc �nt re p . N <br /> `�+� � • earnings on the Funds. Uorrowcr und Lendcr muy agree in wriling,Imwevcr,thul intcrest shnll he paid�n th�:Fund�. Lender '"• . <br /> � ahnll give to Barrower,without churRe,un unnuul uccouming of the FunJs,slK►wing creditx und debiia to the Funds and the '��=°����' <br /> � � - purpose for which ench debit to the Fundx wu�mude. The Funds ure pledged us udJitionul�ecurity(or all�ums r,ecured by , . <br /> - __= this Secut�ly lnstn�ment. —'- -`�'�R <br /> � " �� � If the FunJs held by l.ender exceed the umounts permit�ed to be held by applicuble luw, l.ender �hnll uccount �o .� <br /> :,,.�;., V ,•. ,•,�''"'�� <br /> Borrower for the excess FunJs in uccordunce with the requirements of upplicable law. If the umoum of�he Fund� held by , .-r,�^„� „ <br /> '�'•��'•'�� Lender at uny time is not sufficicnl to puy the Escrow Itcmti when due,Lendcr may so notify Borrawer in writing,and,in • � ' � <br /> ' ' such case Banower .ball puy to Lender �he umount nece„ury tu muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall muke up the , � <br /> ' deficiency in no mare than twelve manthly paymen�ti,ut l.ender�xole discretion. :� ... 'a , _ <br /> " � Upon puyment in full of ull sums secured by thix Security Instrument. Lcnder shull promptly rcfund to Borrowcr any , „ <br /> Funds held b Lender. If, under rru ru h 21.Lender shall uc uire or seU the Pro n Lender, rior to tl�e uc uisition or ' r <br /> Y P' B P q p� Y� P q •, <br /> sale of Ihe Property,xhall apply uny Furx1+ held by Lender ut Itx timc�f ucyuisition or sale ur A credil ugain4t tlx� sums ,����_2,;:.:,�,�__� <br /> secured by this Security Instrument. �'�" •°'• �`r���� <br /> 3. ApplfcatMn oi Paymenls. Unkss upplicuhle luw providcz othenvisc, ull puymr:nts rccciveJ by Lcnder under i; ,K, ` ' <br /> ,.��•I paragraph.r• I und 2 shall be opplied:first,to uny prepuymcnt churgc�due undcr thc Notc:�ccond,to amounts puyuble under •v— <br /> ~<--- <br /> paragruph 2;third,lo intercst dur;founh,to prinripal Juc;aixi lust,to nny lutr chargc�due under Ihe Note. ,;,�;.•--- <br /> ' i 4. Chprges; Liens. Borrow•er shull pay ull tuxc+, as.ctixments, churgcs, fincs unJ imposilions at[rihutLble to �hc __ <br /> ' .. � Property which may attain prioriry ovcr this Scrurity Instrument,und leusrhold puymentx or ground'uny. Borrowcr i;'-.:�:_, <br />' ••• i shall pay thcse obligutions in the m•rnnrr provided in pa►raigruph 2,or if not puiJ in that munncr.Bortower�hull puy �hem on , � •_,�� <br /> ' timc direcUy�o thc perscm owcd puymen�. Borniwcr xhull pmmptly furnish to l.rndcr ull no�icc+of nmounls to he puid under • • `�•:_;�'_: <br /> ���., � thi�parugraph. If Borruwrr make�the�c puyment�dirertly.Born�wcr zhall prompUy fumish tu Lcnder rercipts evidcncing �,'". <br /> -Y'U:....�.--- <br /> . � the puymentx. , - ., _ <br /> . Borrower tihall promptly dixrhurgr:my licn which has prioriry ovcr this Srcurity Imtrument unle�s &�rrower:(a)agrce� ��'•"{'�"'s.' <br /> . � in wri�inF to thc puymem of�hr obligaliun sccureJ by�hr lirn in u manncr acrrptablc to Lrnder;Ib)conte,�s in gaod fuith the � • • • <br /> • lien by,or defends uguinzl enforccment of thr Ikn in.Iegal pr�xrrdinE�whirh in thc Lrndrr's i�pinianoperti�c to prcvcnl the y��e� � <br /> . , ' enPoreement of the lien;or (cl sccure+fr��m the h�ilder of thc lien an agrcrmen�+ati+fac�ory to Lender+uburdinuting the lien _�:R-° <br /> { to this Securiry Ins�rumcm. IP Lendrr delcm�ines thu�uny p:�n��f thc Propeny i�tiuhjrrt�o u licn which m:�y ut�uin priority � ".'«��_.� <br /> ovcr Ihis Securily Instrumenl,Lcnder muy givc Bnrrower u nu�icc identi(ying thc licn. Burrowrr tihall xa�i�fy the lien or take k <br /> � ' one or more uf thc uc�ions xct forth aiMivr wi�hin 111 dayx��i'�hc giving uf'ni�ticr. <br /> ` 5. Hazard or Properly Insurance. Burc�iwrr�hall krep thr�w rxisting i�r hercuttcr rrecled un the <br /> Property insured a�•rinst k�ss hy firc,hazard.inrluJed within thr tcrni "cxt�ndrJ r��vera�;r"und uny ulhrr harardti,including <br /> tlood�or ilooding, for which Lender reyuin. inwrunrr, Thiti inwrunr� .hull Ix muintained in IAc amnum. and tor the ; . <br /> � ,.. <br /> Fi�rmJ02N 4N11 ip��¢r:.�Jn���r..i • <br /> 1 '� <br /> i <br /> I <br /> � i <br /> . � - - <br /> t. _ _ <br />