. . . . . . .
<br /> ��- - :�:'..x. '.^ �°�77�.i� �7 -"� '' � �- _ .i(�t�•�:,tirr.' • � .� ff?si�
<br /> , - - ' � ' - ...._ � - .r. � ' _�..._.__���..»:�.�_._..�_.—.._.�:._:a,.:�: ,`�-t�� ` -;�'�SPa��
<br /> �— . , : . - ..s._.-.�...�...__.�� __._-._._�....:. .�..�.. �.�e, �` �._c -_.
<br /> � . ��� ���� , 3,``- 4•i r`�..
<br /> � • Borrawar may cure eucb a detsuR and minsmte, as provtdad In pnrayraph 18. by oEwsMg tho¢ct(en or proccC:d'n8 to be � , .��,..,,, ...
<br /> . � d15mIfSOd wiih s NP.np th8t, !n Lendar'8 pood�th Qotermtnatbn.DrQ�Cludes tOAE�utm 01 the 8otrowef9 btl7t6st In the P�op�ty Or '" ,""..•-"�7`'"F''U'��"�
<br /> �• �' � othN mat�ritl Irt�tYm�t of tit0 Ow�cr6at8d by thi� S�utxy tnatnt�nant or I.�ttdefa aeCUtti�r tnt6►as4. Bottowbr sh�ff Biss Es tn _�._, __ "
<br /> ` QctiuR U 8orrower,d�rin�tht Ioen aP9[sttt?4n QroCtBe�Osv�RaterW.y ta�e or tnaccurate trtormatton ar staum:nta to�cnd:r lOr • >�",.����'°HI--_=j�:^:
<br /> taitet! to Rcs+t�e tandor wkh any mat�ftl�StOrm�4an) In cCtrt�cuon wkh t�s foasi e�M�eACed Gy tM IYon, habdYng, bul nat � .�;:�- ,�_
<br /> '. PmR.9 to. �eprasant�4Wna cnnsantnp 0orrowH'a aecuFanoy o! tt�� R►aDeRy 4+ � prBnobii �slQe�nco. �f thls Sacurity .,. � , .
<br /> InaWrtNnt !9 On �lu3ofiob, �3otrower shi�f campy wRA tU th9 ptovt�len9 of tho �.iCO. If 8ano�rcr CcquBa9 (� tNia ro tho ��.� �. , , 1°4;.�
<br /> RrOi�Y•tn.MaSihotd ind th�ti�t�le aMD not rtwr�i�unMts l.�nQir agn��to tt�e mer�e►h wvitirt4• ' ' , _
<br /> 7. Raoiec�tlafl of Lender'� Rt�h4s tn the Property.�f eorrowar ra� �o perterm mo ca�wn.nte ar�a t�r'.�trst� --°- -_ :� — _
<br /> cont!hi±�! 1n tnt� S�curity InBwm:n1. or thsre t3 a t�.."�31 pracc�d�ng tt�t may olyn�t►Y aft4c! Lendero ripht9 !n ths ProGeltY
<br /> (aueh ea o proceeding in banlwDtcll.Probata,tor cond_mnetton ar tort�!tut�0►t0 6nf0iC0 tswa at ry�ui�llan9),61e+►i.c��.;:;���f -. . , ;
<br />�,1� do and pay tor wha!ever ts n�ces9ary to proteat the vttue ot the ProA�Y end lertdee's ripht9 tr� tfie PrapertY• I.e�defg B�Uo�9 , ± �
<br /> - � msy tnch�d9 p8yic� eny sums saeursd by a Ilen whlch hcs pnorfty ov3t this Secarityr InsUument� nAF��B In cCuR. DaY�O ;.�
<br /> reasanabie attomays'fees and enterfnp on tho Piroparty to mako repaUs.AMougt� Lendur m�y wko ec8an unC9r this paregr��� -- -�-,;---,--T -_
<br /> ' 7,Lender does eot have to do so. � ,a
<br /> Any emounts dtsbursed by Lender under pafaSfaph 7 shaD hecome additlonsi debi ot Borrawer secured by this Securityr
<br /> InstrumcnR Untoss Borrow�and lender a�ee to o2Piar terms of paymsnt, these emounts sh� 6ear Inte�est from the data of ,,,__�.,..... ,.•r:_ .:..�. -
<br /> __'. disbarsement at the Note rate and sfis0 be paya0t�.w�h intecest.upon rtoti�e trom Lendw to Boraower rsqu9stinp paymant � � e�, �_
<br /> =,:,��.,,�„it:-;..,-._�
<br />� 8. IYIS��8g9 (PI8il�AliBC�. i} LenQer requtred martpaqe fnsurance as e cand�ion ot makinp the ban secured bY�� ._. �.. .,, .__
<br /> Securdy InSLV�enL Bnrrovrer shail pay the prem4ms requlred to ma�tafn the mor2�aQe insurance(n eft�Ct.If,tor eny cea5on,the ';'dy;�� , =
<br /> , • mortqape Insu►ance coverape require�by lsnder faPses or ceases to be in eNect. BQrraw�st�aif pay the p�emlums re4uted to �._.;-;,-.-li..-��=-
<br /> obtain cove�ege su5smntiaQy e4uNatent to tha mortgaQa tnsurance prevtousty N eftsct. at a Rost substIIntlaltY equMalent to the �::�;ti,.�:-,-r=-- �:.-5::�.
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgana tnsurance prevtously in eftect,fram an e�emate mort�e tnsucer approved by Lender. (f ' �, _ ` -
<br /> substaniiaCy equtvafar�t rtto�SaS9 t�w�an��°J�9��not avaElab►e. Borrower sha0 pay to Lender each month a sum equtl to r (1,_`- �._ J �$ ,
<br /> one�tv►�alfM of the yeeriy mortgaQe tnsuraroce premt�m beinp paid by Bocrow�when the hsurance coveraQe I�psed or ceased to �-::,_:-� - ,.- -
<br /> �r�rf^:��
<br /> bg n efEecL Lender v�ID eccep t, u s e A n d r a t�l n t h e s e p a y m e n t s a s a I o s s r e s e n r e t n I t e u o f m o r t g a q e insurBnCe. Loss reser40 ;�•a:,a..�.�.o.,.-
<br /> �;,s�+�. - .�;
<br />. . paymea�ts r�$y no tonger be requfred.at Ne option of Lender. H mortgaIIe insurenca coverase(in ths amount and tor the period - -- -_-_`>
<br /> � t,hat lrn�rz�:�s)Rro+ridsd by an inswer eAAroveO by Len�r�gah Oecomas avaQebte and ts abffiirsed. Bortower shefl paY �- -�-- .:�v�F�
<br /> -'�^'�..:._
<br /> �j the R�'�+-t�4�+�ed ia�min mortg-� insuranca n efteci. or to Provtde a toss reserve.unt7 the requUemsnt for moRgage �r��. v,, _�g"
<br /> . - msuranca aatSs 'u�accor,d�..ice vrfth any wrutan aSr�it between Borrower end I.and�or appficable taw. �.�.,t,---•..._-. - °-
<br /> ",-� 9. !:k'3��L'ti0t1.Lender or Rs ag�t may make�asonable enties upon end �spacttons ot the Property. Lander sha0 fli+►e �a ',-'°'�`_
<br /> . ��� Borrower o�9ce at the tkne of or pdor ia sn tnspectisan speniryhp reesonabie causa taT tne inspectta^- _ "���`�r „ '
<br /> e
<br /> ' ��.;f;
<br />`- ;,��y 10. �onalemnatton.The prcC�ds ot eny aKard a�Cta(m fat dam8ges.direCt or Conse.;,.r�:ti413t, fn ConneCUon wfth enY � �„���,,,��
<br /> cond�rmatlon or olher tekfig of eny pmt af tha Prapet5�.or tor comreyance in I'ieu a!candemnatt�on.are heteby ass�d esid „��° ..•.;; '�-, .
<br /> n.�.. 'l�it� r� l.;' U�,.
<br /> � ';;• shall ba patd to LenQer. •, ti; . ..
<br /> ..�.:V � ;r�:.�.
<br /> e�i•.- �j
<br /> ;;,;�,iRf, In the evant o} a tatal tatcing ot the PropeRy. the proceeds shaQ �e a�;s;�8 to the sums secured by thia �� ��'�,''•����, Yr;•. _;, �� '�',
<br /> `.�,,- ir�sbuTra:=�.��+e'u`�r�r.C.L"�:.'L°.,:=aa�;��g��ro eoaowar. m ms�-�t os a part►a�raktng o1 Ne PraAertY � .o-` �t,ti ;�'� -
<br /> ` �'v.L`..__.� �-:.
<br /> !��'��';� ths ta`r c;rFC�cet valie ot the Propert�r �rrnadtate►Y befose the mfcing is eaual to or �eamr than tho smount of the sums sacura3 ;-i _
<br /> 1� Gx, t-°i °'`
<br /> ��f""}� by this 9aca��f► InsGUment immedfeteSy 0afare the takb�0, uniess Bortowsr and lender otherwLSa agre9 In wr�inQ. Me�� ,;;� � ���. "
<br /> • secuced bY ts�is Seeur�y tnar�,ment shail be reduced by the amount ot the Procee�s muRlPUed bY�a fatbwhp tracilon: (a)ia� ,-, ,�X i�;.� c��'•. �:�s
<br /> r�' ..�.
<br /> - total amount of the suras secured invrtedlataN befote tha taktr►g,divided by(b)tha 4ar maricet va4ie ot 4Ae Fr3panY immeG'�'�Y ;.x�,�y, ,.: �,,t�.:'. -
<br /> 6sfore tha t�cfnQ.MY ba�ancs sh�li be Patd to Borro�rar.tn the event of a Oartial fakf�0 ot the PmpaRy tn whbh the taP R�rkat ;��.. , .
<br /> � `I�,� vaLe of the Property htmedfatery De�ra th3 taki�o ts fes9 than the amount of the sums secured MmadlatBN before the tekhQ, ��� �;�r
<br /> ' unless Bortower and Lertder othorwLge aqrao tn wr3i�p or uni�s aAPllcebi� (aw otherwts6 provides. the praceeds sha0 be i :f:=
<br /> �� sf�,?,..;
<br /> � �ppfied to ttie sums secnred Dy this Securiry Instrur�ent whethei or not the sums are then due. -. , � �:_F,.
<br /> � i/the Proporty Is BEandon6d by Borrower.or B.after noUC9 by Lender to Borrower that the condenaior offsrs tu make an . '..:��, ._--
<br /> 8werd or 68ttie a ciafm for damapes, Barower faUa to respond to Lender wRhin 30 daYs atter the date the notics b phien. .
<br /> U
<br />' Lendar h�thortx�d to cott�ct and;appry tha praceods,at fts opUan,eRher to restor�tion or reyntr of the Proporty or to the '�„��
<br /> • • sums securod DY this 8ecun'ty Usbiiment,whether ar not th�n due. -R'� '''�°'�'��
<br /> ' Unl�as Landa and Borrower otherw(so aQreo in vu��rQ� anY ePP�tbn ot proceeds to P�c4� 8�� not �dend or ' f ' ---�-�
<br />