.: � _ � , -. < o`.cF.... _ . . . ^ . . . . . . ,,.J _ �_i-. .��c,,,.. , u..:..:�,��t _' -.....' '_ .. .` �—___
<br />.. �.�__� " �_. _..4v��..._:.J..� �-"-- � � Y���=
<br /> 96- ��'� ` <. �,
<br /> TOIIETHER WITH nil tho krtprovernents now or nerealter erecteC on the �oAertY. and a➢easemen4s� sDBurt�nancss.Qfid �.- 't. • �. r 4 £` -
<br /> • ... � �� .� -.
<br /> • faRures ncw ar hsr�aftir a 0�of the Oroporty.AU reptacemants 8nd Qdd3lons s�ail aiso be Covesed bY this SeCUr�ty InSWmant .;�., :, < : , '��`, .,_:
<br /> eD . , �
<br /> All of the tarepoln�Fs tetcROd to h thb Secur�y Instrumsnt aa tha'ProRerty.� �,.�:c � �.
<br /> � 80RROtiYER COVE11lANT5 thit BQrtOwBf h3 tswfuUy 88iz� Of the e9t�ts hfr6by COmrsyCd etld h�S ttta rignt t0 Qtaf►t Md ' ti.�i�?'.
<br /> canvay ths Prop¢Ry anC that tho P►o�j �3 uneneum8cded, �cc2�pi far encumDruias9 of recard. Borrower wurert� and wCi � ' } << • .
<br /> d�'�nd 6srt�reSY ths tlih ao lt�rs Rcap�rty e,�lnst ell cia6na and 6arr�c�ds.cub{ect to any cncnm�ansa�of r�cord. , ___-
<br /> TN19 fiECURITY INSTRUMSNT eambfias tmifortn tati�nan4� tor nntlnneJ u�o ond nanr�n�ortn eauxnanto wRti i�ntted � � � ��
<br /> `.` var�UOna Ay�uristlfetbn to corteUwto a unBortn atcur�y Instrumfnt cawrYtp na1 proDartY• • � � -- °°=s-�,
<br /> -.�� UNIr'ORLI COV8NRN49. Boaaw�aad L�n�co�i end s�ee�totiotiva: --- ;1-`-G�- - .c---
<br /> 1. Payment ot P�lacip�l en9 Intere�; Pre�Oaymerit end iit0 Ctw�ea.eor�ower enau vmmv�y oir w�«► ` �"- ` 4:
<br /> �t3 tlta !o!and(�I�9at An t'��!wid4rtced by tha RiAta end enY A�Y►rreat end I3t�c�2ra�3 Que under the Noto. ,
<br /> Z. �a tor Tmx�s aa�d Inaurnnce.Subj$ct ta epp(ieabq t�w or to a wr&tan waker by Len�t.Borrower ahAn p�y , . .-__, -�
<br /> J,.� to Lendar en the day monthly paymgnts ere dua under ths Note, unU1 the hote is pald!rt fuil,e sum(°Funds'ry for. (n)yc�arry --` ;-G�e '�:_
<br /> fmobs and assassmants whbh may a t t a h P r t�r R Y ovar t h i s S a c u r�y I n s�u m E n t a s a I k n o s► t h e P ro p e ft y: (b) Y Q S r t y I e a s eh o(d
<br />, p�ymenb ar qraund rents en tha Property� B eny; (o)YeaM ha�rd or property tnsurnnea premlums: (d)Y6eriY fiood hsurance -� ..�—_ - 's_
<br /> pr8m�ms. N enY: (e)YearN morl�Qe hsuranee Premfum9.N enyr,Bnd(�GnY sum9 Paysbie bY Boirovr¢r to Lender In ecCOrdtince � � ` . � -
<br /> , wBh the provis�ns of paraaraph 9. h Oeu af the payment o!mortQ¢gs� (nsurartce prem5�ms. Thase �7ems are celied 'Escrow .
<br /> �tems,• Lendgr may� et any t(mg, eoUact�nd hold Funds in an amount nQY to euceed the ma�dmum Amount a I�dar tot a _ c :
<br />- federa�y ratatad mORQape IeBn may reQute for Bortawer8 escrow ace0unt vnt'�r tA�tederaf F�eal Estata&att�ement Proce[Auas - --..;',: .�• '
<br /> Act of 1874 as amendsd from tUn�to tVtte. 12 US.C.�2&01 et seq. ('#�SPA'�, unPass another l�w thai eppUas to the Funds �h' '..'�i,*�� Kj:•. .
<br /> sets e less�amount If sa, LenQer may.at aaY time.cailect end hotd Fun�s tn en amount not to exceed the Iasser amoun� , ._. „, .
<br /> I.er,dec may esttrnate the amoum af Funds Gue on the basla of curtant dats and reasonobt�ssttmates of expend�ms of tuwre .'- .a�--=-..—�.-�--
<br /> � Escrow Items or otherwise tn eecordance wRh aPPi�cable faw. ��;�''��4.?-'�`�"-� .-
<br />'i •' The Funds shaU be heid in en inst8utian who�e d5posfts are hsurad by a federel asertcy.b�strumanta@Y.or entRy(hcAidinp ,,,� � ��: -_.,
<br /> Lsndef, B LenQer ts such sn �st�uUan)or a� eny Federaf Horrte Loan Bank. L¢nder sha0 appry the Funds tn psy tAe Esctow :. ��Y� —
<br /> (ferns,lender may not charQo Borrov�rar tor ho:d�g and appryfng the Funds,ennuaLy anafyzinp tho escruw aeeaunt,or ver�tylnp ` * ^°��_ -
<br /> ' trte E^�ow Items� un�ss LenQer pays Bortowe�r '.c�rest on the Fands an0 apP6cabte faw pertnfts Lender to mske such a ':.�:r��-'"'-�:�""°-
<br /> ?��;;^_
<br /> pharyg. lioweuer Lend2r may reQufre BortoK�tt� PaY a on�4irrt9 CharQe for an independ9rtt teal estate t�c rePortinp senriCe :�4���_"�"'"_-�-
<br /> � � Dy Lender in ConnecHon w3h thES taan, un,�ss aPP�ics�ila !aw provtdns othsrwfse. Unless an anreement i� made a �,. .�,,...a:.��''
<br /> c����.:.�
<br /> � syp:eabia taw cequ7es Interest to be patd,Len�r sftaU not be requ�ed to Ray Barrawer any hterest or eamfngs an the FunQs. ,4,
<br /> Borrawet and Len�ar rnay eQtee fn writlng. han,rere, that interest sha7 0��on the Funds. i.endEr sh�7 give to Borrower. .��. .�.�+��cr°
<br /> - withaut charQe, �ar�:wal accounUnp of the Fur�. showtng credns and d�35 ta the Funds and the Qurpas�fa wAich eact► �;��-^-'`, --W---`--,r,;;---.;,;
<br /> . 4 deb'�t0 the FurtdS�v:�s mBdB. Th9 Wrtds 8tB p1B�Bd es Hddlt10ne1 S9CUtdy fDT SJ SUms SECUfed by tt19�f�tyl It1SVUiReilt =,.��,.' ; ���`�f
<br />= If the Funds hetd by L6ndst�eed the amounts pertn4ted to be hetd by applicable law.Lender shall account to Borrowar •� ,��� ,
<br /> !or the ezcess Funds fn accort'2n�w�h 4he cequlremsnts of appiicabls law. If the amount of the Funds hab by Lender a!eny .'`-';�--:;�;!^��'�z`°��`..=��'
<br /> em . �#tr�•.��,;,,F'�;:".`.
<br /> time ts not cufficfent to pay the Essrow Ite�ns when due,Lender maY so notify 8orrower fn w�ina,and,in such case Borrowe� .�,��:«-
<br /> � sfiaD psy ta Lm►Qar the emounl necessary to meke up the dettclencY• Borrower shall maks up the defci�rta7!tn no more tf�an ="'�;'�' �';
<br /> � tweMe monthly paymmrts,at IBnders sote discration. �'� �`���
<br /> __ i�nnn nayment tn futl ot aD sums secured Ey this 3ecurdy Instrument,Lender sbuti promAUl►reM�d to �a:rower eny Funds
<br /> h 21.Lender shatl acquUe or sen the PropeRy.!.@rlCer.Dr'tor m me acqu's`rticri oi de'sa v�'. WLLn �_.'`�-
<br />;:. : tq�4'3r lender. II.under para�d�- .. i.��.�
<br /> F:cD�Ly. ShaB aAAh enY Funt's!hskt bY Len�r at Me tYne ot acquis�ton ot sale as a creda agahst tne sums secur�d by 4hls - .`: �.-¢.. •,. . �:_
<br /> Securgy InsUumenL `�:,�� =
<br /> 3. i1Ef(litq��39 O? P�yfltEtlts. Un�ss appIIcable Iaw provtdes otherwise. a0 payments raceNe� tY Lender under _.`'�;` .:�"
<br />, parapraphs t an0 2 shatl be appiL°sf: fhst,to s.�y preDaymant charges duo under the Note;secartd,to am�unts paYadie u�der
<br /> paza�iph�thtrd,tp intere5l due;fourth,to pficipa!due;end last,to any laie charses dus under t�e Noie. , •# ^#°
<br /> 4. Ch8��Q8i LI@tis. Hotrower ehBU pay 80 U)ais. a9sessment9. chacpes. ftnes end imPosdions Ytlnbupblo to ths 3:'....'
<br /> PropeRy whbh may atiefi DAcr�Y over this Secunty Mstrument,and Ioaset�otd payrt�ents or pround rents,ff any. Baaower sha0 ��:j�:� �'
<br /> pay these ob�stions In the manner provided in DarepraDh 2.ar H not patd�that mannsr, Borrovrer shatl pay the+n on tYna
<br /> � Qtreatry to tlre person owed pdymen4 Borrower sl�atl pmmpUy tum(sh to Lender all notice3 af amounts W De patd und�r thb _ ,. �, _
<br /> oarapraph. It Baaowar matces these PaY+�ts dlrec4ry, Borrower ehaD PromPtM Nmlcb to Lendw raco�is widencinp the �,:,.�.;;
<br /> :` .'�r�rr-:?ayr'�n.�n -.
<br /> ��Bortower shail prompty dtscharpo any Iten which has prtofity over thfs S�curBy Insbummt unbss BoROw�r: (a)�prws in .:'-_a
<br /> wrklr:�to the payrtwr►t o}tho oblfgaUon secured by th�IMn in a mu�r.er iccepiQbio to Lsnd�r; (b)cantQSts h paod fdRt�ti» - =�;;;�.��,`
<br /> It�n by. or defands a�Y�st antorc�ment ot the C�n frt.I2ga1 proccsdings wtiiCh in t�e ler:Qets oD��opanti to On+�nt tha ���=`_��:
<br /> anforeement of the lien:or(o)secutss irom tAe hotQet of thQ 66n tn apr�g�trwet satisf�Ctory t0 Lender subordinYt(np tha Bon to . .
<br /> th�t S�sr�►nsuum�l.!t I.enQ+x 4etrxminas that any part of tha Pro�eAY Is eublect to u Ren wAic�1 m4y ottah PAorkf►ovor thb ,._ --
<br /> `� Secu�Yy tnsWmant.l.end�r may piva Borroww a no4ice(�tifyirp tha 8an•Borrower sh�9 saUsfy ths 6en ar teke ons or moro of �E:�L�=` su:�:
<br /> tn�aodons tei(ortt�abava wRhin t0 daYs ot t'�e Wvfr►D ot noUce. �•:��"�.$,° ��";",�'�,,-„`
<br /> b. HiZATd Ar Properry Inwran�e.Borrowet sha11 keep the tmprovemet►ts now exi5tinp or hereaftar ereCted an the __ �_
<br /> ' Property insur�d t�painal bss by£se, hazord� inCiuded wRhin the term"e�dend4d covara�e'end�r►y other haard�. Includfnp l�"'+� -
<br /> _. Boods or Ooodfrtp,for whioh Lend2t ra�ires�+snanCe. This hsurance sha0�e mahmined b tha�mounts and for the p�riods �m
<br /> -�..: ttt�Lc�id�t�::^.,�. Th9 5�sur�1!+_�e c�rrier g�+t4fng the tnsuranae ShaB be ChOSen bY Borrower eubJect tD Lend�B apptovd
<br /> wAich sha➢not bo unreasana�.'y wkhhs�7. :� Borrower fails to matntoin coverape descr�ed abaire. Lendsr maY.at tsnd�fa `:..�_��,"'��-
<br /> . � oplton.obusn aovera�to pra:�:�nCers r�(�In the Property h accorQence wlth paraqraph 7. --
<br /> AY hsurartCe pol'iCie3 Act�c�i:a81s &Ita�b9 aCCeptebie to Lcinnder end shtft NCi1da fl SSBnderd mOtt�tl�a Ctiitse. lender " _
<br /> shail have the ri�ht to hotd the ���ICles en0 rariewats. If Lender requires.Borrower shell prompiy pive to Ler�der a0�eeapis of �:� -�__--
<br /> paid promiums and�anewai noUces. tn tha es�;!o!toss.Bomnwar shaB qhre prompt notice to the tnsuranca carrfer ar.�ltinQor. -- -- -- ��_{. -.-
<br /> � � landor may mako;,�}o!bss e nai mada F�N by eortowet. -y�a. � .' ..._.�;;
<br /> Unt�ss Lsnder ar:d Bwroww otherwtse a..^3a tn wrlthy,hsurance proa�sha6 be applied to ces'.�ian or repair ot tha �y�,,::
<br /> Property 6�m�ped.U the reslort:'on or repaY Is economicatry 1a�sb1�end tr�*r3�is sscun'ty b na!tessened. H the restoratlon or ��'�p• '
<br /> • ••, rep�ir Is not economicafly c��3,s cr�endefa seaurSy woub 6a tessened.C�hsurancs pr�+o�ads sha0 be applle0 to the sums . -0:_
<br /> . cecnrod by thb Securfty Irts�:,,�+s�t whether ar not then dv�. w�h any escssa pald to Borrowet. If BoROwer aWndons tha t,�.,�,,;,�:•....�
<br />� PropMty. or doas no!answer whhb 30 Qsys a notice from L6nUer that the i�suranCe cerrier has of(ered to settie s ctalm.then �''�L-•-=-=--�--
<br /> I.end�may cn�es the haurence proceeds. Londer may use the procee�s to repat or restore the Pra�srty ar to pay sums —�-°—
<br />