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<br /> -""'---- --i referred io in paragraph 2, or chunge the umoum uf�uch puymcn�s. Any cxccs+pr�x�rls c un um��unt rcyu axl w pay ull
<br /> -"""'� oWsuu�din�ind�btodncsx undcr the Note and thi�Security Iroaromcnt shnll he puid ta the entiiy icgelly enti�led theteto.
<br /> � ��'�� S.Fees.Lender may mllect foes and charger aultwrizod by the Secretary.
<br /> =:x'f���?"•^,.�
<br /> ------- 9.Groundr for Accderation oY Debt. �""
<br /> `_�..�`�";�.�,:�:`=_� �.
<br /> _ °� �f�� (A) DetAUlt. Le�uler muy, except u� limited hy rrgulatiims issucd by the S�wrctary in �he �v.+e uf'payn�nt defauUs,
<br /> _____ -��- require immediate puyment in full of ull wma+ecured by this Security Intiwment if: ___
<br /> ��_,�i-'.:_:� Ii)Borrower defuultti by i'ailing to pry in fall uny moMhly paymen�reyuired by this Securiry Instrument priur tu or ___
<br /> ._ � ,,,�,,��,'�- on the due dAte of the next monthly puyment,�x —
<br /> �.' ,.s � liil Borrower defaults hy fniling, for a perial uf thirty day+. ta perl'onn uny other obligationr contained in ihis
<br /> °..�.::,m.��,..:,�_
<br /> ��3 Secu�iry Instrument. �-
<br /> .��''.—,.`�=.�,:.;Y
<br /> .,.,;��, .!: .J (b) Sale Without Credlt Approval. Lender sholl, if permitted by applirable law nnd with the prior approvul af�he
<br /> .;�., n. ;''� �. Secret re uire immediate a ment in full of WI sumti secured by this Sewriry Instrumcnt if:
<br /> +��_... •. .,�, i °�'• q P Y
<br /> ���. ��d§ -��;�;,�,-. (il All or part of the Property, or a henefici�+l intcrest in u tn�st owning all or pun ��f the Property, is sold or
<br /> y'iy°A''��r�'"+`: otherwise trunsferred lother than by devise ur desccnt�by thc Borruwer,and
<br /> ' �,���Cl��"��5''�'Y� (ii) The Property is not occupied by the purchaser or gruntee as his nr her principal residence, or the
<br /> :r:r���;a��:�'�P.�:it :5�:�':•
<br /> -- _ _ ,.�•}�;rM;, purchaser�r grantee dne�so accupy the Property but hiK ar her credit ha►nat been upproved in accordance with the �
<br /> __ '.".„_. ,. "�:•?;! '1 requirements of the Secretury. ---
<br /> �,•� . ,.,LL,;,., � ,`,:l —
<br /> • �,�.v;•:•r,;�l,�,,;:,,�;.;,,�
<br />_,;.:� �,, lc)No Waiyer.If circumtitunre,��rcur Ihut would permil LcnJcr lo reyuirc imnx•ciiute paymrn� in full,but I..ender does
<br /> —'�' •� ���''����•. ' not require such payments,l.eruler doe�not waive its rights with rrspert to wt+ceyucnt events. —
<br /> _---� � '�i:.,• . ..
<br /> :'_��. . .
<br /> �u�w•l (d) ReguWtiuns aP HUQ Secretary. In nuny circum+tw►res regulutium iyxu��i by the S�.�retury will limit l.ender'�
<br /> �,•'� ' ^''�' . rights in the cuse of puyment dcfault�ti� rcyuirc imrocJiutc puyment in Ibll und ti�rc�loac if not paid. This Sexurity
<br /> ' -- • In�tronxnt dces not authorizc acceleration�x forcclosure if not permitted by re�tula�ions of the 5ecretury.
<br /> �:' .;�. :. � tr
<br /> _�: "'::;�'fg
<br /> •,�:�3�'' �� :� .
<br /> • (e)Mortqa�e Not Ingured. &�rrowcr•rgrecs thut �houlJ ihi.r Suuriry Instrument vnd the Nutc .ecurcYi thereby nut be
<br /> 'r�;�- _:+_i«..�_��::.-i_.-,��-- elieible for insurnnce undcr thc NAtionul Housing Art within 60 duys from thc datc hcrcoi'.Lender may, at its option
<br /> �J'�� . • and n�nwithstAnJing anything in parngruph 9, rcyuirc imme.�iiute puyment in full��f ull sums xecured by this Security -
<br /> � � � • Instrumcnt. A written tit�temem uf any •rwhuriceJ ugent of the Scrretary JuteJ ,ub+cyucnt to GO Jay�from the dute —°
<br /> � ''��`��'•;.,:s , hemof,declining to inrure this Sc:curiry I�urument anJ the Note+ecured thereby, tihall Ne d��em�l runrlusive proc�f uf �.:..:
<br /> , � wch ineligihility. N�Hwithrt:�nding�he furegoing, ihi.uptiun may not be cxerciticJ by L.cnder when the unavvilability i
<br /> '' '•°'�;''� of insurunce is solely Jue ii►L�nder'.fuilure tu rcmit a mangagr inwrance premium to the Secretury. __
<br /> `�' �� '� • 10. Reinstnlement. Borrower ha. a ri�hl tu t►c r�in�tutcd if I.ender ha. requireJ immeJiutc p•ryment in 1'ull bcruutir of
<br /> � �`;`�;�„ ' &�rruwer',failure to pay an amount duc undrr thr Notc or thi,Securiry In�trument. This right upplies cven al'tcr fi�reclu►urc �.
<br /> • E.L r
<br /> j °";�;:.. � ' ' pnxc.xtings are institwcd. Tu rein+tute thc Serurity In,trument. B�xrowcr+h•rll tenJer in a lump�um ull vmounts required tci �
<br /> " 4 ` � . °' ', ,. bring &►�mwer', acruunt rurrrnt inrluding. �o the rxtem �hey arc ��hligatiun. uf R��rruwer under thi, Security Instrument, �
<br /> � �..
<br /> i�,�� G�rcclowre co.rtti anJ rea��muble und cuslomary uuarncy+' Iceti auJ rx�xmr+ pn�perly usu►cia�eJ with the ti�recluwrc ____
<br /> �� �• prcxe�xiing. Upon reinstutement by B�►rruwcr. thi� Sccurity In�trumrm uixl ihr uhligatiun.that ii.cwrrs.hull remuin in rffcct _
<br /> _ � � us il'l.cndcr hud m�t rcyuired immcJiulc paymcnt in fulL Huwevcr. l.cndcr i.nu�rryuireJ lu�rtnit rein�tutement il': lil Lendcr �:�
<br /> - - ri�►���: � hus uccept��J rcin,t�tement at'ter the rommencemrnt �,I' forcrlo.ure prrKCCJings H•ithin tw„ prars immeJiately prece�ling the �_-
<br /> .. ;,�, ,„ .
<br /> comnkncement af u current loreclowre pr�xeeJing, liil reinstatrment will pr�tiluJ� litt�tilowm un Jiffrrcnt grounds in the __
<br />-^� �• ���'�1 future,or liiil reinsw�ement will aJvrrKly uttctit thc priority��f thc licn rreat��i by thi,Securit� lnctrument.
<br /> ' ,. d.
<br />• ' • 11,liorn�wer Not Releax�d;F'orlxarance liy I.rnde�Not u��'aiver.Extrn�ion ul'thc timc nf payment ur miidificution��f ��:.
<br /> ' '.i. •. .� umonizutiim uf�he,um.Kcurc�l hy thi.r Srrurity In.tn�ment Er•rmcJ by Lrnder tu any �ucrc�,or in interc.t��t'Burrow�er +hall =_
<br /> . �';. .�� ^ not�iperutc to relcuse thr lirhility of thc ariginal &�rrowrr ur 13��rruw�r'+.ucrr,�ur in intcrc.t. I.rnJcr �h•rll n�n hc reyuired ai
<br /> • „ " � crnnmencc pr�eeclings�gain,t uny wrrr..ur in imerc.t ur rrtu+c ta rxtriul nmr li►r paym�nt��r��thern•iu nxxlil'y •rnumitatiim
<br /> „ �•` ' . ol' the .um. ticrur��l by this S��urity Intitrument by rc.�+un uf rn�• dcmanJ mudc h}• Ih� uri�inal Borci�wer ur &►rrawer'ti
<br /> S' .: � wcce++ur, in interc.t. Any li�rhraranre h� LrnJrr in r�rrci.m� am rsLhl ��r r�meJ� .h:Jl n��t Ik a��anrr ul'��r prcrluJr Ihe ,
<br /> • , cxcrriK at'pny�ight ur remt�ly.
<br /> {,;.
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