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�R4L..� - <br /> � j. . q ..� _.-... =_ _�r.�. <br /> ��' �=`���t�a�� ,- <br /> ..� ......,,r� - <br /> �—- . o�._.- . �—'_- _._ —_ -_- <br /> , j _ _ -- — <br /> ��:.:�,.v.,,...:r.- ?...»-�. - <br /> =��`- 92- 1�1990 <br /> —�- �y� -_ - 4. Fire. Flood�nd(�hrr NAZard Insurancc.Bc�rrowcr rhall inrurc all impr�►vr►�xnt.un�hc Pr��perty. whcthcr now in <br /> ,��� �,�'�°'i'r,?�'�`x"!� existcikc or wb�cyucntly cr��t��l, uguinyt uny hvardw, �:liwallicti,anJ runtingcrnir.,including lirc. ti�r whirh lsnder rryuire+ <br /> =-_.:' in�urLnce. Thi� in��ur�ike .rh�ll he n�inwin��l in the umuunts unJ far thr �xri�►.I. �hut LenJ�r �eyuire.. &�rr��wer �hull altiu <br /> `:'��,"�.�� r in�ure nll impruvcmenta un the Pm�xny.whethcr nuw in cxi,tcnce ur sub+cyuriNly rrerieJ. uguin.t lo,.hy 1lixxls lu tlxr rxtcnl <br /> � '•"tt�: :'^' -i . }'. rcyuircd hy thc S�tirctury. All in�urunrc+hall tx camcKl wuh a�mpanir. uppruv�Yl hy lwiklcr. Thr mwrancc �wliric� .�nJ •rny <br /> '� �u° „� reix:wuls KFwll Ix hclJ by L.enJer wxi shall irklude lu»�wyublr cluux+in fuvur ol,unJ in u lorm•rccept•rble to, txixier. <br /> � ' ..;���:s'.�....:� .::v <br /> ' ,*__ - ln thc c��ut uf lu�s. Q�rcr.�wrr .buU giti�c l.�rulcr imnwJi•rtc noG�e h y nwil. lw�iul�r may iu a l.c pr�w�f u f lu.� i f iH�t m u Jc �-- <br /> , '+r��` � ; promptly by &irrow�er. F.uch insurunce rumpany conccrned iti hcrehy uutl�►rii�J uiul direct.�l to nwke payment tiir wch lotiz <br /> �"�'��R���� Jirectly tu Lrnder, inxteud uf tu&irrnwer unJ to L.enJer jointly. AU��r any parl of'�hc inwram:e pr�kceJx nwy I�applicd by <br /> ��,.,tiq..,...,�. � . <br /> • ���,•,�,;�;�`.,•�" ' Lrruier, nt i[y �,ptiun, either la►ui the reJucticm i►f'the iruicbt�Yltktiw unJcr thc Nutc unJ this Scturity Instrument, fint to suty <br /> �?��,•,''�." Jclinyuent amaunt�appli�tii in thc order in par•rgruph 3, �! �hen ti►prcpuynxtnt uf principal,or Ibl tu the re���uatian ur rcpuir <br /> -- t� <br /> -- � �'1�� i�f the damnged Pmperty. Any upplicution of the praeeJ. u► the prinripal �h�tll niN extenJ �ir p�n�p�►nc the Jue date of the — <br /> �� `:��'��� munthl a•mrnt<«•hirh are refcrcewl io in .ua ra h?, or ch�n e thc:unuunt i�f�urh a rrknts. An cxretiti imurance r�kec�ls - - <br /> YP5 P' 8 p R P'Y Y P <br /> = R--°��•".,` . uvcr un umuunt requircnl to p•ry all outswnding indeb�eciiu�ss under Ihe Nae wiJ this Security Instrument xhall be paid to the <br />�:�� �.•'',',M.�:'"" ,° cntity legally entided thcreto. <br /> ;.�.�' . . . � t, <br /> - - � . - In �hc event of fareclosure of this Securiiy Imtrument or other trAnstcr u( tide tu thr Property thAt eatinguishes the <br /> ���. �•• " indebtedness,AII rl ht, tide�uid imcrest of&►rrower in und to insurmxc dicirti in li�rce�hall arti to the urchaxr. <br /> =�• �ifi�a�:�:��n4a.`. B P� p•.. p <br /> �,,.::,._.. •o <br />:���� "�` ', ' S. lkcupAncy. PreservAtinn. lllpintenance and 1'rotectlon oY the 1'raperty; Durrower's Loan Applicalion: � <br />-`i' _ . a._,,��,art r• �,����, goR�,wer,haU orcupy,establish, and use the Pmpeny as&xri�wer'r princips�l rexidence within +ixty�ys after <br /> • Uie ezecution of ihis Security Instrument�J�h•rll c�+ntinue tu ik-�upy the Prnperty u+&irmwcr'ti principul residence lor ut Ieu.r•t —_.-. <br /> " anr ycar afier the da�e uf�xcupanry. unless ihr S�tintary detcrmines this reyuircment will ruuu:wulue hardship fi�r Borrower, <br /> �'�'���f''��}�^"~- , or unletiti extenuatinF circumstance� exi.t which are beyond &►rrower'ti rontrul. Borr��wer shall rwtify Lenden of uny <br />_' ��. . extenuuting rlrcum��unces. Borrower shull na commit wuste or de+tr��y,Jumage ur rubswnti•rlly changr the Property��r ullow <br /> • �± . the Property to Jeteriurute, reu.wnable wcar and te•rr excepteJ. I.enJer muy ins�t �hc Prupeny if thc Pr�party is vucunt or <br /> ' `� `I' , ubandoned i►r thr lorn ix in Jcfuult. lAndrr nwy uike rca.anuhle arti�m io protect and prr�erve .uch v:�cnrn nr ahunJonecl .__- <br /> �.: •.- , <br /> „ � ,� ° Propeny. &►rn�wcr yhall ul���be in defitult if Rorrowcr, durin�the I�►an applirution pnxes,, Fuve materially fulx or inuccurnte <br /> . ' " infi►mwtion or +tutement�tu Lender lor fuiled to providc l.cnJer with �ny nuteriul inti�rn�Ation► in cunnectiun with the lo•rn <br /> � ' p,'-%���+� eviJenceJ by che Note, including. bm nrn limital �o, rcprrsrnt�tion� ronrrrnin� &muwer'+ �xrupuncy t�f the Property us u <br /> - - . principai�rcsi�encc. ii thir Sceurit}• instrumcni i� un a ica,ehoi.i. Bc�rrnwcr �iwli rompiy wuh the provisi�ms ot the lc.ue. If <br /> � .. • � &�rrower ucquires fee title ta the Pmperty. the leaschald und fee ti�le shall not tm rnerged unless Lcnder:�r��ea to the merger in <br /> ° writing. <br /> � 6. Clwr��� M &�rrower and Pr�teclion of Lender's Iti�hlr in the!'n�perty. Barruwrr.hull puy ull govcrnmental or <br /> . � . municipul churgc+. linc,und imp�nition�tl�ut urc nul incluJ��l in p�r�grapl� ?. Borruwrr .h:►II pay thr.e ubligutions un limc —_ <br /> ' ., s dircclly tu Ihe cntily which i.owed thc paynunt.If failurc to pa�• �vould aJ�•cr�cly uftcct Lcnder'.intcreu in the Propeny.upon �"'= <br /> 4 . • L.ender'ti request&irn►wer sholl prumptly 1'urnish to l.ender receipl+evidencin�these paymentr. <br /> If Bormwcr luils to mukc thcsc puymentti or the�yn�entti required by paraFraph?, or f'ailti lu perti►rm any other covenunts <br /> '. �nJ agreements rimtain��J in Ihis Sa:curity In�w�uent.��r�here i�;►IeEul pr�x�tiJin�Ihat may ,igniticuntly•rfl'ect lAnder's righ�s <br /> in the Propeny I+uch us a pr�xeeJing in hankrupiry, ti�r condemnuii�m ur to rnti,rrr law.ur rcgulutiuml,thrn Lcnder m•ry do <br /> �nd p•ry whatever i�nrrr++ury tu protecl�hr v;�lu� of thr Pn►�rty cutJ l.enJer'. right+ in the Propeny. incluJing payment of �'- ` <br /> •� tuxes,hazunl insurance •rnd othcr iiems mention��l in p•rragruph 2. <br /> . Any amounu Ji�hur.rd hy�k� under thi. parugraph ,hall hrrume an aJ�itiunal Jrht uf B�irr��wer und hc xrur��l by � <br /> . ' . thi�kcurity Irntnuncnt.Thc+c am��unls �hall bcur intcrc�t from tlu Jatr�il Ji�bur�emenl,at th� Nutc rutr,and ut the uptiun of ��'" <br /> . l.cixlrr..hult bc inmxdiutcly Ju�und payuMc. �_��-- <br /> ,�,; <br /> `w�_ <br /> , . 7. Condemnudmt. Thc prixced, ul um :�wu�d nr rluim lix dumaE�,. Jirect ar run.cyurntial, in ronneciion with nny <br /> rimdemnation ar inher takin�uf am-part of the Pni�xrly. ur liir rumr�•ancr in placc nl rundrmnatiun. arc hcrchy a�signeJ and �+� <br /> '"- . - tihall bc paiJ lu Lcndcr to thc extrm ol thc full amoum��t'thr indcbtcJnr,+that rcmain,unpaid unJrr thr N��t�anJ thi�Srruriry <br /> . � Imlrument. l.ender�hall appl� ,urh pn►rud�1�� Ih� reJuruun at'Ihr inJchtcJnc+.unJer thc Nntc unJ thi.krurity Imtrununt. � <br /> �i fint li► an Jrlin ucnt umoumti a licd in ihr ��rdcr ruvided in �r:i h ?. :mJ thcn a, rr .��m�m ul <br /> , Y 4 PP r ��r��- P p p• prui�ipal. Any <br /> upplicntiun ut Ihr pnk•crJ, tu �hr rr�����r�i .h:dl nui rrtrn�l ��r pu,�p�,nr ih� du� �l:ue „1 �hr m�mthl� p:nm�nt,. ��hich are <br /> • � ��4RINE1 ��.,,���„�« <br /> . I <br /> � .—._� _ <br /> � <br /> . ` <br /> t • <br /> • • � <br /> � � <br /> ., i <br /> -- --_ ��_— <br />