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<br /> _ ' � y,' �� • ✓�; G `,' ,` -k �F� _ _.-..r_�i`_:�s� ' ' ' _— '__ —_ _... _. _ _ _
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<br /> �
<br /> � �.
<br /> • �/�/������ e'-
<br /> _ i�tuding fioods or flaoding.for which 1�eader re�vires iasuranco.This in�srance ahall be�uinwi�tn th�nmounts aad e_
<br /> . foz t1��r�a�s th33 Lea�d°,r��ie�i�s.TB��*+��+,�caerler pmvEdlng tfle iass�rgace s�t!ba chosea by Bo�vwer s�jxt w --
<br />' Le�er's Qgproval w$ieb l mt ba ua3easons�Jy v�dtlihsld. [f 8otrower fails to �ainiain cw�rege d��rihe� Qbovo. ��
<br /> L.e�er aaay.nt Lender's opiion,o8tain coverage t�ptntect Lender's rtg5ts in tha Pasperty in ascordaaco wits pxragcaph �
<br /> -_- 7. ="
<br /> AU IiL''ill8IiC9 p(1�IC189 YDt�f@ffi1YafS 6�II b8 BCCGpfII6I9�O LCII�Cl��fiA2iII IBCEU�B 0 SS8II�9(��Qftt$Q$O ClailSD. �-
<br /> lsndtr�aii fu►rro tu�ss ci�¢�o�.o�d tt�a��ci�a�re�-vrals. IF i�^.�er m�.:res�Borrawer ahrl!pro�pdy o6ve�t�te�er �
<br /> ..hr1!
<br /> � all receipts of paid ptemiums sad�e�wal aotitxs.In the eveni of loss,Bom�wer shall give prompt teotise to the iasstQncs �-
<br />;-�.� c�rier aad l.e�ea.I�nder may mslceproof of la�if uot�ade ptomptly hy Borro�r. �
<br /> - - Ual�.s I�s es�EorroKrer o3hsavvi..�agrre in writiag.ansur�nce pmceeds shall 6s applied to�sto�tloa erreg�r
<br /> � of the Propetty damaged,if thts restaration or renair is ncoaoaucally feasibl�e and Lender s sxunty is Qot lesseaed. If tha �
<br /> tesiotatton or t+�gair is an!ocaaomically feasible or I.ender's�eurity watcW 6e Iess�ned.the insurauco proceeds shell ts�
<br /> ` applied bo tbe sum4 secured by this Secwity[ashuuaent.wheiher ar not then due. with au}r eACess paid to Borrawer. If
<br /> :;. ' Bormwer abandaas tha Prupertq, or does not aatwar�uithin 30 dmys a aoflce fcom LeaBer that the iasuranse canier he� v
<br /> o�to seCtte 4 cloira.thon icnder may collect the it�aace praceed�.Ixader may ase the proceeds to repur or crstoie
<br /> the Propea4y or ta pay sumv secur�d by this SecuriEy [astcument.wheeher or not t�en due.'!be 30-dey perFod will begin
<br /> wltan tha autice isg�ven.
<br /> ' ..:.�� UWsss Ix�er and Bormwer othetwise agree in writia�,anYapplicatioa of proceeds w ptaneiprJ shall mt extend ar
<br /> postpoae the d�e dase oF tha montHlY pay�nts[�eferred to ia pa�a?hs 1 ax�d 2 or chAaga t`ae amouat of the grymeats.If
<br /> �rp�a gisgh 21 t�Property is by I.ender.Borrower's ng$t to airy insaraace policies and proceeds resvItiag �
<br /> e
<br /> • fmm d�tmago tgo ti�e Fbuperty prior t�acquisltion s�afl pass w Leader to t�e ex4ent of�svms secured by this Secariry =-
<br /> instrume�imardi�tq aos to the acquisstiQn.
<br /> � � ar p
<br /> � 6. Oc�n�y. Ptese�a4lon, Maint�anoe and Ptutedioa af tlte I�egerey; 6�arrawrs's I.oaa Applt�etion:
<br /> .;F.:-
<br /> � Leasebnlda. Borrawer shnll occnpy. esmblLsh.a�l uso tise Pioperty as Sarmwez's p�residence witHin suty days
<br /> :����� aRer tba exacution of tAis Secmlty Ias�me�a�sball continue ta occu�y die Propertq as�rmwer'a prtacipa!tesideECa
<br /> for at least oBe year sfter the date of occu�ancy,unless Le�der othen�se ag�es m wnhng, wiucf�wnseat shall�t be
<br /> . uareasoaably with�eld,or unlass extem�ting circumstances exist whic6 are�seyoad Hnrrowa:'s coatrol.Hartower stull not
<br /> desiroy, �tm�ge or i�p�ir ths PcapeYty. aTlovt+thu Pnoperty to aeterios�te, aE commit waste on tha Fmperty. Borrower
<br /> sLai�ll ha ia da�aWt iff�nq foafeittue action or procezding,�ether civil ar c�nal,is begua that ia Lendes's gaod faith
<br /> �nt cot�id resnSt in forfeiture of the Property or othenvima ��,ri�L� impair the lien cneuad by this Seciuity �.:
<br /> ni or lender's securlty intezest.Borrower may c�ue soch a defautt�..d reinstata,es provided ia pan�h 18.by
<br /> ' causing tha �ction oa p:oceeding to be dismissed with a ruling th�� in d�nder's good faith determination, piecludes
<br /> forfeibae of the Bariawer's int�re.st m the Pcoperty or ot�er matatial ��i*++�*�t of We liea c�eated by this Sec;urity
<br /> ,�' imtnimeat or Leades'��ity intemst.Borrower sball�lso be in defiwlt if I��ower.dwing the laaa appl3catioa pracess,
<br /> — aave m�rially faLse�r�accmnte i�ormatioa as�iatemeats w Lender(ae tE�3ed w pmvide Iender v�f.•h aay mttericl
<br /> ;,�`',:�, iaform�tion)ia wr�eLictn��t6e toan evideaca�by tha Note.iacluding,Cs�t rot limited w.rePresents�tsns concenttw' g _
<br />-��J�1. Borrower's acc�s�tsg�g�e F�ca�erty as a principai res�deace.If this Security:�umers is on a laasehold,Borrowat sball
<br /> .=f��'.:'. compSy with all the Q;�visioas Q r�e lease.If Borrawer acq�.*ES fee title to tha Pte�:the Eeasehold and the foe '�2e
<br /> � s1�all mt merge a�iess i.eIIdes agrees W ths merger in writing. '
<br />• . �.Yt�t�ca�I,eader's Rights in t6e Pmpaty. If��Jrower fais to perfarm the cavenants and
<br /> : watxiaed ia this 5ec�¢-ity instr�+�*�*�or the�is a IaSal Proce�=�; ti�t r�u�?s�i�ru�ic�ndy affect Lender's r� in tha �-
<br /> P r o p e r t y(snch a�a�ding in bnnlaaptcY.Probata.for wnde�tion es+ �fwt"ei�ue or w enfo�e t�vs.or regatatia�s).
<br /> then Lender m+�y dti a�d pay for wt�atever is aecessatyr to pn�:e;.t the va�'�.of tha Paoperty and I�nder's rig6ts�a C h e �
<br /> Fcvpect� b�ender's�ectiaas may iaclude PaY�B �Y sums s�e3 by a liea which has prlarity ove�c tbis Secc�,
<br /> Ias�, pea in caurt,WY�B reasonabla atwmeys•f��ad entering on the Property to msilce repc�us.Alt�a tt�i .
<br /> ►1
<br /> A.enOer may taYe artt,�'on ander this par�g�apb 7.Lender does c�c2l�ire to do so. �
<br /> ' A�►Amouae��isbarsed by Le a d e r under this paragiapb 9 s h z l II b e r c�e�d d itio n u l d e b t o f B o�oR�a e c u r e d by t h i s , -
<br /> . Sectuiry,.�.°::.°.'��Bairovlez and L,e�r�gsee to other terms of�a�.„ these amuuats att�tl b�x intetest fmm -
<br /> . ,� �he date of disbuesemeat at the Nois tats and s5ai! be paya6le.wit�i�. upon notice from Len:�to Bamewar . , _
<br /> . ��8 M�e Iast�aaee. !�1lxader reqtunzd�ortgage s....�:�nce av a conditioa cl m �' �Wa��far:� .
<br /> Security Im�omef'�r, Bormwer s�a�pnY tt�e Preminm�s reqnired w mainnia the mortgage'� . �:y •
<br /> .. . nn�son, d�e mortge�e 'r�surance covonga requiied by i.eader tapses er a;��to be ia effect, Bormwer shsll psy'tbe
<br /> s
<br /> pretai�a iaquised trn�a'�ia c,ovetsga substaanally equivalent to the macr;--c�,�ia�nnaace praviously in ef�t, Rt�cost
<br /> BqIIIYC
<br /> sub6t�ntially equiva'.��t aa the cast to Borrower of the morigage.i^s-���-�ously in effect.from en atternata morigsg�. .
<br /> : ias�uer n�praveQ by�r_ndet.If stit►st�nKa I�leq niv�ieat mortg�r:y.^�'-^-R°eaveisgo is not av�itsb2e,Batmwer s�ll y
<br /> to I��er each mo4i�s�snm equal W oae-tweft�b of the ye:uiy t�'s&aS3 i�urenca Premium 6efng paid tsy Borrower� .
<br /> � the insivance wvera,�r:asy�sed or ces�sed w be in effrc�l,eader will Accept,c�e aad t�etai�tLese prymen�as a tass resenra
<br /> • in ticu of mortgaga�e�msuraace. Loss resetve paymenis m�y ao loager be a�^.,sed,a4 drrs e�tifln of L�s.if�ortga a �
<br /> - iasar�nce oavera�v(ir�_a9 emwunt aud for the pesiod thax I.eader requices��vided L�a.;�iu�snttir�*aved 6y�r .
<br /> .�:, ag�in bacomes ev '�a and ia obtuiaed. Borrower slt�ll pay t6e p�emiumv mqnired tm ur.tnfaiu mc�"�sge ias�uanee ia
<br />:.',; ,,__' offoct,or to ptovide a ioss reserve, until the�quiiement for mortgage+*+�+�+�nce e:,d�i�accord:wce witb emy written =
<br />:�,,5+�:.. . agraeme�betwcen Bonower aad Lender ar applicab2e law. �,�J�IvaQs s of J
<br /> , e�►ace�s srsraNS,ixc.,sr.ei.ow,MN aesos nsao-3a�•ssan wru�Mo-+�+e a�cro�
<br /> ,:.
<br /> . Original docume�t
<br /> . Ame�Us B�nk
<br /> • ... . ... .. . . . .
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